• Member Since 5th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

KR Chrome


This story is a sequel to The Numbers Don't Lie

While the girls are enjoying a slumber party, an ancient Equestrian artifact activates. Now everyone in town has a lie meter above their heads. Meanwhile, Anon-A-Miss is set on exposing secrets and ruining friendships, but this new magical phenomenon might cause the nefarious profile to lose power.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 63 )

Great to see this story up Chrome!


I can see this becoming a big deal in the days ahead.

nice work looking forward to the next chapter.

How exactly are these boneheads digging near the base of the statue when it's all concrete?

Let the carnage begin.

Whelp, it twas nice having humanized dwaifus of the ponies.

Oh snap! This'll be fun! 🎉

My body is ready

Sounds like it's going to be a big pain with numbers on their foreheads. :facehoof:

I'd like to see how much the Anon-a-Miss incident will be altered because of the "Wand of Walling" being in play.

I know where this is going, and one thing is for certain: NOTHING will be changing in the original narative at ALL!
huh, so it also works as a sarcasm-detector: not sure how to react to that...but I can take comfort in being 100% certain that the author won't be stealing this idea...
okay, fine: 99.998%
alright FINE: it's actually a bit lower then that, but I couldn't resist making a reference to the old adage of "nothing is 100%"

...this is going to get annoying fast, isn't it?

Welp, Anon-a-Miss just went to Tartarus in a hay cart. Looks like this could be a fun ride. Liked and tracking.

Edit: And of course I'm the 69th like. Because why not? Dang it, sexy Sunset.

nicely done; also:

All we have to do is to try and not lie,” Sunset said. “Which, I know, is not exactly going to be easy for us since, let’s face it, we’re teenagers so we lie all the time.” A few chuckles followed.


Yeah, the Crusaders are screwed, but they deserve it.

Celestia and Luna are doing stuff. I am okay with this.

Lyra and Bon Bon are not happy being together, and I am not okay with this.

The Crusaders are screwed. I have popcorn on standby.

Hey there me! When did you hop out of the mirror pool and set up an alt account?! :pinkiegasp::rainbowlaugh:

But yeah, my feelings exactly!

you see, CMC, unlike the points, these numbers do matter

She even saw a woman who had 65. How could someone have told so many lies since last night?

Well, she was faking it, obviously.

Just realize if we can figure out how to harness energy from the lie counter we could power the whole country with the president alone.:derpytongue2::pinkiehappy::trollestia:

Not only is it a hay cart, Anon-a-miss decided to carry several different objects in it, each with the label "HIGHLY FLAMMABLE" on the side in bright red paint.

I agree with Scootaloo's evaluation of the situation. They're boned.

How much worse could things have gone if these magic lie meters had not appeared?

You *really* don't want to know.

How much worse could things have gone if these magic lie meters had not appeared?

Gee, i can scarcely imagine :facehoof:

(groan) looks like the lie detector also works like a sarcasm alarm to a certain degree: this is FANTASTIC
(sighs) yep: definitely works, though now that I think about it, I wonder if I should worry about the author stealing this idea...

...this is going to drive me up the wall, isn't it?

“Pinkie, making magical artifacts is not like baking a cape,” Sunset frowned before she immediately apologized. “Sorry, no offense.”

Not that I would put it past Pinkie, but...

I would so love to see if sarcasm worked that way in this story.

Would it be possible to try to dance around the Lie Counter? Like this:

I'm pretty sure that'd be field day for some folks! :pinkiehappy:

That would totally be me if i couldnt lie :rainbowlaugh:

With sheer determination, a moment of forgetfulness on the authors part, and most importantly, the magic of literary hand waving.

They were looking for something as they scanned the room and finally came across Sunset’s backpack. The person knelt down and carefully opened it. They started to rummage around it for something.

Smiling triumphantly, the person found Sunset Shimmer’s phone.

And this, kiddies, is why I have my phone code locked.

Reminds me of my favorite Simpson’s moment when Moe was hooked up to a lie detector.

All right! I'm gonna sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog. bzzzt
.....Sears catalog. ding

Just want to point something out: At this point, Scootaloo is not guilty of cyberbullying, although she is an accessory of the crime.

What people fail to understand about hiding the truth, is that it's possible to make a statement that is technically true, but which is deliberately worded in such a way that the person being decieved will interpret what is being said incorrectly. Such statements are best kept simple, as making them overly complex can make the decieved party suspicious, and also are made easier when the deciever has an acute understanding of language and are able to interpret inquiries and construct their statements using literal as opposed to figurative meanings.

In this way you don't actually Lie, but you can still get away with not divulging the information the other party seeks.

It isn't perfect, as rigorous cross examination of your statements will still reveal the deception, but for casual encounters it holds up fine.

NEED MORE!!!!!!! :flutterrage:

(p.s. keep up the good work and take your time :pinkiehappy:).

“And we still need to find that Wand of Walling,” Rainbow crossed her arm.

“Right, the wand,” Sunset nodded. She knew that lying was part of people’s nature. Sometimes they needed to hide something so they would tell white lies or fibs. While a world of honesty did seem ideal, it could cause problems if people spoke truths that needed to be hidden. She could see how stressful it could get to try not to lie. People just couldn’t cope if they didn’t have the freedom to lie without being judged for it.

Personally, I would be more worried about someone trying to Logic Bomb the thing. But so far this seems to be a good story.

“So, if there weren’t any numbers, would you still believe I wasn’t Anon-A-Miss then?” Sunset asked sharply.

“No, I trust you,” Applejack said, but as soon as she did, the number above her chimed and the 0 morphed into a 1. So much for Applejack’s perfect record for honesty. Sunset looked stricken and Applejack blanched.

:pinkiegasp: AJ you lyin’ bitch!

Update soon please.


So basically, the Wand of Walling, made to cause trouble, saved Canterlot High school, and especially Sunset Shimmer, from an even bigger calamity. If that’s not irony, I don’t know what is!

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