• Member Since 10th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Broken Phalanx

Perpetually perplexed.


When Twilight is placed in charge of the Equestrian government's first line of defense against alien incursions, she finds herself housing a dangerous entity within the castle. However, the question remains; why did it come to Equestria?

The primary divergence from the 'canon' story-line is probably the exclusion of Discord and an incredibly fuzzy knowledge of anything beyond season 3.
The story gets darker as it progresses; be forewarned.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 21 )

How do I know this story won't die after only one chapter?

By the fact I already have about 8 chapters written for it/being edited now/already on the site, and am finishing the rough-draft for the epilogue at this point.

I was getting irritated by random stuff interfering with writing, so I do it in bulk now and edit later; it's easier that way.

EDIT: If you happen to know a way I can upload an image from my comp as proof, I would literally present it.

This one speaks as one thrice burned, but I totally understand.

Glad to hear it's already done. I'm trying to do a similar thing with what I'm writing, mostly cause I'm really inconsistent.

Overall pretty good. Got tripped up by a few minor things but it's solid.


EDIT: If you happen to know a way I can upload an image from my comp as proof, I would literally present it.

I can't imagine any real need for proof. A sufficiently bold claim can sometimes stand as its own evidence, if its falsity would have consequence.

For the record, though, the question you're asking is "how to take a screenshot", and the answer depends on whether you're using a PC or a Mac. For PC, press the "Control" (ctrl) and "Print Screen" (Print Scrn) buttons, then open paint and press "Control" and "V". Save the image (be sure to edit out anything you don't want other people seeing), upload it to an image hosting service of your choice. Right-click the image and select "view image" to get the picture by itself, then use the resulting URL to post the image here.

Ive been enjoying this immensely so far, i eagerly await the next chapter!

I think you write an entertaining Lovecraftian slice-of-life.

Enjoying this a lot!

You wouldn't by any chance have read (or possibly watched) anything written by Terry Pratchett? There are some similarities to what you write here.

He was (and, for as long as his works exist, is) one of my favorite authors.

I got a pretty strong flashback to Susan and Death reading this chapter. I approve.

I have no idea what I'm reading, but I'm enjoying myself, so I guess it's pretty great

It's an emergency so I'm sure it'll be fine this one time, but creating perfect copies of your friends/jailors is generally considered rude.

“Verily, Rarity. And because you wish to see how this goes, and because it is a story that shall be worthy of retelling, however it transpires. Send it.”

“So, for ‘the luls’, basically?”

[audible laughter]

So... Apostrophe sacrificed himself to save the world or something? Not to sound offhanded, I really enjoyed this story, I just have a hard time understanding what it did.

Highly enjoyable, even though bittersweet endings aren't my personal cup of tea.

Comment posted by Rhombicosidodecahedron deleted Dec 3rd, 2019

So, I was going to write out my full thoughts once I was finished with this, but I have to ask: how does Apostrophe know what color Twilight is?

This was extremely unique, with the prose and subject matter both being quite evocative. It's the sort of story you can read more than once and still enjoy. The bit with Apostrophe knowing colors still bugs me a little, but I suppose it would get annoying if he referred to Twilight as the pony who reflects mostly 400 nanometer wavelength light all the time.


Initially, while I was writing the story, it was something of a short-hand to avoid writing wave-lengths and dancing around something we all already know; namely, Twilight being purple.

But after distancing myself from the writing, I can't help but wonder if, somewhere in that frothing sea of thought, something like the appreciation of light's spectrum was communicated.

You're exactly right, though; at the time of the writing, it was (I felt) a neccessary sacrifice to avoid a more plodding pace.

By the way, I'm still working on that Antithesis sequel, and I'm hoping it will be done before February.

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