• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 2,976 Views, 226 Comments

Fever Dreams - The Descendant

The Descendant is the author of various works. These are some of them.

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Introduction & Author's Note

When I was allowed
to see my little brother again
and the Scarlet Fever had left him
he told me of his vivid dreams.

He told me of houses
alive with Christmas lights
shining into the snowy night
and carols lifting from them

He spoke of great white towers
sparkling in the sun
like we had seen
across the ocean

He whispered
as he lay upon the crisp white bed sheets
of beautiful streams
flowing into lakes uncounted

I, with the jealousy of a child
wanted such dreams of my own
and thought it unfair
that he alone should keep their memory

Decades later
As I grew into this man
Whose dreams already begin to fade
I startled myself

I scared myself
With the realization that
I had been left out
My parents had hidden the truth

The only reason my baby brother
Had seen such wonders
Experienced such visions
Felt such beauty

Was because he had been close to Death
Close to never being able to share them
Or anything at all
With me again

A Compendium of Works

Dear Loyal Watcher, Interested Visitor, and Confused Passerby,

You are owed an explanation, I'm afraid.

What you see here before you is not one long narrative like you are accustomed to having your T.D. deliver unto you for your bemusement, edification, and mortification.

No, what we have here, my friends, is a collection of my small stories, arranged here so that you can find them (or ignore them) of your own free will.

Many of these stories are to be found in other places. Many, if not most, can be found at Thirty Minute Pony Stories, as I've developed an affinity for that blog, namely because it distracts me from writing epics.

Others can be found at Equestria Forums where they began as simply ideas that exploded into something much larger.

A year and a half after discovering the show my mind is still "full of pony", and I begin to worry about that. Honestly. What you see here are attempts by myself to exercise the smallest of the literary ideas that have gnawed at me, the littlest of my adorable pony demons, as it were...

Others though are images, ideas, scenes, and manic episodes that existed solely as flashes of inspiration/ insanity in my head and had to exercise through the fine art of slaving over a hot word processor before I risked having to dig them out of my conscious mind with an ice pick.

I chose the first option, herein you will find the results.

The truth is, I don't know anything about these stories. These are ephemeral things... tiny ideas that jumped at your Descy and which he chose not to chase away. I can not tell you anything about the stories because I know nothing of them myself...

... I simply ask that you approach them cautiously, as some may bite (in all possible meanings of the term).

If you, by any chance, should find yourself interested in expanding on any of the concepts here presented, feel free to do so, you have my blessings.

Be quick about it though, for these are all my little fever dreams...

... and when they fade, who can say to where they go?

Stay Awesome,
And with Love,

The Descendant