• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
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Golden Flare

I love to create stories.


Written in the spirit of my birthday.

Hit Point, high school student, video game enthusiast, and all-around normal guy...until, of course, he became «The Gamer». Somehow, his life had become too much like an RPG video game; everyday tasks becoming quests, normal capabilities turning into skills with levels, and grinding said skills to make them stronger. Not only that, but his life is on the line almost every day now, from fighting monsters in Instant Dungeons to facing powerful foes, all while trying to maintain his normal, teenage life.

Never a dull moment in this town of Canterlot...

Takes place just before the first Equestria Girls movie.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 60 )

not bad.

Comment posted by Dexstar deleted Jan 25th, 2018

I have a feeling i know where the inspiration for this fic came from.

8692104 Thanks :twilightsmile:

8692157 Where do you think it came from?

I like the Concept of the Story!
Cant wait for another Chapter!:pinkiehappy:

my major weakness: The Gamer stories

Comment posted by Shadow Night232 deleted Feb 1st, 2018

Here I was wondering when fanfiction.net would transmit this cancer. What's next, fanmakes? Wait a second...

Nice. I like The Gamer and I like this. You just got a fave.

8752539 I know you from a Writer I follow here. Take your negativity somewhere else, please.

"Someone's gotta, with all the disrespect you throw around, and it's no wonder why Flash ditched your fat ass."

Your badass level shot up from level 3 to level 7. You showed that bacon haired bitch who's boss

Loved this Chapter. It's so cool!

>One of my nternet friends don't like you, so you gotta leave
Mature. Did you type that out during recess?

8752741 Nope. I'm in High School, thanks very much. Also, you have no sense of sentence structure. Furthermore, there is no need to bash other people's fics, just because you can.

*high school
*thank you very much
Glass houses, Timmy. Remember that.

8752962 I'll take that as a compliment.

Okay, I understand that this is probably the first time you wrote a fanfic about The Gamer. However, you did made a few errors.

First off, The observe skill is off in the story. The observe skill give the Gamer info based on the target's level compared to the Gamer's natural level and Observe's skill level.

When I read Hit Point observed Sunset, I was a bit confused. Since Sunset's level is much higher then Hit Point and the Obeserve skill level isn't that high, he shouldn't have gotten that much information. He probably would have gotten her name and class at best. If the observe skill was higher, It would make sense he saw that much info.

I am sorry for the long comment, but I want to make sure you know these things. If you want some extra info, let me know.

8852928 Thanks for your input, I only read so much of The Gamer Manga, so I need as much information as I can to make this authentic

No problem. Also there is something you got to know about the stats. Wisdom doesn't increase your MP, that would be intelligent. Every point of INT is 10 MP. Wisdom only has any effect when it reach every 10 points and it adds a 1% to MP regen and magic resistance. Do you want me to explain the other stats or do you want to learn on your own?

Alright I will try my best giving my best description on what each stat does.

STR: This is self explanatory. This determine how much physical damage you can deal.

INT: No don't get this confused with actually intelligent because it doesn't effect that at all. It only effects cognitive abilities, memory and magical attacks. It also increases MP by 10 points. For example, if you have 10 INT your Mp will be 100.

AGI: This is basically the Gamer's dexterity, speed and flexibility.

VIT: This is the Gamer's overall health and physical toughness. This also increase your health by 10 points for every point that is placed in this stat.

WIS: I am pretty sure you can figure out what wisdom is when used in reality, but you must know for every 10 points - EX: 10, 20, 30... - It increases MP regen by 1% and magic resistance by 1%.

LUCK: I don't think I need to explain this stat really.

That is my brief explanation about the main stats, but here are some things you need to know about.

Levels: This is your overall power, but don't let it make you think if the Gamer has a low level, doesn't mean he doesn't stand a chance against a high level opponent. When Hit Point fought against Sunset, they were on even ground. It is actually fighting experience that wins out in the end. Now that we are through with that tangent of mine, time to actually explain what levels do. For every level you get your HP and MP increases by 50 points and you get 5 stat points. Also, every time the level reach a multiple of 5, your HP and MP regen increase by 1%. It also assists the Observe skill.

Now I bet you are wondering what I mean by HP/MP regen. Don't worry for I will explain. They are basically the ability to recover HP and MP naturally without items or skills.

HP regen: The Gamer regains 1% of their maximum HP every minute. This is influenced by increasing your Level.

MP regen: The Gamer regains 1% of their maximum MP every minute. This is influenced by increasing your wisdom and level.

I am sorry for the very long explanation, but I hope this will help your writing in the future.

P.S. the [BGM create] sounds like an ability that doesn't require levels in my opinion. You could mark it as max level because Hit Point just has to imagine any kind of BGM.

I reary hope you stop this story i like this story and your other story keep your hopes up and stay determined

love the story and the chapter keep up the great work

So is this story dead or what?

Yeah! I agree with Knives!

Sunset Shimmer had just snapped a photo of the new student's place of residence with a malicious smile on her face, Hit Point's arrival couldn't have been any more perfect for her, she had never dealt with a complete gamer nerd in CHS and this would be a challenge for her to dig up some new dirt on him, since she had been getting bored with lording her supremacy over the other students she wanted to do what she hadn't done in a long time: gather some embarrassing intel on a new student and exploit them for her own benefit. As the bus drove by, she even took a picture of the street his house was on so she would always know where he is. Can't let him slip through my fingers, now can I? She giggled evilly to herself as the bus made its way to her home...

I hate her already

More pwease :3

This was pretty good. I love the Gamer manga. I'll continue to watch out for this.

Dark point his just like dark pit from kid icarus uprising

9295104 Ding, ding, ding! You figured it out! :pinkiehappy:

great chapter and glad to have the story back

Ooooo. Nice shit.

must make more chapters

must know more need more

Dis gun be gud:pinkiehappy:

I'm getting Darkiplier vibes from Hit Point and Dark Point... I love it! :pinkiehappy:

I do like that Pinkie's level is unknown to even the almighty 'Gamer' ability. I'm curious to see how far you'll go with this as the 'Gamer' ability becomes even more broken in the manhwa as of the latest few chapters.

That was Amazing, Though I still think Dark Point is a bit......Iffy as a BBA, No Offence.

9801943 Thanks, but what's a BBA?


BBA: Big Bad Antagonist the more Minor version of the BBEG: Big Bad Evil Guy.

9801994 Oh, sorry, I had no clue, thanks for explaining it to me though


Nah it's fine. BBEG is a term used in D&D XD

Happy that you decided to continue your Gamer story. Also I see a future ship

9806142 Thanks, and that future ship is...?

Sonata Dusk and your OC

I have problems with the main character mainly the fact he is only alive because of plot armor
for example with monster hunter bon bon or what ever so have you ever heard of secret government organizations in real life No cause they either imprison or kill you to keep it secret... like i cant stand main characters that don't have any form of basic self preservation and then right after he taunts and fights like the final boss of the arc... she literally double has more than double his STR & DEX let alone VIT & INT in what world is he alive and not in juvie for assault(cause she could have claimed it for hitting her with a bat) only this one because of plot armor( oh and shadow organization weeeeee(sarcasm))...... Not only that in like 99% of games having your stats be so spread out is a trash teir build cause at that point your not good at anything your awful at everything. My main gripe is that none of his actions have consequences.......RANT OVER

Hopefully there won't be any bullies...or, at least, fewer of them. Hit Point thought to himself.

all he has to fear is sunset shimmer and maybe taxie a bit.

He walked around for a while until he came up to the principal's office, almost getting hit by the door when it swung open and out stepped a beautiful, yet intimidating girl; her hair was red with yellow streaks all done up in a bunch, tan skin, and bright green eyes, wearing a black jacket over a purple shirt emblazoned with a Yin-Yang sun mark, orange skirt, and black boots with dark purple flames on the front looking like some sort of regalia.

Oh hi bacon hair.

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