• Published 15th May 2018
  • 4,822 Views, 253 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S3 - Banshee531

After what could be considered his toughest battle yet, Flash and friends return from the Crystal Empire with another victory. However, as they return to Ponyville, they'll soon find that more fun, adventure, and greater threats are on the horizon

  • ...








"FORCE!" Six beams of different elemental energies shot towards the colossal, all aimed straight at the beast's heart. They watched as the six attacks joined at a single point before they began to spiral around one another, creating a super powered multi-elemental attack. And before Doom's rock suit could react, the attack exploded into his chest, a giant cloud of smoke and dust soon consuming the entire thing.

The knights all smirked at this as Skybreaker chuckled at the sight, "That got him."

But then the cloud began to fade, allowing them to see the result of their attack. "No way!" Heather cried as she and the others saw that the colossal was completely undamaged, the area where their attacks struck smoking but no other damage showing.

The sound of Doom's laugh then filled the air, making them all growl at the rock titan. "Is that honestly the best you can do? I expected more from the mighty Royal Knights...no wait, I didn't! This is exactly what I expected from you pathetic weaklings!"

"Weaklings?!" Iron barked, his face showing pure anger at the insult.

"Who are you calling weak?" First added with a slight hiss in his voice. "At least we do not rely on ancient relics to grant us power!"

"Is that so? And what would you call your Celestic Gear? How are they any different from the Omni Sphere?!"

Tidal let out a low growl. "The difference estúpido, is that Celestic Gears only harness the power inside us and give it form! That power you wield is nothing but greed and arrogance!"

Ruby nodded at this. "All the power we have is our own, forged from hard work and a desire to grow stronger."

"So that we can protect those we care about," Flash added before pointing Lightbringer at the colossal. "And we're gonna use that power to take you down!"

"YOU SAID IT!" The others finished before everypony except First leapt off the rock they were on, Flash and Skybreaker taking flight at the titan. Iron then tossed his Celestic Gear at the ground while Ruby fired a beam at a spot nearby. The two hit the ground and created a pair of towers, one made of metal and the other crystal. Iron and Tidal landed on the metal tower while Ruby and Heather landed on the crystal on. Those two towers then extended, sending the ones atop closer to Doom.

While this happened, First took aim at Flash and Skybreaker. "Celeritas Aid!" He fired two arrows made of green energy at the pegasi.

Flash smirked as he saw his body glow green from the arrow, his body now feeling three times lighter than usual. "Aw yeah!" He cheered as both him and Skybreaker shot through the air at blinding speeds. "Flash Cutter!" He swung his sword and unleashed an energy blade, striking the colossal's left shoulder.

"Sky Grinder!" Skybreaker yelled as he rolled up into a wheel, spinning into the right shoulder. The attack started to grind away the rock, shredding it for several moments before jumping away.

"You little pests!" Doom screeched as he saw the attacks start to knock off his stone armor. "Grrr….take this!" his shoulders started to firing the rocks like arrows, both sides now pelting the sky with rubble. They were all aimed directly for the pegasi, but with First's speed enhancing spell, the two zipped away from the shots like they were nothing.

"Nice try!" Skybreaker joked as he and Flash flew around the colossal, both taunting him repeatedly.

"Thanks for the opening though!" Flash added as he swung at the now even more exposed shoulder, "Flash Cutter Barrage!"

"Sky Cutter Barrage!" Skybreaker also said, both now blasting away at the shoulders.

Doom let out an anger-filled howl, "Blasted insects! I'm going to-"

"Our turn!" Ruby interrupted as the two towers arrived. She and Iron had leapt into the air while Heather and Tidal jumped down to the feet. "Crystal Shot!"

"Iron Lance Fury!" The two unleashed their projectiles, the attacks focused squarely on the areas Flash and Skybreaker had just struck. The barrage smashed the damaged area, the cracks growing bigger with each hit.

"Tidal Surge!" Tidal slammed the end of his trident into the ground near the colossal's right hoof, his body surging in as much energy as he could muster. Seconds later, the ground beneath the stone foot erupted, a torrent of water soaking the stones.

"Bloom Coil!" Heather tossed her chain mace at the left hoof, wrapping it as tightly as she could. She then pulled at the chain, causing it to fall and dig deeply into the rocky surface.

Up on the rock, First continued to watch everypony fight. "Time for a boost!" He aimed his crossbow at Heather, "Viribus Aid!" a red arrow struck Heather, the same colored aura consuming her form.

"Nice! Thanks First!" Heather cheered as she felt her strength increase. She then pulled harder on the chain, the mace now breaking into the leg. "Come on! I...got...this!"

Then, the rock gave out just as the water from Tidal's attack completely soaked the right hoof. The colossal's front hooves fell forward after that, the left crumbling as Heather did one last pull while the right turned into a pillar of mud. It was here that the head started to fall forward, causing the knights to all leap to either side as Doom yelled, "NOOOOO!"


It struck the ground, kicking up yet another dust cloud that struck the group. Everypony coughed, as they turned towards the dust cloud as it faded to show the downed behemoth.

"Did that do it?" Tidal asked.

"For Celestia's sake I hope so," Heather replied.

"No time to relax," Skybreaker told them as he readied his weapon. "Be ready."

The all got into a battle stance, and just in time as the rocks covering the body started shaking. Seconds later, the body collapsed as the rocks re-positioned themselves. "It's rebuilding itself," Ruby told them.

"Get it before it finishes!" Flash cried before shooting forward, Skybreaker right behind him.

First and the ones on the ground started firing at the rocks, but they soon found it to be impossible to stop. Before a minute passed, the colossal was completely rebuilt. The only difference was that this one was about ten feet shorter, which made them grimace at the sight as Tidal spoke up, "Well, at least we managed to get that thing a bit smaller."

First shook his head at this. "I do not think its smaller size was of our doing. There is too much rock and dirt around for him to be that size."

"Correct diagnosis doctor," Doom yelled from inside the beast, "They usually say bigger is always better, but for now I think being a smaller target is the way to go." The colossal's head then turned towards one knight in particular, "at least until I'm able to take out the one making you faster and stronger than my large form can handle."

Everypony quickly realized who he was talking about, only for a rock-shaped cannon to form in the colossal's chest. Before they could do anything, it fired a massive boulder as Heather cried out, "FIRST!"


Everypony gasped as the dust from the blow quickly faded, the vanishing fog now showing the rock First was on and the boulder had been turned into a pile of rubble. "No!" Flash cried, only for a flash of light to appear by Heather as a familiar pony collapsed over from using teleportation.

First let out a groan as he started to get himself back up, Heather helping him. "That...was too close."

"You can teleport?" Iron yelped in surprise.

"Yes...but it burns a lot of magic in doing so."

"Well don't overdo it," Skybreaker told him as he pointed back at the titan. "Go take cover and provide support where you can."

"Understood," First replied before pointing his cross bow at them. "But first, Aid Force!" a series of bolts crossed the sky, hitting the knights as energy flowed through them soon after.

After these struck, the unicorn turned to leave as Doom let out a roar, "Don't think you'll be going anywhere, you spineless wimp!" But as he tried to do another attack, the colossal's head was struck by a fast moving chain mace head. "Ack! What the-"

"He may not be able to do a lot of physical damage you freak, but he's put himself in danger too many times to save the lives of me and many others in the past." Heather screamed at the colossal, "You will show him some respect!"

Doom's reply was a long bellowing laugh. "Don't be ridiculous! Why would I respect an insect?! I only respect those stronger than me, and now nopony is stronger than me!" The 'cannon' in the colossal's chest disappeared as the rocks sucked back into the titan. "Now...bow before my supreme power! Bow before your superior!"

"Oh yeah?!" Flash yelled as he pointed Lightbringer at the giant. "We're stronger than you, and we'll prove it Doom!"

"He's right!" Ruby yelled as she tapped her necklace, a series of crystal bolts soon firing at the beast. "Come on everypony! We can take down this monster!"

"And even if we can't beat him..." Skybreaker added as slashed at the neck.

"We can slow him down long enough for Springer to get the villagers to safety," Tidal continued as he fired several water bullets at its chest.

"Yeah! Let's kick his flank!" Flash finished as he flew under the colossal and cut into its underbelly. "Stay safe bud..."


Many miles away, the ponies of the village were now near the coast where the Mighty Leviathan should soon dock. They were all travelling down the path in a line, with four or five ponies on each layer.

Springer was standing atop a large rock on the side of the path, looking over at the villagers as they slowly trotted down the path. Some ponies that were too old or injured were being pulled in carts, and Springer spotted one getting struck in the mud. He quickly leapt off the rock and started to push the cart. "Don't worry, I got ya." He then managed to push it free of the mud, allowing it to continue.

"Thank you," the pony pulling it said before moving on.

Springer nodded before looking back and then up at the sky. He mentally noted that there were no signs of any of other rock monsters, which was good in his book. His ears however, were now picking up explosions and other sounds in the distance, each one making him grow more and more nervous.

"They'll be fine Springer." The jakhowl turned to see the crystal cart that both Grand, Lightning, Salt and Pepper were riding on. Great Taste had been kind enough to offer too pull the cart while Grand continued to talk, "They can win Springer. And they can do it because they're together."

"Yeah...I know." Springer replied as he looked back into the distance, "I just can't help but worry, you know?"

"I do. But...we need to focus on what we can do right now." Grand replied, only for the old stallion to clutch his chest a second later as a series of coughs followed.

"Grand!" Springer leapt up onto the cart as he, Lightning, Salt and Pepper looked the older pony over.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Pepper asked in a low, trembling tone.

"I don't know," Springer replied as he looked back up into the sky, this time his eyes were on the moon. "But I do know that it'll be sunrise soon. We're running out of time."

Salt turned to him. "Flash'll make it through though, won't he?"

Before Springer could reply, Lightning spoke up. "Yeah, he'll make it." They turned to him, seeing he was staring up at the sky. "After all, he's the pony that beat me. That means he can't lose to anypony else. Trust me." The ponies blinked at this, but saw the huge smile on his face. It made them smile as well as Springer turned back to battle in the distance.

"Flash...keep going." the jakhowl commented as he let out a sigh. "You can't lose now."

"Flash Driver!" Flash spun in the air as he transformed into a drill of light, the attack burrowing through the titan with ease.

"Get off me you filthy disgusting WORM!" The colossal began to shake, causing Flash to be dislodged and sent flying away. But as he caught himself in mid-air, the defender looked back at the hole he had made, only to see it be blocked by new rubble.

"Damn it!" Flash yelled, only to then dodge an incoming flying rock.

"Every time we hit him, he regenerates," Ruby growled in annoyance.

"Well, he is the big boss. Our only hope is to tag team him." Skybreaker turned to Tidal, "time to break out our combo move!"

"You got it amigo," Tidal said as Skybreaker flew above him, the knight pointing at his Celestic Gear at the pegasi, "Tidal Vortex!" He unleashed a tornado of water, which spiraled around Skybreaker.

The Knight of the Winds pointed Cloudhacker at Doom, "Sky Force!" The tornado flew out of his axe and broke through the water, carrying it as it flew towards the colossal. The ice cold water struck the behemoth, freezing as it made contact and soon froze the titan in a sheet of ice.

Skybreaker laughed at the sight. "Lets see how well he handles sub-zero temperatures."

"I always thought he needed to chill out," Flash quipped.

"Hang on! This isn't over!" Iron yelled as he pointed at the colossal. The titan started to shake, cracks appearing in the ice. Before they knew what was happening, the ice was blasted off the body. Following it were more rocks, all of them shooting off the main body towards the knights.

"Move it!" Heather cried as they began to dodge the rocks.

As they did this, Iron simply slashed through the incoming rubble. He then looked up and saw that using the Sky/Tidal move had left the mud like under-body exposed, "That's an opening if I've ever seen one." He commented to himself as he charged forward, leaping off a rock as he hopped to another one. He repeated this until he was close enough to the beast's chest.

Skybreaker saw his apprentice and yelled, "Iron wait! Don't-"

"Open wide Doom!" Iron yelled as he transformed Piecemaker into a large jousting lance. The defender then thrusted the spear upward, only to feel a sudden tug. "What the-" The colossal's mud like body shot out, curving around the Celestic Gear before suddenly grabbing Iron in a mucky grip. "Whoa! What the heck?!"

"Iron!" Skybreaker screamed as he tried to rush to his apprentice, but it was too late.

Doom's laugh could be heard as he said, "Here we go. Thank you for volunteering, as your magic will go nicely with my father's."

With that, a clear light shot out from the main body and spread up the mud arm before consuming Iron. "AAAHHH!" Iron cried out as the clear light turned silver and headed back to the body. As he felt his magic being ripped out of him, he dropped his Celestic Gear, making sure it wouldn't lose its magic.

"Hold on! We're coming Iron!" Flash and Skybreaker yelled as they rushed forward, dodging more incoming rocks as they did so. Flash then performed a Flash Cutter on the mud, the earth pony soon falling as the sludge lost its power. And as the defender fell, Skybreaker cut through the air and caught his apprentice.

"Don't worry, I got you Iron." Skybreaker said as Tidal, Ruby and Heather covered their escape, firing at the colossal as he flew behind one of the large rocks. First had taken refuge there and when the pegasi arrived, he placed Iron on the ground so the Healing Knight could examine him. "How is he?"

First magically scanned him, a small grimace soon showing on his face. "He is in much better shape than Grand was, likely because the process was interrupted. A little rest and he will be fine."

Iron opened his eyes as a surge pain went through his body before looking up at his mentor. "Sorry Sky. Guess I blew it."

"Don't beat yourself up, just rest for now." Skybreaker stood back up. "If you feel up to it, rejoin the fight when you're ready." With that, he shot back into the air, only to see that none of his comrades were fighting. "What the-what are you all doing?!"

"We're...not sure what to do." Heather replied as she pointed at the colossal, Skybreaker soon noticing that it was not moving. "He just uh...stopped."

"But why would he-"

"I'll tell you why, you pathetic weak filth!" Doom interrupted, making them all hop in place. "I know you can not strike me down instantly, so I'm now taking time to visualize how to use my new power!" Skybreaker out a gasp as he knew where this was going as Doom continued, "I might not have gotten as much out of that metalhead as I did my father, but I got just enough to do this!" Before they could say a word, the colossal's body once again began to shake and crumble, only for the earth to also shake.

"W-w-what's happening?" Heather asked as her whole body shook like the ground.

Iron knew what it was, a grimace on his face as he tried to sit up, "Oh no...this area's rich in minerals. I felt it before when we were heading to the city, and during our fight. If he's got my power-"

"I CAN USE THEM!" Doom finished as the ground around them cracked open. From out of the cracks, multicolored dust flew up into the air and towards the colossal before the titan transformed into a ball of rock and mud. The minerals then surrounded this ball, the two elements mixing together.

Then, the sphere began to take shape. This time, it changed into a being that was only about thirty meters tall and was standing on two legs. Its shape was similar in design to Springer, but it had a pony-like head. Its body appeared to be made out of the same rock and mud as before, only for it all to now be covered in metal. It's hooves, lower legs, chest, back, and head were now wearing armor similar to what an Equestrian Guard would have while its arms weren't covered in armor, but instead the forearms appeared to be large metal-like blade sticking out of them. From its rear shot out a long metal tail with a spiky club-like end.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Doom guffawed from within his new creation. "How do you like me now, you worms?! Before, I was simply an indestructible titan pony, but now I'm even more...I am now metal! I am supreme!" The anthro colossal looked down at the tiny ponies. "Plus, I'll now have an easier time fighting back!" With that, he raised a bladed arm and pointed it at them. "Let's dance, you insignificant specks!"

"SCATTER!" Ruby screamed as the knights all leapt into the air to dodge the blade now piercing the ground.

"This is insane!" Skybreaker yelled as he dodged another series of rocks.

"And he was strong before," Tidal gulped as he and the others on the ground regrouped.

"We're not out of this yet!" Flash told them as they watched the colossal pull its blade out of the earth before standing tall.

"And don't think I forgot about your little friends! I think I'll give those villagers a present!" Doom laughed as the rocks on his shoulders morphed into stone birds. "After all, I am being worthy of worship now! If those villagers will not stay and be my prisoners like they were before you freed them, they don't have the right to exist! Now...go my new minions! Show them the despair that is the fate of not worshiping me! AHAHAHA!" With that, the rock birds took flight, all of them heading straight for the coast.

"Not good!" Flash said as he slashed three birds down, only for two more to fly past him.

"Stay focused Flash!" Ruby yelled up at him. "Let Springer take care of those things!"

Flash wanted to retort, only to look back at Doom and sigh. "You're right. Gotta finish this first." Flash looked back at where the birds were flying too. "Be careful buddy."

Flash and Skybreaker then flew towards the chest, the two using the Cutter attacks, only for them to bounce right off. At the same time, Tidal, Ruby and Heather attacked the legs, "Crystal Saber!" Ruby slashed at the armored hoof, only for her sword to shatter.

"Bloom Coil!" Heather threw her chain mace around both legs, trying to trip it up, but the metal tail quickly lashed at her. "Whoa!" She leapt back, retracting her weapon as she dodged the attack.

"Tidal Bullets!" Tidal unleashed a trio of water blasts that struck the legs, only for the water to pelt the metal before dripping down back to the earth.

"You won't be muddying up my plans anymore," Doom told him before attempting to kick the unicorn. Luckily, First managed to hit him with a Celeritas arrow, allowing Tidal to leap out of the way.

"This is nuts!" Flash yelled as he dodged one of the colossal's bladed arms. "He wasn't this fast a moment ago! What did he do?! Did you go on one of those extreme dieting schemes? You know those things don't really work!"

"Funny, you little street rat. Though if you must know, the only reason I wasn't as fast before was because doing so would have made my form crumble." Doom replied as he swung both arms around, the force creating a wind slash that forced the two pegasi back. "But now, thanks to my new metallic skeleton-"

"You don't have to worry about that!" Skybreaker finished as he flew forwards, attempting another slash at the behemoth. But as he tried this, the colossal blocked his attack with its arm.

"Exactly!" Doom replied before backhanding him, sending Skybreaker crashing towards a nearby rock formation.

"Skybreaker!" Heather cried out.

"Focus on your own problems!" Doom interrupted as he raised his foot and tried to stomp on her. But as the hoof came down, several large crystal poles shot out of the ground, striking the foot and knocking the colossal off balance. "What the-" Doom tried to say as the titan started to stagger back.

Heather turned to see Ruby a ways off, the girls sharing a smirk at one another. "Get him!" The Crystal Knight screamed, the knights following her order as Flash, Heather and Tidal charged at the beast. Flash beagn slashing at the goliath's chest while Heather and Tidal whipped its unstable legs. The unsteadiness, coupled with the force of those attacks, caused the colossal to completely fall off its feet.

"Come on!" Flash yelled as the four shot forwards to finish it off, only for the downed behemoth's tail to suddenly swing around and strike the ground in front of them. "AAAHHH!" They all cried as the force from the blow sent them flying back, allowing the colossal time to get back to its feet.

"Time to crush you like the bugs you are!" Doom yelled as he raised his bladed arms. "Die you worms!"

Seeing this, Iron knew he had to get back into the fight. He gripped Piecemaker as he started to sprint. "I'm going in!"

"I will cover you!" First told him before firing several Aid Bolts.

They bounced off the metal colossal, causing Doom to blink as the arrows fell off with ease. Confused by the sudden new attack, Doom did not notice it was a distraction, causing Iron to get close. "Iron Spike Assault!" He thrusted his spear into the ground, causing a large metal spike to grow out of it and slam into the beast.

"Augh!" Doom yelped as he staggered back again, only to feel another force slam his side, "Grraugh! What is going on?!" He screamed as he tried to find the reason for the attack, only to see Skybreaker flying to a safe distance away from him.

"Forget about me, did you?" He asked as he regrouped with the others before turning to his student. "Iron, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Iron replied as he pointed at Doom. "And I'll be even more so once we take this creep out."

"I'm with you on that," Heather as she cracked her whip. "I still got another few rounds left in me. How about the rest of you?"

"You got it!" Flash replied as they turned towards the beast, only to feel First's arrows strike the group again. Feeling this, Flash and the others charged as he yelled, "Let's go everypony!"

Meanwhile, back with Springer...

Springer let out a long sigh of relief as he and the villagers had finally gotten to the coast. There, they spotted the Mighty Leviathan, which had pulled right up to the cliff with many of the sailor ponies standing on the mountain in preparation. Springer rushed up to the front of the group, where one of the sailors was waiting. "You're the creature that went with Captain Tidal."

"Name's Springer. We need to get these ponies aboard and out to sea just in case the others are unsuccessful."

"Very well," the sea pony replied before turning, gesturing to the rest of the crew. A few minutes later, they managed to get half the population aboard. Grand had been one of the first, taken to the ship's infirmary as he collapsed in the cart.

"Alright Lightning, you're next." Springer said as he and Great helped him up. But as they got him off the cart, Salt looked up at the skies and the pony's eyes went wide.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Look!" Salt screamed while pointing to the sky, everypony soon following his vision as they saw the danger in the distance. It was the horde of stone birds Doom had shot out earlier.

"Oh great, more rock monsters." Springer moaned before turning to one of the sailors. "Get the rest of the villagers on board. Now!"

"What are you gonna do?" The sailor asked, only to be met with a bright flash of light.

When it faded, Springer could be seen in his battle form. "I'm gonna buy you all as much time as I can. And once the last passengers are aboard, cast off, even if I'm not there."

The sailor nodded before turning back to the others, "Well come on you land lubbers! Let's get a move on!"

As Springer ran towards the first wave, he looked up put his paws together. "I'll take you all out at once! Aura Force!" He unleashed the beam of aura, his paws going into a sweeping motion. The beam then sliced through the sky, blazing through the birds in a single motion. Soon enough, every bird disappeared form the sky, the rocks they were made of fell to the ground. But before they landed, the rubble morphed into the rock cat creatures from before, making Springer sigh again.

"Seriously?! Grrrr...Steel Paw!" The spikes on the back of his paws transformed into claws, the jakhowl taking the horde alone as he slashed through the first incoming cat. "Come on you monsters! I'll take you all out!" he yelled as he cut through two more, "I'm gonna-oof!"

A rock claw hit the jakhowl's face, knocking him off balance. Then two more bum-rushed him, causing a yelp of pain to release from his mouth. "You stinking little-" he growled before slamming both paws into the two, quickly cutting them in half. And as he regained his balance from the attack, he took a glance back at the ship, noticing three rock cats how got past him. "NO!"

The last few passengers were being loaded onto the ship, only for one sailor to look back and see the incoming beast. "Oh no..." he gasped as he unsheathed the cutlass he had on his being before looking back at the other sailors getting the ponies on board. "Defend the civilians. I'll take these on!"

But before anypony else could even reply, a knife with a familiar cutie mark landed in front of them. In a flash of light, a certain unicorn appeared beside the knife as he pulled it from the ground. "I'll handle these things. Get the villagers in that tub now!" Lightning yelled as he tossed the knife towards the cats. And as the dagger flew through the air, the unicorn disappeared in a flash of light. Before the incoming beasts could react, Lightning appeared beside the flying weapon, his horn surging with power as he gripped the knife in his mouth. "Raging Bolt!"

Springer saw the lightning blast and smiled, his paws flicking as he created a Bone Breaker. He then turned and rushed at the unicorn, just as Lightning had cut down another rock beast. "Bone Breaker!" Springer yelled as he swung the aura weapon like a baseball bat, shattering a cat that was about to attack Lightning's back.

Lightning glanced at the defender, a small smirk shining on his face. "Thanks."

"No prob." Springer replied as he created a second Bone Breaker. He then turned around and faced yet another group of rock cats, "Here they come. Just don't push yourself Lightning, you're still recovering."

"I'm fine," Lightning told him as his horn flared. "Let's just take these things down."

"I hear that." Springer cheered as he rushed forward, Lightning just a hoof's pace behind him. The jakhowl swung both of his weapons like crazy, cutting down two more cats as Lightning's horn blasted a third into pure disintegrated rubble.

"Not bad dog. Now let me show you true power." Lightning commented as a fifth cat leaped at him, only for his dagger to slice it in two. His horn flared once more after this, "Gatling Spark!" As these words left his mouth, a barrage of bolts covered the area, cutting down five more rock beasts. "And that's how its done." Lightning turned to Springer with an increasing smirk, "How about dog? You-"

"Lightning, look out! Aura Blast!" Springer yelled as he shot an Aura Blast at the unicorn, but it was too late. The unicorn's body was slammed in his side as a smaller version of the rock cats threw itself into the pony. A scream of pain followed as Lightning felt the blow, only for the attacker to be consumed by Springer's Aura Blast. And as it disintegrated, Springer ran over to Lightning to cut down another incoming beast before yelling, "You okay?!"

"Ugghh...that hurt." Lightning winced as he picked himself up, his eyes watching Springer as he cut down three more opponents. "Dang...you really are Sentry's pet. Guess I gotta step it up." His horn flared once more, a pure lightning storm of bolts following as it tore apart the most recent group of rock cats.

"Whoa..." Springer gasped as he stepped back from the attack.

"Its nothing." Lightning remarked as he walked up to Springer's side. He put his hoof on the jakhowl's shoulder as he then said, "Come on. Looks like there's only one more group coming after us."

"Yeah...I see it coming." Springer remarked as he put his paws together. "You ready?"

"Heck yeah." Lightning replied, his horn shining bright with magic. "They don't stand a chance."

"Aura/Lightning FORCE!" They fired their super powered blasts, the attack striking the group in one blow. An explosion followed, turning the beasts into nothing but dust.

And as the dust took itself in the wind, Springer returned to his smaller form, exhaustion starting to take over. They then turned and saw that the Mighty Leviathan had just pulled away from the shore. "Come on," Lightning levitated Springer onto his back before rushing towards the cliff.

"Maybe we should go help Flash and the others," Springer suggested.

"Sentry put you in charge of looking after them, so we stay with them."

"Good point," Springer stared at the incoming distance between the ship and the cliff. "We're not gonna be able to make it," he then felt a familiar knife be shoved into his paw.

"If we don't, throw that to the ship." Lightning commented as he started to pick up as much speed as he could, the cliff edge getting closer. Once at the very edge, the unicorn used all his strength to leap towards the boat. Everypony on board saw the two fly through the air, but only to get halfway there.

"NO!" Many of the villagers cried out as they saw them fall, only for a knife to hit the deck soon after. They all blinked in confusion at the sight, that is till a flash of light consumed the dagger. And when the light, one unicorn and jakhowl collapsed onto the deck, both heavily panting.

"You okay?" A sailor pony asked as he ran up to them.

After a series of pants, Springer nodded. "Yeah...but we need to help Flash and the others. Does this ship have any weapons that might help them?"

The sailor nodded at this. "Just one. Should we get it up and ready?"

"I'd say yes," Springer replied as he and Lightning started to pick themselves up. However, Lightning fell over soon after, causing Springer to gesture to the sailor again, "Get him to the infirmary. He took a beating out there. Also, can somepony get me to the crow's nest?"

Back at the battle, Flash and Skybreaker were still flying around the colossal's head while the others attacked the hooves and legs. Doom had grown increasingly irritated at this, but his titan was not slowing down as it continued its attacks. On the other hoof, the others were beginning to slow down, their strength starting to drain. First did his best to replenish their power, but even he had his limits.

Only one pony still seemed to have enough energy to keep going. A single orange pegasus named Flash Sentry. "Missed me!" He taunted as he stuck his tongue, his form dodging another blade arm swipe. "Missed me again!" He flew under the other one before landing on the right arm blade, the pegasi now sliding along it as his sword tore into the metal. "Seriously Doomy, do you even have a license for this thing?!"

"Grrr….raugh! Do you ever SHUT UP?!" Doom screamed as he slammed the arm into a nearby rock pillar, trying to crush his hitchhiker between the two.

"Flash!" Heather screamed as the arm tore through the pillar, only for a laugh to follow from the swing.

Flash had had his back against the rock and was pushing at the metal, keeping himself from being crushed. "Sorry, but no Doomy. My fans expect a certain amount of quipage in every battle."

"SHUT UP! Just shut up you street rat!" Doom yelled as he raised the arm up again, only to see Flash sitting there with his tongue out again, this time spitting raspberries as well.

"Now that's just unoriginal. You shouldn't steal your son's lines Doomy."

Doom was about to scream again, only to feel something coming up from behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Skybreaker heading his way, causing him to lift the colossal's tail before swinging it back down at him. But the pegasi raised his axe and blocked the attack, his muscles tensing as he pushed it back. "Not getting rid of me that easily Doom."

Heather then tossed her chain at the tail and wrapped around it, her hooves soon pulling at the tail. But as her earth pony strength showed her what she was trying to accomplish, a Viribus Aid bolt struck her body. Within seconds, she made one mighty pull, the force making the giant vibrate and stagger. The motion alone let Skybreaker and Flash take to the skies, both dodging Doom's incoming attacks.

"Get back here!" Doom yelled as he swung the blade at the pegasi, only for Heather to pull the tail again, instantly knocking him off balance. "Augh! What the-" but before he could say anything else, Flash and Skybreaker flew in front of him, their blades pointed at the behemoth.

"Flash/Sky Force!" The beams of energy struck the unsteady colossal's chest, causing him to stagger back as Heather released his tail. Doom quickly repositioned his hooves, trying to keep himself up right. But as he did this, he then spotted Iron, Ruby and Tidal on nearby rock formations his body had staggered over too.

"Iron Lance Fury!"

"Ruby Shot!"

"Tidal Bullet!"

The trio of projectile attacks flew towards the colossal, striking both his arms and his back. Doom then felt his artificial body vibrate, causing him to flinch and tense up. He had managed to get his arms up to defend against Iron and Ruby's attacks, while Tidal's struck his armored back, making a straining surge of pain follow from the blow. It was here that he lifted his tail again, the mighty bladed structure now swinging into the rock Iron was on. The metal construct cut through the rock's base, forcing Iron to leap off as Doom started to swing his tail at the other two rock formations.

Ruby and Tidal leapt off their platforms, both landing together on another one. Doom then turned to them with both bladed arms, "Not this time! This time, you're mine!" He screamed as he swung both at the duo, only to watch them leap off towards the ground.

But as they did this, Doom's tail swiped at the two. Ruby spotted this and gasped, her horn shining as she summoned a small crystal. She then turned and shot the projectile at Tidal, the block knocking him away as the tail just missed him thanks to her quick thinking. Unfortunately, Ruby winced as she saw the tail now come for her, the metal construct soon hitting her at full force. "AUGH!" She cried as the tail smacked her, only to suddenly wrap around her.

"RUBY!" The others yelled as they saw the tail start to squeeze her.

"Hang on, we're coming!" Flash cried as he shot at the titan like a bullet, the others rushing in as well.

"I don't think so, you worms!" Doom shouted as another series of rocks flew out of his shoulders, all of them transforming into some very familiar bird and cat creatures. The beasts instantly tackled the knights, knocking all of them back as the colossal turned to Ruby. "Now, if you would be so kind as to give me your magic."

"NEVER!" Ruby screamed as her horn tried to spark, only for the tail to squeeze her again. "AUGH!"

Doom let out a laugh, "HA! You pitiful ancient relic! You seem to think I'm giving you a choice! Now...give me your magic, you insignificant speck!" the clear light from before flew up the tail and started to consume Ruby.

Seconds later, it changed to a crimson color as Ruby screamed, "AAAAAHHHHH!"

"No!" Flash cried as he cut down a rock bird in front of him, only for two more to tackle him. "Augh! Get off!"

"Let her go!" First yelled as he fired at the cats surrounding Heather and Tidal. "Let her go now!"

Doom didn't reply, as his mind was now swimming in the new magic that now flowed into the Omni Sphere. "Yes...give me more! More power! I NEED MORE! MORE!!!"

"RUBY!" Heather screamed as she charged at the colossal, only for two cats to land on her and pin her to the ground. "Hang on, we're coming!"

"You'll do nothing worm!" Doom yelled back before laughing again. "With this magic, I will ascend even higher! I will-"


"BLAUGH!" Doom yelped as a burst of blue energy flew at the colossal, striking it in the chest. And as the blast struck, the colossal was sent flying back, instantly releasing Ruby from its clutches.

The rock beasts also crumbled to dust, allowing Skybreaker to fly up and catch the crystal unicorn. "Are you okay?" he yelled as he flew her back to First.

Ruby let out a long moan, the light now fading from her body, "I think so. I feel...I feel drained, but I think I can still battle." She then turned to First, who had already started to scan her, "I feel strange. Do I...do I still have my magic?"

"Hold on..." the doctor replied as he switched his weapon to its Force attack, the crossbow now healing the crystal pony, "You lost a lot, but you will be alright."

At the same time, Flash was now looking at where the blast had come from. "What hit him?"

Tidal's face shined the biggest smile possible. "That amigo...is The Mighty Leviathan."

"Talk about serious range," Springer commented from atop the crow's nest. He was now looking through some binoculars, directly staring at the downed colossal. "I didn't think anything could hit it from this far away."

The sailor pony next to him chuckled. "That's why you should never underestimate the power of the Mighty Leviathan's Mega Buster." They both looked down at the ship's figurehead, which had its mouth open and a large cannon was folded out and pointed at the shoreline.

"Nice." Springer turned to the sea pony. "How long until it can fire again?"

"Several minutes. If we didn't have to fire so far, it would take a lot less time. But with that distance-"

"I get it," Springer replied before looking through the binoculars again. "Just hold on Flash."

"Nice one Springer." Flash commented as he looked back at the ship in the distance. "Thanks for the assistance."

However, his happiness would be short lived as he turned back and the knights saw the colossal begin to pick itself up onto all fours. "Don't let it get back up!" Skybreaker yelled as he pointed at the beast, the other knights ready to charge at the monster. But in that moment, the colossal looked up at them, its mouth suddenly opening.


A shockwave followed from the beast's roar, the blast sending the entire group flying backwards. A series of screams followed as they all hit the dirt, pain surging as they rolled on the ground from the wave. And as they recovered from the attack, they looked back at the titan and their eyes went wide.

The colossal was standing once more, the armor on its shoulder blades now cracking as they soon fell off, revealing the muddy underside before bubbling. Seconds later, a pair of metal poles shot out of the shoulders, each about fifteen meters long. Once these were fully extended, three giant blood red crystals grew out of each one, only for them to morph into what looked like wings, which went on the titan's back. At the same time, more spike-like crystals appeared on the body, ones at the knees and elbows, along with two more spikes shooting out of the shoulders. A pair of crystals appeared on its head, mimicking eyes while the end of it's tail gained a spiky crystal bludgeon. The part of the helmet covering his forehead also broke away, as a pointed crystal spike shot out to mimic a horn. Finally, in the very center of its chest, an opening in the armor appeared before a large red crystal grew out of it.

But it was what was inside the crystal that shocked everypony. The sight made them gasp, Flash growling at the sight as he said, "Doom..."

Doom's body was now resting within the chest crystal, the Omni Sphere in front of him. His eyes then opened, showing them to be completely white as he stared at the knights before letting out a long, bellowing laugh, "Heh heh heh....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Somepony's happy," Flash grumbled as he crossed his hooves at the sight.

Pretty stupid move though," Heather added as she gripped her mace. "He just showed us exactly where to aim."

"He's overconfident," Skybreaker said next as he helped Tidal up.

"Which will be his undoing amigo," Tidal finished. "We're not done with the job yet."

Doom's laughing continued as he looked down at them. "What do I have to fear from you?! You weaklings....you are nothing now! Nothing to my unlimited power! AHAHAHAHA!!!"

"You shouldn't underestimate us," Iron told him as they readied their weapons. "We've been able to keep up with you this entire battle. A few shiny crystals aren't going to change that."

"You pathetic, dirt-groveling fools! While you must join forces to do battle, I can completely fight on my own! And my power will grow with every one of you I defeat."

"You haven't defeated any of us yet," Heather commented as she pointed her weapon at the beast. "And you never will."

Doom chuckled at this while his wings folded out. "Allow me to correct that oversight." They watched as the crystals on his body began to glow, only for the wings, shoulders, knees, elbows and horn to all start to radiate a shining bright red aura. "NOW DIE!" The crystals unleashed a barrage of lasers, all of them wildly blasting the battlefield apart.

"MOVE!" Skybreaker screamed before they all scattered, explosions following as the lasers began their assault. But as this attack started, First quickly fired a volley of Celeritas arrows, all of them hitting their targets as the knights' speed increased. With this, they quickly escaped the blasts, along with the rubble now flying through the raging battlefield.

"Theta Mode!" Flash roared as his eyes went blank, his body quickly zipping through the lasers as he charged at Doom, "FLASH CUTTER!" He slashed at the colossal, which raised its arm blade to block, only for the energy attack to simply bounce off the metal.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Doom guffawed before firing a beam from his shoulder.

"AUGH!" Flash cried as the beam struck him, his body soon flying through a nearby rock pillar.

"Flash!" Heather cried as she saw him disappear into the now falling rubble of the pillar.

"It didn't even flinch," Iron whispered.

Doom unleashed another hysteric laugh. "Now you see?! Your power is nothing next to my own! My power! MINE!" His titan's body began to glow red again, "Now stop wasting your energy trying to fight back, you pitiful scum. All you're doing is wasting my supply."

"What do you mean, your supply?" Skybreaker yelled as he and Tidal charged towards the colossal.

"Our power belongs to us and us alone, villano!" Tidal cried out before spinning his trident on his hoof, "Tidal Whip!"

"Sky Vortex!" Skybreaker spun his axe around and unleashed another tornado, this one being bigger but not as fast. The two attacks flew towards the colossal, only for its knee and elbow crystals to fire a quartet of blasts. The lasers instantly cut through the attacks, blasting both knights back with ease.

Doom laughed once again as the knights let out a cries of pain from the attack. "Can't you see its pointless?! This is why you must give me your power! You have no right to the power you wield!" Doom roared as he fired another volley of random lasers. "I'm doing this for everypony's own good! Think of how life will be once all the power in Equestria is controlled by a single source! Nopony will be able to cause problems against a being who wields all the power in the world! Now give me that power! ITS MINE!!!"

"And what makes you think you are the one who should wield all that power?!" First barked back as he and Ruby bum-rushed him.

"Who else would be worthy of such a role?! Don't tell me you think you have the right to your power, you wretched filthy vermin!" Doom asked as he raised and then slammed his titan's hoof towards the two, the duo quickly hopping back to dodge the attack and its afterquake. "Of course I'm the most worthy! I am the only one that can handle the true raw power of magic! I am the one that is above all in magic! I am supreme!"

"You're insane!" Ruby yelled as her horn created a twenty foot crystal sword while she raced towards the colossal. "Nopony can handle all that power, not even the alicorns! That's why it was spread out to the other creatures of the world. It exists for them, not you!"

"Viribus Aid!" First fired his red arrow into Ruby, her strength doubling as she leapt into the air. Her blade swung at the behemoth's center as she let out a mighty battle cry.

"Those alicorns were weak! They're trash, unworthy garbage that have no right to even exist before my power!" Doom countered as he blocked Ruby's attack with his arm, causing the sword to shatter as she bounced off the metal. The colossal then spun around, his tail swiping at both Ruby and First, knocking them both flying as its new crystal spikes tore into their bodies. And as they flew back, blood now splattering out of their forms, Doom yelled at them once more. "Now stop playing around like foals and simply listen to your better! Give me your magic that you have no right too! ITS MINE!!!"

"NO!" Heather screamed as she threw her mace at the colossal wrapped around its right arm, "you're the foal!" She pulled on the chain and forced the colossal to the ground. "You don't like the way the world works, so you think you can just tear it down cuz you got hurt once. You're not a stallion," she then watched as Iron leapt up onto the arm. "You're just a bratty foal throwing a tantrum!"

Iron rushed up the metal arm as the colossal stared down at him, its horn firing another laser blast. But as it did this, Iron outran the laser, the beam just grazing his skin as the defender yelled, "I'm gonna put this bluntly, there's nothing special about you! You're nothing but a run-of-the-mill criminal!" He leapt off the arm with his Celestic Gear in hoof and pointed squarely at Doom. "All you are is a pathetic old geezer who can't deal with his problems like a real stallion!"

"SHUT UP!" The crystal horn fired again, this time striking Iron and blasting into the ground. He then yanked on his arm, dragging Heather into the sky and flinging her back into the dirt as well. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME! I AM SUPREME! I AM INVINCIBLE! MY POWER FAR SUCCEEDS YOURS, AND I AM ABOVE YOU ALL!"

But as he lifted his hoof, ready to crush both under his hooves, an orange blur shot out of a rock pillar. The figure zoomed around the colossal at high speed, slicing at the behemoth's hooves, knocking them away from the knights as they tried to recover from the blow. It was here that orange blur hit the ground in front of the others, revealing himself to be Flash as he stared up at the colossal with a determined smile on his lips. "You just don't get it, do you? Power is meaningless if it isn't your own. True power is one that you work to achieve, and it's only when you have a good enough reason to achieve it that you'll actually be able to reach your true potential." Flash pointed Lightbringer at the titan, "You stole all your power, so you'll never have to right to it. You won't ever get there, to reach where we can!"

The rest of the knights picked themselves up and gathered around Flash, all of them pointing their weapons as well. "And once you've reached that true potential...NOTHING WILL STOP YOU DOOM! THAT MEANS US AS WELL!" But as they readied to charge, another sound hit all of their ears.


Another blast from the Mighty Leviathan flew over their heads, aimed right at the colossal. Said monstrosity raised his arms to block the attack, only to feel his form being slowly pushed back. "NO!" Doom screamed as he tried to endure the blow, "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! I WILL NOT LOSE TO TRASH THAT DOESN'T UNDERSTAND TRUE POWER!"

He spread his wings as far as they would go, all of them glowing as they and the titan's horn fired back at the ship's beam. The two equal forces held steady, neither managing to overpower the other. But with it's opponent's attack blocked, the colossal could lower its arms as the chest crystal glowed. "BEGONE SCUM! DIE BEFORE YOUR SUPERIOR!" The remaining crystals on the body all fired, the lasers now joining together as it struck back the Mighty Leviathan's.

"NO!" Flash screamed as he and the others watched the ship's blast die out, the colossal's attack now flying off into the distance.


The explosion was quiet, but that was only because they were so far away. But as the sound reached their ears, Flash's smile faded as he turned towards the beast. "YOU MONSTER!" He and the others rushed forward, all ready to strike, only for the colossal to glow once more.

"JUST DIE!" The crystals unleashed their power once more, striking the ground around the knights. Before they could react, the exploded as debris went flying along with the knights.

"AAAHHH!" Skybreaker and Heather cried as debris smashed into their bodies, both taking a full beating from the rubble.

"YAAAUUGGHHH!" Iron and Tidal yelled as the lasers directly struck them, knocking them into the dirt.

"GAAAAHHHHH!" Ruby and First screamed as the ground beneath them exploded, both now airborne before another laser blasted them both.

Flash had managed to reenter Theta Mode and dodged the incoming storm of attacks. But as the dust from the explosions faded from his enhanced vision, he found himself flying right into the path of Doom's tail. Before he could react, the crystal bludgeon slammed into him, smacking him into the ground near his comrades.

And as the knights all started to try and pick themselves up, the colossal looked down upon them as its crystals once again glowed brighter than ever. "THIS...ENDS...NOW!"

Then, Flash opened his eyes and looked up, his vision now completely filled by red light.

"Owww…." Springer moaned as his ears rang like a thousand bells going off at once. "Wha….what happened?"

The young jakhowl's eyes blinked as he slowly lifted his head up, his memories now playing themselves in his brain First was a memory of him ordering the cannon to be fired once again. That and the cannon was hit back with a red beam, which the ship tried to move away from, only for the blast to hit the front of the ship. The force of the attack had knocked Springer out of the bird's nest and sent him slamming into the deck, causing him to blink again as his ears continued to ring.

"Right....that's what happened." Springer groaned to himself as he felt the blow from the blast along with his earlier fight with the stone beasts to now retake their effects on his body. "Ugh...don't feel so good."

It was here that the ringing in his ears disappeared, replaced by the sounds of foals' cries and other outbursts. His eyes started to fully refocus, opened his eyes, allowing him to see many ponies rushing around the deck.

"Hey mutt," he looked up to see Lightning staring down at him. "Come on, this ain't no time to be snoozing."

Springer rubbed the side of his head as he stood up and leaned against the mast, both of his paws now holding his head. "Is everypony okay?"

"Just a few bumps and bruises, more than us I'll say." Lightning replied as he rubbed a wound from the earlier rock beast battle, which was also now bandaged. "Mostly, they're just rattled. That blast came close to sinking the whole ship."

"How's the ship?"

"Still sea worthy," a passing sailor replied. "But I'm afraid we can offer no more assistance to the Royal Knights."

Springer looked over at the front of the ship, seeing smoke starting to rise. It was here that Lightning helped him fully get up, both now walking over to the front. There, they saw that the blast had completely destroyed the figure head, meaning the cannon was also down for the count.

"Damn it," Springer growled before looking over to deck. "Well, at least everypony on board is okay." He looked back at where the back at where the battle had been. "I just hope the others are okay."

Lightning's face shined a grimace as he replied, "Yeah...that's not all. Something else happened."

Springer turned to him, almost gulping at Lightning's expression. "What?"

"I saw a giant explosion, bigger than anything else we've seen in the battle. I...I don't know if anything could of survived that."

Springer's eyes went wide, only to narrow as he asked, "Remember what happened last time you underestimated Flash?" He saw Lightning nod. "Then don't do it now. Flash and the others will win." He looked back at the island, his confidant face starting to disappear. "They've just got too."

The battleground was a wreck. Upturned rocks and rubble littered the ground, along with the giant craters where they had been pulled from. Several spots were now steaming, as the rocks inside had now melted due the intense heat and pressure.

The royal knights also laid among the rubble, battered, burnt and finally at their limit.

Meanwhile, the colossal simply looked down at its opponents. From within his crystal, Doom was heavily panting, as that last attack had drained much of his energy. He now figured that he would not be able to fire more than one more weaker blast for some time, but still, it was worth it in his eyes. "Finally reached your limits I see. Ah...that's such a shame. A small part of me expected to see you knights try to continue...but I guess I can't expect too much from weaklings. Just goes to show you why you don't deserve the magic and power you wield. How pathetic." It was then that he spotted movement, as the knights were trying to get up, the key word being trying.

"Augh!" Iron groaned as he started to stand along with First and Tidal, only for all three to fall on their faces. "No good," he moaned out in pain. "I'm...out of power. Damn it..."

"This is...oh...." Skybreaker moaned before he tried to help Ruby and Heather up, his own body wobbling as energy wouldn't stay in his body, "This can't...this can't be the end."

"Oh, but it is. You should have known that when you faced me, it would always lead to this outcome. In fact, this is the only outcome possible." Doom then raised his arms, as if preparing to grab them. "Now don't struggle, and I'll promise it'll be over quickly. I will assimilate what remains of your power, then finish you. Your lives will become part of a being that is truly worthy of your magic, unlike you lowly, insignificant worms."

Heather's eyes filled with tears as she saw the incoming limbs. "No...I can't even stand up."

"I'm sorry my lady," Ruby whimpered as her thoughts flew back to the crystal empire, which had only just regained its freedom. "No...its happening again. I...can't fail...the empire again."

"Is this...really it?" Tidal asked as he felt blood go down his face. "Amigos...my crew..."

First raised his head, dirt clumps falling off his face. "It...can not...end like this."

Iron also thought back to his home. Ponyville, the one place he had found acceptance since the day he had lost his parents. All his friends not knowing they were in mortal peril. "No....I can't...." then, another face appeared in his head, "Fluttershy...I can't...no."

"Grand...I'm sorry." Skybreaker wheezed out as he put one hoof on the earth below, but no energy flowed through it. "We tried, but..."

"Don't you dare give up!" Everypony's eyes blinked at the sudden yell, only for them all to look and see one of their group still somewhat standing. Flash, Lightbringer in hoof, sat on his back legs with his eyes pointed towards the ground. "No...this fight ain't over." He finally looked up at the colossal, determination burning in his eyes as he picked himself back up onto his hooves. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT! DO IT, I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE!"

Everypony was shocked by this, but Doom merely chuckled before shaking his head. "With pleasure. I will be glad to remove you first. After all, unlike these scum that are unworthy of their power..." the colossal raised it giant hoof and moved it above the pegasi's head. "Your existence is a sin. You've had no right to exist since the day you were born, you filthy disgusting street rat." With that, he thrusted the hoof down.

Flash didn't flinch, nor he did cower or try to run away. Instead, he raised his blade above his head and caught the hoof. The force alone caused the ground beneath him to crack and crumble, but Flash somehow remained standing and was holding the hoof back. And as he did this, his face was shining a huge grin as he barked back in a strained voice, "I'll...say...it...again...Doomy," Another series of cracks in the ground followed as he pushed the hoof up again, "Stop...stealing....your son's lines!"

"Flash...how are you..." Heather whispered as she stared at the sight.

"What are you doing Sentry?!" Iron barely yelled at him. "You can't stop him! You're all out of power!"

"No I'm not!" Flash cried out as he kept the colossal from crushing him. "I...I won't quit! Not with everything that's at stake! Our friends...our families...everything we care about....I refuse to let this lunatic take them away from us!" He began to push back, actually lifting a foot a few inches. "So even if it kills me, I'll find the strength I need to get the job done....NO MATTER WHAT!" Flash's eyes flew open as a mysterious golden glow blasted out of them, the glow quickly spreading around his body. The pegasus let out a mighty battle cry as the new strength flooded through his muscles and he forced it all upwards.

"WHAT?!" Doom yelped as he felt a powerful force propel his hoof up, causing him to lose his balance and stagger backwards.

The light around Flash faded as he stared up at the behemoth. "DON'T EVER UNDERESTIMATE THE ROYAL KNIGHTS!"

The rest of his comrades all stared in pure awe at what they had seen. But as they did, Iron laughed at the sight before his body moved on its own, picking itself up as he said, "You're right Sentry! I'm...no, we ain't gonna lose here!"

"Not now..." Heather added as she picked herself up.

"Not ever!" Ruby finished as she and the others stood tall.

The colossal finally found its footing and looked down at Flash, "I told you before you pieces of filth, you have no right! LEARN YOUR PLACE!" Doom surged all his remaining power into the giant's horn, which unleashed a single blast that struck the earth beneath Flash's feet.

"AAAHHH!" He screamed as the ground exploded and sent him flying straight up into the air.

"I AM YOU BETTER, AND YOU WILL ALL BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!" Doom screamed at the stallion before sensing another incoming threat. He looked back down and saw three ponies charging at him. He quickly started to focus his magic back into moving the titan, only to suddenly find himself stuck. He couldn't move, as the sphere needed to recharge from the laser he had just shot. "No....I can't-"

"You're the one who needs to learn his place, you pathetic old stallion!" Ruby interrupted as her necklace shined like the sun. A second later, a giant crystal lance appeared as she landed at one of the colossal's hooves, the spear striking through it with ease.

"Yeah! Because when we're done with ya-" Iron added as he leapt onto the other hoof, Piecemaker in hoof as it morphed into an iron version of the Ruby's just summoned lance before slamming it into the hoof.

"It'll be you who's on your knees!" Heather finished as her Flower Chain swung across the sky, wrapping all three things of arms, wings and tail of titan in one go.

"What?!" Doom yelled as he started to pour magic back into the sphere, trying to put everything he could into moving the titan. "You can't-no!"

Heather just stood behind the behemoth with a huge grin on her face, blood starting to appear on her hooves as she used all her remaining strength to keep the colossal as confined as she could. "Gotcha now!"

"You dare do this to me?! ME, YOU'RE SUPERIOR?!" Doom screamed as he kept trying to move. "YOU SCUM! STOP THIS AT ONCE!"

"Oh we dare," Iron replied before looking up at the now descending pegasus. "SENTRY!"

"IT'S UP TO YOU NOW!" Ruby screamed.

"FINISH HIM!" Heather cried as she made one last tug with her whip.

Flash stared at the sight as he made his descent, only to turn to the three remaining knights and yell, "Sky, Tidal, First! I got a dumb idea that I think will work!" Flash pointed to himself with a huge grin as his wings flared open, "Blast me with everything you got!"

"What?!" Tidal asked in shock, "you crazy amigo?!"

"Just do it! Hurry!"

Skybreaker blinked at this, only to turn and nudge Tidal, "You heard our leader, let's do this." Tidal blinked back at his friend, soon nodding as the two raised their weapons.

"I will lend a hoof," First told them as he pointed his weapon at them and charged it with every last piece of power he could dig up. "Aid Force!" The energy shot into the two, increasing their power as they aimed their weapons at Flash.

"Sky/Tidal...FORCE!" The two unleashed a powerful tornado of wind and water, which combined right before they hit Flash. But as the blow struck, the pegasus scrunched himself up and slowly started spinning. It was here that he felt his body's speed increase, his own form now riding the freezing wind blasting him forward. The knights all smiled as they realized what he was doing.

Doom had also figured it out, which made him struggle even harder but to no avail. "No...he's riding the current and using it to increase his speed. NO!" His horn flared as a barrage of magic flowed into the sphere, but the giant wouldn't move an inch. "No....move you piece of junk! MOVE RIGHT NOW! MOVE!!!"

"ITS OVER DOOM!" Flash screamed as he shot out the end of the tornado like a cannon ball, spinning towards the colossal so fast that he wondered why he wasn't making his own Sonic Rainboom. But as he shot forward, he pointed Lightbringer towards his target as light surrounded his body. "FLASH...DRIVER!!!"

The pegasi then turned into a supercharged light drill, one that shot towards the colossal and finally struck the crystal in the chest. It was here that the sound of shattering could be heard, all throughout the island.

Author's Note:

WOOOOOOOO! I don't think I've ever had more fun writing a chapter, then I have with this one. My original draft was close to ten thousand before it was even edited, and I thought I'd only be able to get about half that.

Tell me what you think.