• Member Since 4th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


How could you do this? And on Jueves?!


Starlight shares the Our Town gospel with a disinterested Maud, only to get pushy when things don't go her way.

My own attempt at answering a question that Maud's and Starlight's first meeting raised: Why in blue blazes didn't Starlight try to recruit Maud to Our Town?

...Which is a thought that I, apparently, am not the first one to have had. Heh.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

This was funny! And heartwarming when you think about it. Maud talking about better muffins and differing personalities is a clear reference to Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Well, glad you brought your story to my attention. I actually expected more stories around this scene as it was a scene that needed expansion.

But here, have a like, mate. And maybe next time, you can be quicker to the "first story" :trollestia:

Majin Syeekoh

This is the best second first story of something I've read.

I'm not sure if that makes grammatical sense but I say it does so there.

Dang, best pony is doling out major burns today.

8261812 I'd hyphenate "second first," personally, but that's just me.

Majin Syeekoh

Watch out, or I'll hyphenate your second first.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh I get it, Maud actually has a good pair of pitching hooves. And Starlight also needs to work on her reflexes.

Having her ideology rejected summarily hurt; having it thrown in her face was just insult on top of injury.

Having her face thrown was further injury on top of the insult.

Fantastic scene. It's all too easy to picture this happening. I especially love Maud licking the dirt off her face; it's a great allusion to what Pinkie's done with frosting. Thank you for this.

8304105 Every time you review one of my stories, you say something that makes me go "dammit, why didn't I think of that?!" Today is no exception.

You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

My new favorite word to describe pony-gait is "gamboling."

Now it's my new favorite, too.

It's a Starlight story, so it's automatically terrible. But I liked the part where Starlight got hurt, so that raises it to a 0/10.

Alas, Maud, you had the chance to save the show by destroying Starlight Sue before she became Starlight Sue as was actually a novel villain with the potential to be a long-term antagonist with clever schemes.

Now she's just Twilight 3.0. (Berryfunkleshinesparklybutt, also known as Tempest Shadow, is Twilight 3.1) :trollestia:

This was funny but I have one tiny thing to nip pick. The story seems to imply that Sugar Bell's muffins are horrible meaning she already lost her cutie mark but then where would Starlight have kept it if she only just found the cave?

9213261 No no, Sugar Belle's muffins are good.

Maud just knows better than to assume that anyone's a better baker than Pinkie.

"Yes?" said the mare, in that queer, flat way of hers.

I always respect the antiquated use of queer.

Maud is a little more verbose than I would expect, but I think it works for this story.

Starlight came to a stop, scowling. "I don't appreciate your insinuations !" she thundered, stomping her hoof into the dirt, the contact sending arcane sparks dancing through the air.

I love this paragraph. It captures Starlight's characterization well.

"Wahbwahfwahvwah?" Starlight mumbled.

I say this every single day.

Maybe a song and dance routine.

Now that is what I want to see.

This story stayed focused on its premise and delivered exactly what I wanted. The characters were on point, it entertained me throughout, the prose was evocative and fun to read. I consider this a great use of fifteen minutes of my life. Thanks for writing it.

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