• Published 14th Jun 2018
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The Worst Equestrian Necromancer - Nobodyslament

Some necromancers want to rule the world. Some want to reign terror across their own demented plane of existence. One just really wants to annoy heroes. These are his stories.

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The Omega

Celestia had been worried about Ragar ever since the Tirek incident. With the destruction of the Elements, the Tree of Harmony, and everything else that happened that day, Celestia hadn't managed to get ahold of him since he had shown his little infinite graveyard trick. Only Black Sun had seen him, and all he would share was that Ragar needed some time alone. THis left all of the royals who knew Ragar able to do nothing but worry. As the day of their lunch meeting approached even Luna had shown some concern over the necromancer. However Black Sun assured them that they would want to be there. And so they found themselves all heading to the negotiation table of Murcurial. As soon as they stepped in they couldn't repress the smile. The whole town was covered in signs that warned of skeleton crossings. The undead walked the streets prepping what could only be described as a massive festival. There was a large amount of amusement park rides, though they seemed to be almost exclusively for foals. Indeed several foals were already riding some rides. Celestia let out a giggle as a banner above her proudly proclaimed that there definitely wasn't a necromancer in the Town Square.

With that one banner the ice was broken. Twilight began talking to Celestia about the history of the town, and Luna began muttering to the Night Guard beside her about security arrangements. They walked into the square and found a massive stage, the curtain closed and a small countdown above it. It was labelled at only a minute, and there was a special seating area that was labeled 'totally not for princesses, why would they even be here'. Each seat had one of the Princesses Cutie Marks on It, including young Flurry heart and Shining Armor. The royal party found their seats and began staring at the clock.

The noise of the festival seemed to quiet as the timer reached lower and lower, until it finally reached zero. Then the world exploded into light. Fireworks of every color flying in from the stage, sky, and ground itself. A chord from a guitar seemed to fade in around the audience as a familiar voice seemed to echo across the square. "Good morning Equestria. For the first and only time in known history Ragar is proud to perform his first and final show specifically for the Royal Family of Equestria." The curtains rolled open, revealing a skeletal creature that Celestia could recognise instantly. Despite seeing him weekly for almost a thousand years there were still some differences that instantly jumped out to here. Where in the orb his eyes glowed red, in person they were soft and seemed to change colors with the light. He was also much taller than she imagined, he was one of the few creatures that Celestia would have to look up at.

Ragar waved to her. "So Ragar will tell you of the docket today. We shall have a small concert on the request of Celestia herself so long ago." Celestia found her smile growing despite her being in public. How long had it been since Ragar promised that? When Black Sun was still nothing but a happy foal who clutched to his adoptive dad. He remembered after what had to have been a few hundred years. Ragar gave her a short bow. "And then Ragar will for the first and only time perform his greatest spell, and all questions will be answered as the curtain falls." He looked to Luna and smiled. "Though, I'm sure more will arise as Ragar is a ranked master at causing confusion and leaving a mess.

With that Ragar sat at the Piano, he began to play a song He started up, and with a soft glow of blue magic, four figures arrived in an ethereal glow. Two men of some unknown species that seemed to match Ragar, a woman, and what was obviously a child. They all let out a cheer as the song began. Before the vocals started Ragar leaned into his microphone. For your background allow Ragar to guide you though a brief summary of his life. With a sngle sentance the song began, and the crowd found themselves singing along. An ocean filled with adventure seemed to rise across the stage, as the figures began to journey from shore to shore. So many that none of the Equestrians recognized. At least, until the wildlands Tirek's very own rampage seemed to flow under the band. They began to repeat the chorus as the man who carried the bag with the red cross fell. Though it was subtle, Celestia saw the small amount of blood leaking from his lips even as the body faded into nothng. Ragar chimed up. "It appears our band has transformed into a quartet."

The song continued, now one instrument down. The woman fell next, her saxophone clattering to the floor as her arm seemingly faded away before the rest of her. Ragar grunted, and she wanted to end the song as she heard the tears in his voice. "Apologies. We're a trio." The song was now obviously missing parts, and with the final adult falling as his leg faded. The piano never stopped, but the vocals had fallen to a whisper. "A duo."

Finally Celestia connected several dots that had been sitting right in front of her. How long ago was it that Ragar had mentioned he had a daughter? Had. As in no longer present. A small child on stage happily playing a harmonica. A child she watched as her chest slowly began to disappear the harmonica fell, and the piano played on. After the chorus finished it started up slower. "A solo."

The chorus ended for a final time, and Ragar slowly rose. "You have now heard a brief summary of Ragar's life, and now Ragar will show you his future." There was no dark smoke as his spells normally summoned. Six gems flew from his robe, followed by what seemed to be a crystal horn, an orb of sickly green magic followed, a small trace of pink seeming to snake though the orb. From the other side of his robe a small black spirit flew through, waving at Luna, and finally a funnel flew behind it. Ragar smiled. "Ragar has gathered items that are technically the opposite of the Elements of Harmony. And so Ragar has combined them except for their sixth element, to use them in the opposite form of the elements."

The whole fair froze. Artifacts that matched the elements. Evil that could overpower the magic of harmony itself, and it was sitting right in front of them. Twilight moved first, and found each beat of her wings useless. Her legs unable to move from her seat. Luna moved next, her horn glowing and sputtering as Ragar began to chant and a slow moving fog came over the town. The anathema of Harmony circling above him. Celestia could do nothing but stare as the necromancer she had thought she knew did something horrible. Nothing that was opposite of harmony could do anything good. Ragar began to laugh, his cackles growing louder and louder until finally the fog seemed to swallow him. The sound of cracking and groaning seemed to come from the stage, and then silence.

The princesses started as Flurry Heart tilted her head. Cadence seemed to have tears in her eyes but a smile was on her snout. The fog rolled away as two figures walked up. One hunched over and stumbling, while the other was small and seemed to be rubbing its eyes. Celestia's snout opened slowly as Ragar approached with a small child being guided to her. Ragar's skull was cracked into a smile. "One final prank princess. You get to meet Ragar at his greatest triumph, which is also his final." The jaw fell from the skull with a clatter. The skull looked down to it. but it refocused on Celestia, and a voice came from the skull even as bones seemed to fall off the lich. "Take care of Delie for me? Would you Princess?" With those final words, the skeleton collapsed.

Celestia grabbed the small child, holding Delie in her wings as Black Sun walked out from behind the stage. He sat down beside Twilight, who appeared to be the only one who could bring herself to ask questions. "What was that?"

Black Sun blinked a few times. "A true resurrection. The opposite of harmony. To do it, you needed to have the most disharmonious items of power in the world. Crystalized chaos, forced to sit and wait for years. Love freely given laced with magic forcefully taken. Thieving magic freely given. A spirit of jealousy taught of humility. A horn of entropy charged with the love of creation. And, finally, the phylactery of the worlds only friendly necromancer."

Celestia took the time to get up, walking to Black Sun and bringing the child to him. He reached a wing to her, running it over her cheek. "Hey sis, dad left me in charge. But don't you worry. We'll take care of you."

Author's Note:

So, there's the technical ending, I have an epilogue to go and it will feel much more familiar to all of you. And yes, I have been saving Bink's sake this whole time