• Member Since 15th Jun, 2014
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I like FiM, Star Wars, and Tarantino

Comments ( 43 )

Well music does sooth the savage beast. Let's see how Octavia handles poor Laura.

Does this take place after 'Logan'? Or is this from the comics?

8037974 Read the author's note again.

8038009 just did, I should be read the chapter before commenting, good job BTW.

Quite good so far, but "SNIKT!"? I'm not sure that's the sound of metal blades penetrating soft flash? the KT make it more sound like bones scraping at each other, or so. Just a thought of myself.

KO awesome chapter, looks like the Stallion is gonna learn not to mess with this Wolverine and what she does isn't very nice. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

With Characters like her, I actually always expect them to run away and to be wary about the ponys, after that some curious ponys to try finding them, then they start talking.

Not bad, I really enjoyed it anyway, just some random thought I had again. I thinkg I'm going to enjoy this story pretty much.

I need more!!:raritycry::raritydespair:

Curse you cliffhanger!!:raritycry::raritycry:


Well that is the sound effect that the comics use when Logan pops his. It is one of the two sound effects that is distinctly Marvel. The other is from our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Uh oh you done ####ed up now

Well this so called stallion had some brains in his head. He knew when to fold em.

Laura's in for quite the journey already. The stallion made the right move in running away before... Yeesh. At least she gave him a chance and he didn't piss her off too much.

Pretty cool story otherwise, and I'll be looking forward to X-23's journey in Equestria. May everypony stay on her good side.

8072811 Huh. I've been reading your wolverine story.

Alcohol.... the bane some peoples existence:ajbemused:

8072840 KO awesome chapter, looks like Laura has made some new friends along the way from a train ride and will meet the princess hope nothing sets her off. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

8126055 I concur my good sir. I belive the excriment shall strike the rcyclical air flow device in a few chapters or less. :moustache:

The second was a number: 23.
There was some level of significance to this number. Her age? A quick look at herself told her she was at least in that range or close to it.

Okay, so she's in her twenties I guess.

At her full height, she appeared to be as tall as herself, or any ordinary pony.

... How big are these ponies!? How short is Lauren for a 20 year old!?

KO awesome chapter, damn those robots are here and will cause trouble for everyone hopefully Laura and the others will stop them. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

Will Laura please just sknit Bolivar Trask when she gets back. Or Celestia just banish him to Tartarus. Seriously Master Mold his back operational again! This idiot never seems to learn.

I know I saw almost the exact same phrase in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in one of Rita Skeeters notes about her work "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" where she quotes someone describing one of her sources. Though she used poo instead of shit but close enough.

Of course it would not be unlike Rita to have stolen that from another source so I could be wrong as to what your referencing.

8235441 Sorry, you are indeed wrong

KO awesome chapter, Laura has earn the trust of the Mane 6, Starlight, and Spike but now a threat has come to harm the ponies and Laura has to stop them. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

The person who programed these Sentinels is stupid.

They know they are in a alt reality. So the things we can't id MUST be mutant. Like are they not programed to have aliens in there database. whatever. :facehoof:

Human tag, please.

I think that once this all said and done Booster is going to be finding himself in more trouble then he can handle. I doubt Celestia will take having her subjects captured and injured like they have been and I doubt any government is going to want to deal with a pissed off Equestria.

I hope the action isn't lasting to long, I don't remember if this was about an adoption or not for Laura, but while this was nice I want to see the adoption happening first.

The sentinels probably caused more mutant crimes then they prevented.
Wouldn,t you want to get back at the people who helped a scientist build giant robots to kill you.

Well this is not going to make Celestia or Luna happy.

The princesses may have faced worse but the guards have never faced anything.

"Thank you, your majesty" Laura said with a respectful bow. "But there's still a problem."

It's difficult to say how I feel about this after reading the last chapter a long while ago, but I would say she isn't the type to just bow to her.

"Your conviction is admirable, Laura. But I'm afraid I must ask that you allow me to deal with this problem, as it is my subjects that are being threatened. Plus, you and Twilight should focus on finding a way back to your dimension." Celestia placed a hoof on Laura's shoulder. "I assure you, we should be more than well equipped to handle this. We've handled worse. Though, we would appreciate any suggestions."

It seems like she is one of the Celestias that like to make bad decisions. I like that but I feel she is also one of those who are quire arrogant about it.

Not sure why but once in a while the princesses just give me the "If you don't do what I want, I will get unbelieveable angry and punish you, no matter if your right or wrong" feeling.

It didn't get to far but close for me this time.

Anyway it's nice to see another chapter, I just have to see if I'm still as much into it as before.

Glad to see you returned, hope you continue after the series final

Sentinals: Who are you?
Venom: We are Venom.
Sentinals: You are sentient but not a human. So you are a mutant. Destroy.

Celestia: We can take them.

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