• Published 21st Feb 2018
  • 2,735 Views, 83 Comments

Princess Luna and the Guardian of the Faculty Lot - DashEight

Equestria’s lunar diarch ventures to lands beyond on an epic quest to uncover the forbidden secrets of the place they call the Faculty Parking Lot

  • ...

Your Principal is in Another Castle

"Quickly! The Vice Principal's forces will be upon us at any moment!"

"Trixie is fleeing as fast as she can!!"


The three women bolted through the twisting labyrinthine corridors of Canterlot High. Turn after turn, they rushed past rows of identical lockers, classrooms, and water fountains. Luna desperately searched for anything familiar, perhaps the grand entrance hall or even the ancient map that led her to the Faculty Lot earlier in the night. Alas, nothing in this section of the school felt familiar to her. No matter which way they turned, they were greeted by long hallways lit with harsh white lights, scuffed linoleum floors, drab uniform rows of lockers. Luna skidded to a stop before a T-intersection decorated with the same tapestry displaying some sort of spring-themed mating ritual she'd seen plastered over half the school. She urgently glanced in both directions before turning back to her partners in adventure.

Wallflower doubled over, her breath coming in short ragged gasps. "Ah... I... ah..." She grimaced at the pain of half a dozen muscle cramps as she tried to recover. "Oh god... we're in so much trouble..."

"Please," Trixie snorted in disgust as she adjusted her rumpled hoodie. "Someone's clearly never escaped from detention before." She turned from Wallflower to Luna. "Speaking of, why are we stopped?"

"I..." Luna hesitated. "I'm afraid I'm lost. I don't recognize this part of the school. Do you?"

"Aaaahhhh..." Wallflower wheezed. "We're so dead... we're so dead! I've aaahhh I've never done anything like this before! Ahhhh oh god they're gonna catch us and we'll be suspended or expelled and my parents are gonna kick me out and I'll have to live on the streets!"

Luna cast a worried glance in Wallflower's direction, but Trixie paid her hyperventilating classmate no mind. "I don't actually know where we are either. Most students never venture into this wing of the school, even students as amazing as myself."

She pointed out a nearby classroom door with some sort of message painted across the frosted glass window. The ancient script read AP1445, the meaning of which eluded Luna. Whatever significance the markings held was not lost on Trixie, who narrowed her eyes in recognition.

"See here? This is AP territory. Nobody comes here unless they're in the Advanced Placement program."

"Interesting..." Luna mulled this new information over. "These 'AP' students sound dangerous, if the others fear them so."

"Oh, they're not dangerous," Trixie corrected her. "They're just nerds!"


"Yes! Do you not have nerds in Equestria?"

"I fear I may never fully understand your world," Luna shook her head as she muttered mostly to herself. "It's a mirror to my own, yet so different all at once..."

“You know, like, err... don’t you have a Twilight Sparkle over there?”

“Yes, I-oooooh.” Luna nodded. “I get it now. Can you lead us out of here, fair Trixie?”

“I mean, if you want I can wander around until we see an exit sign?” Trixie shrugged. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is a magician of many achievements, but a 4.0 GPA is not one of them.”

"I suppose we all have our faults," Luna offered Trixie a sympathetic nod, but found the magician had already moved on and was now practicing her smirk in the reflective glass of a nearby trophy case. Luna instead turned to Wallflower, who had made little headway in recovering her composure. She reached down to help support the winded girl. "Wallflower, are you alright?"

"I... I... I can't go to juvie!" Wallflower suddenly stood up and grappled Luna with the force of a thousand octopi. The Princess blinked in surprise at the terrified teenager's death grip on her smart business-casual outerwear. "Oh god we've broken so many rules like ALL THE RULES and after they gave me another chance I'M SO DEAD they're going to lock us up forever and I'LL NEVER MAKE IT ON THE INSIDE! I'M NOT TOUGH OR COOL OR SCARY LIKE YOU!! DO YOU KNOW THEY'LL DO TO ME IN JUVIE!?"

"N-no?" Luna managed to sputter in surprise.


Nobody said a word. For a moment, the trio standing underneath the bright fluorescent lighting of Canterlot High were frozen in time, two shocked at the outburst and the third two scared to do anything as her entire world collapsed into pieces around her except cling for dear life to the Princess.

Wallflower flinched as Luna calmly placed her hands over Wallflower's white-knuckled fists. She numbly released her death grip on the Princess's jacket at Luna's reassuring touch.

"I don't remember you being so loud," Trixie observed, utterly ruining the moment.

"Wallflower," Luna began, looking her directly in the eye. Wallflower blinked away her thousand-yard stare and met Luna's gaze. "I have asked the world of you to aid me on my quest, and you did so without hesitation. You knew there would be risks, yet you jumped at the chance to protect your home from unknowable evil. You're a good person, Wallflower. No matter what anypony says."

Wallflower nodded shakily, though she still couldn't seem to find her voice.

"Besides," Luna grinned, "I broke out of a prison on the moon once. Should we find ourselves incarcerated in this 'juvie,' I promise you our stay will be exceedingly short."

"Yeah! Plus there hasn't been a jail invented that can hold the Great and Powerful Trrrixie!"

Luna snorted, her 'serious inspirational speech' face cracking for a moment before returning to a mask of calm confidence. "You've shown you possess the spirit of a hero, Wallflower Blush. Volunteering to put others before yourself is no small feat of bravery. I only ask that you be brave for me a little while longer."

"I'll... I'll try, your Majesty." Wallflower nodded with more confidence this time.

"I have faith in you, child. I believe you may yet surprise yourself." Luna turned, setting her attention back onto the problem of the T-intersection. She began to speak, but paused in confusion as a tremor shook the corridor.


"What was that?" Tixie shrugged. Wallflower's eyes bugged out but she held her composure.

Thump. Thump. Crash.

"Is that..."

Thump Thump Thump Thump WHAM CRASH.

Something extremely large was making its way towards the group. In a very violent manner, from the sound of things. "They've found us," Luna concluded, steeling herself for the battle yet to come.

"Hrmph!" Trixie scoffed. She removed her pointed hat with a twirl, then reached inside and pulled out a handful of smoke bombs and a black magic wand with white tips. "Trixie is not intimidated by property damage!"

Wallflower's breathing quickened again. Her heart felt as if it wanted to jump out of her chest and scamper away on its own. Nevertheless she steeled herself, raising her quivering arms into a fighting stance she'd seen in a kung fu movie once.


"We shall make our stand here, fellow adventurers!" Luna proclaimed. "I wish we could have escaped cleanly, but if we continue I fear we will only tire ourselves in a futile attempt to find our way through this labrynth. I say we strike back against the forces of the Vice Principal here and now!"

"Wait, what?" Wallflower asked in surprise. "The exit's right down that hallway and down the stairs!"

"WHAT?" Trixie exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell us sooner!?"

"Is that what you guys were talking about!? I was so winded I couldn't tell!"

"Ugh, dammit Wallflower..." Trixie sighed.

“I’m in AP Bio! Trixie, you go to this school too I assumed you knew where we were going!”



Double doors behind them slammed open with enough force to crack the walls as a mountain of a man burst through. The enraged new arrival resembled less a teacher and more a giant muscle wrapped in a CHS Athletics polo shirt. He spotted the trio of adventurers and let loose with a barrel-chested roar.


The color drained from the trio's faces. Wallflower gulped audibly. "S-so, be brave, right!?"

"That was when I thought we were lost!" Luna exclaimed. "Bravery later! For now, we RUN!"

They took off down the corridor in the blink of an eye, sprinting for the stairs Wallflower had pointed out. The ground quaked beneath them as Coach Will gave chase.


Luna reached the stairwell first, dashing down the stairs three at a time then turning back to wait for her compatriots. Trixie bolted down followed by Wallflower, whose meager stamina had been bolstered by sheer terror. "That way!" Wallflower wheezed. "Through the gymnasium!" Trixie and Wallflower shot through the gym doors, with Luna now bringing up the rear and Iron Will thundering after her. She slammed the doors shut behind her, then closed her eyes and concentrated with all her might. Thaumic energy flared to life around her as she gently floated off the floor. Her eyes flared a brilliant white as she opened them and she reached out her arm.

One of hundreds of folding assembly chairs stacked neatly in the corner beside the bleachers shook, twitched, then lifted into the air on an aura of indigo. Luna slowly guided it over to the entrance with her magic, lowering it to the floor and wedging it firmly in place just under the door handles. Trixie and Wallflower stared at the display of magic.


"Eh, Trixie's seen greater!"

Luna gently lowered herself back to the floor. "There!" She exclaimed. "That should buy us enough time to--"


Both doors flew off their hinges at the impact, launching the chair straight into the back of Luna's head. The diarch of Equestria and Soverign Ruler of the Night flopped forward like a sack of potatoes as bits of concrete and doorframe exploded into the gymnasium around her.

"Coach Iron Will questions your attentiveness during your physics class if you thought that would stop him!" Coach Will strode through the dust, his massive arms swinging alongside pectorals broad enough to use as a landing strip for light aircraft. He had the look of a man who'd destroyed more than his fair share of doorways in his lifetime. "It's over, girls. You two are in enough trouble without you getting involved with this Equestrian nonsense. Just come with me back to detention and I'll convince Cheerilee to forget this ever happened."

"What do we do!?" Wallflower whispered to Trixie as the gargantuan football coach strode towards them.

"We can still make it to the exit!" Trixie hissed back.

"What!? We can't leave the Princess!"

"She knew the risks!"

"She's the only one who knows what we're supposed to be doing when we escape!"

"Oh, right." Trixie had to concede that point. Neither of them had asked for specifics before signing up for the Princess's adventure. “Very well, then! It once again falls to Trixie to save the day!”

Trixie turned to Coach Will and assumed a fencer’s stance, squaring herself off and putting her right foot forward. She raised her arm, twirling her wand with a flourish.



A cloud of smoke enveloped the menacing coach where he stood. It slowly cleared out as Trixie and Wallflower fanned the air around them, revealing a furious Coach Will hogtied from head to toe with ropes and leather straps. He growled incoherently at Trixie through a red rubber ball gag strapped tightly over his mouth.

“Yes!” Trixie jumped in excitement. “Trixie’s been waiting for a chance to try this one ever since I found that spell book in my parents’ bedroom closet!”

Trixie and Wallflower rushed to Luna’s side as she stirred. The fallen Princess mumbled to herself as they pulled the chair off of her. “Mmh... no, Sister! Not the pancakes!” She blinked groggily as two pairs of arms lifted her to her feet. “I... what? I’m okay! I’m okay, I think. Did either of you get the license plate of the chariot that hit me?”

Neither Trixie nor Wallflower knew quite how to respond to that, so they opted instead to help a shaky Luna to her feet. The Princess shook her head in a vain attempt to clear the throbbing pain in her head. "Thank you both," she replied woozily.

Trixie beamed. "It was nothing! All in a day's work for the Grea--" A sudden snap cut her off. Three heads turned towards the tied-up Coach Will. Bulging muscles strained against their bindings, pushing the ropes taut as they struggled to hold the massive coach. He let out a guttural growl and began to rise from the gym floor as more ropes snapped and fell away from him.

"Oh no..." Wallflower whispered to herself.

"Impossible!" Trixie cried. "The spell said those bonds can only be broken by a magical safe word!"

"We need to leave, now!" Luna pointed at the exterior double doors. "There, we can make our escape through there! RUN!"

Trixie and Wallflower dashed for the exit. As Luna moved to follow them, a sudden yank around her neck brought her crashing to the floor once again. She clawed at the taut poncho constricting her airway as a gargantuan shadow slowly blotted out the lights above her.

"NOTHING CAN CONTAIN COACH IRON WILL'S INCREDIBLE FLEX!!" A fuming Coach Will lifted Luna into the air by the hem of her poncho, bringing her up to meet his furious glare. Luna struggled and kicked futilely as she felt the pressure on her airway increase. "I know your kind. You come gallivanting through the portal thinking this school is all sunshine and roses and epic tales of heroism, and you drag our students into whatever scheme you've got going. You distract them from what's important and push them into your magical fantasy crap! Well, Coach Iron Will doesn't appreciate pushers in his gym!!"

Across the gym, Trixie and Wallflower gasped in fear from where they stood near the exit. Neither could bring themselves to leave the Princess, but what could they do to help? They couldn't fight a teacher! They stood transfixed as Luna writhed in Coach Will's grasp.

With a grunt and a twist, Luna managed to get the poncho up and over her chin. She dropped to the floor and rolled away as the fearsome coach swiped at empty air. Luna quickly rose to her feet and brought her fists up. Coach Will looked down at the tiny woman squaring off against him in confusion.

"Coach Iron Will admires your assertiveness, but warns you that this will not go well for you!!" He casually tossed Luna's empty poncho aside, cracking his neck and bringing up his own massive forearms into a fighting stance as he strode towards her. "Last chance, come back to detention before you get hurt! Unlike those two you're not a real student, so if you won't play the game then I'LL ADMINISTER THE PAIN!!"

Coach Will pulled back a fist the size of a cinder block. Luna stood her ground. Wallflower held her breath, unable to look away from the end.

Coach Will swung.

Wallflower closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the meaty smack of what would surely be a knockout blow to their fearless leader. It never came. Curious, she peeked.

The Princess held Coach Will's outstretched fist in her open palms, having caught his punch and stopped it dead inches from her face. Her eyes glowed with alicorn strength as she smirked at the shocked gym teacher. "You're quite the brute, Coach Will. Stronger than most anypony from my home, I think. Tell me, how much would you say you lift? Because my exercise routine includes about, oh, eighty quintillion tons every evening."

Luna yanked Coach Will's arm forward, pulling him down and past her. She pulled herself around him as he lumbered forward, leaped onto his upper back, and drove the off-balance coach into the floor with his own momentum. Coach Will roared and struck out blindly at her, but she deftly slipped away as he rose to his feet once again.

Coach Will growled and charged at Luna. The Princess sidestepped his first strike, then deflected a followup cross with a magically enhanced block. She spun and delivered a powerful kick to the coach's chest, knocking him back a few feet. The massive teacher grunted before leaping back into the fray. The two soon devolved into a flurry of swings, kicks, blocks, and grapples. Luna was fast and nimble, weaving around Coach Will's attacks and using his own size and weight against him whenever he overbalanced himself. She'd strike quickly and shadowdance out of range or call upon the innate earth pony magic all alicorns possessed to deflect or parry the coach's counters. Coach Will, for his part, had no intention of going down easy. Anytime Luna grappled him to the floor he quickly muscled his way free and while he couldn't match Luna for speed, the sheer power behind his swings were enough to put her on the defensive.

Trixie and Wallflower watched the battle in awe. "Is Trixie the only one that finds this oddly arousing?"

"I-what!?" Wallflower gasped, flustered. "Do you even--that's our teacher and a Princess--this is hardly the time to be talking about stuff like that!!"

"I'm not hearing a no-oo!"

As Wallflower tried her best to hide her blush from Trixie, the fight began to slowly turn in Coach Will's favor. Luna's strikes, magically strong as they were, simply didn't have the weight behind them to give the coach pause for more than a moment. As they sparred, the toll Luna placed on her new body began to make itself known. She had no hope of pinning her larger opponent, and his swings kept coming closer and closer. He stormed in again with a piledriver of a punch. Luna deflected the jab, then shifted back and ducked low to dodge his followup hook.

Stars exploded in front of Luna's eyes as all the air was forcibly expelled from her lungs by a vicious surprise uppercut to her sternum. The force of the punch carried her up, up off her feet and sent her sailing in a lazy arc across the gymnasium. The Princess's impromptu flight ended with a crash into a storage bin packed with dodgeball equipment, sending red rubber balls bouncing across the gym.

Trixie and Wallfower gasped. "We have to do something!" Wallflower exclaimed with barely restrained panic.

"Trixie has an idea! Stand right here and don't move!"

Trixie bounded towards the girls' locker room and disappeared inside over Wallflower's frenzied objections. Iron Will looked around the room, not noticing anyone else besides himself and the twice-fallen Princess. He started towards the bin where his foe had landed.

"While he previously regretted giving you an opening on two separate occasions, Coach Iron Will is nothing if not merciful!" The coach bellowed. "This is your last chance, give up now and this can all be forgotten!"


Trixie appeared behind Wallflower in a burst of acrid smoke. Gone as her usual hat, hoodie, and skirt, she'd changed into a bright red athletic top with the midriff torn off and shorts rolled up enough to reveal far more leg than normally allowed by school policy. As a finishing touch on her new ensemble, she twirled a gymnastics baton with a red streamer affixed to the end.

Wallflower coughed. "TRIXIE!" She yelped in surprise. "Warn me next time!"

"Didn't exactly have time to change the old-school way," Trixie stated matter-of-factly. "Remember, don't move. Just get ready to duck when the time comes!"


"Oh, Coach Wi-ill!" Trixie shouted. "Can I get your opinion on something? Does this outfit go against CHS dress codes?"

Coach Will's head snapped around. "Wha-middy tee? Short shorts? RED!? LULAMOON! YOU KNOW ATHLETIC WEAR CAN ONLY BE THREE INCHES ABOVE THE KNEE MAXIMUM!"

The enraged teacher started towards Trixie, his slow gait breaking into a a jog, then a run. The blood drained from Wallflower's face as she realized she was directly between him and Trixie. She let out a soft squeak and sunk to the floor, curling into the fetal position. Trixie narrowed her eyes as she waved the bright red streamer, intent on keeping Coach Will's focus entirely on her.

Coach Will roared as he pushed himself into a full-on charge. "IT'S SCHOOL POLICYYYYYYYY!!!!"

As he thundered by a prone Wallflower, his foot caught the tip of her shoe. He stumbled, yelping in surprise. As he bore down upon Trixie, she dropped the baton vanished in a puff of smoke. He barreled straight through the cloud and impacted into the gym wall with a tremendous crash.

Wallflower squeaked in shock as someone grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to her feet. "Come on!" Trixie shouted, once again garbed in her usual clothes and hat.

The smoke cleared, revealing a crumbling Coach Will-shaped indent in the wall. The coach himself stumbled away from his crash, shaking the dust of pulverized concrete from his head and shoulders. He squinted, trying to focus through the haze. "Grr... ugh... sorry, Blush. Didn't see you there. Rrgh... girls, that's enough roughhousing for one day, I think... I still, oof, I still need to take you back to--"

A bright red rubber ball bounced off his head. He looked up in surprise.

Princess Luna, Diarch of Equestria, Shepherd of the Moon and Sovereign Ruler of the Night rose out of the bin where she'd fallen and into the air, thaumic energy rippling off her. She raised her arms, enveloping a dozen more dodgeballs in her azure magic and lifting them into the air with her. Her magic flared with a blazing light as she thrust her arms forward and sent her magic missiles pelting towards Coach Will.

Coach Will covered his face with his burly forearms before a dozen rubber balls harmlessly bounced off him. "Really?" He asked. "Dodgeballs? Coach Iron Will admires your spunk, Princess, but you can't possibly think that--is that a medicine ball!?"


The round weight crashed into Coach Will's midsection, sending him hurtling into the wall once again. As bricks and dust rained around him, he groaned and pulled the heavy ball off himself but did not try to get up, instead opting to remain inside the caved-in section of wall until the world stopped spinning around him.

"Come," Luna motioned as she floated down to the floor, magic winking out. "He won't stay down forever."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"I did not do any permanent damage," Luna replied. "...though a medical examination would not be the worst idea."

"I can't believe you used me as bait," Wallflower grumped to Trixie as the trio made for the exit.

"I used myself as bait," Trixie corrected her as they ran out the double doors and into the blustery night. Lightning flashed in the distance. "Trixie's showmanship provided the misdirection so you could trip Coach Will unnoticed!"

"You still could've told me."

"Eh," Trixie shrugged. "Where to, Princess? The Faculty Lot?"

"No..." Luna trailed off in thought. "As our narrow escape proves, driving head-on to our objective would be futile. We could barely hold our own against one of the Vice-Principal's enforcers, and she will be expecting us to head for the Lot. No, we need an advantage. We need information. Trixie, Wallflower," she turned to the two students. "Do you know anyone who might know my counterpart personally? Someone she might confide in about the power she so zealously guards?"

"Gossip, eh? Trixie's beginning to like this adventure!" Trixie exclaimed. "Can't really think of anyone, though."

"Neither can I," Wallflower shrugged. "Vice-Principal Luna isn't... well, she's not the warmest teacher at CHS."

"Shesajerkshesajerk just say she's a jerk," Trixie rolled her eyes.

"No!" Wallflower exclaimed in shock. "Well... maybe just a little? She doesn't really socialize much. What about Principal Celestia?"

"Perhaps, but if she's anything like my own sister she would view assisting us as a betrayal of her own kin." Luna shook her head. "Besides, we crossed paths this afternoon and she warned me against, well, essentially everything we have done tonight."

"Wait! Wallflower, what about that teacher from Crystal Prep?"

"Principal Cinch? Why would she help us?" Wallflower raised an eyebrow. "Besides, I heard she got fired."

"No, the other one! Pink and purple hair, beauty that almost matches that of Trixie?"

"Oooh right, her! I don't remember her name, though..."

"I don't either, but I know someone who does!" Trixie pulled out her phone and opened her group messaging app. "Well, someone who knows someone who does."

Wallflower fished out her own phone. "I should call Nurse Redheart, let her know about the coach. I'll leave out the details!" She rolled her eyes as Trixie suddenly affixed her with a pointed stare. "Just cause I've never had detention before doesn't mean I wanna get caught!"

“It is decided, then!” Luna exclaimed. “We leave at once! We shall journey to this ‘Crystal Prep’ and find the teacher who will lead us to the dark secrets of the Faculty Lot! Wallflower, Trixie, I will not lie to you. The journey may be long and arduous, and even if we do return we will have to push through sheer exhaustion and summon up every bit of wit, every bit of cunning we have to defeat the Vice-Principal and her minions! It will require strength and fortitude beyond that of ordinary ponies, but the both of you have shown me that you are far from ordinary and if we stand together, I believe that we can...” she trailed off. Both Trixie and Wallflower had forgotten their phones and were staring at her with a mix of confusion and bemusement. “What? Was it something I said?”

“Well...” Wallflower began, “Crystal Prep really isn’t that far from here. It’s in the Crystal City neighborhood of Arlington, like, right over the river.”

“...Oh...” Luna found herself at a loss for words. While she knew intellectually that an easier journey would be a good thing for the group, everything suddenly seemed less... grand, somehow.

“We could take the metro, it’s only two stops past the Pentagon.” Trixie suggested to the group.

Wallflower squinted at the map Trixie had brought up on her phone. “Huh, the station is all the way up on Eighth, though. Maybe a bus? Next one’s in twenty minutes.”

“Or Trixie could order an Uber?”

“Sure, let’s just do that. I’ll get the return trip! Princess?” Wallflower turned to a downcast Luna. “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt your speech!”

“‘Tis alright, Wallflower,” Luna dismissed the concern.

“Did you... did you want to finish it? It um, it seemed really good!”

"No, no that's alright," Luna shook her head. “Hardly seems necessary anymore,” she replied, barely able to conceal her disappointment.

"We should get moving then, Trixie had the Uber meet us on the next block over! You know, cause of all the 'crimes' we did or whatever." Trixie brushed off the concern as she and Wallflower started down the sidewalk. Luna followed, shaken by the turn of events. Shaken, yet resolute in her determination to see her journey through no matter what hardships she encountered along the way, no matter how blasé and uneventful the trip to Crystal Prep would be, I mean really, a rideshare carriage? What are we, Manehattan commuters? I bet Twilight Sparkle never had to take a taxi to battle those demonic Sirens!

"Princess? C'mon, our ride's almost here!"

"Oh! Yes, of course!" Luna ran to catch up with her two companions, dashing off into the night as the storm in the distance drew ever closer.

CanterChat Group SMS Client v3.4.12

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:35PM): Hey Sunset whats up?

EQGrrrrrl (5:37PM): Hi Trix! Nm just got back from fencing practice like 30m ago
EQGrrrrrl (5:37PM): Had to walk home cant ride my bike w this 😕

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:38PM): True, ugh its 💩 out
Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:38PM): Btw do u remember that crystal prep teacher who was at the friendship games?
Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:39PM): The nice one not Cinch. Tall, has like a purple/pink/yellow thing goin on, not as pretty as Trixie

EQGrrrrrl (5:41PM): Oh thats dean Cadance!
EQGrrrrrl (5:41PM): Well principal now I guess.
EQGrrrrrl (5:41PM): Twi says Shining Armor and her r dating

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:44PM): Thanks!

EQGrrrrrl (5:46PM): Np are you over at crystal prep or something?

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:47PM): Will be
Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:47PM): Wait r Twilight and u together?

EQGrrrrrl (5:48PM): What!? Its not like that we're just friends! We arent like together or anything! Ugh STUPID chs rumor mill AGAIN I hate this bs 😡😡😡
EQGrrrrrl (5:49PM): Who told you that?
EQGrrrrrl (5:50PM): Trixie?
EQGrrrrrl (5:52PM): U there?

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:55PM): 😳
Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:55PM): Trixie meant like is she over your apt right now

EQGrrrrrl (5:56PM): Oh. B[EXPLETIVE]k
EQGrrrrrl (5:56PM): Yes she is
EQGrrrrrl (5:58PM): Trix we're friends now rt? So we can do that thing that friends do where we pretend the last couple txts never happened?

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (5:59PM): Can u ask her if Cadance is at her office? Gotta talk to her like rtn

EQGrrrrrl (6:00PM): Hangon
EQGrrrrrl (6:02PM): Twi says she'll prob be there for another hr
EQGrrrrrl (6:03PM): Why whats going on?

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (6:07PM): Its nbd Trixie will tell u ab it on monday
Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (6:07PM): Have fun with Twilight 😉👉👌💦

EQGrrrrrl (6:08PM): Im never living that down am I

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (6:08PM): Nopee
Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (6:08PM): Remember to use protection if you do magic together 😏

EQGrrrrrl (6:09PM): UGH

Author's Note:

And so the plot charges forward like some sort of enraged man-bull football coach, smashing obstacles like 'continuity' and 'canon' to tiny little bits.

Maybe two more chapters depending on how long the Crystal Prep sidequest takes? If Cadance isn't in a mood for our heroes' foolishness I might be able to get it down to one.

Anyone who guesses the real-life city I headcannon Canterlot on top of wins a prize!
Editor's note: The prize is metaphorical. There is not actually a prize.

Comments ( 20 )

City Headcannon: DC metrorail/bus Stops. Though I don't remember the color of the lines called out, red and orange maybe. :twilightsmile:

If you sat it in the DC area, your headcannon is a bit too far east.
The portal between Equestria and Earth is in Kentucky.

Yep. I don’t live in the area but the names seemed to fit, already used the District of Canterlot in a previous story
Is it? I thought it was like Springfield, no specific details in the show

Lol, 'high school'.

Iron Will is Best Coach.

I can't wait for Celestia to hear of her sister's interdimensional hijinks. Banana?

That he is! I’m surprised I got as many rhymes out of him as I did. Coach Torch might disagree, but tbh I dont know if I have space for him to do much, final showdown’s obvi gotta be Luna v Luna round two.

Go back to G1. The Williams Ranch is in Kentucky.

This story just gets better and better with each new chapter. Between the juxtaposition of Luna's epic portrayal of her quest and the actual mundanity of each new encounter, the wit of the spoken dialogue, and the precision of the comic timing, I'm in stitches all the way through! :rainbowlaugh:

And, regarding that little bit at the end ... :ajsmug:

Gr8_AnD_PoW3RfL (6:08PM): Remember to use protection if you do magic together 😏

EQGrrrrrl (6:09PM): UGH

Sound advice, that. :trollestia:

That could've gone better, but a win's a win. Now to see how many shenanigans Principal Cadence is willing to tolerate.

Also, methinks Sunset protests too much. :ajsmug:

Best comic! This story inspired by it is great too.

Yeah, hope I didn’t nerf her too much. Figured new world, new body, magic works weird there. Big, overt displays of magic take her a little too long to be useful in a fight, plus Trixie and Wallflower need something to do. Or maybe I’ve just been watching too many of the fight scenes from RWBY.

And yes, Sunset isn’t fooling anyone haha.

And so the glorious madness continues.

Discord is pleased.

Looking back on earlier seasons, how did anyone quest without Trixie?

That text conversation was awesome.


Glad to be of service!


I know, right? Like, I guess you could, but what’s the point?


Thanks! I’m very happy with how it worked out and want to use it again. Maybe that’s how we’ll keep tabs on the Rainbooms while our heroes venture forth to the endgame.

I had so much fun reading this chapter. :rainbowlaugh: Especially everything with Coach Iron Will XD

I'm sorry, but it's been 4 years. When will the next chapter be? We cannot stop at such a moment!

This story is super fun!! The premise is "silly" ofc but the tone it carries is perfect. Funny, but not completely random. Princess Luna's characterization is the highlight here- her dialogue is perfect and it never feels boring to read. That goes too for Trixie and Wallflower's characters! Overall 10/10, loved it

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