• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 1st


just another brony with random story ideas.



Equestria has known Peace for many many years, the last true disaster among them being the invasion of Chrysalis, though they have known nothing like what is coming now. An Evil thought to have been permanently sealed away has broken free. The Elements won't be enough to stop this evil, something more is needed, but what? The answer seems to drop itself directly into our heros Hooves in the form of an Alicorn, a Unicorn, and an Earth pony. All three dressed in strange clothes and carrying even stranger weapons. One such weapon is the Keyblade. With these strange ponies by their side will the Elements be able to defeat the heartless?

SIDENOTE: This story takes from several others, one such story is Past Sins and Doctor Who (The Doctor, Doctor Hooves, etc) with a small throwback to Harry Potter just because I can :D And obviously Kingdom Hearts

Also this story is due for a 'rewrite' with better details, probably more chapters and to not be so rushed. I didn't want to lose the idea and rushed this entire story, but now that the whole idea is out there I can go back and write it out the way it should be written. So keep an eye out for that :D Also this is the Prequel to New Beginnings

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 56 )

Im mostly reading this cause its a Kingdom Hearts crossover and I almost missed it if I didn't start trying to crush a fly on the screen and saw the word keyblade. Lets see what your doing different cause it sounds intriguing.

967082 To be perfectly honest this story was born because of youtube and deviantart. I saw an MLP Glitch remix of Dearly Beloved and a pic of Pony Sora with a keyblade and thought "well damn I could write that" and thus Elements of the Heart was born. The story mostly wrote itself with me just guiding it along and cutting it off for a new chapter to start. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

969171 I have it posted on my deviantart and decided to finally post it here, I was holding it back because I didn't want to post it without any cover-art. I hope to be able to add some to it as soon as I can commission someone for it.

Since Reign of Discord is going to be reposted I wanna ask How many years does this take place after Season 2.

982689 Reign of Discord is waaay before all of that. In this story the Cutie Mark crusaders are now about teens/young adults, Spike has grown a bit (fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/142/d/c/commission_for_saro0fd3monz_by_asdflove-d50r76h.png here is a picture of Spike and Rarity and what they look like in this story. The two others in the picture are their children Amethyst and Emerald, though I had an artist redraw them for me like this - fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/172/8/f/oc_request_dragon_ponies__by_sweetchiomlp-d54b75q.png But they don't become important until later on in New Beginnings)

I haven't really decided on exactly how many years have passed, But its been at the very least three to five years.

Lots of potential but... work on the pacing.

989326 Meh pacing isn't really on my mind. I just want to tell a simple story and with my work schedule I don't have the sleep nor brain power needed to properly pace this story as I would have been able to do before. At some point I will most likely come back to this and toss in a ton of details and space out the chapters better. For now I'm just telling a story.

Sorry dude but I gotta dislike this fic cause I don't understand ANY of it! I've never played Kingdom Hearts but I heard of it.

I agree with the first guy. This is a bit fast paced. I mean you have them drop in without so much as a hint of a warning. Other than that I like it.

998282 So because you know nothing about it you have to hate it? So since i know nothing about you I have to hate you? By your logic that all makes sense.

1212943 If you like this then keep an eye on "New beginnings" the sequel to this story, though the current chapters may not reveal it, the story is still heavily tied to the heartless and there will still be need for the Keyblades. New beginnings also gives us some insight into the time before Nightmare Moon and will be tied to the soon to be posted story Reign of Discord and later on Celestia's Nightmare which is still having names juggled around.

1212970 I do regret to say that in this story we don't see Luna's Keyblade or Celestia's. This story was a bit rushed and needs to be fleshed out with more details. Right now its just the bare-bones of the story I wanted to write and I will be coming back to it later. But I do promise you will have an opportunity to see her in action in my other stories.

I third that motion, this isn't a race but a story you can slow down and let the action slowly build up you know. Either way took me a few moment to figure out what the heck was going on anyway because of all the rushing, other than that just work on the spacing since for some reason a few lines are just made up of one word which looks odd to read.

The story takes in a lot of information from other stories, reallyyyy should put a disclaimer that one should read those other fanfics first before reading this story. If I had not read about Nyx I myself would be going 'WTF?' so might want to do that for future reference....also if I don't understand a story I don't dislike it I just stop reading. Only when the story is just plain HORRIBLE do I dislike something, you others should take note of that stance.

Phoenix tears hun..........-getting a harry potter vibe now-........doesn't help that the bird comes in and saves the day in more than one way just like the movie......=I

1219119 Sorry, totally forgot to put that on this one, I have it posted like that on Deviantart XD i'm gonna fix it now. Thanks for the feedback!

1227922 Lol, that scene pretty much wrote itself. I hadn't planned for it to happen when I started this story. As I wrote it (mostly rushed) it all just happened. Ima be going back over this whole thing when I have time and fixing the whole 'rushed' issue.

FINALLY, I got to read the first chapter. ^^

Nice idea./ Like the previous dudes, I see lots of potential, and I'm excited to read more! While I felt the pacing was pretty ok, I noticed some of your sentences were, like, cut up and spaced in odd places. Not sure how to describe that. Maybe you didn't notice them, just pointing them out. :)

1553339 Yea I noticed them, this story was rushed and needs to be rewritten with better details and a slower pace. I just don't have time to do it right now. Everything that happens in the story is still going to happen, its just going to be written better is all.

"Defeating our nightmares, though the journey may end…" Applebloom added, um, whoops?

You know, if you wanted to stay true to the square enix tradition you could have had peewee use one of his feathers instead of a tear.

other than the aforementioned pacing issue, The only thing I can say in the way of advice is that you try to fix the dialouge a bit. For at least several times in this chapter i had to go back and reread a few time just to know who said what :derpyderp2: like add a few he said she saids in there or else readers will get confused
other than that
I FRIGGIN LOVE THIS you've got SORA, THE DOCTOR and even PINKAMINA with a KEYBLADE!!! friggin epic! :pinkiehappy:

998282 then dont dislike it go play the games or read the synopses or ask us some questions.
but anayyyywaayyyyyy
my pet peeves for this chapter
1) WHERES RIKU!!! :flutterrage:
nahh im sure hell show up sometime cuz hes cool like dat! :yay:
2)THE KEYHOLE!!! :flutterrage:

"Ah dunno bout th' rest of ya'll, but ah've gotta get back to th' Orchard. Maybe we can pick up on all this tomorrow and figure out how we're gonna find this keyhole thing Sora needs to lock."

i reread the chapter and theirs no mention of the keyhole before now so how do they know about it? :derpyderp1:
4 no wait............3) THE FORMS!!!!! :eeyup:
i rather enjoyed you explanation of soras forms how ever you were either wrong on a few parts or you left some info out such as only in master or final form having both donald and goofy join with him also his final form being the opposite of antiform and immune to the random change into said form otherwise its the best explanation of his forms ive read so far.
4) THE SHIPPING!!!!!!! :facehoof:
normally im not a big fan of shipping with the exception of a certain sunglasses wearing DJ with a gray coated earth mare or perhaps a time lord with a lovable wall eyed mare. and it seems that you have every ship (THAT MAKES SENSE!!) in this fic besides those two and while i wont dwell on it or complain i feel as if stuffing almost every character with someone else serves no other purpose other than to make AB feel left out (but the again maybe thats the point) but seriously?? twiXluna??? now that was just unnecessary (srry had to get that out) :pinkiecrazy:

1) This story is only an idea, written in a rush due to lack of time or energy due to an asinine work schedule, details are being poured into it and it is being rewritten with those details added.

2)Riku is the reason that Sora finds his way to Equestria. His location is explained later on

3) Sora explains it to Twilight with the Doctors help (it wasn't outright said, it was posted something along the lines of "Sora explained it" because again it was rushed) Then it is explained once again back at the treehouse in the same manner of "Sora explained it" because the story was rushed and being fixed.

4) I didn't need to pour an explanation of EVERY SINGLE FORM. I only needed the basics because I thought out the scene as a way of Sora explaining it to them. He wouldn't go into intricate detail about such things as the Final Form (though it might be something I change, he is older and wiser in this) And once again, this was rushed, the explainations will be fixed with the rewrite.

5) THIS.IS.A.SHIPPING ORIENTED STORY - This is a story which follows along the lines of a power stronger than friendship and the many shippings in this story become a key part of the story ending. I did not push Applebloom aside to be cruel, if you continue to read you will see that.

6) Twiluna is third best ship, deal with it :moustache:

7)Octavia and Vinyl make an appearance in the sequel as a couple but not as a centerpoint of the story. Its mostly a bit of showing them off and presenting a solution to a problem, Dj-Pon3 style.

8)DerpyXDoctor is an amazing ship.

9)This was my very first MLP fic as well as my very first crossover fic, its not going to be a top-notch story.

10) If you wanna nitpick at my chapters i am going to make very good use of the delete button.

11) I have had an extremely shitty day and the world can burn to a cinder and die for all I care right now. I am normally not an ass like this.

:derpyderp1: if she had a crush on Pip whyd she hit on sora and spend the magority of the first 2 chapters drowning in the fact that she dident have somepony she liked? :derpyderp2:

2844958 because she wasn't about to admit to anyone, even herself, that she liked him.

again......Every ship is here EXCEPT THE 2 I CARE ABOUT!!!!! :fluttershysad:

2845591 I am assuming you didnt see the Doctor talking about Derpy when Sora mentioned Rules he was suppose to be following right before the Doctor explains that Pinkie is laughter and Twilight is magic?

Well for ones first fic written on time constraints its remarkable well written oh and don't worry about what i wrote i still love this fic and those peeves don't really bother me except the twi luna ship i actually didn't know that existed
i knew Riku would show up
I expected shipping when i saw that it was a kh crossover (ive Read enough to realize this)
DerpyxDoctor is my favorite
I already said that your explanation of his forms were awesome
And finally
Would you like to take about your day it sounded rough :pinkiesad2:

2846418 My day started at 6AM
I rode my bike uphill for a mile down a service road towards oncoming traffic on a road full of drunk idiots to get to work, waited an hour for my boss to open the door and had to not only put away the massive truck order (with a sprained wrist I might add), but I also had to clean up the MASSIVE mess the night crew left behind which put me behind which caused my boss to get pissed off at me as if it were my fault that all the trash was left thrown around and piled in the most fucked up way possible so that it took me all fucking morning to clean it up. And once I had everything clean to the point that you could eat off the floor my own crew fucks me over by messing it all up and then placing the blame on me so my boss gets pissed off at me. I didn't get a break, I didn't get anything to eat, and I worked a 10 hour day when I should've only worked 6 hours at the most today. And thats not even the tip of the damn iceberg of my day.

Wow u got me.....if my day was like that even i would want to go find some guy to pick a fight with that sounds like complete bull where do you work or rather what do you do?

2846588 I work at Wendys as the maintenance guy for the mornings and then i work pretty much every fucking station and still get treated like a damn trainee after a year of busting my ass. Hell the other day I was working the entire line alone for a fucking hour, dropping product, cooking meat, making the sandwiches, making the drinks, bagging everything and handing out the orders and then getting bitched about how long it took me to do everything even though im the only person doing anything.

Wow that sounded disturbingly similar to my friends rant about when he worked at burger king. The even kept transferring him around to different stores but when they tried to send him to Virginia he had enough and quit

2846704 I'd quit if I had a backup job, but writing doesn't pay the bills and only thing artsy im good at is coloring sketches and fixing up tidbits of linework.

So weve got about 6key welders
Sora who has his forms
Riku with the power of darkness at his beck and call
The crusaders who can become a single alicorn being
And pinkie pie
.......and id think pinkie is the strongest i mean if i didn't know better I'd say you based her off the girl from 11Eyes who gets like that when she removes her glasses and its epic

FdaHeckz yea man i love kh mlp crossover and it makes it better that this its a past sins story extension but yea KH Luna its the best Luna

2847067 oh if you keep reading through the stories you'll see the other keyblades as well :pinkiehappy: and I have no idea what 11eyes is so no I didn't do that. And Past Sins was the first MLP Fic I ever read so I just HAD to include Nyx (with permission of course)

ikr same here (weeell technically i started my little dashie at the same time and finished that one first) but past sins is still my number 1 fic of all time

I loved this fic so much! I play NOTHING but Kingdom Hearts (Just finished II today!), Zelda and Sonic, so naturally, I would love this. Quick query, though.
What Keyblades are used by Sora and Riku? Is Sora just using the Kingdom Key? And as for Riku, is he using Soul Eater or Way to The Dawn? I only included WtTD because, from what I`ve deduced while reading, this fic takes place during, or sometime after Kingdom Hearts II, and this seemed to be a very big plot hole for me.
But I`m just a really big nitpicker since most of my friends think that my knowledge of KH is annoyingly unparalleled, and they know very little about it.
In conclusion,
sorry for the huge comment, KBO, Brohoof, Kudos on the KH crossover, and PLEASE answer my query.
(P.S: Do you think you could take a look at the teaser chapter for my fic, Lonely Happiness?

No offense to the author, but this explanation of Sora`s forms was horribly misinformed.
Quick explanation of each form:
Valor Form- A Form specializing in physical attacks. Represents the embodiment of Sora`s inner strength.
Wisdom Form- A Form specializing in Magic. Represents Sora and Donald`s combined magical prowess.
Master Form- A Form similar to a combination of Valor and Wisdom. Represents Sora using his abilities to their fullest potential.
Final Form- A Form showcasing the Keyblade`s hidden abilities. Represents the Keyblade`s true power.
AntiForm- A Form showing the strengths and weaknesses of the Darkness. Represents the Darkness that accumulates in Sora`s Heart after using the Light generated by his other Forms. This is the only Form that does not make use of a Keyblade. (Or two. :trollestia:)
So, there`s the CORRECT information. AntiForm is not Sora transforming into a Heartless.


This was the first ever fanfic I ever wrote, ever. No one liked it. Not a single person. It was a devastating realization and as I continued to write I came to realize I was only writing it for myself, but even then that changed nothing. Back when I wrote this I was a horrible writer, punctuation, grammar, details, all of it not worth a damn.

This story was meant to take place between KH II and Dream Drop Distance with the sequel taking place after an AU version of Dream Drop Distance where only Sora takes the Mark of Mastery Exam and SPOILERS OF DDD didn't happen.

In this story Sora carries the Oathkeeper while he is searching for Kairi. Riku uses Way To Dawn, still seeking a path to the light from the Darkness that he has thrown himself into in order to help those he cares for.

You are quite correct in your breakdown of the different forms, but this is a crossover fanfic with an alternate storyline and I will write Anti-sora however I damn well please. :pinkiehappy:
And for the record, As I wrote it out I wanted it to feel like Sora was the one giving the information, not me. I wrote it the way I felt Sora would explain it.

I had planned to completely redo this story with full details and much, much more to the story. But after dealing with months of hate-mail, hateful comments, and people just outright insulting my attempts at anything - I have decided I'm not adding anything to any of my currently published stories for a good long while. The only thing I am working on now is something I promised I would write, after that I have no idea what I'm going to do.

As for your fic, I don't see why you would want MY opinion of all things.

OK, that cleared up a lot of questions for me. Honestly, I`m just a really nitpicky guy on the internet AND in real life. Also, I completely respect your right to write Anti-Sora however you want. I was not aware of when this occurred, and was also not aware of the AU factor here.
As for getting your opinion on my story, I am just desperate for someone to read it. Just wait until about 10:00 tonight because I`m about to upload another chapter. I love your writing style, so I thought that your opinion would make a decent difference. You`re one of my favorite authors.
Also, I am greatly sorry if anything I said in my previous comments offended you in any way. After all, sometimes when I say things, I word them in ways that could possibly offend people. I do not do these things on purpose, unless I`m talking to someone who I really dislike *cough*anti-bronies*cough*. All in all, you seem like a pretty cool guy. I don`t see why anyone would EVER say ANYTHING negative about you. If you`d like, I could work on some of your ideas for you, or just proofread some stuff if you don`t already have someone for that. :pinkiesmile:
Finally, it seems like we have very similar interests in this fandom. In my opinion, TwiLuna is also third best ship. (OTP is a tie between RariJack and Twinkie. Or TwiPie.) But I would like to know what your opinion is on the matter of shipping. Just PM me when you get a chance. To quote Celestia in Equestria Girls, "My door`s always open."

that was amazing and i love the ending where nyx and riku get the element of love :heart::yay:

I hear this involves AppleDash... I am intrigued. Not a big Kingdom Hearts fan tho, so I might not understand a lot of it. Either way, the description sounds intriguing so I'll throw this in my never ending read later list.

I strongly concur. You have enough content to EASILY make this a 20 chapter story, all it requires is a slower pace and more descriptors. I love this story, but I'm afraid as of right now, I can't up-vote it.

6233883 You should go check out my KH story, tell me what you think about that one.

6233883 This was the first story I ever wrote. I was still learning and still am learning. I REALLY want to rewrite this and make it better and make it longer like it should be, but I've lacked the time and inspiration.

Soraindash is a better shipping and can be cannon

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