• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 8,271 Views, 83 Comments

Escape From Klugetown - Raptormon132

Darth Vader and Tempest Shadow hunt for the Princess Twilight Sparkle and The rest of the Main Six in Klugetown.

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Escape From Klugetown

The sky was still as the air-skiff of Tempest Shadow cruised through it. Tempest stood behind Grubber, who was steering the skiff, while swallowing a custard tart whole. They had reached the area that Darth Vader had ordered them to rendezvous at on time. It had been hours since the Dark Lord had contacted Tempest, and she was beginning to grow impatient.

When, out of the corner of his eye, Grubber caught sight of another airship approaching. It was one of the Storm King's skiffs, only unlike the others, it was painted obsidian black with the Storm King's Emblem on the back tail section being red instead of blue. Known to many as The Executor. Grubber's eyes widened, for he knew whose ship it was.

"Tempetht," Grubber said, his lisp weighed heavily on his voice, "He'th here. Vader'th here."

Tempest looked at Darth Vader's ship before turning to Grubber. "Slow the ship down, and turn it forty-five degrees to port."

Grubber did as Tempest commanded, pulling the throttle lever to slow the ship, and adjusted their course, until the ship was facing the same direction as Darth Vader’s.

At the same time, on board the Executor, Darth Vader stood behind Prattler, who was piloting the craft. Prattler turned to his master just as Tempest's skiff came into view.

"Commander Tempest's ship is in sight, my Lord." Prattler informed.

"Position the ship to the starboard side, and prepare to board." Darth Vader replied coldly.

Prattler nodded submissively. "Yes, my lord."

Prattler steered the skiff into position, and they were soon coming up alongside Tempest's skiff. When both ships came side by side, the storm guards began to throw thick ropes to each other, pulling both ships in. While, one guard on board the Executor pulled a lever, releasing a boarding ramp. Moments later, Darth Vader appeared with his two personal storm guards and Prattler close behind him. Tempest and Grubber watched as the Sith lord and his guards walked along the ramp.

Tempest bowed her head in respect. "Lord Vader. We have began our search for the ponies."

"Do you have any leads of their whereabouts?" Darth Vader asked, wasting no time.

"There is one." Tempest turned to Grubber. "Grubber, the map."

Grubber pulled out a large map. "Right here, Tempetht."

Tempest and Darth Vader watched as Grubber opened the map and held it up, allowing Tempest to continue talking and point out an area on the map.

"We're about to start searching the regions south of the badlands of Abyssinia. During the invasion, one of the princesses told the other to go south beyond the Badlands before being turned to stone. It's not much, but it's the best lead we have."

"And that area ith a pretty bad place." Grubber said, pointing his finger to a certain place on the map. "Ethpecially that place. Not really good food there."

Darth Vader spoke out a moment after Grubber pointed out a small town. "That's it. The ponies are there. And I'm sure Princess Twilight is with them."

"But, my lord," Prattler said. "Klugetown is on the other side of the Bone Dry Desert. It's a hazardous area and the sandstorms would be very treacherous for our skiffs. We can't risk..."

Darth Vader immediately turned and pointed towards Prattler, interrupting him. "Sandstorms do not concern me, Prattler. I want those ponies, not excuses." Turning his attention back to Tempest. He issued his orders, "Commander, set your course for Klugetown."

Tempest bowed. "Yes, Lord Vader."

The streets were busy with residents going about their business. The daily routine of buying and selling anything from objects, to living creatures, to even their body parts. Save a single cat in a red coat leading a certain group of ponies and a baby dragon to his house.

The cat's name was Capper. A while ago, he had saved Twilight and her friends from a mob of local residents who were interested in buying them, by force. He had cunningly done so by tricking them into thinking that the ponies had a fatal illness. He claimed to the ponies that he knew where to find the queen of the hippos, and that he was the friend they needed. Though Twilight was quite skeptical of him. The others were quite oblivious to the fact that he had different plans for them. And despite Twilight’s protests and hesitancy, they soon found themselves outside Capper’s home.

"Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor." Capper said.

Capper lept inside and out of the way for his “guests” to enter. As they entered into the feline's home, they were filled with interest at what they saw around them.

Rarity looked around the living room. “Ooh! “, Rarity exclaimed, “A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge," not exactly sure what to make of the dwelling.

"Ooh, So many fun breakables!" Pinkie noted, in a dangerously specific manner.

As the others looked around, Twilight noticed a wall of bookshelves. Intrigued by them due to her almost fanatical love of books. She wondered what types of books might exist in such a foreign land. She looked at them until she found a book that particularly caught her interest. It was a brown book with golden symbols, and had the title "Almanac of Beyond Equestria" on the front cover.

Meanwhile, in town, there was a large disturbance in the bustling marketplace. Storm guards were looking around different parts of the market, ransacking even the smallest storefronts as they searched. Walking nearby, was Tempest Shadow, Grubber, and Darth Vader watching the activity around them.

Grubber took a bite of a caramel apple. "You really think the ponieth got thith far?"

Tempest sniffed the air and looked beside her, noticing a small strand of Pinkie Pie's hair in a broken piece of wood. "Oh, they're here." She grinned. Knowing that this was the right place, Tempest came forward to speak to the residents in the street, with Grubber next to her, and Darth Vader staying in the background with his personal storm guards.

"Attention!" The residents turned their attention over to Tempest as she spoke. "A little purple pony passed this way. Tell me where she is..."

Grubber stepped next to Tempest trying to look threatening as possible, handling his caramel apple as if it were a club. "...or thumpin real bad'th gonna happen."

There was a moment of silence, until Tempest and Grubber looked up at someone coming towards them from the crowd. Grubber rapidly lost all courage, fleeing from Tempest's side in fear as it turned out that the “someone” was a large, intimidating fish creature that was at least four times Tempest's size.

Coincidentally, it was one of the locals that encountered the ponies, and had been tricked by Capper into thinking he was going to die from a fatal illness earlier. And he was still quite angry about Capper's trick. He stepped boldly towards Tempest, and was soon standing tall over her.

The Storm guards readied their weapons to defend Tempest, but Darth Vader raised his hand to halt them. Silently ordering them to stand down and not interfere, knowing well Tempest was fully prepared to deal with the threat, and that she was not the least bit intimidated.

"You think we're gonna fall for this again?" The fish asked. "I don't know what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but--”

Tempest raised a confused, but intrigued, eyebrow by his words for that split moment. "Friends?"

The fish glared angrily down at Tempest as he said, "Poison or no poison, you're gonna pay!"

Tempest ducked as the fish threw a punch at her without warning, she instantly retaliated by kicking him hard in the stomach. The kick was so powerful that it knocked him back a full metre, knocking the wind out of him. Tempest then charged, before downing him with a swift sweep of her hooves, tripping him. Before the poor fish had realized it, Tempest took hold of him by the tail, tossed him in the air, and slammed him into the ground, making a small shockwave that echoed around the market.

The fish groaned on the ground, dazed and surprised that he was just trounced by a pony smaller than him. Darth Vader was greatly impressed at what he had just witnessed, seeing that Tempest had used a combination similar to what she had used against him in their first encounter. Further solidifying his respect for Tempest and her skills. Though he would never admit it, he was grateful that he had not killed her.

"Ohhhh, Fishman juth got dropped!" Grubber said, as Darth Vader began to walk forward towards the local. Who, after regaining some of his awareness, looked up at Darth Vader standing in front of him. The sight of the Sith Lord's shadow looming over him, combined with the sound of the eerie mechanical breathing filling him with dread. His attention only shifted from Darth Vader when he felt the metal covered hoof of Tempest rest on his back. He turned his head to see the unicorn mare standing over him, pinning him to the ground.

"Now... about this... "Capper"..." she said threateningly.

The fish watched helplessly as Tempest's broken horn began to crackle loudly with blue sparks, slowly lowering towards him. Fear began to show in his eyes, knowing he was at the unicorn mare's mercy.

Back at Capper's place, the Main Six sat around Capper as he laid back on his bed, chatting with them, and sharing jokes that made them laugh. He chuckled after hearing Rainbow Dash's claim of performing a sonic rainboom.

"Stop playin' me! A sonic rainboom?" Capper got up, brushing off himself, as well as Rainbow Dash’s claim. "That's not a real thang!" He turned back to Rainbow Dash with a curious look. "Is that a real thing?"

"I'll show ya!" Rainbow Dash said.

Capper waved his paws in concern at Rainbow Dash's offer, as she prepared to prove her story. "Naw-naw-naw, I don't need you sonic "rainboom-ing" up in my place, thank you very much."

Sighing with relief, Capper began to pace, when he suddenly felt something around his left arm. He felt his left arm being pulled, stretching outwards with a blue magic aura. "Whoa, hey, hold up now." At the same time, a sewing needle and roll of thread levitated over to his outstretched arm surrounded in the same blue aura. They quickly went to work around a tear in his jacket sleeve, sewing it shut.

Surprised, Capper looked with wonder at how his jacket was fixed, until he realized that Rarity’s horn was the origin of the blue magic.

"Here you go." Rarity said as she levitated two gold buttons to Capper's jacket, and added them to it, much to Capper's confusion. "I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous."

Capper looked suspiciously at Rarity's actions, thinking what her possible motives could be. "Okay... What's the catch?"

"Nothing," Rarity said. "After all that you've done for us, consider it a ‘thank you’."


Hearing those words from Rarity surprised Capper. Such generosity made him feel something he had not felt in a long time. Ever since he escaped his home, Panthera, and came to Klugetown with his former friend, Chummer, he had to scam and pickpocket for money and food. They were good enough at it to get the attention of Klugetown's crime boss, Verko. While Capper dreamt of leaving the life of a thief behind. Chummer had other plans, and betrayed both Capper and Verko by trying to steal a transport airship which caught on fire, crashing shortly after departure. Whether Chummer survived or died from the fiery crash, was unknown. But either way, Capper had renounced his friendship with him, and had been stuck in the horrible city since then.

Such generosity towards him gave that warm feeling Capper had so long desired. But there was something else too. A feeling that had begun to grow inside of him since he first put his plan against the little ponies into action, guilt.

With his back turned from Rarity, Capper dropped his gaze, eyes filled with shame. "Uh, don't thank me. Really."

"Guys!" Twilight called, catching the attention of everyone there. They all rushed over to the living room table where Twilight placed out an open map.

"We've been looking for the wrong Queen! We don't need the Queen of the Hippos!" Twilight pointed to a spot on the map with her hoof, where it had two Hippogriffs above an island with a emblem of wings. "We need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony, part eagle!"

Capper blinked. "Oh! Oh, the Hippogriffs! Now, the trouble with that is, no one knows... where they are..."

"Says here they're on the top of Mount Aris!" Twilight said.

"You mean the mountain right outside the window?" Pinkie Pie yelled.

Everyone looked in the direction of where Pinkie Pie was pointing to. There in the window, a far distance away was a mountain that matched the shape of Mount Aris on the map. Twilight turned to Capper, giving him a suspicious look.

"Objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear." Capper chuckled nervously.

Twilight levitated the map in her magic, and folded it up, before turning towards the front door. "Let's go, everypony."

Capper gasped. "Wait!" He quickly rushed over to in front of Twilight, blocking her path to the front door. "You can't—you can't make it by yourselves. You need an airship!" He placed a paw on Twilight's shoulder. "And lucky for you, I can get you a ride."

Twilight moved Capper out of her way with her hoof. "I think we can get there on our own."

Lighting her horn, Twilight took hold of the knob on the front door, and opened it up to leave. Only to be met by a naked mole rat, wearing goggles, a black top hat, and a matching suit that resembled a circus ringmaster.

"Here's Verko!" He said with a creepy laugh.

Twilight backed away from the door, startled and unsettled by the crime boss. Verko came through the front door, and confronted Capper.

"These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt!" Verko gestured toward a cage stationed right outside Capper's home. "Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!"

The Main Six gasped in horror at what they had just heard, Rarity was especially shocked, a feeling of betrayal setting in, as the truth of Capper’s intent rose to the surface. Twilight glared at Capper, knowing her suspicions about him were right from the start, slightly frustrated that her friends had not heeded her warnings.

"You were... You were going to sell us?!" Rarity said.

"I knew it!" Twilight snarled.

Capper looked at the ponies fearfully with an "I-can-explain" gesture. Wanting to say something to justify himself, but nothing came out of his mouth. He was speechless with fear and guilt.

Twilight turned to the others. "We gotta get outta here!"

At that second, the Main Six were stunned by the sound of an evil chuckle from outside. They gasped, knowing very well whose voice it was. The magical crackling sound of Tempest Shadow's horn was heard as Tempest strolled by.

Tempest appeared at the door, grinning wickedly at the Mane Six inside as she remarked, "Silly little ponies."

"Tempest!" Twilight gasped.

Tempest, with Grubber by her side, and the storm guards standing nearby at the ready, walked in through the door while still chuckling evilly. "Trusting strangers?" Glancing at Capper before returning her focus on the Main Six. "Big mistake. Big..."

"Huge!" Grubber interrupted.

Verko stepped directly in front of Tempest and Grubber. "Now wait a minute!” He proclaimed, realising that if someone wanted these ponies, they must be more valuable than he first thought. "I was here first. These ponies are mine! All mine for the tak-"

Verko stopped talking as he felt his windpipe close. He held his throat, beginning to choke, much to the Main Six's confusion. Then after a few moments, there was the sound of his neck snapping that echoed throughout the living room. The ponies jumped, screaming with fright as Verko collapsed on the living room floor, his body limp and lifeless.

Applejack blinked with shock. "What the hay?!"

Their shock and confusion on what happened to Verko was cut short by the growing sounds of a foreign mechanical breathing, and footsteps coming towards the door. Tempest and Grubber turned their attention towards the door as a large shadow loomed into the living room blocking the light of the sun. Standing at the door was none other than Darth Vader himself.

"Well done, Commander." Darth Vader focused his attention on Twilight and took a few steps forward, undeterred by the corpse at his feet. "We meet at last, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Come with us peacefully, or you and your friends will face the wrath of the dark side."

There was a moment of hesitation, until Rainbow Dash spoke out. "Dark side, shmark side! Twilight's not going anywhere! You're going down, Bozo!"

"Rainbow, No!"

By the time Twilight said that, Rainbow Dash was already charging straight towards the Sith lord. Darth Vader raised his hand, and with the force, immobilized Rainbow Dash using a force grip. The rainbow pegasus began clutching at her throat with her hooves, and began thrashing around in an effort to free herself. She began to realize what a terrible mistake she had made to directly attack him.

Seeing her friend was in mortal danger, Twilight began to focus her magic. With a flash, she used a teleport spell to put herself directly in front of Darth Vader. Following it up by quickly launching a powerful pulse of magic at the dark figure. The pulse knocked him back, causing him to crash against the nearby bookshelves, shattering them. With Rainbow Dash free from the Sith, Twilight released an intense flash of light, blinding the rest of their assailants. Twilight had her friends go towards the window to escape, joining them after grabbing the map from the table. By the time Tempest, Grubber and the Storm guards finally uncovered their eyes. Twilight was at the window, her friends holding on to one of the blades of the windmill outside.

"Go! Go!" Twilight urged, as she took off out the window.

Tempest glared. "Get her now!"

"You gonna be thcared now, ponieth!" Grubber said.

One of the Storm guards made his way towards the window, breaking it in pursuit of his quarry. He took hold of one of the blades, stopping the windmill from turning. Twilight and Rainbow Dash quickly began to push the blade the others were on, trying to fight against the Storm guard pushing in the opposite direction. The Windmill's axle began to groan under strain from the pushing of both parties. Then with a crack, the blade the Storm guard had hold of broke off, causing the windmill to spin out of control, until the propeller broke off the axle, beginning to roll away with the Main Six holding on.

At that same time, Darth Vader got to his feet from the floor, getting the attention of Tempest and Grubber.

"Lord Vader, the ponieth are-!

But before Grubber could finish his sentence, Darth Vader was already jumping out the window, moving faster than Grubber and Tempest had ever seen before, without even saying a word.

Twilight and the rest of the Main Six clung to the rolling windmill, until they were forced to jump onto a nearby scaffold. They ran across the scaffold. Fleeing the windmill blades that were destroying the structure right behind them, they were able to jump into a building just as the blades would have caught them. As they continued running for their lives, Twilight caught the glimpse of an airship stationed at a nearby dock.

"We have to get there!” Twilight exclaimed. “To the docks!"

The ponies turned left, and up a flight of stairs that lead to a narrow street. They ran as fast as they could, seeing an opening where they might find a ship at the dock. They turned the corner to see that their hopes were answered, in the form of an airship still at the dock. But they were still about a hundred metres away down the main street.

Just as they began to pick up speed, the equines and drake were forced to a skidding halt. As Darth Vader jumped directly in front of them from a building, blocking their path. Then a moment later, Darth Vader drew and ignited his lightsaber, giving the street a blood red glow.

Knowing there was no way out of this, Twilight bitterly began charging the magic in her horn, ready to fight their way through.

"Get'em, Twilight!" Spike cheered.

Twilight aimed her horn, and began firing blasts of magic madly at the Sith lord. Darth Vader began walking forward towards them, parrying or reflecting each blast with his lightsaber. Many magic blasts were deflected to the ground and walls of the buildings, causing widespread damage, while others were reflected towards their owner, with one hitting the ground close to Applejack.

"Take cover Y'all!!" Applejack directed to the others. With everyone out of the way, they watched as Twilight continued fighting. Darth Vader continued parrying Twilight's magic blasts, until he raised his hand, and reached out with the force to throw a barrel straight at Twilight. She managed to dodge the barrel in the nick of time, while firing another blast of magic directly at Darth Vader. But he simply angled his lightsaber to deflect it to the ground directly in front of Twilight. The resulting explosion knocked Twilight back, sending her flying against a wall. Hard.

"Twilight!" The others said.

The others watched as Twilight fell to the ground. Right as she tried to get back up, Darth Vader grabbed Twilight with the force, lifting her in the air, before throwing her back against the wall, and pinning her in place against it. The others watched with shock as Darth Vader began calmly walking towards Twilight, holding her against the wall, while Twilight struggled in vain to free herself.

"We've got to help Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash. "But how? We're no match fer that guy!"

"We've got to do something. We could take him by surprise somehow."

Surprise... Pinkie Pie thought of what Rainbow Dash said, until she blinked like as if she just remembered something. She reached behind her back, and pulled out a cake. A vanilla cake with white and red frosting, and had a frosted picture of Capper's face in the center. She had secretly made it for Capper while he and the others were not looking to give to him as a "thank you" surprise gift for being so great to them.

Pinkie Pie looked up at Darth Vader, then back to the cake.

At the same time, Applejack spoke to the others. "Alright, y'all. When ah say "now", we attack him from behind. Y'all ready?"

As the group nodded, Spike noticed that Pinkie Pie had suddenly disappeared. "Hey, where's Pinkie Pie?!"

Darth Vader continued to walk forwards, hand still pinning Twilight to the wall with the force. Soon the Sith lord was a mere few feet away from her. Twilight looked in fear as the red light of Darth Vader's lightsaber reflected in her eye, the sound of his mechanical breathing filling her with dread. She wondered why he did not kill her there and now. She knew he was well able, and had no qualms about giving a brutal death.

When a barrel against the wall on Darth Vader's left side suddenly made a small shake that got the Sith lord's attention. At that moment, the lid of the barrel popped opened, and Pinkie Pie burst out with the cake in her hoof.


Pinkie Pie slammed the cake right into Darth Vader's face with a loud sploshy "Splat", smearing all over the front of the Sith lord, causing him to falter, and release Twilight from his grasp. Twilight landed on her feet, where, while Darth Vader was momentarily distracted from Pinkie Pie’s surprise attack, fired another blast at him. The magic blast hit Darth Vader on the side, sending him flying into a unoccupied shop stall.

Twilight urged the others. "Now's our chance! Come on!"

The others taking the hint, left their cover and began to run down the street towards the docks, where they saw that the airship was beginning to leave the docks.

"Hurry!" Twilight said.

The Main Six dashed to the edge of the docks as the airship was moving away. Seeing the ship's anchoring rope, Rainbow Dash grabbed it and began pulling, holding the rope for the others to cross. Applejack and Rarity began crossing the anchoring rope like a tightrope, with Spike and Fluttershy following behind.

"That's it." Applejack carefully nudged Rarity forward, "Don't look down now!"

"Yay!" Pinkie Pie jumping onto the anchoring rope, shaking it, and causing Rainbow Dash to be pulled from the sudden increase in weight. The rope loosened, and Pinkie Pie began falling down the canyon below to certain doom.

"Pinkie!" Twilight cried out. Diving down into the canyon below to save Pinkie Pie from plummeting to her death, catching her just before she hit the ground. As she began to speed up to catch the airship leaving the docks. She turned her head back to see Darth Vader standing there on the street before the docks watching. For just a moment, Twilight and Darth Vader gazed at one another. Until Twilight turned her attention back to carrying Pinkie Pie onto the airship. Exhausted, Twilight and Pinkie Pie landed flat on their stomachs on the airship deck.

"Best... escape... plan... ever!" Pinkie Pie said, evidently, not that exhausted.

Twilight was shocked by Pinkie Pie's enthusiasm over their near death experience. "WHAT?!?!"

Twilight and Pinkie Pie suddenly found themselves caught in Applejack's lasso, and quickly being pulled behind some ship crates to hide with the others. Spike shushed them as they heard footsteps along with the voices of two male individuals.

"Did you hear something?" One of them asked.

The other responded with bird-like squawks at his question.

"Eh, probably just the rats." They walked off as the first one continued talking. "If we find 'em, we'll eat 'em."

Rarity turned to the others with a look of fear and disgust. "Rats?"

Twilight looked back towards the now distant docks of the city, thinking about Darth Vader and what had happened.

"That was close." Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight. "Who was that guy?"

“I don’t know,” Twilight whispered, “I don’t know…”

Back at the docks, Tempest's Storm guards brought Capper to their commander, pushing him to the ground in front of her and Grubber. Darth Vader stood to the side as Tempest and Grubber glowered at Capper. Noticing the shadows in front of him, Capper looked up to see Tempest and Grubber looking down on him.

"Now... where are they going?" Tempest said, charging up her magic from her broken horn.

Capper quickly got to his feet, trying to be cooperative. "Okay. No need for violence. Uh, they're headed..."

Before Capper could say anything, a sparkle got his attention. He glanced to where it came from to see that it came from one of the golden buttons that Rarity had put on his coat. Seeing them made Capper overcome with guilt once again, remembering his betrayal after the generosity that was given to him. As a way to make up for his betrayal, he came up with a sly idea, and began pointing towards the east.

"They’re headed east," Capper said. "Yeah, to... to Black Skull Island."

Tempest and Grubber looked at each other, skeptical of Capper's information. Capper then bowed to Tempest and Darth Vader while quickly trying to leave.

"So, uh, glad I could be of service to His Majesty, the Storm King. I'll just be on my way--"

Capper jumped and yowled with fright as the two Storm guards standing behind him suddenly closed together, blocking his path to prevent him from leaving.

"When I get my Princess." Tempest spoke, as Capper looked at her nervously, "Until then, your fate is still... up in the air."

Grubber rubbed his hands together as he laughed. "Oh, you're gonna go in the thkiff! Which ith a boat! Thpethifically, an air-boat!" He turned around and walked with Tempest, still laughing. "We make a great team. I love it how you thaid hith fate wuth ‘up in the air’, and then I thaid, ‘you're gonna be in the air on an air-boat!’."

Darth Vader then walked over to Capper, crossing his arms and towering over him, increasing the nervousness of the con-artist cat.

"Might I remind you, Capper, that you know the penalty if you're lying, therefore committing treason with this information. I hope your information is true, for your sake.” Darth Vader turned swiftly to Tempest’s Storm guards. "Take him aboard."

One of Tempest’s Storm guards pushed Capper to get him to move. Capper walked in defeat as he was taken prisoner, knowing only misery would await him if they found out he was lying. After Capper was taken aboard Tempest's ship, Tempest and Grubber came over to Darth Vader to talk amongst each other.

"You know that con-artitht cat ith lying, right?" Grubber asked.

Tempest glanced at Grubber. "Obviously. He knows where they're really going, but he's trying to deceive us."

"I knew I thmelled thomethin' fishy, and it was not jutht hith breath." Grubber turned to Darth Vader. "You want uth to torture it out of him, or thomethin'?"

"No." Darth Vader said, facing Tempest and Grubber as some leftover cake remains with frosting fell off of him. "For now, just follow along with him, and go east towards Black Skull Island. I am confident that the ponies will make a careless mistake on board the airship they managed to stowaway on. That mistake will give away their real location. His treason will be dealt with later."

"You're the boss." Grubber commented, picking up the cake remains on the ground and eating them. "Mmm... Not bad." He licked the frosting off his fingers. "Those ponieth were very lucky to get away."

"Luck had nothing to do with it." Darth Vader said. "Contact me when the ponies are found."

"Yes, my lord." Tempest turned to Grubber. "Prepare to take off."

Tempest and Grubber boarded their airship, while Darth Vader walked away to board The Executor, that he had stationed elsewhere.

Their pursuit for Twilight Sparkle and her friends continues.

Just as he had planned.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys.
Here it is. The second sequel of my "What-if-Darth Vader-was-in-MLP: The Movie?" series.

Note: This story series follows the story line of the movie, for the most part.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image, and to Jehovaservant for proofreading and editing this story.

Link to the image: https://ejlightning007arts.deviantart.com/art/Vader-and-Tempest-at-Klugetown-718811484

My entry into Scribblefest 2018.

Comments ( 82 )

This is my joy at seeing a new story

Glad you think so. :twilightsmile:

Listened to imperial march while reading this made the action bits so cool

I see. Awesome.

When thinking of the brief fight against Twilight and Darth Vader I had https://youtu.be/wxL8bVJhXCM?t=49s in my mind. And when Darth Vader watched the main 6 escaped on Captain Celaeno, and glancing at Twilight, I had https://youtu.be/wxL8bVJhXCM?t=1m43s pictured in my head.

Wicked awesome! Loved the awesome read! Keep this up! I can’t wait for the next part!

P.S. Vader is so awesome, not even leftover cake bits will faze him! Lol. I found that part hilarious by the way. Also, was it just me, or does Vader have some sort of respect for Tempest? It seemed that way in the beginning when she “dropped Fishman”.

Keep it going with these stories, they're good.

So did I my friend. So did I.

If anyone sees any mistakes, they aren't my fault. ;P

Just kidding, if anyone sees a mistake let me know.

I did see a few mistakes, but I fixed them myself. It looks really good.

He does. He's had respect for Tempest ever since their first encounter, when she fought against him.

So you found the part where some leftover cake fell off of him, and Grubber eats them funny? Awesome. I'm glad that got a laugh out of you. I'm also glad I stayed true to Vader's character.

What about when Pinkie Pie took him literally by surprise by splating the cake in Vader's face? I thought that was a fun part to put in.

I admit, THAT part was a riot! Lol. I never expected Vader to get caught off guard by a CAKE of all things!

True, but then again Vader's never encountered someone like Pinkie Pie, who is so random, and a regular physics law breaker. LOL!

....Ya know, part of me doesn’t know how to feel that Pinkie Pie just got the drop on Darth friggen Vader with a cake.

Well, if you thought about it, Vader's never encountered someone like Pinkie Pie, who is so random, and a regular physics law breaker. LOL!

Here's my head canon. Take it for what it's worth.
What do we know about the force from the canon?
We know "It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together" -Obi wan Kenobi
We know "It controls your movements, but it also obeys your commands" -Obi wan/Luke Skywalker
Another big thing, is that Darth Sideous was able to cloud the Jedi's judgement from being able to see his future plans and movements.
And who did he learn that from?

Pinkie is Darth Plagueis confirmed! #MLP-3TRIXIEBROSCOPE #DATOBVIOUSTRUTH 😈

But jokes aside, Having the force does NOT Give Vader, (or any other force user) perfect foresight. Especially when their thoughts are elsewhere...


If it makes you feel better, Vader doesn’t fall for the same mistakes twice. He probably already knew the Mane Six’s abilities and more than likely, puts Pinkie Pie as the most dangerous and a priority.

Now, I don’t expect Vader to kill any of them, but I do expect to see him kick their asses multiple times as if he’s toying with them.

Btw, you should do a series about What if Thrawn was in Equestria.

And not to mention that the magic and abilities of candy coloured ponies are something almost unknown to him, especially someone like Pinkie Pie, who is so random, and is a regular physics law breaker. LOL!

Thrawn in Equestria...
Now this is something that needs to happen.


I wonder what happens next?

In the role of a narrator: "Find out in the exciting episode!"

Thank you. I'm glad too.

Vader:...well, that was humiliating.

What was? Getting hit in the face with a cake?

BTW Thank you for the follow. :twilightsmile:

Come on, author. Stop teasing us and give us a feature length story based on this premise!

On a side note, how is Vader keeping his suit charged? From what I understand, Darth Vader has multiple power cells in his suit to keep his life support functions active. He is a quadruple amputee with irreparable respiratory damage and permanent scarring from third-degree burns on every inch of his body.

Sorry. I have to write them one story at a time, because the artist made 5 title images for each one at my request.

As for how Darth Vader keeps his life support system active.

Nah! Just kidding. I actually didn't think about that. But I think he would have his ways of doing so off screen.

Another awesome oneshot. I'm really getting into this series you've created here.

Good to know.
And thank you adding this story to your favorites. :twilightsmile:

They have steam technology. And twilight has an electric sensor array when she tries to discover the pinkie sense.

Is it that hard to believe that Vader's battery pack is rechargeable?

OMG, I feel so stupid right now.

I’ve seen this story multiple times, and i’ve JUST NOW realized that this was “episode 3” of the “Vader in the MLP Movie” story. Awkward!

That aside, this was a great episode!

(Yes, I call these “episodes”)

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

I have a feeling that you know, or at least have a theory on what's going on or going to happen.

8752518 Sorta.

I’ve seen a couple of the pics (by the guy that does your coverart pics) so I expect Vader to catch up to the Mane Six.

You’d have to skip to when Rainbow does the Sonic Rainboom cause your chapters (i’ve noticed) aren’t usually THAT long.

Well, here's a sneak peek of a scene of the next story that takes place after Twilight and the others escape from under Celaeno's ship, told in a script form.

Darth Vader: "Where are those little ponies that you stowaway on board? What have you done with the princess?"
Captain Celaeno: "We stowawayed no ponies..." [gasps] "This is a trading ship... We're only -" [chokes] "hauling Storm king merchandise..."
Darth Vader: "If this is a trading ship, why are all of your crew armed?!" [throws Celano to the ground] [angrily turns to Tempest, Grubber and the Storm Guards] "Commander, tear this ship apart until you found those ponies! And bring Capper aboard, put him with the others!"
Captain Celaeno: [holding her throat, gasping for air]
Mullet: "Captain, are you alright?"
Captain Celaeno: [gasping for air] "...Yeah. I think so."

Brief, but good.

This was a nice sneak peak. I can only imagine what the end-result’s gonna be like.

Also, nice nod to the beginning of A New Hope.

Thank you. It's a scene that represents the story cover image well.
Link to Cover art: https://ejlightning007arts.deviantart.com/art/Vader-Chocking-Captain-Celaeno-719560947

Yeah, that's the pic I was refeering to!

Might I make a suggestion, instead of Vader accusing them of being armed, how about he points out that they are not wearing their storm king uniforms? Just a thought.

That could work.
I should say that it was based on a comment of the comment section of the cover image on Deviantart.

I only made the suggestion because them not wearing their uniforms is more obvious then them being armed. Besides I think it makes more sense for them to be armed in case of a pirate attack. Which would be ironic considering that Caleno and her crew used to be pirates, but you get my point right?

Of course. And I like it.

Will do

I hope you liked my story. I read yours and I liked it. There were a few spelling errors that you missed, but it was still good.


You have requested a review of this story from the Reviewer's Cafe.

Here is your review!


Hey, Sparky Brony.

I just read your review of my story. I should tell you that it was improved because of the fact that I have someone as a proofreader and editor to fix any mistakes I made.

I'm really flattered that you enjoyed how I put Darth Vader into the story. I really did try to place Vader in the story, while sticking to the original story line of the MLP Movie for the most part. There are some minor differences, like Verko dying at the hands of Vader's force choke at the scene at Capper's place. And the scene where Vader engages the Main 6 before escaping on Captain Celaeno's ship. If you thought about that scene, would noticed that it got rushed. Like right when Twilight said "We have to get there! To the docks!", and then they turned up some stairs, the scene straight away cuts to the docks. That scene was rushed, but I have a feeling that there might be a deleted scene in where the Main 6 encountered something in between that scene. Though I don't know for sure if that's true. I thought that was the perfect spot to place Darth Vader into, and have him as an obstacle for the Main 6 to get past to escape.

Also, I'm glad you liked how Pinkie Pie save Twilight by popping out of nowhere, and splatting a cake in Vader's face. People who have read this story have commented about that part. Some were in disbelief that Darth Vader would be distracted by something like that, but from what I understand is that Darth Vader has never encountered someone like Pinkie Pie, who as any brony would know is so random, and is a constant physics law breaker. And as far as I know about Darth Vader, he's never encounter anyone or anything like that before, and I would suspect he wouldn't really know how to handle it. This would sort of give the Main 6 the slight upper hand. Also some trivia, that scene was inspired by a Darth Vader scene in Rogue One (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxL8bVJhXCM&feature=youtu.be&t=49s).

I'm sorry to find out that it was rejected, despite the major improvements, and I'm very sad for it. But at least it's great enough to make it into Scribblefest, and it's actually a bigger achievement. I'll personally be absolutely shocked beyond belief if my story ends up being the winner of the contest. Though it all depends on what people think of the other entries, which most of them is either about the outcome of what happened to Applejack's parents or about Scootlaoo's mystery family (which a friend of mine told me not to look at either of those 2 story types for spoiler reasons). But I feel that my story entry will get noticed a lot because of it being the sort of different or odd one out of the other common ones. And it's usually stories like that that get a large amount of attention in competitions like Scribblefest. It might make it pretty high in Scribblefest.

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