• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


Princess Cadance will find what she seeks at the top of the staircase. She just has to reach it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 55 )

I really enjoyed this.

You can't fool me. I know what you referenced with the title. For I see the magic of art, and it would tear you apart if you knew.

I guess that he just had bigger plans, though I'm not sure if they were by demand.

Very poetic:rainbowderp:. Also...

… Right now, Flurry Heart needed a boop in the nose.


Well, lucky for you I love experimental narrative.

Since it's you, Syeekoh, I wish I could say something snarky, but I can't. Not this time.

Absolutely beautiful.

Huh, it's very rare I read stories on here that have no dialogue, but I have to say the way you did it here was really good.

Keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

I know this is such a weak way to advertise but I just published a story called The Hearth's Warming Surprise and I'm really happy how it's turning out I'd appreciate you guys coming to look. Thank you :twilightsmile:

Interesting, though a bit confusing at times. What is this staircase, and the voice Cadence heard? What did she see?


Apparently Sombra designed Cadance's immortality induced epiphany. Really explains how she achieved those supermodel legs.

I thought of this too!


>rated E

Cocks shotgun

"What did you do with the real Majin?"

Okay, I know the title and chapter are referencing one of DAgames songs, but I can't for the life of me remember which one.

Pretty sure its not Build Our Machine like 8950374 said, though.

Edit: Nope, turns out it was Build Our Machine, thought it was Bonds from the Grave. Oh well.

Well, he'd better get out of that darkened cell soon, he's gotta break us out of this hell.



... there’s a mare whose love

is for all of the world

and she’s climbing the staircase to heaven

“gnash and wail and want for me. Guide me through eternity.”

Interesting... Would you mind if I quoted it? I'll be sure to give credit.

Majin Syeekoh

Sure, go ahead.

The Chapter title, however would need to start with "draw" rather than "take" to fit the song. Thinking about it, "draw" just sounds better, in my opinion.

Ok, I have but one question... What the fuck WAS that staircase?

Majin Syeekoh

A representation of struggle.

So it wasn't an ACTUAL staircase?

Majin Syeekoh

It was very real to Cadance, you could say.

So was it a physical staircase or not? Because my first thought was of the monstrosity that Sombra had under the castle.

This world's pretty grey, but I wouldn't feel too much dismay about it.

Really enjoyed this. Although, for some reason I thought there was going to be a twist at the end where it turns out Cadence was just using a Stairmaster.

"Nod yer 'ead to da beat of deaf as ya draw yer last eternal breaf. Sensations, of an invasion, start ta course right frough our veins..."

Don't go finkin' for one second dat I didn't catch onto da title. Good story, dough!

I like it, but I hesitate on the like button for some reason.

This is a weird question, but, did you write this story because it needed to be written, or did you write this story to see how people reacted to it?

Doesn't wanting to see the reaction count as a need?

(No idea if I'm being profound here, or just flippant.)

Majin Syeekoh

I knew I had to write it when I thought of the first line.

There's a difference between "man, I wonder how people are going to react to the story I just wrote" and "let me write this to make people react" in my mind. It may be just me.

At first, I thought she was trying to earn back her mortality, but now I get that she was just accepting her immortality. Really moving.

You created this masterpiece? You traitor!

Have you ever read "The Last Continent", by Terry Pratchett?

Was the title and chapter based off that one Bendy and The Ink Machine song?

No, I have not. I've heard of Discworld, but never read any of those books. Are they good?

Nope, sorry, this one completely bypassed me. Too much of an engineer (and a lich) for philosophy and/or the perils of immortality for this to work for me (which is my best guess to what this is about; if it isn't, frack knows), I'm afraid.

They're brilliant. I only asked because that particular book ends in a similarly unfinished way. (Not saying that either story suffers for it, though.)
Any of the Discworld books are well worth the read. They're a bit like Hitchhiker's Guide, but fantasy instead of sci-fi. And, honestly, I prefer Pratchett's humour to Adams'.

I don't understand, but it was pretty cool.

Oh Jesus.

I regret that I have but one upvote to give this story.

I... won't pretend I understand what that was about.
Here, have an upvote instead.

This was wonderful. Who are you and how dare you write a story I can't GODDAMMIT SYEEKOH at? :twilightsmile:

Fascinating. I can't claim to perfectly understand this story, but I think I have a grip on what you were going for. I find myself wondering how Twilight will handle the staircase and its aftermath should she ever find herself upon it.

Well that was a lot of philosohical mumbo jumbo I still can't figure out after a second reading. So can someepony please xplain what the hay Cadance just did?

i lost track of the story faster than

"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I'd rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment… because they'll never come again."--Picard

The thing that Soran and Picard each missed is that time is both. :trollestia:

Okay so Cadance has to come to terms with imortality? I think? But how did she get on the 'staircase' in the first place? So confused :rainbowhuh:

And, at the end, Death is waiting, to guide you along, so that you will not have to travel alone :twilightsmile:

I really liked this.

I'm not 100% sure if I understood it, though I believe I did, but I really liked it.

I guess that's the point of life itself, isn't it?

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