• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,590 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Ultimate Justice Punch

In a sleazier part of Canterlot we find a group of men in a warehouse.

These men were wanted criminals who were wanted for several acts of theft. They would steal whatever they could get their hands on, before selling it on the black market and tossing whatever they couldn't.

"Come on," the leader said to his men, "get those crates open so we can see what loot we have."

"Right boss!" the others said as they grabbed their crowbars and moving towards the crates.

Suddenly however the door of the warehouse burst open.

The men turned towards the door and were confused by what they saw. A robot, white it colour, it was humanoid and had a visor in place of its eyes.

"What the heck?" The gang leader asked as he watched the robot step towards them.

"Where'd this tin can come from?" One of his men asked.

The robot looked around the room. "Criminals detected," it said with a very robotic voice, "attack." It held up its hand, before a blaster barrel folded out of its palm, and fired several lazers at the criminals. The lazers struck the criminals and electrocuted each of them, causing them to fall to the ground.

"Freeze!" A voice yelled as several armed police officers charged into the room and surrounded them. "You're under arrest."

A little while later the warehouse was visited by two men. One was Shining Armor, while the other was an older man with greying hair. This was Canterlot's police chief By The Book.

"Well Armor," By The Book said as he looked around, "looks like my little test worked out well."

"I never said it wouldn't sir," Shining replied to him, "I just said it was risky having the test be an actual bust."

"Nonsense," the older fellow said, "this was the perfect test. And now we can move onto bigger things."

"I still think you should leave the monster attacks to the Rangers sir," Shining said, "a bunch of thugs is one thing but what they face is a whole other level."

"I'm not letting a bunch of vigilantes run around willy nilly and putting my citizens in danger," By The Book said, "it's time the police department did what it was suppose to do. With this new robot we'll be putting those punks out of business in no time."

"If you say so sir," Shining said.

"Now I'm off back to the office," Book said, "finish bagging the evidence."

"Right away sir." And so Shining Armor supervised as the lower officers worked to check the contents of each crate before they could move it. "What do we have here?" Shining asked as one crate was opened.

"Looks like rocks sir," an officer replied, "probably stolen from a museum and geology school."

"Go look in the rest of them," Shining said, "I'll bag these ones."

"Yes sir," they said before rushing off.

Shining opened the crate again and began checking through the rocks, making sure they weren't hiding something underneath, only to find that they were. As Shining shifted one of the bigger ones away, his eyes suddenly spotted something very familiar. "No...way."


After his shift was over Shining returned to his apartment, a simple bachelor pad, where he threw his coat over the couch and pulled what he had found out of his pocket. A silver hexagonal crystal similar to the ones he'd seen which only belonged to one group of people.

"An Element," he said. Memories of meeting his sisters friends, finding out they were Power Rangers and how they got their powers flowed through his mind. Twilight had been keeping him informed like he wanted and many time hearing her tales he wished he could help them. "And now I can," he told himself, "with this." He held out the Element and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Energise!" But nothing happened. Shining looked himself over, but he didn't look or feel any different. He held out the Element again and yelled, "Unleash the Power!" Still nothing. "Why won't it work?" He asked himself.

Meanwhile up in space Darklight and Heart Breaker watched as Cogs revived their latest failure.

"I'm alive," Rabbit Fire yelled when he stepped out of the machine.

"And just as useless as ever," Darklight told him, "get him back in his cell."

Several Shades appeared and grabbed the monster by its arms.

"Wait master," Rabbit Fire yelled as he struggled, "give me another chance."

"So you can just fail again!" Darklight said, "I think not."

"Why do you insist on reviving these monsters if you're not gonna use them?" Heart asked her brother.

"Resting in peace is to kind for those who fail me," Darklight said, "the only way these monsters will be free is to get me an Element."

"Please master," Rabbit Fire yelled. One of his struggles sent one of the Shades flying off him and smashing into one of the console, which started sparking. The lights flickered before dying out.

"What's happening?" Darklight asked.

"That console was linked to the energy grid," Cogs said running over to it, "damaging it's messed with the power feed. I'll reroute but our power is knocked out."

"So we're drifting through space now?" Heart asked.

"Yes," Cogs replied, "but it looks like the back up generators working. We've just lost power to the lights, engines and door controls."

"Door controls," Darklight said before yelling, "DOOR CONTROLS!" He spun around the ran to the door, forcing them open and running down the corridor.

Doom Raizer was sitting in his cell when the lights flickered and suddenly died out. Suddenly the cell doors clicked.

"What?" Doom asked as he rushed towards the door opened pulled it open. "If the powers out then," Doom looked over at the other cells and saw they were open as well. "Oh no," Doom said.

One of the doors was slowly beginning to open.

"Oh no you don't," Doom said as he rushed over and body slammed the door closed.

"Out of my way," the voice behind it said.

"I don't think so," Doom said, "Heart told me about you. I know you getting out of that cell can't happen."

"But what about the other cell?"

Doom looked over at the other cell and heard strange noises coming from it.

"Do you know what that is?" The voice asked, "inside that cell is a creature spawned from the one my father chased through the multiverse. Its daddy has destroyed countless dimensions. If you stay here once it's figured out how to open that door."

"I don't care," Doom said as he watched the cell slowly open.

Something slowly slivered around it, a tentacle like appendage, dark red in colour.

Suddenly a lightning blast flew into the Pit and struck the tentacle, causing it to retract back into the cell.

Doom looked around and saw Darklight standing at the entrance, having just fired a blast. "Secure these doors," he ordered as a horde of Shades appeared and took Doom's place at the door as well as the other cell.

"Good timing master," Doom said.

"Doom," Darklight said, "you tried to prevent Havoc's escape."

"I am and always shall be your fateful servent," Doom replied.

"Maybe I was a little to hasty in throwing you in here," Darklight said. "I never leave an act of loyalty unappreciated, so I'm going to give you another chance."

"Thank you master," Doom said, "I won't fail you."

"Don't make me regret this," Darklight said as the two left the Pits.

The next morning the Ranger were hanging out, on their way to Sugarcube Corner where they were gonna meet up with the Mane Seven.

"So," Soarin asked, "you manage to find anything?"

"No," Micro said, "we've been investigating Samson Cavern's history but so far nothing about finding a crystal like the Elements."

"It could be someone found it and just kept it without telling anyone," Lyra said.

"Or found it and it was stolen," Sandal said.

"Can you imagine if an Element fell into the hands of someone like that?" Sweetie said, "if Darklight found them they'd probably just hand it over."

"That's why we need to find it before anyone else," Flash said.

"To bad you won't survive long enough to find it!" From out of nowhere a lightning bolt flew down and struck the Rangers, sending them flying back.

As they got back up they saw Doom and his Shades standing not to far off, ready to fight.

"There's a pin head we haven't seen for a while," Sandal said.

"Where you been Doomy?" Flash asked, "vacation?"

"After you humiliated me I was discarded by master Darklight," Doom explained as he raised his sword, "but I've finally earned another chance to destroy you!" He slashed the sword down and unleashed another lightning bolt, which flew at the Ranger who pulled out their morphers.

"Energise!" They activated them as they leaped out of the lightning's path, "Unleash the Power!" In a flash they were suited up and ready to fight, which they did as they charged forward.

"Shades attack!" Doom yelled as his minions ran forward.


"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

Summoning their weapons the Rangers and Shades met and began their battle. "Don't you Shades ever learn?" Sweetie asked as she blasted one away while blocking the attack of another.

"You need to have a brain before you can learn anything," Micro said as he leaped over a group while blasting some down.

"That explains why they never learn how to dress in this century," Lyra said as she used her staffs blade to cut several more down.

"I don't know," Sandal said while fighting off several more, "at least they'll be dress for their own funeral."

Meanwhile Flash and Soarin were fighting against Doom, using their swords to counter his.

"Let's take this walking pin cushion down," Soarin said as he blocked one of his swipes before dealing a few of his own.

"I'm all for that," Flash said as he did the same.

"You beat me once Rangers," Doom said as he slashed at them, "but you did not defeat me."

"Then we'll just have to correct that mistake," Flash said. He and Soarin charged forward and slashed at Doom together.

While this was happening the Rangers continued to fight the Shades off.

"Power Slash!" Sandal slashed at a few of them, before seeing on charge at him. "To easy," he said as he prepared his Fenrir Fang to attack, only for a bolt of lightning to fly passed his shoulder and strike the Shade, sending it staggering back a few steps. "What the?" Sandal turned to look at where the bolt had come from, only for his eyes to go wide at the sight of a robot walking down the street.

"Is that?" Sweetie asked when she saw it.

"A robot?" Lyra finished.

"Fascinating," Micro said.

"You guys think it's another of Darklight's minions?" Sandal asked.

He got his answer when the robot fired off several shots, striking the Shades.

"Guess not," Lyra said.

"It's trying to help us," Sweetie said.

The robot fired another load of blasts, this time at the Shades the Rangers were fighting, causing them to duck or get hit. "Well it's not doing a very good job," Micro commented.

"It's weapons don't seem to be very effective either," Lyra said pointing to the Shades it had just shot were getting up. "Let's leave them to the bucket head."

They rushed over to the red and thunder Ranger, firing their blasters at the monster. All the while the Shades were busy fighting the robot, which just kept blasting willy nilly.

Doom wasn't having a very easy time. "I can't fight all six of you," he said.

"Which is why the six of us are attacking," Lyra told him as she grabbed his sword in her staff and threw him away.

"Shades," Doom yelled as more of his minions appeared and attacked the Rangers, giving him the opportunity to escape and run into an alleyway. "I must not fail Darklight again," he told himself as he watched the battle, "I need a new plan."

Meanwhile the Rangers had just finished off the Shades, but saw Doom was gone.

"He got away," Soarin said.

"We'll get him next time," Flash assured him.

"I think not," they spun around and saw Shining and By The Book walking down the street.

"Shining Armor," Flash said, "what are you doing here."

"You know these punks Armor?" Book asked.

"We met when they saved my sister from a monster attack," Shining explained.

"I see," Book said as he moved over to the robot.

"So is this hunk of tin yours?" Micro asked.

"Yes," Book said, "the latest in crime fighting technology. With it we can battle those monsters instead of you."

"You're joking right?" Sandal asked.

"This thing didn't even beat one Shade," Lyra said.

"It wouldn't stand a chance against those monsters," Sweetie agreed it was at that moment the robot began moving around, as smoke flew out of its head.

"Maybe a few tune ups to the weapons are needed," Book said, "but it will work. It's designed to only attack those whose face are in its database and no one else."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Flash said.

"I think it would be better to leave fighting these things to us," Lyra said.

"No way," Book said, "if I had my way you'd all be under arrest, but the higher ups have this deluded idea that you're heroes. Well I know different, that's why I had this robot built. Once it's perfected I'll mass produce it and you lot won't be needed any more." He looked around to recall the robot, but couldn't find it anywhere.

"Missing something?" Soarin asked.

"What'd you do with my robot?" He asked.

"Sir," Shining said, "they were right here this whole time." By the Book growled as he went to look for his robot. "Sorry about him," Shining said once they were clear.

"It's cool," Flash said, "but we'd better get going."

"Right," he said, "but can I have a word with you later Flash?"

"Sure," Flash replied, "I'll meet you at Sugarcube Corner."

"Great," Shining said.

Up in space Doom watched as the Shades carried By The Book's robot into Cog's lab.

"What do you want me to do again?" Cogs asked.

"Reprogram this thing so it goes after the Rangers instead of us," Doom explained, "what better why to destroy them then with their own technology."

"If you say so," Cogs said, "but it might take some time depending on how well this things software is protected."

"Just get it done," Doom said.

Later on Flash and Shining met up at Sugarcube Corner.

"So," Flash said as he sat down and passed Shining his milkshake, "what can I do for ya?"

"I was hoping you could tell me more about the Elements," Shining said, "especially how you got yours."

"Really?" Flash asked, "why so curious?"

"Well if I'm gonna help you guys I figured I'd need to know a bit more."

"And why couldn't you ask Twilight?" Flash asked, "she was there when I got my Element."

"She was?"

"Yeah," Flash said. He then went on to explain how he found his Element and ended up joining the Power Rangers. "And then the Element floated into my hand and bonded to me."

"Wow," Shining said before looking confused, "what do you mean by bonded?"

"Well you can't just find an Element and bam you're a Power Ranger," Flash explained, "an Element has to bond to you before you can use its power."

"And how does one bond to an Element?"

"Well that depends on the Element," Flash said, "each one is different. My Element of Courage bonded to me because I proved myself to be courageous."

"So each Element represents a different trait?"

"Yeap," Flash said, "anything else you want to know?"

"Just one thing," Shining said, "what other Elements are there other then the ones you and your friends have?"

"Well," Flash thought for a moment, "we know someone's already bonded to the Element of Adventure because the Manticore Zord's awake. So that just leaves the gold Element of Forgiveness, the black Element of Darkness and the silver Element of Justice."

Shining's eyes went wide hearing this.

"Well," Flash said as he finished off the last of his shake, "I gotta get going. You okay?"

"Yeah," Shining said smiling, "thanks punk."

"Still calling me that huh?" Flash said as he left with a smile on his face.

Once he was gone Shining reached into his coat and pulled out the Element. "Element of Justice huh?"

Over the next though days Shining Armor was like a man possessed, working tirelessly on any case he was given.

At the scene of an armed robbery he dusted literally every inch of the room, finding a print which allowed him to track down the thief. "You're under arrest," he said as he handcuffed the young man. Looking around he saw bags of money scattered all over the place.

"Great work sir," an officer said when they came to collect and bags.

"It was nothing," Shining replied. Once he was out of sight he pulled out the Element, but it was still the same causing Shining to frown.

Later on Shining was called to the scene of an assault, where an elderly man had been attacked and put in hospital. Looking around the area Shining noticed a surveillance camera one the end of the street, which he was able to get into and see which way the criminals had run. Using more cameras he was able to keep track of them until he'd got an image of their faces, leading him to positively ID them.

Those men were quickly found and arrested, to which the elderly man was able to pick them out in a line up.

"Thank you my son," he said once they were carted away.

"It was nothing," Shining told him. Quickly walking off Shinning then pulled out the Element, but again it remained dormant.

The next day Shining was doing his paper work in his office when the chief walked in.

"Sir," Shining said as he stood up.

"At ease," Book told him.

"How's the investigation going?" Shining asked, referring to the chief's missing robot.

"Nowhere," he said gruffly, "it's like the thing just vanished into thin air."

"I'm sure it'll show up eventually," Shining told him.

"I hope so to," Book said, "but I came to tell you well done. You've really been pulling out all the stops lately," he explained, "it's almost like you've got something to prove."

"It's nothing sir," he replied with a smile.

"Well keep up the good work," Book said before leaving the room.

Once he was gone Shining's smiled dropped into a frown, as he sat down and pulled out the Element. "What more can I do?" He asked. He considered his options and after much sole searching he came to a decision, before pulling out his phone.

"Hello?" Twilight's voice came out of his phone once she'd picked up.

"Hey sis," Shining said.

"Hey bro," Twilight replied, "what's up?"

"Could you and the Rangers meet me in town?" Shining asked, "there's something I want to talk to you all about."

"Sure," Twilight said, "we can be there in an hour."

"Great," Shining said before he hung up. He looked down at the Element again and sighed, knowing this was for the best.

Doom rushed into Cog's lab.

"I got your message," he said to the mechanic, "is it done."

"It is," Cogs said making them both turn towards By The Book's robot. "once I managed to get passed its defences, reprogramming it was a cinch. I deleted its old database and uploaded a new one containing the images of the Rangers. It'll attack anything that even looks like a Ranger."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Doom said, "stop talking and show me."

Cogs nodded and grabbed a picture showing the red Ranger, which he gave to a Shade. He then moved over to the robot and activated it.

The robot came to life and scanned the room, stopping when it saw the picture. "Ranger detected," it held up its hand and fired a blast, which struck the picture and then the Shade knocking it down.

"Impressive," Doom said.

"I also upgraded its weapons," Cogs said, "those Rangers won't know what hit them."

"Excellent," Doom said, "now all I need to do is find them." With that he turned and left the lab, followed by the robot.

Back on earth we find Shining, his sister and the Rangers outside a cafe in the park.

"So what's up?" Twilight asked once they were all seated, "you sounded really serious on the phone."

Shining sighed as he tried to think about what he would say. "You see," he said sounding hesitant, "when I join the police force I did so thinking I could help people. But when I found out who you guys were and what you were working to achieve, I wanted nothing more then to stand by your side and help. Then a week ago I thought my wish had been answered."

"What do you mean?" Lyra asked.

Shining didn't reply and instead reached into his pocket and pulled out the Element, holding it up for all to see. Everyone gasped when they did.

"The Element of Justice," Sweetie said.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Flash asked.

"I was hoping I could get it to bond with me," Shining explained, "I tried everything I could but."

"No luck?" Twilight asked.

Shining shook his head. "Clearly I don't represent the justice this Element deems worthy of being a Power Ranger." He held out the Element to Flash, "maybe you can find someone more fitting."

Flash nodded and took the Element. "Thank Shining," he told him, "this means a lot."

It seems the Rangers were one step closer to completing their mission, however.

A telebolt came down and struck the ground, in its wake Doom, some Shades and the robot appeared. "Surprise Rangers!"

The Rangers instantly froze seeing the monsters. Shining had to do a double take when he saw the robot.

"That's the chief's robot," he said.

"Guess now we know where it went," Soarin said.

"Time to crush you, with your own technology," Doom said.

"Oh please," Flash said, "that bucket head couldn't even beat you. What chance has it got against us?"

"This isn't the same robot I stole," Doom said as he pointed his sword at them, "robot attack."

The robot raised his blaster hand and fired, sending out a powerful blast which struck the Rangers and sent them flying back.

"Okay," Micro said once they'd recovered, "looks like they gave it some upgrades."

"Attack!" Doom yelled as he and the Shades charged forward.

"Flash," Lyra said once they were all stood up, "get Twilight and Shining out of here."

"Right," Flash said turning to the two, "come on." With that he and the siblings raced off towards the park's exit.

"Let's do this," Lyra said as they charged forward and did battle.

"Robot," Doom ordered as he fought Soarin and Sandal, "get the red Ranger. He's on his own."

"Attack...red...Ranger," the robot said as it turned to follow them.

It found them nearing the park's exit. "Stay here," Flash told them once they were there, only for them to find themselves in a flurry of lazer fire. Turning around they saw the robot approaching. "Stay behind me," Flash said as he pulled out his blaster and ran at the monster.

"Fire," the robot said as it fired off blast after blast, which barely missed Flash as he charged forward.

"Fire," Flash fired his own weapon, but was unable to get a clear hit as he tried to avoid the blasts. Finally he was within arms length of the robot and began fighting it hand to hand, only for the machine to show it to had some fighting skills as it blocked and threw its own punches.

"That things good," Twilight said.

"I had no idea the chief built it for hand to hand combat," Shining said.

Flash tried to fight the robot, but being unmorphed his attacks couldn't even dent its metal body. He tried to throw a punch into its chest, but the robot simply took it before grabbing his arm. "Uh oh," he said before the robot dealt him some powerful punches and then tossed him in the air, kicking him as he descended and sending him flying backwards.

"Flash!" Twilight yelled trying to run to him but Shining grabbed her and pulled her back.

"It's to dangerous," he told her.

As Flash pulled himself up, he saw the robot aim its blaster at him as it charged. Quickly glancing back he growled before standing up straight. The blast fired and flew at Flash, exploding in his face and sending him flying backwards and crashing into the ground.

"FLASH!" Twilight broke out of her brothers grasp an ran to the red Ranger, kneeling down and pulling him up. He didn't look good. "You idiot," she said, "why didn't you dodge that attack?"

Shining knew why. The attack would have fired even if he had dodged and the blast would have flown at them, causing them to get blasted. "He did it to protect us," he said.

Despite beating Flash, the robot didn't seem to think its job was over and once again aiming at the red Ranger and his sister. Not even having a chance to think, Shining shot forward towards the machine and did a jump kick to its arm, throwing its aim off and firing wildly in the air.

"Shining!" Twilight yelled.

"Stay back," Shining told her as he began fighting the robot off.

"Threat detected," the robot said before beginning to fight back.

Shining knew he didn't stand a chance without any powers, but he didn't care. "I might not be a Power Ranger," he said as he dealt a powerful kick to it, "but that doesn't mean I can just sit back and let you hurt a bunch of defenceless kids."

Seeing this Flash and Twilight were amazed, but their attention was soon diverted when a silver light began to radiate from Flash's pocket. Reaching in he pulled out the Element of Justice, which had a weak glow to it.

"Is this what I think it is?" Twilight asked him.

After Shining dealt it another powerful kick, the robot stepped back before aiming its blaster at him and charging its attack.

"Go ahead," Shining said, "I ain't moving." He stood perfectly still as he shielded the two teens, while the robot unleashed its attack.

Shining remained still, but just as the blast was about to hit him. The Element of Justice exploded with light, before shooting out of Flash's hand and flying infront of Shining. Once there a force field of some kind formed around him, which the attack struck and then bounced off, sending it flying back towards the robot and sending it flying back.

The light was seen by the rest of the Rangers.

"What's that?" Sweetie asked.

"I don't know," Lyra said, "but it can't be good." He kicked a Shade away and began rushing towards the light, followed by the rest of the Rangers.

Shining continued to watch as the Element floated infront of him. "What's happening?"

"Take it!" Flash yelled to him, "it's your Element of Justice!"

"My Element of Justice?" Shining repeated before realising what was happening. As the other Rangers arrived, they saw Shining reach out and take the Element before he was surrounded by silver energy.

Shining was bombarded by images. The first was a gargoyle like creature, followed by a multiple of ponies wearing similar armour. The final image was that of a humanoid bull, before the visions suddenly faded and Shining was back in the park.

"Shining Armor," he turned to the other Rangers. "Does this mean?" Lyra asked.

"Shining's a Power Ranger," Flash assured them.

In that second something appeared in Shining's hand, which was the stone Morphin Blaster. Which Shining examined in amazement.

"Principle Celestia," Sandal said over his coms, "you will not believe what just happened.

"Another Ranger!" They turned to see Doom and his Shades standing next to the robot. "It matters not," he said, "you'll be destroyed just like the others."

"I don't think so," Shining said as he turned to Twilight, "get Flash somewhere safe."

"Okay," Twilight said as she helped Flash to his feet.

"Hey Shining," Flash called out getting his attention, "take them down."

Shining nodded and turned back to the monsters. "I've been waiting for this," he said as he stepped forward, "It's Morphin Time." He held out his Element, "Element of Justice!"

"Magi-Chargers," the others said as they placed them in their morphers, Shining's changing into a black and silver one. "Energise...Unleash the Power!" They pointed their morphers in the air and pulled the triggers, unleashing the heads which flew around them and then bit down on their bodies. In a brilliant flash of light the Rangers were decked out in their suits, with Shining's being silver and white. The pentagon on his chest have the insignia of a bull's head on it.

"Attack!" Doom yelled as the Shades and robot charged at them.

"Let's do this!" Shining yelled before he and the others charged forward.

"Magitech," the others called on their weapons as they engaged the Shades.

"Hey guys," Sandal said as he slashed away at them, "how many of these things do you think you'd need to screw in a light bulb?"

"I don't think enough of them exist to do it," Micro said as he shot several more down.

"There won't be after we're done," Lyra said.

While they were fighting the Shades, Shining was busy facing off against the robot.

"Attack...Ranger," it said as it swung a punch, but Shining found fighting this thing was much easier now.

"This feels incredible," he said as he blocked the attack and dealt his own punch, "I've never felt so much power. And I'm gonna use all of it to turn you into a pile of scrap," he threw a roundhouse at the robot before elbowing it in the stomach. The robot however just kept coming.

"Attack...Ranger," it said as it threw another punch which hit Shining in the stomach and sent him skidding back.

"This things tough," he said as he got his footing.

"Blast...Ranger," it said as it aimed its blaster.

"Oh boy," he said as the robot fired and he leaped out of the way.

"Summon Thunder Sabre!" Soarin said as he called on his weapon as he battled against Doom.

"Without your leader you Rangers don't stand a chance," Doom said as he countered the attack.

"I might have learned how to fight on a team," Soarin said as he continued to swing his blade, "but that doesn't mean I forgot how to fight on my own."

"Besides," Sweetie yelled as she ran at them, "he's not alone." She swung her Spirit Sabre at Doom, who had to push Soarin away and block her before trying to slash at Sweetie who defended with her shield. "Now Soarin," she said.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin swung his blade, which struck Doom and sent him flying back.

"I told the chief your battery life was overkill," Shining said as he continued to fight against the tireless robot.

He leaped over the robot and tried to deal some attacks to its back, only for the robot's head to spin around and continue to fight backwards. "Doesn't this thing have a blind spot?" he asked as he blocked several strikes while trying to deal his own. The robot's body spun around and they battled like normal, which Shining growing weaker with every hit.

"Blast...Ranger," he once again aimed its blasters and fired at the silver Ranger, who was blown back and into a nearby fence.

"Shades!" Doom yelled as he leaped away from the two Rangers, "rise and merge to form Shadzilla!" Several Shades appeared and bunched up, transforming into the giant black lizard. "I'm out of here," Doom yelled as he rushed off

"Get back here," Soarin said trying to follow, only for him and Sweetie to be surrounded by Shades.

"Attack...Ranger," the robot said as it pinned Shining up against a fence.

"You already said that," Shining said, only for a roar to catch his attention and make him look up to see the Shadzilla. "What the?" He didn't have long to think as the robot threw him to the ground. Using this moment he swiped its legs, knocking it down.

Suddenly a beeping in his helmet caught his attention, before his visor was filled with the image of Celestia. "Shining Armor," she said, "the others need you to call your Zord."

"Wait," Shining said, "aren't you the school's principal?"

"That doesn't matter," Celestia replied, "just throw you Magi-Charger."

"I'll do what I can," he said as the image was cut. Opening up his belt he pulled out a silver Magi-Charger and clicked it, "Magi-Charger ready." With all his might he threw the charger, "summon Minotaur Zord!"

The Charger flew through the air, growing as it did so, before flying off into the forest area near Samson Caverns. Smashing through the mountain, It arrived in a deep cavern, where it flew into the mouth of a creature.


The creature opened its eyes. Seconds later it smashed its way out of the mountain, revealing itself as a silver humanoid bull with giant horns. The rushed off towards its Ranger.

Said Ranger wasn't doing so well. The robot continued to hit him again and again, as the Shadzilla loomed overhead. However, in that moment a mighty roar was heard, causing Shining to look over and see the robotic bull charging towards them. "Wow," he said.

The Zord charged forward and headbutted the monster, catching it in its horns and swinging it around before letting go and sending it flying.

"That's my Zord?" Shining asked.

The rest of the Rangers had finished off the Shades and were rushing towards Shining, when they saw the Minotaur Zord fighting.

"Wow," Micro said.

"So that's Shining's Zord," Soarin said.

The Minotaur Zord continued to slash at the monster until it appeared dizzy and barely able to stand.

The Zord's horns then began to glow as it charged forward and headbutted the monster one last time, sending the glowing energy surging through its body and causing it to roar in pain. Finally the Zord let it go and it was sent flying, before it crashed into the ground and exploded.

"Alright," the Rangers cheered seeing the Zord's victory, only to turn to see Shining staring down the robot.

"If my Zord can destroy those creatures," he said firmly, "then I can destroy you." He smashed his right fist into his left palm as it glowed. "Power Ranger," he spun around and with all his might he punched the air," Ultimate Justice Punch!" From his fist fired a powerful burst of energy, which flew at the robot and struck it as Shining spun around and had his back to it.

"Error...error...errorrrr," the robot sparked as it fell to its knees and then on its face before being consumed by an explosion, destroying it as Shining posed triumphantly.

"Guardian Rangers," he said, "victory is ours." He looked up at his Zord, who was staring down at him. He nodded and the Zord did the same, before turning away and rushing off back to its hiding spot. "Thank you Minotaur."

Up in space Doom was trying to sneak around the ship.

"If I can just stay out of the way long enough," he said as he slowly crept down the corridor.

"DOOM!" the monster spun around the see Darklight rushing up to him. "I give you another chance at defeating the Rangers," he said, "but instead you end up making more of them. Give me one good reason I shouldn't throw you back in the Pit?"

"It's true I failed," he said, "but no one want revenge more then I. Give me another chance."

Darklight was still for a moment, until. "My patience will run out, just like your usefulness." With that he turned and walked away.

Back on earth the Rangers were in the command base.

Flash was all but recovered from the battle and now the Element of Justice rested in the crystal bed. Shining was staring at it, now dressed in a new overcoat that was similar in design to the Ranger's jackets but was white with silver trim.

"I understand now," Shining said to everyone, "doing all that stuff I tried proved how much I didn't need the Element. I was able to do it on my own, so the Element had no reason to bond with me." He turned to Starswirl for confirmation.

"The Element of Justice will only bond to those who are willing to do the right thing," the wizard explained, "even though they lack the necessary means. Protecting Flash and your sister, despite knowing you'd most likely be destroyed proved your worth as the silver Ranger."

Shining smiled as he turned to the others. "I wish I could stay but-"

"We know," Lyra said.

"Your job is just as important as ours," Micro said.

"And I promise to protect the Element of Justice," Shining told them, "use the Minotaur Zord and Chargers in your quest to find the remaining Elements. But if you ever require the help of the silver Ranger," he turned and held out his hand, which the Element flew into, "I will return."

Everyone nodded, before Twilight rushed over and threw he arms around Shining. "I'm so proud of you," she said, "great work BBBFF."

"You sure are a worthy Ranger," Flash said.

"Thank you," he said as his sister pulled away.

"So what are you gonna tell your boss about his robot?" Soarin asked.

"I'll just tell him one of the monsters did it," he replied making everyone laugh. With that he turned and left.

Seven Elements were now accounted for, but three remained out there somewhere and the world wouldn't be safe until they were all found. But the question it, where?"

Author's Note:

So yeah, you all guessed it. Shining was one of the Rangers.

What did you think of his first Ranger episode?