• Member Since 13th Jan, 2015
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Spike the Dragon has always loved Rarity, from the moment they met. At the time, he didn't know much about what love meant, but as he grew, so too did his understanding. And every day, he found he was still in love with her, if not always for the same reasons.

Rarity has taken a long time to love Spike. It took so long to see him as anything but a child, then somehow longer to see him as more than a friend with an unrequited crush. Every day, she wakes up and finds that it takes her a moment to remember that she is in love.

So, how do such things end? They end the same way things always do with dragons. A great roar, and then an even greater silence.

A belated birthday present for FamousLastWords. No, I don't know why he wanted this either.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

Jesus, that happened pretty fast. The discussion was good. Failed, strained, and unrequited loves are things I'd love to see more often than unmoving and uninteresing Happily Ever After #763, but there felt like there needed to be way more build up and anything to flesh out that the feeling wasn't mutual. The aspect of how sudden this was didn't feel like a proper revelation, but the story wasn't bad. You've still got my updoot.

Now, I haven't actually read this story yet, but why isn't there a tragedy tag?

:duck: Why Twilight?
:twilightsmile: Look here....
:unsuresweetie: Had to be a dream, My cooking was always, Well :flutterrage: A FIRE HAZARD!

:raritystarry: oH DEAR.
:trollestia: Way to go... You ran out from a fortune :derpytongue2: and into The DERP ZONE. :facehoof: :raritycry:

Because it isn't a tragedy. If you don't know the definition of a tragedy, the tag information page offers a good example.

This story resonated with me perhaps too much. But let's not talk about that. You did a great job describing Rarity's sense of obligation to the one who loves her. Despite the calm feeling throughout the story, it still had a big emotional impact.

Good story, Nice narrative, kinda fast, looks like something is missing... Is there gonna be a continuation?

"It was an honor to bear you on my back. I look forward to seeing what you can do on your own four legs."

Jesus Christ, dude.

So, today, I went through a very painful splitting with a girl who was my best friend at one point. It honestly went eerily similar to this. I know it was kinda quick int eh story, but when these things explode like this, that's how it goes.

The most painful part isn't the breakup though, it's the weeks after as you try to adjust to not seeing their name pop up on your phone when the chime goes off, when you expect to see them waiting for you on your bed after work, but only find the messed up covers, and goddamnit when you make a move to pull out your phone and call them to say all about why your day sucked or was great, and you remember that they don't care anymore.

...It's not the action that's the hard part. That's quick. It's the afterparty of adjusting to life when your best friend isn't even an acquaintence anymore.

Wow, this felt rushed and suffered from a lack of back story. It felt like Rarity got in a relation ship with Spike because she felt obligated... who does that? If she had fallen out of love with him after a long period time, that would be more believable, that happens. This, this just feels like a shoddy excuse to write a very short story to break up a sparity ship for the sake of breaking it up.

Man this was a great chapter to say the least. It did a very good job of showing just how a normal it is for a relationship to come to a head. It is not all hate and revenge. Sometime it just ends like life and the two ships just pass each other on their voyage and this goes a great job of really capturing that feeling.

The writing was nice, but the conflict didn't really feel earned. I feel like this would have been a bit more resonant with just a touch more backstory.

I've read this story a few times now, and it still feels like a gut punch.

You've woven a tale that hints at a lot of buried feelings and frustrations while still making it feel raw and exposed. My favorite line in the story takes what could have been a tender, loving relationship and makes me question both Spike and Rarity's motivations for it.

It occurred to her that she really should have paid more attention to dragon greed's effects.

I love it. I hate it. It makes me wonder what the relationship was like before it got to the breaking point. More importantly, it takes the entire relationship and makes it feel like it's come to a natural, if disheartening, end.

Not much for melancholy(bittersweet) story but this was pretty good. I like the realism of the story like when Spike said you can't be in love all the time. This story would be good as a Meatloaf's song just like Is nothing sacred or I'll do anything for love. I feel Rarity in this story was one after a series of bad date finally settle for Spike and as years gone by she feel guilt/anger. And for Spike, I feel his love is akin to hero-worship like the princess who fall in love with the knight who rescue her. It feel like he grown tired of the relationship but was afraid of breaking it off.

I feel like the worst thing about all this is that Spike will likely never know just how long Rarity had been second-guessing their relationship, or how she really felt in some of those moments that he probably considers highlights of his life. Like that kiss which she felt was "wrong", but for Spike it'll probably still bring a smile to his face a thousand years later. I mean, I think it's safe to say a lot of Spike's happiness in a relationship with Rarity would be tied to the fact that he was making her happy. If he ever found out that Rarity essentially faked a lot of it, that would wreck him far more than the break up itself.

This story pretty much illustrates why I'm not a fan of "Sparity" or whatever the ship is called. Or any other pairing in any other fandom based entirely around unrequited "love". The way I see it, if they ever were to actually get together, it would be due to Rarity feeling guilty for leading him on, intentionally or not, and feeling like she owed him a chance.

Obligation is not a solid foundation for any healthy relationship.

A strident final note, triggered by a seemingly innocent comment. And to Spike, it probably did seem harmless. But to Rarity? She doesn't think in terms of political pairings and obligations. Even after all the heartbreak, she still thinks in terms of fairy tales... and the dragon never wins in those.

An all-too-believable way this pairing could end... aside from Sweetie Belle managing to make something not just edible, but delicious.

At least Rarity tried. That's all I can really say. So now Spike can at least tell the others he had the chance to be with his crush.

This actually hurt to read. Not because it was bad. But because the portrayal of both characters was so good that my heart actually hurt listening to spike just... accept what happened. As if he knew it was coming just not when, even to the point of trying to make her not feel bad with his comments afterwards. Never read a breakup fix before but by celestia you've made me want to read more.

So, I love this story. You portray the emotions powerfully.

Why is this in the romance(sparity) folder in a "spike shippings group"!?!

You say this as if the author has any control over what the idiots on this site do.


Nope just wondering…
And that was the closest comment box at the time :twilightsheepish:

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