• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter forty-eight, Necessary Notification: Kyuu.

-Canter Dojo Orphanage, Blade-

I threw myself at Silk’s many hooves and begged for her to go back to what she does best with my eyes.

I looked like a complete mess and the children took no prisoners when it came to hoof painting.

Silk patted me on the head with a hoof as she cantered by me on her six legs with an insufferable grin threatening to split her face in half.

“Let me guess, she’s the one that talked you into leaving? Well I don’t know how much of a fight she could put up given it looks like she lost a coloring book war to the little rascals, but I’ve been surprised before.” Turning a glare to the diamond dog, I flicked the knife out and took it into my left hoof. “That shows skill at least, very in tune with her special talent. Not that that will help much if she’s entirely reliant on it. So now that we dropped off Silk-chan, let’s get to what I’m really here for.”

“Hey, it’s Uncle Doggy-kun!” The diamond dog groaned out angrily and just slapped a paw to his head, he then leaned down and glared at the ring leader of the orphanage children Odd Duck, better known as the ever affectionate Ducky.

That Ducky so easily called him ‘Doggy’ meant that she was unafraid of any repercussions involving what is obviously a hated nickname. The diamond dog didn’t look particularly aggressive towards Ducky, I just put the throwing knife away.

“How many times do I have to say it… its Dodgy!” This dodgy guy seemed to be an angry person, yet Ducky just hugged him, gave him a kiss on the nose and then ran off. “Dumb kids… why don’t you teach them to dislike me like any sane person would?”

“Who said I was sane?” Ryu muttered back with a slight smile on his lips.

“Oh right, we’re living the dream… and that dream is a bit too violent for most children. Children which you’ve somehow managed to protect from everything ever aimed at them thus far.” The diamond dog narrowed his eyes on Ryu. “Speaking of violence… I need my fix Ryu, especially if you’re going to be aiming me at said things.”

“We’ll get to that in a moment Dodgy, let me introduce you to the people we left running our orphanage temporarily.” He pointed to me first, because I was certainly present and not dealing with those little monsters. “This is Blade Bright the thestral, or bat pony if you will, that came to ask me for help and I’m going to do it for various reasons. Blade this is Dodgy Gruff the Mad Mutt of the Canter Dojo sector.”

“Don’t honestly know why you’re willing to help her given all the trouble you get into when it comes to helping a pretty face.” Dodgy just glared at me and I glared right back while standing up. “In this case it’s a pretty scarred face, but at least she has spunk.”

“She’s functionally mute, so is Skeletal Noria or Skelly as they call her over there.” Ryu pointed to Skelly placing some snacks before several hungry mouths and this Dodgy guy sniffed the air.

“She smells nice, like a pile of bones. I wonder if she’s available…” The diamond dog seemed to have more of a pleasant attitude towards Skelly. Given that Skelly is a skeleton, this was totally understandable.

I doubt Skelly would like him nearly as much given that she really wouldn’t like him gnawing on her. I got Dodgy’s attention and shook my head no.

“Pity.” Dodgy grunted as he looked to Ryu. “Well?”

“There is one last person here, but there is also another one off wandering somewhere in Canter Dojo.” We followed Ryu until we saw Fortitude playing tug of war with the children, he was standing still and holding the rope and every child was trying to pull him over. “That over there is Fortitude.”

“I am Fortitude, the fantastically fragrant!” Fortitude stated proudly, I don’t think he was ever going to get tired of saying that.

“Can someone find my nose, I can’t feel it anymore?! I think something just crawled up it and died in there. Normally I’d like a smell like that, but that… that was so indescribably horrible enough to make anyone sober in seconds.” He only took one sniff and that was all the warning Dodgy needed to never take another in Fortitude’s general direction. “I’m not kidding, he should bottle that up and sell it as smelling salts… or a cure for insomnia as it’ll knock you out as much as wake you up!”

“I am only being accurate to my name.” Fortitude said pleasantly as he gave a small tug on the rope and all the children in front of him went flying into the mud puddle with a large splash.

“I didn’t know there was such a thing as being too accurate.” Dodgy turned away with a paw rubbing his nose. “So last guy, what and where are they?”

“His name is Flamberge the fiercely flammable, a red dragon. He is somewhere in Canter Dojo just wandering around and we may need to locate him before I can leave.” Ryu watched as Dodgy snorted loudly and just made a motion towards himself. “Yes, we’ll fight, but can my new friends watch us? They need to know what our kind of fighting is like.”

“You just don’t want me to have an unfair advantage against the bat pony.” The way Dodgy spat the word ‘bat’ out made me bristle at him in resentment with my wings spread out. “Hey don’t get mad at me, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into here. Give me some time to rest after my fight with Ryu, win or lose, then we’ll see if you can actually give me a halfway decent fight afterwards. You don’t even look like you play baseball.”

I nodded at him.

If he wants a fight, he’ll get one!

-The Maneki-Neko, Flamberge-

“You’re in luck, we just happen to have found an item available that’ll suit your needs of durability and effectiveness… it’ll just take a bit to get here. It’s a high quality shield with special properties and your payment is quite sound for what you’re getting.” Hawker said as she flew in to see me slurping noodles next to Sweetcakes who was also slurping up noodles and humming in appreciation. “It seems Bengal has been keeping you entertained in my absence.”

“You call food entertainment? We haven’t even gotten to the sparring yet!” The mare glared at Bengal. “Oh come Hawker, let me have a little fun. I can swing a sword just as well as sell them you know! Cat and Hawk is getting some good money today, that and the silent vixen is willing to give us one of Separate Cloth’s swords for something of decent value.”

“Just about the only thing that Separate Cloth has that is of quality and I don’t mind dealing in stolen equipment, but you didn’t tell me what she wants in return for it...” Hawker was a keen looking pegasus mare, not at all what I come to expect from what most consider the flightiest ponies.

“To see me use it.” Bengal almost sounded comical talking about it, Hawker flew up to him and seemed completely unimpressed with him. “That and she wanted us to open business contacts with her father, plus one of the many spare Tengu fans we just happen to have lying around. Not like we can use them all personally and I’m guessing a bit of Tengu wind power would bolster her kitsune flames.”

Sweetcakes nodded.

“Fine, we’ll see about contracting with your father, no guarantees on that though. I’ll get your Tengu fan, we always have a few high quality fans in stock.” Hawker shot off once more.

I wondered what Fortitude’s new shield would look like, I wanted to know what the mentioned special properties were and would ask about it later.

All I knew was that Sweetcakes seemed to think highly of these two and I could kind of trust Sweetcakes to have my best interest in mind.

“Okay lets you and me duel!” The Abyssinian’s smiled and I did too as we both stepped outside. I didn’t mind that Sweetcakes finished off my food as I was about to get into a good sword fight.

-Streets outside the orphanage, Blade-

Ryu did a small hop and slapped all four of his hooves to the ground and rolled his head as a haze of orange built up around him.

“Always starting with the beast inside eh Ryu.” Dodgy stretched out and then put up his paws to swaying a bit to the left and right, why was he was faking being drunk? “Anything lying around is fair game Ryu.”

“Right.” Ryu narrowed his eyes as Dodgy darted forward, reaching back with his left hoof he picked up a thick plastic bin meant for carrying heavy loads of milk cartons and brought it around to narrowly miss Dodgy who leaned back slightly.

Dodgy pulled back his right paw and threw a wild hay maker, Ryu blocked with the plastic bin and then slammed it harshly across Dodgy’s face. Despite the sudden heavy blow, Dodgy only stumbled back a single step and wiped the blood off his nose, he then gained a feral smile.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about, make me feel pain Ryu!” It seemed to be what Dodgy was expecting as Ryu brought the heavy plastic bin around, he ducked under it stepped forward and bashed Ryu in the jaw with his left paw making him drop the bin. “I want to feel the burn of the Dragon of Canter Dojo!”

What followed the blow to Ryu’s jaw was a quick one two straight to the chest with Dodgy’s right and left paw and then he kicked upwards.

Ryu rolled backwards out of the way of the kick and came back with his right hoof blazing.

Dodgy caught the blow on his left arm. Despite the burning fur and the intense flames bursting from the hit, Dodgy didn’t retreat and tried to hit Ryu in the side of his neck with the heft of his right paw.

Ryu pressed forward and under the sideways chop to grab Dodgy by the midsection and Dodgy’s eye widened comically as Ryu lifted him to toss him backwards over his head.

Dodgy fell onto street on his back roughly, that throw looked quite painful given the way Dodgy grunted.

Ryu, having fallen onto his own back to perform the throw, rolled to his hooves and ignited his front two hooves. He quickly leapt for Dodgy’s prone form to try and bring them down on the Diamond Dog.

Dodgy quickly moved into a hoof or paw stand and spread his rear legs out wide to perform a counterclockwise spin that kicked both of Ryu’s incoming hooves off to the side.

When said hooves struck the ground they created craters and an impressive amount of fire flared outwards from the impact zone.

Ryu, having been knocked off balance by Dodgy’s upside down defensive spin, didn’t have the wherewithal to defend himself from Dodgy’s next move.

Dodgy pressed his left and right paws against the ground and immediately reversed his spin which slid him towards Ryu spinning clockwise. His rear paws slammed Ryu in the face two times and then on the third hit both his feet gripped Ryu’s face and bounced it off the pavement.

Having thrust Ryu’s face into the ground with his rear legs, which allowed him to get into a standing position quickly in the same motion, he swung around to his left swinging his right paw for Ryu.

Ryu was up and caught the paw with his left hoof, took one step forward and rammed his right hoof into Dodgy’s kidney making him bark out in pain and stumble back coughing.

“Still as strong as ever, eh Ryu.” Dodgy commented before he took on his drunk boxing pose again.

“You’re break dance fighting is most impressive.” After wiping at his bleeding nose, Ryu hopped and stomped his four hooves. His orange burning haze turned a wild blue.

Dodgy just took a solid hit to the kidney and he was still standing and was ready for more, what was he made of?! I can kind of understand Ryu being sturdy given he was half dragon and likely half earth pony, but Diamond Dogs in general weren’t nearly as tough as this Dodgy was.

“Just keep building that heat Ryu, I like a challenge!” Dodgy darted forward, seemed to trip, but went into a roll and launched both his rear legs towards Ryu who darted to the side and then concussed Dodgy with a flaming left hoof to the skull.

Dodgy turned his head with the blow and grinned, he had something in his left paw from his roll.

Ryu’s blow was quickly countered with a nearly empty beer bottle that instantly broke upon hitting Ryu’s face. Ryu’s eyes were splatted with the minute amount of alcohol that made him grunt in pain, it also made his blue haze become stronger.

Wiping his eyes for second as he dodged several rabid broken bottle swipes, I could see a different look in his eyes. They seemed to be a bit more reptilian than the soft and pony appearance they had a second ago.

Ryu stomped the ground and the broom next to him leapt up into the air into his waiting hooves as he went onto his hind legs, he caught the broken bottle on the shaft of the broom and then twisted it out of Dodgy’s grip.

Ryu brought the solid end of the broom across Dodgy’s chin and twirled it into the flames that burst out of his back to bring the now flaming bristles across Dodgy’s chest. This not only knocked Dodgy back, it lit him on fire.

Dodgy rolled across the ground twice and stood up slightly burnt, but he had a wild smile on his face as he pulled out a metal baseball bat from out of nowhere.

“You can only really wield wooden weapons when you’re calm!” Bringing the bat to his left side Dodgy charged forward. “Otherwise…”

Dodgy swung the bat and Ryu blocked with the now smoldering wooden shaft that broke in half upon impact.

It seemed Ryu was expecting the broom to break in half, he caught the next swing on the flaming bristled portion of the broom held in his right hoof.

Ryu jabbed Dodgy in the right shoulder, ribs and then delivered a low blow that made Dodgy yelp with the bit of broom held in his left hoof.

Dodgy growled and grunted as struggled to get back up from being knocked down.

“Kali sticks… you’ve been practicing some odd things Ryu.” Grunting, Dodgy took several steps back and took the bat into his left paw and pointed it at Ryu.

“I could say the same to you.” Ryu held the two burning halves of the broom at the ready.

Jaded might have had an absurd pain tolerance, but these guys were both godly with theirs.

I watched as they charge one another, the fight wasn’t over yet.

“It’s a good thing Ryu-kun talked with his lawyers about health insurance.” Silk smiled as she sat down and watched the diamond dog and longma lunge forward to violently rip into each other.

Author's Note:

Aside from my upcoming date of birth, nothing of import is happening around here.

Though I still think a few light plumbing issues should have been fixed... I'm not going to be upset about it as long as I have a working toilet to use without half the house exploding in a fountain of water.

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