• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,425 Views, 4,585 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

  • ...

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With Imperial Sanction

"The lights just went out?" Maple blinked, looking around as a chorus of grumbling rose and the room's unicorns lit their horns. The group was seated on the balcony of a dining establishment, getting lunch and treating their tournament friends in the aftermath of the play, and suddenly the gray sky was the only source of illumination far above.

"Welcome to Grandbell," Saffron apologized, her own horn glowing spring green. "Not a lot you can do but bring your own lights or stick with someone who has their own. Must be nice, living on a self-sufficient airship all the time."

Gerardo chuckled, trying to defuse the sudden tension and putting his chin on a curled talon. "It certainly puts our fuel worries into perspective. Though everyone here looks like they're just carrying on as normal."

Amber nodded, glancing around at the other tables. "It must be hard to live as an earth pony here, neither having a horn for light nor wings to fly around the central shaft."

Saffron shrugged. "Well, the power crisis is new enough not a lot of people have moved out of the area, and where would they go? Grandbell's dark, the whole continent's dark."

"At least Stormhoof has learned to deal with it over the past while," Gerardo mused. "Having lived under such tight constraints already..."

Shinespark folded her hooves on the table and stared at them. "I have a niece who wouldn't be happy about all this. You all remember Blueleaf, right?"

"It's exactly like Blueleaf." Maple folded her ears. "Periodic blackouts. You have a vertical city, so everyone low down probably has to live their lives in complete darkness. And all the power comes from Garsheeva's temple, which is just like the generator no one could enter."

Shinespark winced. "To be fair... I probably could have done more about Blueleaf myself, if I had tried. But Ironridge is big, and I thought I could delegate it while I got the Sky District to work on a solution. This is also the capitol of the Empire, rather than a rural reactor in the middle of nowhere. I doubt just anyone could lock themselves in and interfere with the power supply. At least Grandbell seems richer and better-equipped for this than that town..."

Saffron shook her head. "Well, this certainly isn't a place you live if you're impoverished. But what exactly are you supposed to do? Hard to buy batteries when trade's such a mess with Varsidel and Ironridge, and do you know what would happen if everyone burned candles for light at the bottom of a hole? Airflow just doesn't work like that. Not with the city's ventilation system powered down, at least. I can't say what'll happen if this keeps up or gets worse."

"Unicorns will become valuable," Sharpie said, mostly sitting and listening. "In what way, I couldn't predict. But the less ponies have magical technology to rely on, the more they'll remember to rely on their own magic."

Brightcoil blushed, her own horn glowing as well. "I'm glad I can be helpful."

"Well, if anyone can do something about it, I doubt it will be us." Maple shook her head. "Even if there is someone like Neon Nova messing with Garsheeva's generator, I don't really feel like breaking into her temple to look for them."

"Neon Nova?" Saffron blinked. "Isn't that the emcee up in the tournament announcer's box?"

"He is," Gerardo sighed. "Sounds like their resumes haven't exactly clung to them. Him and his brother Howe are the public-speaking equivalent of mercenaries without class or morals. We ran into them in Ironridge, where they were working as rabble-rousers for Herman's mercenaries."

Harshwater sipped from her drink. "I didn't see either of them often. They were usually out and about. Both of them were pains in the flank."

Saffron shook her head. "Sounds like Stormhoof needs to work on its hiring practices."

"The whole world needs to work on things." Sharpie sipped at her drink. "As long as I can provide for my family with the dignity I deserve, I'll be fine."

Brightcoil nodded slowly beside her. "After a whole month of this, though, it has been long enough for us to think about... what happens if this never gets better. If there was no longer a Power Distribution Agency to work for. Obviously, the continent will still need power, and the grid itself is in place and well-maintained..."

"Ponies will always need power," Sharpie assured. "And they'll need others to get it to them."

"Though they probably wouldn't mind having the existing system work out instead of undergoing a painful transition to a new one," Gerardo remarked. "What about Garsheeva? Have either of you heard word trickle down from above about her plans if things break further? Surely she must have been approached countless times."

"Garsheeva hasn't been helpful. That said, she usually doesn't do a lot." Sharpie squared her shoulders. "She told the council and the presses that this is the Power Distribution Agency's job. And Meltdown is certainly getting harried. I'm certain she knows the nature of the problem, but hasn't told anyone. Even her own inspectors. Probably because the problem isn't ours."

Shinespark shook her head. "Well, it's certainly a lively conversation topic. I wonder the events at Stormhoof helped take heat off it, or vice versa?"

"Neither," Sharpie said. "Most of the media thinks they're related. Some think Gazelle is to blame, but he's been reluctant to own up. He's blatantly unrepentant about everything else he's done recently, so that would be strange if it's true."

"What about Meltdown herself?" Gerardo suggested. "Perhaps she has something to gain from doing all this on purpose?"

Sharpie thought for a moment. "She might. There are certainly ponies corrupt enough to do it. I don't think she would, but am not confident enough to go on record."

"What about last night?" Starlight murmured, voice low. "When Garsheeva and Meltdown showed up at our ship? Do you think that has anything to do with this?"

Maple blinked, tilting her head in thought... when suddenly, there was a rush of wings and three armored, decorated griffons alighted on the balcony, all the restaurant's patrons looking up, startled.

"You are the delegation from Ironridge, correct?" The lead guard approached Shinespark and bowed. "Princess Gwendolyn requests an audience with you and any you deem trustworthy at once. Will you attend?"

Shinespark blinked, looking across her friends.

"You go, sugarcube." Saffron smiled encouragingly. "Don't know what that's about, but the Princess doesn't summon folks for nothing. We all will stay here and cover the bill."

"But we were supposed to be paying..." Maple raised a hoof, then lowered it. "Right. Can you tell us anything about what this is about?"

"The Princess did not explain the nature of her request." The guard shook his head.

"Well," Gerardo said, rising from his chair. "That sounds a hair more urgent than a formal summons. Let us see what adventures await us."

"Yo, you guys were speedy," Valey greeted, Maple, Amber, Starlight, Gerardo, Shinespark and Harshwater striding into the throne room, flanked by guards. Gazelle and Lyn waited with her, and Starlight bristled slightly at the sight of the prince.

"Valey?" Shinespark frowned, horn glowing. "You were down here?"

Valey scratched an ear. "Yeah, something like that. Listen, Lyn here has a spiel for you."

"We have been discussing the power outages," Lyn announced. "If you have been living in Stormhoof, where no energy is the norm, seeing them here will likely be unusual for you. I don't doubt you've been talking about them as well."

Amber frowned. "That's the kind of language I expect from someone who's about to ask a favor."

"Do you propose we deal with this?" Gerardo raised an eyebrow. "I hope you have something in mind. We were merely giving idle speculation, and haven't a clue what actually ails you."

"You get straight to the point, don't you?" Lyn nodded. "I would. I have a proposal for you." She turned, walking to the edge of the throne room dome, waving a wing for everyone to follow. "Valey has told me there is a crystal flame in the core of Garsheeva's temple, used to power the entire Empire as well as your airship. Is this true?"

"A harmonic flame," Valey corrected. "In a crystal tree."

Shinespark nodded. "That's a reasonable guess. If my father was able to invent a machine to use these flames for power, Garsheeva likely could have done so centuries ago."

"Right." Lyn stared down at the pit, still visibly lacking its barrier, the temple core now glowing slightly in the darkness. "I have also heard that you are low on this flame, and possess means of transporting it. I propose that I will give you access to the temple core. You will investigate the problem for me and return with information Meltdown may be unwilling or unable to share. In return, should you be able to gather it, I will allow you to keep any harmonic flame you collect as a reward."

Gerardo's eyes widened. "You can do that? That's Garsheeva's inner sanctum! You're allowed to let us in?"

Shinespark frowned. "Letting us into Garsheeva's home without her permission sounds extremely dangerous."

"I am," Lyn said. "It is not a well-known secret of the imperial dynasty. When Garsheeva reigns from her throne in full view, any can petition to speak with her. Typically, only her clergy know that spire is hollow, and when speaking with her you merely stand on its roof. The temple core itself is visited perhaps once in a generation. But the power to open its gates is deliberately given to the rightful empress of the Griffon Empire, by Garsheeva herself on the day they are foaled. There are rules we have to abide by. Other sphinxes are forbidden, and no one may enter for the purpose of visiting Garsheeva. But we are the gatekeepers and the judges, and if you enter to seek power for your airship, under her rules I could let you in."

Harshwater blinked hard. "Why is Garsheeva so fond of making others do her work?"

"You mean like how Meltdown has the most powerful job in the Empire, and Garsheeva actively listens to schemers and manipulators while letting her legitimate government flounder without guidance or commit whatever morally nebulous acts it will?" Gazelle shrugged from his wheelchair. "When you're a goddess, you don't have to answer questions like that."

"So in short," Gerardo said, glancing keenly at the princess. "You're saying you not only have a way down there, but Garsheeva intends for you to have it? You're supposed to be able to let us in?"

"Have you ever opened it before?" Maple tilted her head, looking slightly nervous.

Lyn nodded. "I have opened it once, when I was very young. To let Meltdown in, before she became who she is today. My brother would remember it better than I do. He was the one who asked it of me."

"So, the question is," Valey began, stepping forward, "do we even care? We've got enough fuel to make it back to Ironridge. Not with any to spare, but we could refuel before heading to Yakyakistan or something. See if we can get another Writ of Harmonic Sanction there. Having more now would be nice, but... isn't life-or-death. And even if Garsheeva is really strange and has something in there we're not supposed to walk in on, there's still Meltdown. I could kind of see us fighting her in there with Garsheeva just watching, in the event that she's evil. Lyn filled me in while you guys were coming, and I'm not one hundred percent sold on whether this is a good idea."

Everyone looked at each other, and no one wanted to speak... until Starlight stepped forward. "I'm going."

Maple stared at her. "Starlight?"

"I think I should," Starlight said. "When Garsheeva visited our ship last night, she took... my friend, and I bet it's related to this. I also think I might know why the rules about entering are the way they are..." She lowered her voice. "And I kind of want to feel a harmonic flame again."

"You mean why Garsheeva entrusts the empresses with judging who's worthy of entry instead of doing it herself?" Gazelle raised an eyebrow. "The same reason she declares how Regents work in tournaments: she likes watching mortals judge others. That's all the explanation I need."

"You have a different idea?" Valey asked, glancing at her.

Starlight swallowed. She was certain it had to with her revelation in Mistvale that Garsheeva and the Night Mother were one and the same. Asking the Empress for entry was likely a condition for meeting with the Night Mother in person and gaining the wish she offered... but this didn't seem like a secret she could just tell any of her friends. If anyone, it would be Valey, because the batpony talking about the Night Mother's cutie mark had been the last clue that helped her put it together, but she hadn't even told her yet.

"Well?" Valey tilted her head. "You're kinda staring."

"It's not one I want to talk about," Starlight said. "I'll go in. Maybe Valey should come too, just in case. But maybe everyone else should stay safe..."

Maple bit her lip.

"The fewer the better? Most interesting." Gazelle rubbed his chin. "If I were you... Well, I have no trustworthy advice to offer. Good luck, ladies. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing power restored to my sister's empire."

"If Starlight goes, I'm definitely in too," Valey promised. "But yeah, she has a point. I have no idea what it's like in there, if it's like the Ironridge one or different... and if it does come to blows, probably best not to have too many along who can't defend themselves. That said... you sure about this, kiddo?"

Starlight mutely nodded. She wasn't, and didn't want to be questioned, but there was a big part of her that wanted to feel the peace she had felt at the Ironridge flame, and another that wanted to find and help Glimmer. And the Ironridge flame had helped her magic. She could use it for short periods now and not get headaches that took days to recover. Maybe this one could help her again? But in the back of her mind, there was the lingering fear that she would have another vision, one of the gray world with an older Valey who knew her full name. A vision that could tell her more about that future and how to stop it, but also that it hadn't yet been averted... She swallowed, and stared at Lyn.

"You have my thanks." Lyn bowed to her and her specifically. "You should make any preparations you need. My guards will fly you if you require a visit to your ship. When you are ready, meet me on the roof of Garsheeva's core."

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