• Published 18th Jul 2018
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JTHW: Journey To Hearth's Warming - Lighttone GryphonStar

Trapped by a spell Twilight and Starlight must live through the events of Hearth's Warming. Only the events aren't playing out exactly like the history books. All while a mysterious wendigo makes a move that might changes the future they once knew.

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S3 Episode 26: And Together In Mourn

On Blood Diamond's airship, Stygian was both perplexed but also sneered at the sight of the gore below him. He was impressed by the amount of crystals Blood Diamond could summon from seemingly nowhere while so high in the air. But he was ashamed of his fellow kin down below. The sight of them being ripping apart as the crystals fell was truly appalling. Some being injured, others just dying right on the spot. It truly was a mix of emotions.

When Stygian was called upon by Blood Diamond, the shadow pony had been just watching the chaos and rage of his ponies from afar. Thousands of years ago, when he gained this darkness-fueled form, he already long distanced himself from other unicorns, let alone the civilizations of unicorns he heralded from.

The only ponies he let in his heart were his ally unicorns in magical mastery: Starswirl the Beard and Lord Red. Though it wasn't until the most recent century had Stygian even attempted to make minor connections with the unicorns, but this was pure loneliness that led to the birth of his children. The offspring of which he rarely visited at all.

Stygian gave up caring about the unicorns long ago, so why was there shame in his eyes now. He waved his head back and forth and turned away from the bloodbath. He needed to think of other things. He knew none of these unicorns, anyway; they were mere infants to him. No, not even their oldest relatives were as close to infants to him.

It was times like this that made him wonder if immortality for the lesser species was truly worth the pain and turmoil. So much knowledge had been gained from this process and so much more had been lost. He thought back to something else and held up his hands to the surrounding shadows.

The image of the titan airship appeared. With a wave of his hand, the inside of the airship was shown. The image of Clover and Rex came into sight. It appeared as if they were about to leave for somewhere important. "Clover the Clever..."

Clover turned in the image and faced the shadow. Her eyes widened at the image and she stopped in her tracks completely. Gripping Rex's shoulder stopped him in place as well. The umbrum bowed, "Master, why have you appeared?”

"I am near Rage Mountain where Blood Diamond is fighting Princess Platinum. I was curious if you two were going to join the fray, and if so, which side?"

"No, I refuse to help Blood Diamond, nor side with that unicorn." Rex looked away. "I have another mission."

"Oh yes, Topaz Silk spoke of your hunt for the alathars just before I left to work with Blood Diamond."

"You're helping the prince?!" Clover was taken aback by his words. "Is that what Clovis meant?"

"Possibly. I'm unclear what your brother has told you." Stygian smiled at hearing that name from her. "I did not know he had arrived yet."

"So you knew what he was coming here to do." Clover stepped closer. Sadness couldn't hide in her voice.

"Clover..." Stygian raised his hand to the image of her cheek."I always know what duties have for you and your siblings." He noticed his words didn't decrease her sadness. "However, something else aches you now that I'm completely unaware of."

"You could say that..." Clover kneeled closer to the shadow and lowered her head completely. "Stygian, the legendary Shadow Pony, first of the shadowmancers..." She bit her lip and cleared her voice, "Father, I have learned something truly incredible, but also disheartening about the time traveler."

"She shares a connection with someone in this timeline," Stygian answered. "Lord Red already suspected a few possibilities..." His eyes widened, "You think Twilight is--"

"I know now that Twilight is of my bloodline," Rex was quick to answer, but apologized for his interruption.

Stygian smiled, "And you are now curious what other bloodlines she might share?"

"Yes, which is why we are going to confront her in Rage Mountain." Rex held up his hand to the shadow.

Stygian stopped him. "No, she is not here. That was a ploy for Princess Platinum and Princess Platinum alone. Her armies alone are here as Blood Diamond desired. Exactly as the ascended alicorn planned."

"This was Twilight's plan!" Clover questioned.

"Where is she?" Rex demanded.

"Twilight is back in the capital."

"Why?" Clover asked.

"She is searching for the true mastermind of this war."

"Cold Blue is with her?" Rex dropped his hand and questioned.

"Yes, I suppose he is," Stygian concluded. On that, Rex walked off, but Clover stayed. "He hasn't lost his impatience after all these years. Like a rooster with his head cut off."

"Dad, please don't mock him..." Clover laughed. Her eyes wandered back to Rex as she asked her father. "You never clarified why you are contacting us now?"

"It's just this war behind me, the blood and turmoil, the shame, remorse, and rage of everyone down below." Stygian purposely left out his own shame. "I wanted to see something brighter, like you and Rex."

"Dad, you could always contact..." Clover stopped herself. "No, that wouldn't work..." She couldn't hide her regret and questions now forming in her head after finding out the news, such questions that were once old and forgotten but now were filled with such curiosity more than ever; "Father, do you miss them? My mom, Clovis's mom and--"

Stygian leaned closer and reached his hand through the shadow, grasping at a tear now pouring over her cheek. "Clover, I have had many lovers, both wives and husbands alike, and many children on this path of mine. But you have chosen a path that beings like me would be truly terrified of." He picked up her head and looked her directly in the eyes. "You were always far braver than your siblings." He grimaced at her and Rex in the background, getting ready. Clover was still so young. Rex was nearly as old as him. "If you wish to stand by his side, I cannot stop you at all."

"Father," she dropped another tear and spoke softer to ensure Rex didn't hear her words. "I don't want to be like my mother nor Clovis or my other siblings..."


"But I want to stay with him... for as long as I can." Clover attempted to pull her face away, only for Stygian to hold her in place.

The Shadow Pony leaned completely into the shadow and placed a small kiss on her head before pulling away completely. "My dear daughter, you are not the first to chase him and I doubt you will be the last, but if you must chase him, chase him to your final breath." His daughter smiled brightly at those words and thanked him for listening. Stygian let her go, and she left the shadow.

The Shadow Pony watched as she chased after Rex. As they got further from the shadow, their images became blurry and faded completely. Stygian smiled brighter. He had not expected to learn so much about what was originally planned to be a quick call. "My children need to take time to learn... just like these unicorns below do." He faced the picture of Lady Mass Hysteria and leered back at the distant image of Princess Platinum on the battlefield. "Family's lineage is truly the greatest source of immortality. The next generation can both shock you and inspire you with their determination and stubbornness. Truly, when one passes on their work, it is carried by their later generations even when it wasn't meant to."

He narrowed his eyes on the picture more, curious about what Blood Diamond saw he didn't. His eyes soon froze on the weapon on her hilt. Bringing the picture closer with his shadows, Stygian grasped at something that was there, or what was once there.

The Shadow Pony held up his shadows and the rapier he found upon the monolithic crystal had shown itself. He looked back and forth between the picture and the rapier until he was certain. Bringing the rapier right up to the image of the Lady's weapon showed it was the same weapon, with one major difference. Markings were missing upon the blade itself, marking so small only not even a clash would ever see them no matter how hard they fought. However, the wielder could see them so perfectly.

The image upon the past version was hidden some from the picture's framing and placing the blade within the picture. The present version of the image shows a powerful unicorn ready for battle. However, the picture had pieces of the unicorn that the current version did not. The horn was bigger; the mane was long, almost as if it was flowing.

However, the greatest fault came in the fact not enough of the unicorn could be seen in this picture compared to the blade of the rapier being in plain view. "Why? Why would you alter such a small thing as horn size and mane length? You aren't matching Princess Platinum, nor her mother and father... So why?" He held the rapier upward, "Just what are you hiding?" His eyes stopped a smug around the back of the unicorn. "Could that be it... no it is what he saw... the true ruler of the unicorns..."


Back on the ground, Blood Diamond took in a deep sigh of victory as his chest closed, sealing away his exposed crystal bones. His eyes moved over the battlefield as many of the enemy soldiers were beyond repair. Their defeat was certain. All he needed to do was complete the measure.

His eyes fell upon Princess Platinum. "Do you like my spell? It combines crystal magic with light magic to create an incredible and terrifying effect." He waved his hand through the shiny dust in the air. "Blood cells filled with crystalline structure found with my bones. Usually, we spread the dust as an agonizing poison with crystal magic, but when sped up through time with light magic, the microscopic structures expand to their greatest sizes, ranging from a few feet to several meters."

She simply gritted her teeth and charged forward, swinging her axe right at his face. Mira was shocked to see crystal form from the dust around him and catch her axe.

"Do you think that was my ego talking? No, we told how the spell works to make this easier for you to accept defeat." With but a movement of his eyes, the newly formed shards rushed at the princess. She jumped away from the furthest one and knocked away the closer one.

Clashing with the final one, she channeled magic into her horn and her feet. To prevent it from stabbing her into the ground, she pushed forward with as much might as she could muster. Blood Diamond simply narrowed his, and the shard pushed back with just as much force as she could return.

"Your defeat is here, accept it." The other crystal shards returned, aiming for her arms.

She formed a shield of magic and used it to grab and turn the crystal shards on the final shard, them all. She jumped away from the explosion and switched to an offensive. She shot several small beams of magic toward the dust around Blood Diamond. Once she displaced enough, she swung a wave of magic from her axe.

Blood Diamond ducked under it and smiled, forming crystal blades from his arms, and rushed in. Princess Platinum barely had time to react to his speed and knocked him back, only to lose her footing. He flashed back in stabbing the ground, where she fell to force more crystal shards to grow out, aiming for her back.

She flipped around and threw out another magical wave, this time in the shape of a sharp spine. It wrapped around Blood Diamond. She kicked the ground and aimed her axe at his neck. His eyes glowed as a crystal shard rose from his collarbone, blocking the attack.

"Damn it!" She screamed, hitting harder on that. "What kind of magic turns your bones into crystal?"

"A unique magic," his eyes glowed brighter, and more crystal shards shot out like bards from each opening in his armor, breaking the magical wrapping she had him in. "This battle will be far harder than you think!"

Dim watched on in horror. His body was in so much pain but fear quaking his heart, far worse at the sight of his princess on edge. This wasn't like the arena fight with Twilight. Blood Diamond had far more control and experience with his power and species magic.

Princess Platinum wasn't fighting a wild monster, but a master with far more experience than she could even muster. And the worst part was she was already losing ground. "Damn it, looks like I will have to use it..." She gripped at her chest and flowed as much magic out toward him to stop his advance.


Back at the hospital, a magical puddle arrived. It stopped once it reached the back end of the hospital. The pool’s surface shivered and a lavender hand reached out, followed by a head. The ascended alicorn crawled out with the siren following as the spell ended. Twilight’s gasps for air were heavy. She had used magic to keep clean air in her lungs as she was not used to this form of travel. It felt like she was in the water, so she made a reasonable reaction.

“I am sorry,” he apologized, “I was unaware if you are used to this form of travel.”

“No, your assumption makes sense with me hanging around Rex and Clover.” Twilight clarified. “Rex is a master of shadowmancy. Also, it doesn't help that Starlight is one of the greatest masters of teleportation I've ever seen in the future.”

“My form magic isn't like his shadowmancy.” Cold Blue clarified back. “His power allows for instantaneous travel through shadows and viewing through them like scopes of the sort. Mine requires a bit more movement. Each spell has an advantage and disadvantage, such as Rex needing to know where he's going, whereas I do not.”

“Inverse Rex can go practically anywhere as long as he knows where it is well you have to travel,” Twilight caught on. “Which brings up the question of why he would need the titan airship.”

“That's more of a preference for his unicorn than I always suspected. Shadowmancy can be stressful on the bodies of nonusers such as that unicorn.”

“Clover? That makes sense. She's not known for her teleportation skills. Even in the future.” Twilight raised an eyebrow, “Which makes me wonder why the future has her and her brother mixed up, given that he is a master of teleportation.”

“Speculation for another time,” Cold Blue surmised. “For now, we need to find this unknown alicorn of light.”

“Then found him you have,” a voice spoke up.

Twilight turned around, only to narrow her eyes in fear and shame. The one that approached her was a small siren filly that seemed all too familiar to her. The siren filly had a blue form with a long ponytail that was darker blue with navy blue highlights. She wore a magenta shirt and a pink short dress with long socks of the same color.

“Starswirl was right, you stole the bodies of the siren sisters.” Twilight carefully phrased her words. “I didn't think you would be the alicorn we would encounter.”

“Oh, you are allied with that wizard,” a male voice spoke from the filly’s lips. The filly rubbed her chin. “Yet you speak of their grouping like it was a title to you once.” Twilight mentally slapped herself for the phrasing he gave. He laughed at her reaction, “So the vassals of Indigo Frost speak the truth, you are from the future.” The filly’s body took a step closer to them. “I don't need his words, meeting you face to face: you stink of light magic but you are not the light magic user who cast the spell, nor do you have light magic in your arsenal.”

Twilight felt trapped by his words. He saw through her so easily within only seconds of meeting her. “How can you tell so much? Where do you get your knowledge?” she readied herself. “Indigo Frost does not know of my power.”

“Actually, he does. That is why he desires you by his side.” The filly narrowed her eyes. “Well, that's what he claimed to me. But power alone eludes me as to the real reason he desires you. Speaking of eluding, you two have yet to tell me why you are searching for me. It's certainly not because Starswirl defeated me.”

“So, you lack the vanity of most alicorns,” Cold Blue finally answered.

“Not true. I have lived for long enough to know that vanity in such a form is pointless.” The filly presented herself to them. “This form doesn't even have the same gender as I and lacks the age and experience. However, a useful form for stealth and travel it is not one I would choose willingly.”

“So your alliance with Indigo Frost is on uneasy ground,” Cold Blue quipped back.

“He seeks my knowledge and is an enemy of my enemy, nothing more.”

“Then will you help us?” Twilight question.

“Help? That eliminates the possibility that you are here to seek this body back.” After confirming his suspicions, he turned the filly away and let his guard down. “If you are not sent here by Starswirl, what do you seek?”

“Information about the alicorns, unicorns, and the naga.”

"Why? For what reason do you think this information will be helpful to you?"

"I wish to understand the war.” Twilight made her words clear.

“You wish to understand, but you are from the future?" He questioned, “You think the war should have ended earlier?” He raised the filly's finger and pointed out, “No, such knowledge would not end the war early. You are seeking the cause… No, the orchestrator of this war.” The filly turned back, disappointed. “History is truly lacking in your time.” Seeing her reaction to those words, he rephrased himself, “Or maybe things aren't going according to plan.” The filly's smile grew bigger.

“History is written by the victors, so history is not clear when you are living among its lesser details,” Cold Blue answered both their questions. “Blood Diamond believes someone in this city is orchestrating this war.”

“Your search has led you to believe there is a connection between this war, the alicorns, the unicorns, and the naga.” The filly’s sight lowered to the ground. “If you truly desire this information so much, I will need insurance.”

Twilight gritted her teeth and tightened her fist. Deep down, she knew this move was very wrong, but she was from the future, after all. If what Cold Blue was saying about history was true and if this alicorn's words proved useful, she had reached a very dangerous impasse. She looked to Cold Blue for an answer, but his face gave a stern resolve to whatever she accepted. Conceding, she turned back to the filly and answered, “Your position will not be reported… to Starswirl or any of his allies.” She gave herself a mental scream of no but a mental argument back to yes. This needed to be done, even if she would grow to regret it later.

“Such bitter words can only be spoken by an alicorn of old age or lack of experience. Which are you, I wonder?”

“Says the alicorn hiding within a child's body,” Cold Blue fired back.

“Enough said, enough said,” the voice conceded. “Even a being as old as I know when I’ve overstepped myself.” The filly turned to the right and pointed outward. “Truthfully, your timing is impeccable.”

Twilight’s eyes widened at the sight of the hand monolith. “What does that have to do with what's going on?”

“You don't know, do you? That was formed by a powerful clash not only a day ago.”

“I know,” Twilight gritted her teeth, “I am the one who forged it."

"Alone, that would be quite the feat."

"Actually, Cold Blue did part of the work."

"Wrong," the light alicorn spoke up louder to clarify what was a plain sight to him. "Even looking at the level of power he has, I know the amount combined with yours would still be nowhere near the strength needed to forge a monolith of that size."

"What are you saying?!"

"There was another source of dark magic present during the combining. One that couldn't mix at all with your power or his and therefore sent out the warning beacon to the alicorns."

"… Another dark magic user." Twilight was left in shock. However, things were far from done as the surrounding ground shook. No, the entire capital shook with a familiar form of magic.

“Yes, and if you wish to know answers about who is orchestrating this war, then you must learn the truth of that other source of dark magic. Or rather the line, but has descended from it. One of which connects all your answers toward the alicorns, unicorns, and yes, even the naga.”


Back on Rage Mountain, a similar form of shaking was happening. Though from above, it might not seem as if those two events were connected to the ones upon the battlefield, the obvious was clear. Dimitri, with his strength barely holding on, turned away from his princess in shame as the maroon veins came into sight over her body.

"Damn it, I was hoping to rely on this when I faced your father." Princess Platinum boasted back with surprising confidence. Even though her body was now screaming at her, she couldn't let herself lose now.

"We see, you have another power you are afraid of using."

"Now, claw forth... forbidden spell..." She fell to a single knee as the pain wracked her chest and throat. Memories echoed through her mind. Of a hospital bed, the many hours and days of testing before the process could be complete. "Forbidden spell!!" Maroon blood spewed from her back and she screamed aloud, "Dark Evolution Spell, Blood Soaked Wings."

Blood Diamond jumped back as massive maroon-colored wings swarmed outward from the princess's back and attempted to grab him like claws. His face filled with frustration at the form she took. "Wings, like an alicorn. You dare mock the species with such blatant fallacy--"

His roars were cut short as Princess Platinum reached him within a blink of an eye and slashed down with her blood wings. She smiled as his blood hit her face. "Oh, look I cut you!"

Now Blood Diamond was on a knee. A massive tear was across the left side of his face and down through his armor. He frowned and sent in more crystal shards. However, despite the close range, the princess could dodge and send in her own attack, slashing at his arms, severing the crystal blades from his limbs.

Blood Diamond narrowed his eyes and summoned far more than just two. Princess Platinum jumped back as hundreds of the crystal shards formed and flew at her. "Maybe we should knock it up to thousands of larger shards!" Blood Diamond narrowed his eyes more, and the hundreds became thousands of shards, far larger than even the ones that took down Princess Platinum's army.

As the princess dodged each one, Blood Diamond formed crystal blades from his wrist, forearms, his elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, feet. Rushing in with his thousands of crystal shards aiding Blood Diamond clashed with her axe and her blood wings.

Each one would gain ground and quickly lose it. But the longer they fought, the more confused Blood Diamond became. If she always had this power, then why didn't she use it against Twilight or the fake Twilight? That lesser alicorn pushed her far harder than he had and yet she will go this far with him. Was this meant as a mockery or more?

"You don't see it, do you?" A voice echoed through the battlefield. A voice unheard by anyone else but Blood Diamond.

"What could you possibly mean?" Blood Diamond shouted at the voice. Princess Platinum didn't know what he was barking on about or to whom, only that maybe if she pushed it more, she could actually win.

"Look closer, Blood Diamond..."

"We are fighting her so evenly." He barked back. Was he finally losing completely? The princess had to push further.

"Yes, but soon she will catch up and even surpass you."

"No, she won't!!" He pushed her back completely.

Princess Platinum was in shock now. He wasn't talking to her at all but to someone else. "You spoke to me of my mockery of your kind, yet you are receiving help. The legendary Blood Diamond!" she barked over the voice. "I will defeat you, with a power that is completely my own!!" Her blood wings refined in form into perfect feathery shapes as she rushed forward for the last attack.

"Completely on her own? Her words say it all," the voice argued back. "You are the reason she is fighting with this power. You differ from Twilight, and why?"

"Why... why?" Blood Diamond was completely stopped by his own thoughts. Not even the princess' axe tearing through his chest could bring him back to reality. Blood Diamond's eyes glowed a bright green and his irises changed into knives. The voice spoke openly to where all could hear it so perfectly as it echoed from Blood Diamond's mouth. "Because like us, she is half of what I am!!"

"Half of what?" Princess Platinum trembled in place. This wasn't Blood Diamond's voice at all, but something far more insidious.

"Oh, you princess, are half alicorn!!" With that proclamation, blood splatter from the princess's arms and chest as she was tossed back with ease.


Author's Note:

Now a lot has happened in this chapter and this is only part 1 of the finale. There is still so much to cover in the next chapter so don't miss a single beat. The finale will be in two weeks so catch up with you can. As for Stygian's reveal in this chapter, I told you all when I brought him in that I was handling the pre six a little different since they were introduced after this series was launched. They are basically taking roles I originally had for OCs. For the most part due to this their role might seem different from the show but this story is an AU in the first place, just go with it. The same goes for the ending scene, one of which I had been planning since the beginning of season 2.

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