• Published 19th Jun 2017
  • 5,175 Views, 110 Comments

The Most Chaotic Date Ever!!! - Azure129

It's been years since Celestia and Discord's first Grand Galloping Gala together after the chaos master's reform (and his confession of love). Their friendship has blossomed. But now Celestia has something to confess. How will Discord respond?

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Chapter 3: Uncharted Territories

Celestia, Princess of the Sun, had never felt more relaxed in her entire life. She lay in the peaceful little valley in the Canterlot castle statue garden as sunshine warmed her from overhead, birds chirped happily, and a fountain made a pleasant trickling sound in the distance.

But the nicest part about this moment was that she wasn’t alone. Though her eyes were closed, the feeling of a soft arm draped over her shoulder clearly reminded Celestia of her chaotic companion’s presence. Discord yawned now and shifted closer as he started to snore lightly. Had he fallen asleep with her here? She was tempted to fall asleep too, but worried for a moment that she might have somewhere she needed to be or someone expecting her at the castle. Yet oddly she couldn’t recall any particular commitments for the near future. And as Discord sighed lightly and his warm breath moved over her ears, she lost all interest in trying to remember the context of why they were cuddled here together. She let her folded wings relax against his body and savored his touch with a smile.

That smile soon turned into a giggle as his beard suddenly tickled the back of her neck. Celestia’s head shifted, and she supposed her hair must have brushed against Discord’s face because he chuckled lightly in his slumber and hugged her closer.

Suddenly though she felt like she was slipping away from their sweet moment together: almost like falling asleep but in reverse and rather quickly. The image of the lovely landscape vanished away…

With her eyes still closed, it took a moment for Celestia’s hazy mind to realize that she was just waking up from a rather lovely evening of dreams. Slowly she remembered that she was staying in her old castle in the Everfree Forest on a date with Discord. And something in the air and in her heart told her (as usual each morning) that it was just about time for today’s sunrise. She would have to get up and put her dreams on hold for the moment, she supposed. Even that last dream that had seemed so simple yet had felt more intimate and real than any of the others.

Celestia smiled to herself as she prepared to stir. ‘I’ll have to remember to do my best not wake up Dis—‘

She had slowly opened her eyes and shifted to rise from her bed…but paused. Something was holding her in place—something warm and strong and long and…

There came a sleepy chuckle from right behind her head followed by the loud yawn of someone waking up for the day. “Hmm?” Discord let out a happy sigh and whispered to himself. “Wow, this dream feels even more real than any of the others…” His hold on her firmed. “Still, perhaps I should leave you for now, my dream Celestia, and return to my real darling Celestia. I’d hate to sleep through her sunrise. A little pinch should wake me up—it always does.” Celestia heard the sound of his tail shift under covers. “Ow!” Clearly he had pinched himself. “Ah, yes, there we…”


A wide-eyed Celestia’s features burned bright red.

She heard Discord stop breathing.

Then Celestia slowly turned her head to face him.

There was Discord, levitating with a blanket in the air right beside her bed with his arm over her body: a location he had definitely not occupied when they had gone to bed but that he had somehow acquired over the course of the night.

The chaos master’s pupils contracted to red pinpricks as their eyes met. He gave a dry swallow. “T…Tia?” croaked out of him.

Her heart stopped and then took off racing. There were so many thoughts and feelings, and this was real wasn’t it? Oh dear…


Her wings shot back, and one caught Discord right in the eye.

“Discord!” Celestia turned completely toward him, a hoof to her mouth. But as she reached out to touch him, his unharmed eye widened, and with an utter look of panic he snapped his fingers to disappear in a puff of smoke.

Celestia watched the empty space he had left behind, her breaths shallow. Then finally she sighed deeply and brought a hoof to her forehead. “Discord…it’s just like at our first Gala: why do you always run away from me when you’re embarrassed?” She turned her gaze upward. “Okay… I can handle this. I can handle a relationship with Discord, even moments like these. First I’m going to raise the sun, and then I’ll find him. He wouldn’t go far—we’re still technically on a date after all.” Her brow furrowed in determination. “I am a calm, confident, capable mare, just like Cadance says.” The little mantra of female empowerment from her niece finally made Celestia smile. And even though she still blushed a little, she finally left her bed to perform her sunrise and to prepare for the best way to approach Discord.

Celestia couldn’t sense particular creatures by their magic as accurately as Discord could. But she could still sense shifts in a familiar figure’s magic as long as that figure was near. And only a few moments of wandering around the forest castle grounds led her to know that Discord was somewhere close by. She just had to figure out exactly where…

“You are such an idiot, Discord. Such. An. Idiot.”

Celestia’s ears perked up at these mumbled words in a very familiar voice; she walked a few paces over to a clearing set just before the forest border.

There was Discord, sitting on the damp morning grass, his head hung low. “She trusts you enough to share her old home with you—to share a room with you—and you go sleep-floating off to her bed the very first night. She probably thinks you’re either tactless or just completely inept at having a romantic relationship with somepony.”

Celestia frowned.

His tail flicked a rock into the underbrush. “She’s probably furious with you…”

Celestia blinked and shook her head.

His wrapped his arms around his legs. “Or she thinks you’re a big joke.”

Celestia sighed, her look a little dry.

“Or maybe she’s just left…and our date’s over, and…we’re over.”

The note of devastation in his voice sent Celestia into action. The sun princess took a deep breath, put on a smile, used her magic to make a covered silver platter appear in the air behind her, and then trotted into the clearing.

“Good morning, Discord.”

The chaos master jumped and scrambled to sit normally again as he turned to her with wide eyes.

Celestia sat beside him and set the platter on the grass. “I hope you had a good night’s sleep.” Her blushing burned but she tried to ignore it. “If I remember right, I promised to make us a surprise breakfast this morning. I’m glad I found you before it got cold.” She used her magic to remove the lid from the platter, revealing lovely golden and brown squares of pastry. “Coffee cake—emphasis on the coffee…and on the cake.” She gave a sheepish shrug. “It’s a favorite of mine to start the day with a lot of energy. I hope you’ll like it as much as I do.” She took a piece of cake in her magic and nibbled.

Slowly, the chaos master reached out with his paw (his eyes on her the whole time in a look almost dramatically fearful) and took a piece. He held it close. “Er…thanks. I almost forgot about breakfast, I guess.” Out of the corner of her eye, Celestia saw him take a small nibble. But then he blinked and polished off the piece of cake in two bites and took a second one.

Celestia smiled a little more. “You’re very welcome.” She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “Discord?”


She ignored her blushing and made herself be bold. “I know you dreamed about me last night—I heard you say so when you woke up. So I think it’s only fair to let you know that I dreamed about you too. Which probably explains how we both woke up this morning. So whenever you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here. But if you need some time, that’s okay too.” She smiled a little. “I just want you to be comfortable.”

He was quiet again for a moment (he even stopped eating the coffee cake). Then he took a deep breath. “I’m…I’m ready to talk. But I’m nervous. What if the conversation goes badly?”

Celestia’s smile grew as her eyes hazed. “Discord, I just made you cake and told you I dreamed about you—if you really still think I’m setting you up for a bad conversation, I’m not sure what else I can do to convince you otherwise.”

That remark got a small smile out of him. Then he finally looked to her eyes. For just a moment, the smile left again and he was all seriousness. “It really was an accident. I promise. I’d never sneak over to you like that in the night on purpose, not as a joke or anyth—“

Celestia placed a hoof over his mouth. “Discord, I know you’d never do something like that. It goes without saying. Okay?”

He nodded.

She smiled as she removed her hoof. “I’m not upset at all, Discord. Really. Actually, it was nice not to wake up alone.” She blushed slightly as she quickly added, “A-And of course, it was also our first morning together. There were bound to be a few bumps in the road.”

Second morning together,” Discord corrected with a grin. “Remember the Hearthswarming after the Gala? You, me, and my sofa…”

The sun princess smiled tenderly. “Yes, I remember.”

“I just really like you,” Discord went on in an almost coltish tone. “I’m drawn to you. And having you so close last night for the first time in so long…I guess I couldn’t help drifting close when I was sleeping. It…really is nice not to be alone.” He swallowed. “And dreaming about you so much didn’t help keep me away either.”

Celestia blushed but shifted closer to him as she took another piece of cake. “In my dream we were in the valley of the statue garden back home. Somehow you’d convinced me to take the morning off, and we were lying in the grass, resting. And you put your arm over my shoulders to make sure I wouldn’t be tempted to sneak back to the castle early.”

“Oh…” He blushed pink as he took another piece of cake and played with it in his fingers. But then he smiled a little. “That…actually sounds nice.” He chuckled.

Celestia took another piece of cake and bit her lip. “If you wanted to tell me about one of your dreams sometime, I wouldn’t mind. If you ever feel comfortable enough, of course.”

She glanced over to see him grinning to himself. Then he sighed. “Well, I suppose. Last night’s was sort of fun after all.” He chuckled then blinked and blushed. “I mean, not ‘fun’ like…just fun like fun! Like…”

She gave him a dry look. “Discord, I understand things are awkward, but if we’re going to try being more than friends, getting so nervous won’t help. And neither will running away whenever you’re embarrassed.” She looked down. “You ran off during our first Gala too. I wish you wouldn’t do that. It makes me feel like you don’t trust me not to hurt you.”

She looked up at the feeling of his paw on her hoof. He looked back into her eyes, his tone serious. “I run off when I’m embarrassed because I have an ego the size of Appleoosa. I know you’d never hurt me. It goes without saying.” He smiled a little as she did too. “But I’ll try to keep in mind that running off just wastes time—we always seem to end up together and talking about whatever happened anyway after all. Okay?”

Celestia nodded. “Okay.”

He winked then released her hoof and took up his piece of cake again to keep munching. “Now, back to my dream. Ah, yes, you and I were in Chaosville, frolicking in the madness—giant mushroom tops to bounce on, rock candy mountains to climb, solid rainbows to slide down: you know, the works. Anyway, we got tired, and you wanted to rest on one of my cotton candy clouds before heading home. But I know you still get a little dizzy floating in my chaos world, even on a cloud, so I offered to keep a hand on your shoulder to help you stay grounded. And you were so warm, I couldn’t help moving closer…” He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. But then he blinked a few times and swallowed. “So, yeah, that was my dream for the most part.”

“I see.” Celestia’s smile grew, and her gaze went down slightly. “You know…I meant what I said yesterday in your marshmallow cave: that I wanted things to be complicated now, that it was okay for you to hold me. You can touch me, Discord—as more than a friend. Really.”

She glanced over to see him quite red. “Oh,” he started. “That’s…good to know.”

Her smile grew as she shifted closer. “You could even touch me right now. I wouldn’t mind. It felt nice—the little bit I experienced yesterday before the dragons came and the little bit I experienced this morning.” She cleared her throat. “As long as you want to, of course.”

His wide eyes shifted over to her slightly. Then he gave a small smile. “You really have gotten more direct at making advances. Tell Cadance I approve…and that I’m very grateful. I think I might need that little extra encouragement from you sometimes.” His paw came up and lightly touched her shoulder at first before extending across the top of her back.

Celestia nestled closer to him. “Whatever you need, Discord, I’m here for. And isn’t this nicer than sulking out here all day?”

“Indescribably.” He picked up another piece of cake with his claw. “By the way, how did you find me so quickly? Have I really gotten so terrible at hiding?”

She shook her head with a smile. “No. I could just sense some of your magic since you weren’t too far away.” She glanced around at the clearing. “How did you decide to come here, Discord? This place is a bit hidden from the castle.”

“Something just seemed familiar to me when I came this way.” He smiled a little more. “And then I realized—this is the place where I saw you all those centuries ago playing one day. Remember that journal entry I wrote about the memory in the book I gave you for our first Hearthswarming together? I think it was here that I saw you and couldn’t bring myself to attack you with my chaos.”

Celestia’s eyes brightened as the memory came back to her. “What a special place, Discord.”

“A special place for a special mare.” He winked.

His wink brought Celestia’s attention back to his eye. She frowned as she noticed the bit of darkness around the rim. “Discord, I’m so sorry, is your eye okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just a little ‘surprised’ when I realized you were really with me… And so my wings… I-I, erm…” She paused, blushing darkly, as he reached out and raised her chin with his paw.

Discord smiled, blushing too. “My eye is fine. I’m tougher than I look. And I understand… about being ‘surprised’.” He swallowed as he removed his paw. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

Her blush still dark, Celestia managed a shy nod. “Thank you,” she replied quietly.

He nodded.

Then she cleared her throat and looked to him again. “Anyway, this should help your eye, Discord.” Her horn glowed; a yellow cloud of magic gently came over his eye and dissipated the darkness. Discord blinked a few times and smiled. Celestia laughed softly. “And for good measure, this might help too.” She leaned up and kissed his temple just above his eye.

Discord smiled brightly after she pulled back. “You’ve worked wonders, Tia. It feels better already. Thank you.” Then he glanced to the side ‘innocently’. “But, you know…I think your wing might have also grazed my jaw—right near my mouth, actually.” He shrugged. “So, you, if you wanted to do anything to make that ‘better’ you could always—“

He stopped talking as she came forward and gently placed her lips to his. Eventually his eyes closed and he returned the brief gesture.

Discord and Celestia pulled back, both smiling.

“You’re very good at that, you know,” Discord grinned, arm still around her.

Celestia giggled softly. “At what? Making you feel better?”

“Well, yes, there’s that. But I meant you’re very good at kissing.”

The sun princess burst into blushing. “Discord…” She rolled her eyes, trying not to smile.

“What? It’s true.” He leaned closer. “All bias in your favor I might have aside, you’re quite the skilled mare when it comes to lips.” He chuckled then looked down shyly. “I don’t mean to embarrass you. It’s just…sharing our dreams…it seems like we’re finally able to talk about the romantic part of our lives. And I’d like to keep the topic on the table permanently if you don’t mind. I think it might be nice to finally be so open with each other.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Celestia glanced at him again. “It might be nice to officially start letting each other into that part of our lives.” Her blush deepened as her eyes went down again. “And for what it’s worth, you’re not bad at kissing either. And it really is nicer when you touch me while you’re doing it…” She snuggled a little closer to him.

Discord chuckled dreamily. “You know what else touching makes better?”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Tickling,” he replied simply. And then before she could question him, he started. “You see…” his fingers played near her neck and shoulders. “As friends, I’d only tickle you with the tuft of my tail. But as more than friends…welcome to your laughing doom, princess.”

“Discord!” Celestia was convulsing from the movements of his hands and now flung herself onto her side in the grass. But just as he approached for more tickles, she used her magic to wrap her mane around his body.

“T-Tia!” Discord was convulsing with laughter too now, especially as she wrapped her tail around him as well for good measure. “S-Stop! It’s too much! I can’t breathe!”

“Only on one condition…” She smirked.

“Anything!” he yelled between laughs.

“Tell me what surprise date you have planned for us today. I’m afraid half my dreams last night were me just trying to picture whatever you have in store.”

“G-Give me your fantastic coffee cake recipe and you’ve got a deal!”

“Deal!” Celestia nodded with a bright smile as she finally released him. “Oh!”

As Discord dropped back to the grass in laughter, the hold of her mane and tail on his body caused him to pull her forward. Celestia was now half on top of his still chuckling form. With a happy laugh of her own, she closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest.

How many daydreams had she had about doing this? Usually alone in her study or in her office at the academy (and maybe once or twice during particularly dry government meetings), she would recall something memorable Discord had done or said and then her thoughts would go to his grinning face and unique form until she couldn’t help wondering about how warm and inviting that long chest of his might be cuddle against. And now here they were, and she had her ear pressed against his heart—still beating such a funny rhythm, like a song without a tune. And his fur was cozy yet rugged, and the rise and fall of his breathing body made her think of a comment Luna had made back after her first Gala with Discord: that stone body suits must be an excellent enhancer of muscle tone. Celestia blushed more and released a peaceful sigh. She couldn’t recall a better morning…

“You seem quite cozy, Tia,” left Discord in a playful tone. “I really did have some plans for our date today but…we can just stay here like this for a while instead to start. If you want to, my princess.” He gently brushed his hand over her mane with a light chuckle. “We could just stay like this forever actually,” he teased.

Celestia smiled more. To just stay here with him, finally together, without anything to come between them. At the end of so many struggles and missed opportunities, nothing sounded better for a moment. She felt a blissful yes on her lips.

“I don’t hear a no,” Discord added in a low, humorous tone. “Admit it—we’re not on an extended date, you just wanted to run away with me. Oh, Tia, I like this side of you….”

Celestia’s eyes popped open, and she quickly sat up with a funny smile. “O-Oh, very funny, Discord.” She cleared her throat, desperately seeking some of her usual poise as she moved off of him. “You really do have an ego the size of Appleoosa. Of course I’m looking forward to doing whatever you have planned for us for the rest of the day, which is why we should probably finish breakfast so we can get back to our date.” And with that she magically served him a final slice of coffee cake and took the remaining hunk for herself, swallowing half of it in one bite, her eyes forward.

Discord watched her, an eyebrow raised at her barely hidden skittishness. Then finally he sat up and nodded. “Yes, we can get back to my plans. And I supposed I did promise to reveal them in exchange for not being tickled to death.” He smiled a little again.

Celestia noticed and finally smiled a little again too as she swallowed her last bite of cake. “I’d just like to get an early start. We only have a few days together after all.” Her horn glowed as her smile grew. “Oh, and I just sent a copy of my coffee cake recipe to your house. The secret is using fresh brewed Coltlombian espresso.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” His gaze warmed as he finished his final slice of cake.

Celestia’s fluster finally subsided a bit, and she managed a warm gaze as well. “So then…where to?”

“Actually, I thought we could go on sort of a quest.” He twiddled his thumbs, looking up innocently.

Celestia’s grin grew as she raised an eyebrow. “What kind of quest?”

“A quest for something magical,” he replied with a mysterious grin in her direction. “Come on, it’ll be fun—you and me braving the dangers of a treacherous journey all to achieve some lofty goal. It’ll be like going on a mission to save Equestria but much more fun since the fate of the nation won’t be hanging in the balance.”

She sighed, trying not to laugh. “You’re not going to tell me what we’re questing for exactly until we get there, are you?”

“Not until I can present it to you with the flourish you deserve, my fair lady, no.” He winked.

She blushed lightly, smiling more. “Just so you know, Discord, even if it’s working in this case, you can’t just flirt your way out of every situation whenever you want to be mysterious.”

“Duly noted. But I can certainly have fun trying.” He chuckled as he floated up in the air.

Celestia just shook her head as she stood up. “So, will we need any supplies for this quest?”

“Just wings, magic, and a set of strong legs. And look at that, the two of us each have all three.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow as he tapped one of her wings, tapped her horn, and then let his gaze linger for several seconds on her legs.

He quickly shook his head through and cleared his throat. “And speaking of needing wings, we’d better get going—we have a long flight ahead of us to our destination.”

“We’ll be flying? In that case, should I clean up one of the old chariots from the stable here?” Celestia suggested. “And maybe you could snap up some flying pigs to pull it?”

“However impressively chaotic that suggestion is and however much it just increased my attraction to you, if that’s possible,” Discord began with a gleam in his eye, “I for one have no problem using wing power alone. But if you do feel tired, my darling, just let me know and I’ll be happy to snap up a cloud for you to rest on.”

Celestia stretched her wings with a smile. “Well, it’s been a while since I flew long distances, but a chance to stretch my wings does sound nice now that you mention it.”

Discord spread his own mismatched wings. “Very well then, let’s take off, Tia.” He flew up, bobbing a little in the air.

Celestia flew up as well. “Lead the way, Discord. I’ve always liked going off on little adventures with you as friends…so going on one as part of a date should be very interesting.” She gave him a half lidded gaze before ascending into the treetops.

Discord chuckled as he soared past her to lead the way. “You have no idea, my princess…” He winked over his shoulder.

Celestia pursued him into the sky, anticipating his adventure for them more than she had ever anticipated a date with anyone else.

“Discord, we’ve been flying for a very, very long time. Are you sure you don’t want a cloud to carry you too?”

At this point, Celestia and Discord were quite far out over the wide, nearly-empty expanses of one of Equestria’s far borders, and Celestia had long since opted to be carried by a floating cloud. Meanwhile, Discord was still dutifully flying beside her, though the way his chest and tail sagged, how hard he flapped his wings, and his huffing and puffing were clear indications that he could use a rest as well.

However (just like the last two times she had gently suggested he take a break), Discord shook his head. “N-No, I’m…I’m fine, really. It’s just a little bit of flying, heh. I’ve got this.” He flapped his wings even harder and his flying evened out a little again.

Celestia sighed and tried not to smile too much. “Discord, if this is about proving you can handle a longer flight than I can, remember you already did that. I’ve been on this cloud for almost an hour.”

“Oh, like I would be so transparent, Celestia.” He snapped his tail to make himself see-through then snapped himself back to normal. “I just know that a little more wing-related exercise won’t kill me. I’m Discord: I’m the master of chaos, the ancient and eternal spirit of disharmony and hilarity all at once!” He held his head high. “Duke of disparity, Earl of Entropy, Marquis of Mayhem…”

“Sultan of Stubbornness,” Celestia added with a grin.

“Yes, Sultan of—hey!” He stuck his tongue out at her playfully as he crossed arms. “Very funny, Tia. My point is I can manage the rest of our little journey on wing alone.”

Celestia considered, then her eyes hazed a little. “Well, that’s too bad. I was thinking we could share a cloud if you decided to take a rest. It’s a little chilly up here all alone.” She smiled invitingly.

Discord blushed and glanced away. “Celestia, I think we should establish that the whole ‘flirting to get your way won’t work all the time’ thing applies to you as well.”

She giggled. “It was worth a shot. But if you want to keep flying, be my guest.” She yawned and stretched out comfortably on the cloud.

Discord glanced back at her with a warm smile as he added, “Believe me, though, you provide a tempting offer for abandoning my determination.” He shrugged. “Maybe if the offer still stands later you’ll allow me to join you on our way back home?”

Her smile grew. “Of course, Discord. In fact I’d really have to insist—tomorrow’s the last full day of our date, after all, and I’d like you to be well-rested for it.”

“It’s a deal then, princess,” he replied, huffing and puffing a little again as he looked forward. Then he blinked and his eyes brightened. “And speaking of rest, it looks like we’re here! Finally!” With a deep sigh of relief, he dove for the ground.

Celestia watched him go with an amused shake of her head then abandoned her cloud to fly down and join him.

Discord stood at the base of a large, craggy hill, catching his breath.

Celestia glanced at him, her eyes bright with adventure. “What’s next on our quest, Discord?”

“We head to the top of the hill,” Discord replied with a grin as he straightened up, trying to maintain an energetic air.

“Are you going to fly up there as well?” Her smile fell.

“No, no.” He shook his head and held up his paw. “No more flying for today.”

Celestia’s smile returned at the (seemingly sensible) reply. “Teleporting then?”

“Not quite. We’re going to climb.” The chaos master grinned. “Nothing wrong with an old-fashioned hike! You can use your earth pony strength and I can put my draconequus strength to good use.” He puffed out his chest and flexed his arms.

Thankfully he was looking up at the top of the hill now, because a very quick and deep flush came to Celestia’s features at the muscular display.

Discord turned to Celestia again just as the flushing ebbed from her features. “I told you a set of strong legs was required for this quest. Are you ready, Tia?”

Celestia eyed the steep hillside. “Well, I wouldn’t mind the chance for a nice hike and fresh air. But the hill looks a little steep in some areas.” She glanced at Discord with a look of concern. “Maybe you should rest a little more before we start—Discord!”

He was already up and climbing the rough surface, hands and feet working with a surprisingly fresh exuberance. “Come on, Tia,” he called over his shoulder with a grin, “we’re burning daylight!”

With a sigh and finally a determined smile, Celestia approached the hill and began to climb as well. Suddenly she heard the sound of some rocks falling overhead and glanced up only to see that Discord’s dragon leg had lost its footing. “Discord, be careful!” she called out, feeling a tightness in her chest at his near tumble on the sharp rocks.

“Of course, Tia—don’t you worry!” Discord called back brightly as he swung his leg back up to catch a fresh foothold. He paused though in his climb and looked down at her. “Tia, are you doing okay too? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you with a climb this extreme. Maybe I should snap you up a helmet and a harness or something…”

“Don’t worry, Discord,” Celestia assured as he moved up beside him on the hillside. “I’ll be fine. I’m very well rested from my time on the cloud. Let’s just take it slow the rest of the way though, okay?”

He nodded. “Okay, Celestia. Slow, together.”

Her gaze warmed. “Discord…I’m having a lot of fun, you know. More fun than I’ve ever had on a date with anyone else.”

Fireworks practically went off in his eyes. “O-Oh good…then it’s not just me who feels that way?”

She giggled. “No, not at all.”

He chuckled. “Okay then, let’s move to the summit to keep having fun together.”

“Let the quest continue.” She nodded.

The two of them finished their climb to the top together and finally collapsed onto the flat summit side by side.

Celestia raised her head with a smile as she caught her breath. “I’ll admit, Discord, that wasn’t the easiest way to get up here but it was sort of invigorating.”

He sat up with a smile as he caught his breath too. “Agreed. I feel like I’m practically two hundred again.” He stood then held out his paw to help her up.

Celestia blushed and smiled as she took his paw and rose onto her hooves. “Okay, Discord, now do I finally get to find out what this quest is all about?”

“Of course. Far be it from me to keep a lady waiting.” He pulled her around a rock formation, smiling giddily. “And here we are! Ta da!”

Celestia blinked. “Oh, Discord, it’s…it’s lovely!”

Before them grew an immense flower, towering stories above her and Discord. For a moment Celestia felt something nagging at the back of her mind: like a specific piece of valuable information about flowers like these that she just couldn’t put her hoof on.

But before she could try to remember though, Discord leaned close to her with a satisfied grin. “Isn’t it grand? Your little obsession with getting flowers from me helped give me the idea. This is the largest and rarest flower in Equestria, for the most beautiful and brilliant mare in Equestria.” He shrugged. “Of course, you can’t exactly take this one home to add to your chest of flowers, but still I hope the memory of seeing it together will suffice.”

Celestia looked to him with a grin and a half lidded gaze. “You’re quite the romantic, aren’t you, Discord?”

“Guilty as charged.” He chuckled. “But wait, there’s more!” He floated over to the flower.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Discord?” That nagging thought she couldn’t quite place came mind again. The largest flower in Equestria, far into the outlands on steep hilltops…and somehow it had a connection to Discord from the past. But what was it?

Discord flew up high. “You see, under this flower lives a certain creature I had a bad run in with years ago. But I’m ready to make amends and extend to him the magic of friendship, with you as my witness. You might want to step back, Celestia—tatzulwurms have a long reach.” He gave a quick snap of his tail to set up some barrier rocks in front of her as protection.

“Tatzul…” Celestia’s eyes widened. “Discord, don’t!”

But she was too late. Discord flexed his hands and snapped his fingers with a flourish. The flower rose up high under an immense swirling, glowing force field of his magic to reveal a large crater in the mountain summit. And then the tatzulwurm loomed up with a screech.

Celestia ducked behind a rock as one of its tentacles lashed to the ground and caused a tremor near her.

Discord just held his head up high as he floated in the air and projected his voice. “Hello, tatzulwurm! I know we got off to a bad start all those years ago, but I’d like us to try again. My name is Discord, Master of Chaos, and I want to be your fri—AH!” The wurm flung out a tentacle and wrapped Discord’s body up tight.

“Discord!” Celestia used her magic to burst through the rocks and come closer.

The chaos master swallowed at his new predicament. “Okay, okay, tatzulwurm, maybe you need more time, heh…” He cringed as the wurm growled and gnashed its teeth. “I’ll just put back your flower and we’ll try again in a century or two. I—uh oh!” Just as Discord went to snap his fingers, tentacles shot out to wrap around his limbs and tail.

The wurm screamed again and pulled Discord toward his mouth.

And then a voice interceded.


That voice… Discord’s body and the tatzulwurm’s tentacles vibrated with the voice’s depth and resonance. The chaos master not only felt compelled to follow the voice’s command, he felt like doing so must be the safest and rightest action anyone could take.

And the tatzulwurm must have felt the same way because, accordingly, its tentacles loosened and slipped away.

A hazy Discord fell through the air but landed on a something long and soft, He heard sounds of the wurm moving and saw the shadow of the flower pass overhead and finally return to its place on the summit, sealing the wurm below. Then Discord felt himself moving away, and suddenly whatever had him bounded down the side of the mountain in a few graceful leaps and dropped him onto the soft earth below.

A few moments later, Discord rubbed his head and blinked a few times. His eyes snapped open when he caught sight of Celestia lying on the ground beside him, her brow furrowed as her breaths came shallowly.

He got himself up and leaned over her. “Tia?! Are you okay? Here let me get you a drink—”

He went to snap his fingers, but Celestia quickly raised her head and held out a hoof. “No, don’t!” She took a couple more deep breaths. “Using magic will disturb the tatzulwurm again. We need to get away from the mountain first. I just…I need a minute.” And then she lowered her head again and closed her eyes. Her brow wasn’t furrowed anymore, but her magical exhaustion was apparent even if Discord hadn’t been able to sense it.

He sat beside her on the ground with a frown. “Tia,” he said softly, “you don’t have to talk, but I think I know what you just did. You used your Royal Canterlot Voice, didn’t you?”

She smiled a little, her eyes still closed. “First time in well over a thousand years. Not bad, huh?” She chuckled slightly but still didn’t rise.

Discord swallowed. “Everything up there was kind of a blur at the end. Did the wurm hurt you? Is that why you’re like this right now? Celestia, I’m so sorry. I was stupid to bring you up there with me. I’ll do whatever it takes to fix whatever’s wrong. I’ll carry you all the way home if I have to. I’ll—“

“Discord…” she sighed as she opened her eyes again, smiling more, “the wurm didn’t do anything to me.” With a deep breath she lifted her head fully. “I don’t use my Canterlot voice because it’s very powerful so it takes a lot out of me. And I’m not as young as I used to be. I just need a moment to recharge. But it was worth using to save a friend I care for so deeply.” She reached up and touched his face with her hoof as she frowned in concern. “Discord, why did you do something so reckless? Tell me the truth.”

His wide eyes looked into hers. He swallowed. “I…I wanted to show you…I mean…” He took a deep breath, “I wanted to show you that I can be more for you than just a good friend or a good date. I want you to know that I can be a good…” He cringed and mumbled something.

“Discord?” Celestia prompted once more softly.

He took a quick breath in. “I wanted to show you that I can be a good prince for you too.” His features burned red with blushing.

Celestia blinked, her eyes wide.

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes. “You have earth pony strength and pegasus flight and unicorn magic all so you can lead your people with as much skill as possible. And you have the magic of friendship to bind everyone together. I flew here to prove myself as a flier, I climbed that mountain with my own claw and paw to prove my strength, I raised the flower with my magic to show how powerful I am. And I tried to demonstrate my mastery of the magic of friendship by befriending the wurm even though I failed entirely.” He let out a deep sigh and looked down. “I meant well, but I know I made a mistake. This date shouldn’t be about me showing off; it should be about us being together. And I’m sorry I forgot about that when I saw a chance to recklessly deal with my own insecurities.”

He blinked and gasped as Celestia came forward and laid herself against his chest in a hug.

Discord swallowed then finally closed his eyes and held her in return.

Celestia savored his warmth and safety and touch. Eventually she pulled back and smiled up at him warmly. “There now, are you calm and relaxed again?”

Discord blinked a few times and grinned. “Uh, sure…”

“No more spiraling off into panicked monologues about how you’ve ruined our date?” She tried not to laugh.

“I’ll try not to.” He shrugged sheepishly.

“Good.” She smiled more. “Now then, yes, you did something reckless and over-the-top. But frankly I think that’s just in your nature, chaos master. The important thing is no one got hurt and you learned something from what happened. And it’s also important that you know this: it’s very sweet of you to worry about what I need in a prince. But I don’t want a prince, Discord. I want someone who will be there for me when I’m being something besides a princess. And you’ve already mastered doing that as my friend.”

He swallowed, blushing. “I…It’s just, you…I know your work is so important to you, and I want you to know that you can rely on me if you need help.”

Her gaze grew tender. “From how well I know I can rely on you in my personal life, I have full faith in being able to rely on you in my professional life. A prince may not be what I need, but I assure you you’re very capable of being princely when the time calls for it.”

His eyes twinkled as a big smile took over his face. “Really?”

She nodded. “Now then, shall we go back to the castle? After a long quest I could use some lunch and relaxation.”

“Actually,” Discord grinned sheepishly, “there is one more place I wanted to take you on our little quest. It was supposed to be a place to celebrate my success with the tatzulwurm, but even without that achievement I think you’ll like it. I promise, no wacky stunts or crazy ulterior motives. It’s a very simple outing. We’re going to a show…”

She raised an eyebrow. “What show?”

Discord blushed a little and shrugged. “Mine, actually.” He cleared his throat. “It’s sort of a monthly engagement of mine, and they’re definitely expecting me because our date came up so suddenly that I forgot to cancel, so I really hope you’ll come. And there’ll be a full meal there for us, guaranteed.”

Celestia smiled in interest. “Sounds like fun, Discord.” She stretched a little on the ground. “Just give me a few more minutes. I’m still a little too weary to walk.”

“Oh, I’m afraid not, princess.” Discord stood up. “I’m getting you away from this mountain right now just in case the tatzulwurm comes down again. And if I can’t use magic and you’re too tired to walk or fly, then I’ll just have to carry you.”

Celestia was speechless as Discord suddenly got one arm around her hips, another around her shoulders, and heaved her from the ground to cradle her in his arms. He walked away from the mountain with her in his grasp.

“Discord!” she gasped, clinging to him as she suddenly found her cheek against his chest and that irrepressibly attractive beard of his dangling over her nose. A giggle burst out of her that she quickly pushed down. Her face heated. “Discord, you don’t have to do this…”

“I’m getting you out of here safely. Believe me, I have to do it. Besides, even if the details are hazy, I believe you carried me on your back down from that hill, so consider this me returning the favor.” He smiled down at her with a warm grin. “Just let me know when you think it’s safe to use magic, and I’ll set you down and snap us up a big cotton candy cloud to take us to our destination. We promised to share a cloud this time, if I remember right.”

A soft smile returned to Celestia’s features. “I’d like that, Discord.” She sighed and rested her still slightly weary head against his chest. “Discord?” she whispered, “even if it wasn’t necessary, for what it’s worth…I was very impressed with your flying and your magic and your attempt at friendship…”

A low chuckle left him. “And what about my strength?”

She smiled more. “I’m in the process of being impressed with that as we speak.” She settled into the lightly taught muscles in his arms and chest, and blushed all the more.

He chuckled low again. “Well, I’m always pretty impressed with those things about you too, so I guess we’re even.”

After after another minute of Discord walking her away from the hill, Celestia sighed. “It’s okay to use magic now…if you want.”

“I’ll use it so we’re not late for the show.” She opened her eyes as Discord shifted her forward and set her on the ground. He grinned down at her. “But my arms are always open for you, Tia.”

Celestia blushed deeply and tried to ignore her heart fluttering. She used her magic to make a large white cloud dotted with blue spots appear. “Come on, Discord—you’ve shown off enough today. We’ll take one of my chaotic clouds to your show.” She climbed aboard and lay down on one side. “Also, I think I’ve perfected making the white part of the cloud taste like whipped cream to go along with the blueberries, and I want your opinion.”

Of course, the sight of some of her chaos made Discord beam and instantly climb aboard to lie down beside her. He took a chunk of white dotted with blueberries and ate it. “Ooo, you took my advice about adding a touch of vanilla! Delicious. ‘A Plus’ work, Celestia.”

“Thank you, Professor Discord. I tried.” She smiled.

They shared a laugh as the cloud rose up and took off back over Equestria.

“Hey, Tia?” Discord turned on his back to gaze up at the sky. “Before we head to this next place, you should know that us going there involves more people finding out about our little dating experiment. Is that okay?”

“Of course, Discord.” Celestia nodded. “Dating in secret sounds so lonely anyway.”

“Oh. Good.” Discord smiled more. “Because if this works out for us, out I kind of want to write across the nation in chaos that it’s happening.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

Celestia’s gaze was out at the horizon. “If this works out for us, part of me would like to join you.”

Discord hesitated. “Tia? Do you think it’s working so far?”

She smiled a little and turned her eyes to his. “Despite all of our worries and nervousness and misadventures, it seems to be working out very well. And if what we have can survive all of that in only a two day period, I have a lot of hope.” She moved a little closer to him and whispered. “I like you, Discord. Very, very much.” Her lips found his cheek for a soft kiss.

Discord’s whole look went giddy. “I like you too.”

“Discord? Are you cold at all?”

“Hmm? Oh, the air’s a little chilly up here, but not a big deal. I’m more rugged than that, Cele—“

“Discord, just say you’re cold. Trust me.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Okay, I guess I am. Why?”

He got his answer when Celestia raised her wing and laid it over his body.

Celestia then spent the next two minutes trying not to laugh as Discord just lay there in a catatonic state with his wide eyes looking up at the sky.

“Discord?” she whispered. “Are you okay? If you’re too warm, maybe I should…” she started to retract her wing.

“No!” he squeaked, finally coming out of his stupor as his paw came to touch the top ridge of her wing. “I-I mean, please don’t. I feel very cozy actually.”

She nestled closer to him. “I only ever rest like this with Luna, and a few times Twilight and Cadance. But I’d like to include you too now, I think. Is that okay?”

“Indescribably.” He let out a deep sigh and settled close. “Are you feeling better now from your Canterlot voice?”

She nodded. “Yes, much better.”

“Good, then you won’t be overwhelmed if I tell you that your voice is the most stunning, melodious, compelling, commanding tone I ever heard, and that if the tatzulwurm hadn’t had me trapped while you used it, it probably would have brought me to my knees, Darling Celestia.” He grinned at her.

Celestia blushed. “I’m glad you got to hear it then…and I’m glad I got to impress you too on this trip, Discord.”

He chuckled and cuddled close.

Celestia laid her head down near his.

They didn’t need to say anything: they simply fell into an easy comfortable silence for the rest of their journey as natural as all of the conversations they could fall into at any given time when together.

Events with Discord and Celestia had certainly been a roller coaster.

Events back in the greater Canterlot Ponyville area were about to get pretty interesting too.

Princess Cadance had just arrived in a chariot and made a surprise landing at the Canterlot castle where she found Twilight and Luna sharing an early evening tea together. The love princess walked into the dining room with her head held high and a special gleam in her eye and made her presence known with one simple sentence. “Hello ladies, I’m glad I found you both together! Sorry for the short notice, but I think we have some work to do.” She smiled sheepishly.

“Cadance!” Twilight lowered her teacup and dashed happily over to her sister-in-law. “What are you doing here? Did you bring Shining? What about Flurry? I’ve been helping Luna cover for some of Celestia’s duties, but it would always be nice to have an extra set of hooves.”

Cadance laughed warmly and shook her head. “No, Twilight, I’m afraid I’m alone, but I’m happy to see you too.” She put her foreleg around Twilight and gave her a hug that was reciprocated quickly.

“Cadenza, what a surprise.” Luna smiled too as she likewise approached the love princess. “I think I know the answer, but to what do we owe the pleasure?”

Cadance giggled. “Celestia and Discord, of course. Their date is going well—I can sense it—so I want to make sure they come back to just the right romantic atmosphere when they’re done. It’ll be a little tricky since I can’t sense the final result of their feelings until their date ends and they get closer to home—unless of course something big happens between them—so we’ll have to plan cautiously and be ready for anything.” Her eyes brightened. “I promised myself and Auntie Celestia that I’d never influence their potential relationship, and it’s been hard to resist. But now that they’re pursuing it on their own I can finally help.”

Twilight smiled. “Cadance, I know you want to do everything you can for them, but I think they’ll be okay no matter how the castle looks when they get back. After all, their friendship is rock solid, so no matter how their date ends the two of them will remain close.”

Cadance smiled more, already glancing around at the castle walls in thought. “Of course, Twilight. But love is also different than friendship. You’ve done a great job helping them appreciate their relationship so far, but now it’s time for something to progress them forward; something with a lot of finesse that’ll touch their heartstrings without leaving them embarrassed or underwhelmed. It’s an art, Twilight, and this will be the first time I’ve ever practiced it on a relationship for the ages.” She turned back to her sister-in-law, beaming hopefully.

Twilight tilted her head, still smiling. “I understand, Cadance. But friendship requires some finesse and a delicate approach too even if it’s harder to notice since its development is more long term. And with the number of friendships each pony can have, believe me, I have enough experience to know what I’m talking about. And especially with how much I’ve helped guide Discord and Celestia’s friendship when they’ve needed it.”

“Exactly, Twilight.” Cadance came forward and put a supportive hoof on her shoulder. “You’ve done your job. Now it’s time for me to take over with them and do mine. And I could use help of course.”

“Oh, yeah…sure,” Twilight replied, still smiling. “Of course, Cadance.” She stepped back. “But since love isn’t really my strong point, maybe I should focus on giving the castle an underlying friendly atmosphere. That way if they come back and still need more time to work on friendship before they’re ready for love, they’ll have a safe space to return to.”

“Oh.” Cadance blinked and lowered her hoof, her smile fading a little. “Well…I suppose. But doesn’t that seem a little unoptimistic, Twilight?”

Twilight shrugged. “Actually, I think it would be the best way to show Celestia and Discord that we’re not here to pressure them. After all, their friendship has always been what’s most important to them.” She brought a hoof to her chin and glanced around the room like she was deciding about decorations and atmosphere now.

“Uh…right.” Cadance’s full smile returned faintly again. “But we’ll definitely have to keep the love effect strongest since that’s what they’re both clearly looking for now in their relationship. We can’t forget to be supportive about that.”

“Exactly. So we’ll be supportive of both things then,” Twilight added with a nod.

“...Sure,” Cadance added with a shrug.

Luna had been watching two princess’s very polite slight bickering in amusement so far (they really reminded her so much of herself and Celestia in this moment). But now she intervened. “Ladies, please, both of you have made excellent points about friendship and love.” She turned to the doorway. “I’m afraid I have duties to attend to now, but perhaps you two can finish the tea and work out where you’ll start with the castle, and I’ll aid you both at sunrise for a little while when I’m off duty. Agreed?”

Twilight and Cadance looked at her, then glanced at each other then glanced back at Luna. Cadance shrugged with a little grin while Twilight smiled sheepishly and they both replied at the same time.



Luna nodded. “Very well. I bid you ladies a fond evening.” The moon princess headed out of the dining room.

Of course, as soon as she got out of sight of the two other princesses, she burst into some muffled chuckles. “I believe I’m looking forward to the morning more than I ever have.” She shook her head, then teleported away to begin her duties and her wait to see just what the two young princesses would come up with together.

“…Then I said, ‘Zap Apple Jam? I thought you said, ‘Zebra Artifact Scam’. So then I had to give Zecora back all of her precious zebra artifacts. And thankfully she didn’t press charges—otherwise I might have ended up being in black and white stripes myself. ” Discord snapped to make a black and white prisoners uniform appear on him then rapped out a rim shot on the snare drum on the stage with his tail and grinned at his audience.

Down below, tables of colorful changelings laughed and stomped their hooves in approval. And so did Princess Celestia from her table front and center to the stage where she was seated with King Thorax on her right and Prince Pharynx on her left.

Thorax leaned in close to Celestia and whispered with a big smile, “Isn’t Discord good?!”

Celestia tried not to giggle. “Yes, very,” she whispered back. “Just as good as the other times you asked me.”

Pharynx rolled his eyes and whispered to her from the other side. “Sorry. Thorax gets very ‘enthusiastic’ when he finds out people are dating: like he wants to be some kind of changeling matchmaker. Though I’ve never seen him get this goofy.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “It’s perfectly all right.” She turned her attention back to the stage.

Discord snapped away his prisoner outfit. “Yes, keep the applause coming, everyone—it’s ‘pie time’ my comic genius was recognized.” He snapped, and a cream pie rained up from the floor and smacked him in the face. The crowd burst into laughter again. Discord smiled as he wiped off the pie. “Of course, my audience deserves recognition too: always with me through good and bad ‘feather’.” He snapped; multicolored feathers doused the entire audience.

As their laughter continued, Discord took a dramatic bow. “Thank you, thank you, you’ve been terrific, and I’ll see you all at my engagement here next month! Don’t ever ‘change’!” He gave the changelings a big wink then snapped himself away in a burst of magical smoke.

He reappeared in a chair right next to Celestia, squished between her and Thorax. He grinned at her charmingly. “Hello there—and what’s a beautiful mare like you doing at a show like this without an escort?”

She smiled more and blushed. “Waiting for my escort to finish his comedy act so he can go back to entertaining me for a little while.”

“Next time I’m here I should do a comedy magic show and have you be my lovely assistant…”

“You just want an excuse to finally hoof-cuff us together and show off at the same time, don’t you, Discord?”

The two of them shared a warm laugh.

Then, realizing they were getting a little silly and still surrounded by many changelings who were starting to notice them now, Celestia and Discord cleared their throats and glanced away from each other with sheepish smiles.

“So,” Discord twiddled his thumbs on the table, “you really liked the show, Tia? You didn’t think it was too corny or anything?”

Celestia shook her head. “I thought it was very you—hilarious comedy and puns from a chaotic variety of sources. And I like how you let the audience participate.”

“It’s been great having Discord come here,” Thorax piped up. “The changeling sense of humor was very underdeveloped from our time with Chrysalis. But Discord reminds us of the importance of laughter and teaches us how to see the humor in life.”

“Yeah,” Pharynx sighed and smiled a little more, “I’ll admit, it’s sort of nice to come to one of these shows after a long day of working for the hive. And, you know, it lets the civilians blow off steam.”

“And it helps me too of course,” Discord added as he reclined back in his seat. “I get to practice my material and I get to perform for adoring fans. And now I get to add you to that list of fans, Tia.” He gave her a small bow that made Celestia giggle. Then she tried to hold back more giggling as she saw Thorax beam over Discord’s shoulder and bring his hooves to his cheeks with a big smile and heard Pharynx sigh in mild embarrassment behind her.

Discord just gazed at her with hazed eyes for a moment longer then blinked a couple times and cleared his throat. “Anyway, Celestia, I know it’s been a long day and that you probably want to get back to the castle soon. But there is one more thing I do at the hive during these monthly engagements. If you’re too tired though—“

“Whatever it is, I’d love to,” Celestia assured as she touched her hoof to his shoulder.

He looked up with a happy smile.

Thorax clapped his hooves together as he stood up from his chair as the other changelings started to stand and depart now. “Wonderful, thank you, Discord! I know you’re on a date, but the grubs would be very disappointed if they didn’t get to see you.”

“Grubs?” Celestia raised an eyebrow and stood up as well along with Discord. “You mean the baby changelings?” Her eyes brightened.

“Oh yeah.” Pharynx grinned as got beside Thorax to lead their group away. “Discord is their keeper during comedy show nights, which means this is one evening I definitely won’t find our king locked in their nursery making funny faces and baby noises.”

“But they’re so cute!” Thorax beamed.

“You are a grown changeling KING.” Pharynx brought a hoof to his forehead.

“And you’re a grown changeling Prince, but I’ve caught you in there a few mornings playing with them.” He grinned.

Pharynx straightened up and cleared his throat with a pout. “I was inspecting our new citizens to see if any of them are potential military candidates.”

“Sure, Pharynx,” Thorax replied with an all-knowing look.

The changeling prince just sighed again.

“Anyway,” Thorax went on to Celestia, “Discord helps the grubs learn how to transform, and they really like him. Just look.”

The party approached a door in the honeycomb, and Thorax used his magic to open it.

Inside, dozens of tiny changelings of all colors played. And sure enough, as soon as the grubs turned to the doorway, they instantly smiled and crawled or flew to Discord and the King and the Prince and the new pretty mare with rainbow hair.

Thorax leaned down to all of the excited babies. “Hello there! Yes, Mr. Discord is here to play with you, so everyone be on your best behavior, okay?” He received a bunch of coos and gurgles in response. Thorax cleared his throat and glanced to his brother. “Come on, Pharynx, let’s uh…go do that thing we have to do.”

Pharynx raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“You know? That thing?” Thorax rolled his eyes to Celestia and Discord then pointed at the doorway and finally smiled at his brother with a big giddy grin and winked.

Pharynx just rubbed his temple as he caught his brother’s meaning and walked out of the room. “We need to get you a better hobby, brother.”

Thorax just chuckled as he followed after him, closing the door.

Discord grinned. “Those two are even more hilarious than you and Luna.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Celestia added.

They laughed and then turned back to the children. Celestia’s gaze softened. “It really is sweet of you to watch the children, Discord. And to help them with their changing.”

“Well, I’m a prime candidate.” He shrugged and flew forward over the kids. “I’m a mix of all sorts of creatures, so they can practice changing into me one part at a time or even all of me at once as they get more advanced.” And indeed, many of the changeling babies were already trying to replicate parts of Discord’s body. “Want to help me?”

“How?” Celestia smiled tilted her head.

Discord pointed behind her. “Encourage that little on over there who’s desperately trying to duplicate your enchanted hair.”

Celestia turned, and sure enough a little changeling right behind her had given herself Celestia’s mane but without the flow.

“Come on,” Discord grinned, “let’s have a contest and see how many of them I can convince to try and turn into me and how many of them you can convince to try and turn into you. And in between all that we can play with them because, however sappy he is, Thorax is right—these little guys are adorable.“ Discord lay down in the center of the room and laughed as a dozen changeling grubs crawled and tumbled on him in play, trying to turn into parts of him all the while.

“I couldn’t think of a nicer way to end our time here, Discord.” Celestia’s smile grew as she settled down on the floor as well. Instantly a little gaggle of changelings came to play on her too. “You can do it!” she urged to one who had her eyes scrunched up in an effort to change. Suddenly the grub gave herself a perfect Celestia cutie mark. She giggled, and Celestia nuzzled her. “Very good!”

Then Celestia looked over at Discord and felt her heart warm. The changelings were exploring his arms and legs and tail, and one was touching his face, pushing and squishing his features. Discord chuckled. “Yes, I’ve got two eyes but two different horns. And yup, that’s a fang. Be careful. Oh and a snake’s tongue, see.” He stuck his tongue out at the baby. Then the baby reached up and tugged his beard. “Ooo, careful. That’s a part of me that Princess Celestia likes very much.” He moved the changeling to sit on his head and looked over at Celestia with a wink.

She blushed and giggled. And then she looked down to see that one little changeling had turned herself into a perfect mini-Celestia. “Wonderful job, little one!” The baby cooed in return, and the other grubs gurgled happily.

Celestia and Discord lost themselves in playing with their little charges for the rest of the evening.

Eventually, the changelings grubs were tuckered out and fast asleep, all in their normal forms again. Celestia and Discord silently snuck to the door of the nursery and crept out. They each let out deep breaths as the door closed behind them.

“Babysitting—not a very usual way to end a date, but I hope you had a good time regardless, Tia.” Discord grinned.

Celestia smiled warmly in return. “I got to play with a whole room of new little friends who see me as a playmate and not a princess. I think you know me well enough to know I had a good time, Discord.”

Discord smiled warmly too. “I’m glad, sweet Celestia. It was nice to have someone to share the time with.”

Celestia glanced down a little. Then she leaned up against his shoulder, her eyes hazed. “Discord,” she started softly.

He blinked twice and raised an eyebrow with a grin. “Yes?”

She smiled more. “You know…I meant what I said earlier: that I don’t need a prince even if you can be rather princely. But there is at least one special, regal quality I look for in a suitor: and I’m not sure if you were trying, but you just reminded me how very capable you are of that quality.”

“What, um…what quality exactly?” His suaveness was melting to shyness, and the change only made Celestia feel bolder.

“Nurturing,” she replied with a light blush. “My life’s work has been caring for my little ponies. So seeing you care for those little changelings…it touched my heart very much. Just like when I peek through the door at the School for Gifted Unicorns and see you teaching my little ponies: you’re the only teacher who gets as excited as I do about sharing learning with others.”

His eyes widened. “Wow, you really are a dedicated educator, aren’t you?” Discord blinked. “Wait, you spy on me holding my classes?”

“Only sometimes. How else would I get to enjoy the sight of you in your tweed suit with the little glasses and your bubble pipe, twirling your beard and making magic…?” She brought a hoof to his shoulder, her heart beating fast and filling her with a warmth she only felt when raising the sun.

Discord shifted into her touch then slowly brought his hand to her shoulder in return. “You know, if Chrysalis knew we were canoodling in her old hive, she’d suck our hearts dry.”

“Chrysalis strung me up in my own throne room during Cadance’s wedding.I’ll do whatever I want in her old hive.” Celestia’s grin picked up on one side as her eyes hazed.

“Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow, grinning too.

“Yeah.” She nodded and let their foreheads come together. Any awkwardness that might have been part of being so near him ever since she had confessed was minimal by now.

When his arm came around her waist, the awkwardness burned off completely.

He whispered to her. “Tia…” he blushed softly, “I should really tell you something…”

“Yes, Discord?” she whispered in return.

“I…” He swallowed, then sighed. “I don’t know, maybe I should wait until… I mean we haven’t even finished our first official date yet technically. But you’re so lovely and warm when we’re like this that it’s hard to resist trying to tell you.”

She nodded, then blushed deeply as a response slipped from her lips. “Maybe I can help convince you it’s the right time….” Her eyes closed as her mouth approached his.

His eyes closed; his lips puckered.

And then sounds of shuffling nearby made them pause and open their eyes.

Before them were changelings—practically the whole hive of changelings, actually—looking at them with eyes bright and wings fluttering.

Suddenly Thorax raced through the crowd toward Discord and Celestia with Pharynx right behind him. “Celestia! Discord! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I didn’t sense the love being shared until the other changelings did too so I couldn’t warn you they were coming! And now here we are…all of us…heh. Sorry.” He smiled sheepishly.

Pharynx sighed and turned to the other changelings. “All right, nothing to see here, back to bed. Now!” The other changelings departed but not without giggles and whispers.

Discord opened his mouth to say something but Celestia made a move first by going wide eyed, shifting several feet away from him, and blushing a rather distinct scarlet as she did her best to put on her normal smile for their hosts. “Oh, no, no, Thorax, we’re the ones who are sorry. It was an accident, really. Discord and I finished with the children, and we…heh…” She bit her lip and looked down.

She felt a mix of relief and embarrassment when Discord stepped forward to her rescue with his casual tone and a smile. “Our date started to get a little personal. Sorry for waking up the whole hive with it.”

Thorax grinned. “Oh, that’s all right, Discord. We’re just glad you’re having a good time.”

Discord nodded. “Thanks, we are, but I think Celestia and I are both pretty tired now. We’ll head out. It was great seeing you guys. Say bye to everyone for us.” He held up his fingers to snap and glanced at Celestia. “Tia, you ready to go?”

She blinked and nodded. “Oh, um, yes, of course.” She waved to their hosts. “Goodbye, Thorax and Pharynx. Please come visit Canterlot anytime.”

Discord gave a little wave and snapped them away.

Thorax’s eyes burned brightly with happiness. “They like each other! It’s working!” he whispered with glee as he clapped his front hooves together.

Pharynx couldn’t help smiling. “You know what you need, brother?”

Thorax sighed. “More military training?”

“Nope. A girlfriend.” Pharynx grinned and turned to head back to bed. “Goodnight, Thorax. I’ll get to work on this new problem in the morning.”

Thorax blinked, eyes wide. “Wait, Pharynx! Let’s talk about his, heh…” He swallowed as he trotted after him. “Do you really think so?”

Pharynx just chuckled and soon Thorax was chuckling too as the brothers headed back to bed.

Night had nearly fallen over the castle in the Everfree Forest by the time Celestia and Discord returned. Celestia awkwardly stepped out to lower the sun while Discord (curious but patient) stayed inside and snapped them up a small dinner. Their meal passed quickly and quietly, and the nighttime now found the couple resting on the rug by the fire in Celestia’s parlor playing cards. It wasn’t a terribly lively game though, as Celestia seemed content to keep her eyes down and Discord just kept smiling warmly in her direction.

“Do you have any negative two’s?” Discord asked with an extra little grin.

Celestia blinked and glanced up at him for a moment. “Negative two’s?” And then she glanced back down at her cards and had to smile: sure enough, the deuce she had been holding suddenly bore a negative sign. She sighed and used her magic to send the card over to Discord. “We are never playing cards again. You keep influencing the rules, you know…”

“And doesn’t that do an excellent job at keeping you on the tips of your hooves about the game?” He chuckled as he took the card. “Besides, each time I do it, you smile a little. And I like that.” He glanced down at his cards. “You’ve been pretty quiet since we got back. Is everything okay?”

She felt herself blush deeply as she quickly nodded. “Yes, of course, Discord. Our visit to the changeling hive was lovely, and even the tatzulwurm journey had many nice moments. I’m just…thinking about it all. I normally don’t get out so much.”

“I understand.” He nodded as his eyes came back up to look at her.

Celestia shifted a little and took a deep breath. She didn’t want to bring up their last moments together at the hive, but there was one occurrence connected to it that she was very curious about (especially since it was the second time the event had taken place). “Discord?”

“Yes, Tia?”

She swallowed. “Back at the hive, when we were…alone,” she cleared her throat, “you almost said something to me again.” She bit her lip. “Are you ready to tell me what it is yet?”

He blushed slightly. “Funny thing—I keep waiting for the right time, and the right time keeps feeling like whenever we’re ‘alone’ like we were back in the cave in the dragonlands and then in the hive…but during those moments I’m also so full of feelings that I can’t make the words come out. But if I really can’t make the words come out then I don’t think it’s exactly the right time.” He frowned a little. “I don’t mean to tease you, Celestia. I’m just nervous. But I’ll tell you—very soon. You have my word.” He looked into her eyes.

A twinge of disappointment went through her but she smiled softly and nodded. “Of course, Discord. Take your time. Can I at least ask…is it something bad?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I promise you it’s not, so please don’t worry.”

Celestia smiled again and nodded in return. “Okay, Discord.” Then she felt a yawn build at the back of her throat. “Maybe we should hold off on the cards for now and turn in. We had a very long day, and I still have to wake up by dawn to raise the sun.” She got up and started to walk past him to the beds.

“Wait, Tia?”

She paused as he sat up and went on. “I have a question for you too.”

She raised an eyebrow.“Oh, um…of course, Discord. What?”

He shrugged with a sheepish smile. “Well…we said this morning we wanted to start being completely open with each other about all parts of our lives…right?”


His smile softened. “So I’m wondering…why do you go into a state of extreme panic whenever the two of us get very ‘close’ when we’re alone? And especially when someone comes along to interrupt us?”

Celestia closed her eyes—she had almost known the question before he asked it.

“I guess it serves me right for my tendency to run off whenever I’m embarrassed. But since we had a nice discussion about that issue this morning, I figured it’d be good to talk about this issue too,” she heard Discord go on more softly.

Celestia opened her eyes and swallowed. “It’s, um…a little complicated Discord.”

He floated over to her. “Are you just very uncomfortable with the risk of intimacy in front of others?” He shrugged. “Because I could understand that. It’s never been a very big hang-up of mine, but you always say you’re a very private mare. We can keep at a certain distance from each other in potentially public places…”

Celestia sat down and sighed. “Discord, it’s not quite that. I’m private but I’ve never minded sharing a kiss or a moment of cuddling with a suitor in a place that might not be private.”

“Oh.” She noticed the slight frown on his features as he went on. “Okay then. Well…I had another thought—is it because you’re just not comfortable yet trying to be intimate like that with me?” His eyes shyly met hers. “I know once you said you can find creatures besides ponies attractive, but you have to admit I’m pretty different from any other creature you might have courted. If the whole biped, hands, fang, scales thing is a little off-putting to you up close, I’d understand. Just because I like touching you as more than a friend doesn’t mean you feel the same way about me.”

“Discord, of course not.” She frowned. “I…actually, you’re very…I…” She blushed and looked down. “That’s not the problem, I assure you.” And then she almost laughed—a very nervous laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. “Actually, it’s the exact opposite.”

He pouted and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. And please don’t laugh—for once I’m being serious. I want to know how you feel about the physical part of what we’re trying to do here so I can know what you’re comfortable with.”

The request made Celestia’s eyes haze. Then she shrugged sheepishly. “Promise me you won’t laugh?”

He nodded. “I told you—rare serious moment for me.”

She blushed more and took a deep breath. “I…have feelings for you…”

“Yes, we already established that a few days ago when you lured me to the statue garden and mauled me with a surprise kiss…” he added, still seeming quite serious.

Celestia ignored the vivid description and went on. “But I don’t just have feelings for you, Discord. The feelings I have for you are…stronger than any feelings I’ve ever had for a suitor. And those feelings seem to magnify everything that goes along with liking you…for example, how I feel about being near you.” Her blushing burned. “I’ve never been more attracted to anybody than I am to you, Discord. And sometimes when we’re alone and close, I get carried away…but then it’s so new and strong that I pull back.” She couldn’t look up at his eyes. “For example, when I say I like your beard, Discord, I don’t just mean I like your beard. I mean, when you twirl it through your fingers, it makes me weak in the knees. Me—Celestia, Princess of the Sun.” She giggled nervously and then brought a hoof to her forehead and closed her eyes with a deep sigh.

There was silence for a moment.

Then Discord spoke. “For me it’s your legs.”

Celestia’s eyes shot open. “What?”

He was curled on the floor beside her now. He shrugged, blushing with a small smile. “I’ve been attracted to you that strongly from the beginning, even before our first Gala, Celestia. And the thing that always gets me is your legs.” His eyes went down to them. “They’re so long and strong and elegant.” His smile went wobbly. “I love when you take off your shoes and I can see all of them. That’s one of my favorite dream details actually.”

Celestia was absolutely scarlet now. And yet she also felt a smile bubble forth. “Discord, I don’t know what to say…I…”

He looked up into her eyes. “It’s okay to be very attracted to someone you like very, very much. And it’s okay if it makes you nervous sometimes. But like we agreed this morning, talking helps. Right?”

She nodded. Then she glanced at him with a rare playful look and raised her hoof. “May I?” Her hoof pointed to his beard.

He blinked then raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Uh…sure.”

She moved her hoof forward and twirled his beard around it, giggling.

Discord chuckled. Then he tiptoed his fingers to her other foreleg. “May I?” he gestured down with his eyes.

She glanced down then blushed and nodded. “Of course. Just one thing first…” She used her magic to remove her horseshoe, then lay down on the floor beside him.

Discord blushed scarlet as he reached over with his paw and lightly played his fingers along the long limb. He chuckled more, and Celestia giggled more.

“This is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done on a date.” Discord grinned.

“Me too. But I like being ridiculous with you.” Celestia smiled.

Then their eyes hazed. They moved a little closer to each other, faces illuminated in the glow of the fire.

Discord’s voice lowered as he gave a long stroke to her leg. “Is this okay?”

She nodded. “Yes.” She gave his beard a gentle twirl. “Just…slowly, for now.”

“Slow and steady.” He nodded. “That’s all I needed to know.”

Then the two of them came forward and shared a lingering tender kiss.

Eventually they separated, breaths shallow.

“Yes, that’s…that’s good…” Celestia managed, smiling and blinking a few times. “That’s wonderful actually.”

“A few days ago I thought I might never have another one of those with you.” Discord grinned. “Now every one of them we have sort of amazes me.”

Celestia’s gaze warmed completely. “Oh Discord…” She nuzzled her head against his chest. She felt his body stiffen and then relax completely.

Celestia smiled more when he put an arm around her to hold her and sighed contentedly. “I like being here with you,” he admitted softly. “I’ll be kind of sad when this date is over.” He swallowed and glanced to the side. “But maybe there could be another one…sometime soon? I mean, not one where we run off for half a week but just…dinner or something?”

Celestia blushed but nodded. “I’d like that. I like being here with you too.”

“Oh…great.” Discord beamed a little and then cleared his throat and looked forward at the fire, trying to seem casual though Celestia could tell he was just shy of giddy.

She gazed at the fire too. “Would you like to do anything else on our date before we head to bed? It’s not too late yet.”

“Well, in the interest of not sending you into a weak-in-the-knees fluster by jokingly suggesting the necking option again…” he started to tease. “Oof!” left him next with a chuckle as Celestia laughed and gave him a little nudge. He chuckled and went on. “I do have one idea. A perfect way for both of us to relax before bed doing something we both like.” He snapped and suddenly they were leaning on pillows by the fire, and they had several scrolls and quills in front of them. And Discord was wearing glasses and his tweed suite as he smoked his bubble pipe. “I thought we could compare notes for the new semester at the Unicorn School—you know, since I now know you find an interest in teaching and nurturing to be such a desirable quality in a suitor. And also I figured it might be nice for us to try a more low-key activity together as more than friends.”

Celestia nodded. “That sounds like a lovely idea, Discord. And I’d enjoy the chance to compare notes for the semester. Let’s get started.” Her eyes hazed. “And thank you for wearing your teaching outfit.”

He smirked. “Like I could resist at this point.” He raised an eyebrow in interest when Celestia then slipped off her other horseshoe, leaving both of her forelegs bare on the floor.

Their gazes lingered on each other for a moment, then they shyly turned to their papers.

“So,” Discord started, clearing his throat, “I’ve been thinking of offering an ‘Intro to Chaos Studies’ class for some of the younger students—no entry requirements. That way they can get an idea of what I teach and decide from there if they want to apply for the program. Plus I figure if there are any star students maybe I can scoop them up early.”

Celestia nodded. “That sounds like an excellent plan.” She unfurled a blank scroll and started writing with a quill. “I’m thinking of taking over the magic kindergarten class this year. I’d like to get close to the students from such a young age so that they view me as a peer instead of a princess. It worked with Twilight…”

“Please say I can co-teach that class with you sometimes—you know how much fun we’d both have.” Discord grinned.

Celestia giggled as she lowered the quill. “I’d like that very much, Discord.” She used her horn to snap up a couple of filled glasses. “Cider, Discord?”

He nodded and took a glass. “Celestia Specialty Cupcakes, Tia? Cake on the outside, frosting on the inside?”

“Yes please.” Her eyes brightened as he snapped up a platter of pink cupcakes. She lifted one off the platter for herself. “Why don’t we move on to talking about plans for the Hearthswarming pageant? I know it’s still months off, but there’s really so much involved.”

Discord chuckled. “Happy to help. I’d like to volunteer for special effects. You know how great I make them…”

They shared a smile and went back to work, resting very close together. The rest of their night continued with Discord and Celestia talking and sharing and eating until bedtime.

In the night as rain poured over the Everfree forest, Celestia tossed and turned in her sleep until finally a loud blast of thunder made her sit bolt upright in her bed, breathing heavily.

The sun princess glanced around at first, confused by the darkness and unfamiliar space, until she lit her horn and remembered everything about the Everfree castle and Discord’s date and the fact that her nightmare wasn’t real. She took a few more deep breaths but then flinched as another crack of thunder sounded and a flash of lightning outside lit up the room.

She heard a snore she turned to see Discord snug in his bed, nightcap on as he snoozed.

She bit her lip then finally got out of bed and walked over to Discord. She lightly tapped him on the shoulder. “Discord?” she whispered.

He snored and yawned. “Flying cupcakes…they sing… Rainbow’s pretty…like electric sheep.” He chuckled.

Celestia almost felt better at the sound of his funny, chaotic mumblings. But another thunder rumble with a lightning strike made her flinch and bite her lip again. “Discord,” she leaned close, “please wake up.” She let the ends of her hair tickle his face.

Discord laughed and then his eyes finally opened. “Hmm…Celestia?” He yawned. “I didn’t float to you in the night again, did I?”

She smiled and shook her head. “No, you’re still in your bed.”

“Then you didn’t float to me, did you?”

She blushed but shook her head again. “I’m afraid not.”

“I see.” He stretched. “And I’m not dreaming, am I?” He pinched his shoulder with his tail. “Hmm, no, definitely not. Okay then, I’ll bite—what’s up?”

She shrugged sheepishly. “I had a bad dream. And…” thunder cracked again, making her flinch, “the storm isn’t helping. Luna’s very good with thunder and lightning, but I’m not. I have bad dreams during storms. And I told her not to visit me here in my dreams, so…”

Discord sat up now and snapped. Suddenly Celestia was tucked back into her bed, Discord was seated beside her in a rocking chair, and a cup of tea sat in his claw and a cup of tea floated by her head. “Tell me about your bad dream, Celestia. It’ll help you sleep—guaranteed. I have a lot of personal experience in this field, you know.”

She smiled and nodded, taking a sip of the tea. “I dreamed that we were back at the school just after you came home. And I went to find you so I could tell you how I felt and ask you out. But…you had a special friend with you. You told me you were packing up your things and leaving. You told me you were in love with her.” She closed her eyes. “It’s so stupid, really. I’ve been through so much already in my life, that even if you had, I…” Yet her smile faded. “It sounds ridiculous now that I say it out loud.”

“Shh…” Discord’s claw stroked through a few strands of her hair—possibly the most soothing form of touch she had ever felt. “It’s not stupid or ridiculous to value something that’ll make you happy after a lifetime of living for others. I’ve had a few bad dreams about you leaving me all alone too, Tia. But even if we’re just friends or we work out as more than friends, we’ll never leave each other alone. We’ll always be together. Promise?”

Celestia opened her eyes. He had his paw held out to her hoof. She reached out for him. “Promise.” They lightly shook.

“Good.” Discord released her and sipped more of his tea. “And if it helps, you should know that I was planning to ask you out on my own anyway after this Hearthswarming.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “Really?”

He nodded. “Oh yes. I’ve been planning it for months actually. I figured enough time had passed that even if you said no, it wouldn’t hurt our friendship: I guess great minds think alike.” He chuckled. “And besides…” he added shyly, “like any guy in or out of his right mind could ever get over you after falling for you completely, Celestia darling.”

Celestia’s gaze warmed. “Thank you for telling me, Discord. Hearing that makes me feel a lot better. And thank you for touching my hair—it feels nice.” She blushed.

“I’m just glad my claw isn’t tickled by it.” He gave one final deep pull through her tresses and then set her teacup on a small table. “I’ll let you go back to sleep now, Celestia, but I’ll stay up for a little in case you need me. And if the thunder makes you on edge…well, it always helps me when I can’t sleep to have something to cuddle.”

For just a moment Celestia’s heart raced as she imagined him offering to cuddle with her in her little bed. She remembered the nights of bad dreams over the years when she had held a pillow and imagined it was him…

But then he snapped his fingers and made a little plush pony doll that looked like Fluttershy appear. He grinned. “See, this is my Fluttershy doll. She’s the best whenever I’m worried at night and can’t sleep or I have a bad dream but can’t monopolize all of Luna’s time.” He gave the doll a little squeeze and it squeaked.

Celestia smiled. “Very clever, Discord.” She bit her lip. “Can I have one that looks like Luna?”

“You got it.” He winked and snapped. Instantly a stuffed little Luna doll appeared in the air.

Celestia’s eyes brightened as she took the doll and hugged it close. “Thank you, Discord.”

“I live to serve, my lady.” He took a bow then floated over to his own bed and went under the covers. “Sweet dreams. See you in the morning for sunrise?”

She nodded. “Let’s have a real picnic breakfast this time. We can go down to the lake: the view is lovely in the morning. And then we can decide what to do for the rest of the day.”

He nodded. “Excellent plan, darling.”

Thunder struck again, and on instinct Celestia squeezed her doll—it gave a little squeak and she couldn’t help but smile.

“Goodnight, Tia.” Discord winked.

“Goodnight, Discord.” Celestia already felt her eyes hazing peacefully.

They fell back into a deep sleep in the darkness, better for each other’s company.

Celestia woke up in the morning just before sunrise and, with her doll at her side, penned a brief letter to her sister relating some of her feelings about date so far and asking how affairs in Canterlot were progressing.

Author's Note:

Finally it's posted--yay! :yay:

As usual, thank all of you for your patience and for reading. I've taken on a lot of things over the last few months, and trying to keep up with everything and fan fiction writing has been a lot for me to manage. But I appreciate your continued support, and I hope you liked this chapter :twilightsmile: The next one will be the final full day of their date--it'll feature even more adventures, more awkward moments, possibly a fight (:rainbowderp:), and a lot of fluffy romance. :heart: Meanwhile, in Canterlot, there will be fun things. Has anyone else but me ever wanted to see Cadance and Twilight get into a disagreement? I really think it would be a source for a lot of comedy and a lot of insight into their relationship. So, love vs. friendship--we'll see what happens :)

Take care, everyone!
