• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


Rainbow Dash is a mare of many talents, among them incredible passive observation skills. Once she no longer worried about getting her chance to ride the most amazing roller coaster that ever was like any proper Wonderbolt, she could take the time to process everything her brain noticed while she was busy.

That's when the family resemblance hit her.

Then some other things.

This is going to be awkward.

Rated Teen for frank discussion of the production of Trixie.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

the production of Trixie.

That’s a funny thing to call the horizontal tango. :rainbowlaugh:

Pony mares work on multiple levels. Trixie is a multiplex all her own.

Nice characterization and nice little story! It may take a while, and a few teacup sets, but Trixie wins over the crowd at the end. Darn friends and their sensitivity, anyway.

nice story. I kind of wish there was a place for Dash to defend herself, "Part of the reason I was wondering if you knew was cause I wondered why you weren't working with him and why you'd need to work on a rock farm to get the Alicorn Amulet."

"Do you think the Great and Powerful Trixie is crazy? It's one thing to admit a mistake to a parent, it's another to ask them to help you make it."

Great story! You managed to depict a Trixie who's actually confident and in control of her life, and cut out the pityfest she so often engender in other stories. We also see that it's possible for Trixie to have an interesting and storied family history without tripping those melodramatic clichés. Top it up with a nice dose of fairly subtle humor, and it all comes out to a good read. Very good!

I would point out that on Earth the phrase is "statute of limitations", as in law...

... but this is Equestria. There could -be- a statue of limitations for all I know, a few plinths down from Discord's old home.

Very nice indeed. Way to subvert my expectations with Trixie's family situation. Funny and heartwarming. Bravo.

This was really good. A good way in dealing with Trixie's family situation.

:trixieshiftright: "Any action that can result in the creation of Trixie should first and foremost be referred to by that most favorable outcome. This is how logic works."

Trixie is playing three-dimensional chess while all those common ponies are playing checkers. The problem is that nopony else has ever seen Star Trek.

Dash hadn't thought that deeply about the situation. This is, at the very latest, the day after she got back. She had no real plan beyond asking "Did you know there's this stallion who looks like an old, male you in Las Pegasus?"

That said, that is the precise reason Trixie never went to her parents for help in acquiring the Alicorn Amulet.

8950721 8950809 8950865
Thanks! Glad to know the anti-woobie vibe worked well.

Anyone who tries to become the Spirit of Limitations is immediately petrified by their own power for a set period of time, at which point the statue of limitations runs out.

On a totally unrelated note, typo fixed. :derpytongue2:

I really enjoyed reading this :pinkiesmile:You've once again delivered :twilightsmile:

So I truly enjoyed this. Serves as a fantastic follow up to a newish episode, contains several references to Trixie's adventures in the comics, has her relationship with the rest of the cast be IC and them with her, both humorous and heartwarming.

You handled Trixie and Dash's dynamic well, just the right amount of friction between them, and leading to a nice touching moment. I really like your version of Trixie's backstory, and the way you've developed her father's personality.

Also, go QuibbleDash! :pinkiehappy:

Workers of the Equestrian justice system also get a paperweight-sized copy of the statue when they're fully hired, which they place on their desk when they take their lunch break or are otherwise not available.
More seasoned members of the administration tend to keep around a life-sized version they put up behind their desk when they're on break, napping or generally fed up for the day.
You'd be surprised how much time the General Court of Canterlot saves because of the more self-important ponies unwittingly filing their petty cases with a paper-mache sculpture. You'd be perhaps less surprised how much time the Princess' Day Court saves that way.

Jack held up a hoof. "Wait, let me guess. I've been meaning to brush up on my mentalist techniques."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Dad..."

He brought his hooves to his forehead, his horn lighting up but not actually doing anything. "Did you get framed for stealing the Ostlerheimer Diamond?"


"Get captured by Diamond Dogs and forced to become their queen?"


That must've all come later. :rainbowlaugh:

4/10 for no mention of Trixie's abrasive sister she avoids like the plague. You know the one. Big forehead, wears glasses...

8/10 for everything else though. Upvoted.

Excellent little story! Nice to see Trixie and Dash together, the flashback segment where she visits her dad was lovely, and although it's a minor thing, the teacup variant of the "guess the card" trick was inspired!

"Uh..." Trixie reflexively combed through the statement and found nothing but sincerity. She offered a smile. Not a Great or Powerful smile, just a little one. "I will. Thanks."

Something about this paragraph just reads incredibly awkwardly and for the final line of the story, you might want to rejigger that into something that flows a bit better. I mean, Trixie is clearly supposed to come across as awkward here, but the prose shouldn't be.

"Turn yourself into a balding, magicless ape?"

Lyra would love that.

"Hold on," said Trixie, scowling. "Did you... did you think Trixie didn't know where her father was? Did you think she didn't know who her father was?"

See, the sane answer to this would be: "Don't be silly, of course not. I just noticed a resemblance and got curious about it, that's all. It's not like I knew for sure he was your dad. Also, no offense, that's kind of a weird assumption to jump to."

"Um..." Dash rubbed the back of her head. "Do you want a hug or something?" She spread a wing, but didn't move any closer.

"What part of 'I don't want your pity' don't you get?" Trixie snarled at her.

Dash's wing snapped shut as she matched the expression. "What part of 'friendship' don't you get?"

Okay, that is actually kinda awesome. Pretty much how I think Dash would act at this point.

"Trixie shifts tenses when she's stressed sometimes, okay!?"

Pretty sure you meant "persons" and not "tenses" here.

Aside from that, really nice characterization on Trixie here. Speaking as someone who likes to wubbify her, this was a nice change of pace. She's abrasive, but recognizes that she messed up. It works very well with her canon portrayal.

Thank yew, thank yew very much! I'll be here all week, with two performances a day and autographs after the show. Ah'm everywhere!

The Crystal Empire never has a Gala Party.

Shouldn't that have been Elkvis? But enough nitpicking; great story.

Well written.

This story was plenty heartwarming, but most of all I think I’d have to congratulate you on the masterful pun in the title.

Honestly, I don't think the T rating is necessary, but I understand wanting to be cautious about that.

Anyway, I like the backstory you created for Trixie's family. Trixie is overly sensitive about her dad. I can only assume that she heard from more than one pony how Jack was a deadbeat for not staying with her and her mom.

Hey, I kinda ship Quibbledash too. They had real chemistry together.

Huh. Can't say I've ever heard anyone propose those two were related before. Though given that we've seen Moondancer's sister, that's one heck of a surprise on Trixie's part. (Or I'm missing the joke, which is entirely possible. :derpytongue2:)

Thanks! I am quite happy with that routine. I figured Trixie's first thought with any new spell would be "How can I work this into the act?"

I'm afraid I don't see it, though I am the one who wrote it, so I'm biased in that regard. I'll keep an eye out for such awkwardness in the future.


See, the sane answer to this would be: "Don't be silly, of course not. I just noticed a resemblance and got curious about it, that's all. It's not like I knew for sure he was your dad. Also, no offense, that's kind of a weird assumption to jump to."

The attempted implication was that this wouldn't be the first time someone made less than charitable assumptions and judgements about Trixie's father.

Rephrased. Thanks for the tip.

Scientists now believe anywhere from forty to seventy percent of dark matter is actually blue suede.

Thanks! I wasn't sure if that one would scan well. The working title was Am I Blue? (Naturally, the chapter title in that case was "Ain't These Hairs in This Coat Telling You?")


The attempted implication was that this wouldn't be the first time someone made less than charitable assumptions and judgements about Trixie's father.

No, I got that. (Also I presumed you were being meta about Trixie fanfics where that sort of thing happens.) Though, it's still a bit odd it would be so common that Trixie immediately assumed that was what Rainbow was implying.

But more to the point, I was more referring to Rainbow's reaction, like Trixie's rather wild accusation was totally spot on, even if Rainbow bringing the subject up would be a very natural thing to do. I mean, she randomly ran into a unicorn stage magician with an obvious family resemblance, so of course she'd want to ask Trixie about it.

You walked that fine line between comedy, drama, and a pity-fest very well. Great read!

"Get captured by Diamond Dogs and forced to become their queen?"

Hold on, this happened in a Friends Forever comic! And Rainbow was in that one too!!

I love the idea that Gladmane got his start as an Elvis impersonator and worked his way up. Kind of explains a lot.

"Are they still doing that in Seaddle?" said Jack, rubbing his chin.

i don't think i've heard "Seaddle" before...:derpyderp2:

Well, unless Trixie is sufficiently versed in levitation spells like Starlight is, I don't think too many unicorns can dream about venturing into Wonderbolts territory.

This was really fun!


It's canon.

Not sure if the Hay Needle is or not, though! :pinkiehappy:

Mask of Malice, eh? By chance, does it look like this: http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Stone_Mask

Very nice headcannon. I do wish Trixie would get a real chance to interact with the rest of the Mane 6. She’s essentially a Starlight / Twilight interaction character now, which is a cruel waste of her Great and Powerful potential.

Still better than calling it the “hunka chunka.”
Thanks for that one, Stallione.

If that Author's Note wasn't there, I wouldn't have known there was any hint of QuibbleDash in this fic, which is a good thing, because it means I can fave this without any regrets.

(Because, and no offence to you or any others who ship it, QuibbleDash is among three pairings I absolutely hate)

Magical, as always.
Really, I want to see something from you that's just like.... Maybe Starlight and Trixie with the same dynamic as Big and Jack. Yer an absolute ledge and the Archbishop of Banterbury.

She self-levitates briefly in Road To Friendship.

Lots of fun. The things I liked most have already been highlighted (great Trixie family etc) so let me just say that I like how 'dynamic archaeology' is a field and Trixie doesn't believe in Daring Do.

Well this was an interesting backstory. Like how Trixie and Rainbow interact

The resulting grin managed to surpass Big's mustache. "There, you see? Now, was this artifact any worse than Meadowbrook's Mask of Malice?"

We’re going to have to ask the healer about why she had a Masknof Malice.

I still ship Trixie x dashie

Dig the chapter title -- now time to read! :pinkiehappy:

I was searching "Trixie, jack pot" earlier and rediscovered this gem. I didn't comment the first time I read it, but I'll comment now. Really great interactions for Dash and Trixie, and especially Jack and Trixie.


This was funny little story. And thanks for making me realize that Rainbow Dash and Trixie didn't have any interactions later in the series. One would think that a competitive pony like Rainbow would want to have a little rematch at least.

Yes, I ship Quibbledash.

Oh, that's cool! :) (checks FanOfMostEverything stories) No Quibbledash fanfic? How is this possible? :/

I never got around to writing one before Patton Oswalt introduced OCs for his real-life wife and daughter. That made it kind of awkward.


Ah, okay. Fair enough.

Nice story. I like the different take from canon (or wiki, where I got the information) on Trixie's family, even though I expected something different. Although…

Jack Pot's first two guesses about how Trixie messed up actually happened to her in the IDW comics.

Yeah, I have no idea how the family connections are now :applejackconfused:

I was a bit rooting for getting a scene of Trixie and her mother, but storywise there was of course no point for it. Definitely a more lightheaded story with a focus on Rainbow and Trixie, and a great characterisation of each characters :twilightsmile:

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