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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance | https://ko-fi.com/chillybook


There are over 21 Heroes in the sci-fi shooter game Overwatch, each with their own unique abilities, backstories, and merits. Some are good for attacking, some for defending, some for healing, but they are all good for something.

That's what Sunset thinks, anyway. Rainbow Dash wholeheartedly disagrees.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 80 )

I w a n n a d e d i c a t e t h i s t o a l l t h e H a n z o m a i n s o u t t h e r e

Comment posted by Shadowmane PX-41 deleted May 7th, 2017

Haven't played enough to do competitive, but my mains are Winston, Reinhardt and, if all else fails, Bastion. When the game first started I was Bastion only, but then everyone went and learned his back ended weakness so he became pretty useless. Although since I played last apparently he has been buffed slightly. I need to get back into the game.

Is this a MLP fanfiction or a recounting of finding out that your best friend plays Hanzo?

Also nitpicking here, you say there's 21 heroes in the description, which was the number at launch, but you mention Ana later on, who was the first hero released post-launch. I like Overwatch and all, but this feels super forced. Like this isn't even MLP fanfiction, this is Overwatch fanfiction but with EqG characters playing the game so that you can sneak it onto the website.

Aside from that it felt pretty meh. Even as a fan of Overwatch I got bored a quarter of the way through, as nothing really interesting or funny happens. At least for me, results may vary, everyone's a critic and you're completely entitled to your own tastes.

8146105 Team Fortress 2 is a Paladins ripoff.

I saw the title.

I hate Hanzo so much you don't even...He's like the huntsman sniper except HE CAN ACTUALLY JUST SPAM AND SUCCEED EVEN MORE BECAUSE RYUU GA WAGA TEKI GO BUCK YOURSELF.

And I GUESS I'm an Ana main, even though I tend to play flex.

The fact Rainbow and Sunset watch One Punch Man makes me happy :heart:

Hahaha, this was great, I don't fully understand it as I don't play myself, but this was funny.


Comment posted by chillbook1 deleted May 7th, 2017

8146126 Thanks, boss, and you really should play it yourself if you have any love for gaming and the ability to do so.

8146121 A little of both, except I knew my friend mained Hanzo for a while.

Sorry for the lack of content, I really only put this out to break a rut I found myself in. This may not be my best work, but it's something, and that's more than I could say three days ago. And, as for your nitpick...

There are over 21 Heroes in the sci-fi shooter game Overwatch

I said "over 21" because that will always be true, whereas if I put "24", that sentence would be false as soon as Doomfist dropped.

Maining Hanzo is like admitting you hate fun. Widowmaker all day every day bae you know it chill u bae :heart:

At least she isn't an attack torb main.

I never played Overwatch, so I don't know which Hero is good and which isn't. But I play a lot of HotS and many other players said I do a good job as Lúcio. Is that good? Translating to Overwatch, I mean.

Also, if the person knows the character, and is playing very well and not dragging the team down... Isn't that enough?

8146280 I love you, Sev, but the fact that you play Widow makes me want to drown a bucket of puppies with a larger bucket of kittens.

Just kidding, but not really, but just kidding.

8146283 I have a friend, and friend is a very generous term, who plays Torb on attack and it's the most infuriating shit in life. Fucking hell, man.

8146287 There are no such thing as a not-good Hero. Some are better in some circumstances than others, but none are bad.

I didn't know Lucio was in HotS, but, if you do good with Lucio, good on you. The world could always use more Heroes!

Finally, yes, that is enough. It's the entirety of Sunset's philosophy. RD is just a fucking psychopath, and very much so based on me.

8146283 I play attack torb :trollestia:

(not in competitive, I'm not suicidal)

Comment posted by Shadowmane PX-41 deleted May 7th, 2017
Comment posted by chillbook1 deleted May 7th, 2017

I like Junkrat. Sure, it's hard to play, but bouncing grenades are fun.

I lack the ability, but I do love gaming, maybe in the future, hehe.
Keep up the good work.

8146295 Thanks! :twilightsmile:
Lúcio, Tracer, Zarya and Genji from Overwatch are in HotS. And D.Va will be the next character to arrive in the Nexus. :pinkiehappy:

8146332 I find JR gets pissed on far more than he deserves. People seem to think his kit is garbage and he's never a good pick, but I don't think that's the case. Part of me wants to tell people to play whoever they like, whatever makes them happy, and just do your absolute best.

But, the part of me that's been battling to get into Platinum for the last few weeks wants to tell people to pick on the fucking meta and play Soldier/Lucio/Ana/Rein.

Comment posted by Shadowmane PX-41 deleted May 7th, 2017

8146332 Junkrat's purpose is area denial. He works best on maps that have narrow doors and corridors, essentially maps that cater for spam. Hanamura, King's Row, Eichenwalde, etcetera. You always want your bear trap out, and play around it. Use concussion mine to jostle enemies airborne and knock people off cliffs. What I like to do is, at the start of the round during setup on defense, put the bear trap and mine at the spawn door entrance. Ive gotten early picks by doing that, and if you lob some grenades at the spawn door, you can get massive damage done. Done right, you can get your ulti in thirty seconds.

Neece #25 · May 7th, 2017 · · 1 ·

I'm with RD on this one, if you main Hanzo we're not friends anymore :rainbowwild:

This was great. Absolutely beautiful.

Now all I want is a follow up on how someone thinks TF2 is the best game in the world and just yells at everyone else who thinks Overwatch is even remotely good. (do note, I love both games a lot. TF2 just a little bit more though.)

Congrats on the feature BTW. That was quick.

Ha! I can't aim for sh!#, so I play all the cancer characters: Mei, Symmetra, Junkrat.

I've recently taken great joy in headshotting a couple of widows with Mei's ice bolt, and have discovered via the madness of mystery heroes that the same goes for Zenyatta. Winston is fun in small doses, if you have a competent main tank to retreat behind. Baby steps people, I'll get to the snipers eventually.

8146428 Junkrat is also really useful for breaking those chokepoints that don't allow direct line of sight, what with the rebounding explosives and all. I love playing him, and will do it to spite anybody who hates on him and end up with either POTG or max dmg Gold. He is brilliant for suppression in tight spots.

Pinkie Pie is a Junkrat main.

Applejack plays Reinhardt, no question.

Fluttershy plays the healers unless Twilight or Rarity take pity on her and give her a break, then she plays Mei ("Sorry, sorry, sorry, Sorry!" and "Ouch, are you alright?" are on high rotation for voice play).

I personally have the most fun as Reaper (OW THE EDGE) He's easy to pick up but maaan if you're bad with him you're just ult bait.

But if your team works with you....mmm. Delicious, delicious crackly headshotgun doom all the way. Trickiest part is learning how to best deploy Wraithform since its his only escape, blegh.

8146520 I see AJ as more of a Soldier: 76 or Roadhog, really. But Fluttershy on Healer/Mei, I definitely can see that (Bastion as well, no matter how much that makes me wanna vomit). I can imagine her playing with Tree Hugger in Quickplay ("competitive play gives off way harsh vibes, maaaan"), who, of course, plays Zenyatta exclusively ("he, like, totally resonates with my aura").

Rarity plays Symmetra, Widow and Ana, for sure.

And I personally see Twilight as maining Mercy, Winston, and Tracer.

I approve of this fic. It had me LMAO. For real.

Also, I main Soldier. Sometimes Genji. I don't play much Overwatch, but when I do, I play soldier. Stay shooty my friends.

8146539 Applejack on Roadhog? I could see Soldier 76, but the only thing that would commend Roadhog to her would be the hook. Honesty wouldn't be able to overlook that Hog and Junk are a pair of no good anarchist thieves who couldn't do an honest days' work in their lives. McCree on the other hand has the accent and the whole 'honorable outlaw" thing going for him, so that's who she'd play if not maining Reinhardt.

Rarity: nailed it.

Twilight wouldn't be able to wrest Tracer away from Rainbow Dash, but since Sombra was introduced to the game... WELL! It's on! Purple Teleporters would just feel RIGHT. I agree she'd off-main Winston and Mercy.


Grey Fox ripoff vs. Mitsurugi ripoff are both equally lame.

(Also, why the hell doesn't Reinhardt speak Norman french or Low Saxon?)

I finally reached level 25 yesterday and my rank is twelve hundred something after placement. Does it mean I suck if I'm placed that low? Also, since I've been dying less as Mercy, I decided to have her be my default main and I cycle between Reaper, Junkrat, Bastion and Lucio.

8146428 I did NOT know I can do that with Junkrat.

Lol, I'm a Mercy main.


8146913 that's actually why I played her so much at first.

As Someone who voices Hanzo in comic dubs I must say....WHY ALL THE HANZO HATE!

I'm a D.va main, though I also like Junkrat and Orisa.

Tracer/Genji main here (I need healing), can confirm, Hanzo is the worse than Bastion because at least his damage and weapon hitbox can be consistently calculated, unlike Hanzo who is always either useless or an insane god of killstreaks. He's less annoying when I'm playing my other mains (Junkrat, McCree, Bastion, Reinhardt, D.Va, and Mercy) but seriously, please delete him from the game.

8146613 Here's what I like doing with Junkrat.

Using your concussion mine to jump. Almost like using Demoman's sticky bombs to jump (in TF2). Put the mine down, run over it, then detonate and jump at the same time. If there's a Lucio on your team, the speed boost gives you extra distance. Angle and distance comes with practice.

Using concussion mine to double jump. Place mine down. Wait until cooldown resets. Jump and detonate, immediately toss out another mine and detonate that one immediately too.

If you're surrounded by enemies that rely on close-range combat (Reaper, D.Va, Tracer etc), toss out mine and detonate, using it to push yourself and the enemy away from each other for space. It's hard to land hits on Tracer, but she's squishy as hell.

Again, put mine and bear trap on enemy spawn door. Do not let them see you do it, and spam out the entrance for bonus damage and ulti charge, and maybe one or two picks. (Keep in mind that the mine does 120 damage, and the bear trap does 80, so can kill and full health 200hp hero with that combo.)

The range on throwing out the mine is insane, something like twenty metres if you do it right. Throw it far ahead of you and wait for people to walk over it. Using it to knock people airborne momentarily confuses them, but allows your team to get some damage on the enemy. Lets say you use it to knock rein away from his team mates so your Rein can Earthshatter the rest.

Rip Tyre is a difficult ultimate to use properly since it can be destroyed quite easily. You'll want to combo it with Graviton or Earthshatter, but your main advantage is using it to catch enemies by surprise. On Hanamura, there's that platform above and to the right of the gate you can get through. Once I jumped up there and used my tyre and got a fucking quadruple kill.

That's all the tips I have, and that's mostly from experience. Play around and find what works best for you.

I have 100 QuickPlay hours on Symmetra.


Somebody help me.

“Look at this team! I see Lucio, Reinhardt, Winston, and Soldier. I locked Tracer, and you, you subhuman trash, you play Hanzo!”

to be fair, rainbow has a point. While the dps can self heal, the Winston is really going to suffer from having a lucio solo healer. While lucio is a great healer, he is not a solo healer like ana or mercy.

not to mention being the 3rd dps is usually a big no-no unless the meta changed again

8147432 please don't ever compare demo's sticky jump to junk rat's mine jump :pinkiesick:

I know they seem very close but as someone who spent countless hours learning to perfect the art of sticky jumping , JR's mine jump was the most disappointing thing I've notice the first time I played junkrat, it was just so limiting.

also, there is no practice with the mine jump, the game has a maximum distance that you can go with junk rat no matter which angle you went (with the exception of directly on top), as long as the angle is more than around 90, you will always land around the same spot unless you slow yourself down. though I never tried the lucio thing

I feel this video needs to be somewhere in this comment section.

8148107 No third DPS? Fight the Meta! What they REALLY needed was a ninja.

My most played heroes are, in this order, Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Ana.

Let the hate roll in, folks.


D.Va and Mercy main here (though also plays Tracer, Sombra, Pharah and Bastion). I guess it depends on the Hanzo player, seen them perform at both extremes.

As for Junk Rat, he is annoying to dight against and just seems like the character of choice for noobs. I also hate Mei, both on my team and on the enemy team

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