• Member Since 10th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Magi Tail Welkin

Born under Leo in the the Year of the Fire Rat. Christain. Englishman. Storyteller. A resident Thomas the Tank Engine fan and casual MLP fan (And a Flashlight fan too. You may start hating me now)



After the reformation of the Changelings Twilight is questioning what her destiny is. Fate has it that she easedrops of Flash Sentry and discovers something, He's part of the Silver Enlightenment. She then investigates further.
Christian Fic and hints of FlashLight.

Complete from the moment. Have ideas to continue.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

As a fellow Christian I say, well done. Enjoyed all the biblical references and hope you continue with writing other great stories.

7938313 Thank you. I have plans. One is to upload a story already on my FanFiction.

Very, very good. A number of spelling errors, but this was very decent and clearly in earnest. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for having the courage to write and publish this. May God go with you and all of us :ajsmug::twilightsmile::raritystarry::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::yay:

7938400 I've got dyslexia in my spelling, which I can ironically spell correctly.

I my not read the Bible anymore but beautiful fimfiction. I can't wait to read more of your stories.

Okay, I have a confession to make. I tend to avoid Christian fanfictions, mostly because I worry about two things. One, I'm worried that they'll come off as irreverant. Two, I'm worried that they'll come off as preachy. This, on the other hand, somehow avoids being either. That's impressive. Also, some fics deify the alicorn sisters, and that ticks me off to no end. I think it's great that you managed to almost seamlessly blend Christianity and its basic doctrines into Equestria.

By the way, I teared up a bit reading this. The writing was just so respectful and reverent. Also, Twilight reaction matches my approach to faith. I don't completely understand everything about God, but I can't help but see His influence in every part of my life.

7942678 I have to admit I didn't expect such a reaction I was just writing what I liked. I can't really take full credit for it I based it off another story.

And part about it not being irreverent and preachy, it's my belief everyone has the right to belive what they like as long as everyone else respects that. We have free will we should have to right to express that as long as it doesn't do harm.

I loved it! I have been trying to find a way to to something similar.

Would you be willing to correct the errors I point to out? I would PM you them.

8008412 The would be helpful.

I have dyselexia in my spelling (which I can ironically spell correctly), so some mistake do slip through, but have been editing when I see a mistake.

I must say, this story was really good and I enjoyed every word, even the ones that need correcting, so for you I give a thumbs up, a like, and a follow. Keep it up :twilightsmile:

8027389 Thank you. On the corrections, I've got dyslexia in my spelling.

I'm about to make a blog post on something I've been working on so what out for that, it's my view on the Equestrian Calendar, if you interested.

I see there's no discussion about what happens to those who take their freedom to choose to choose true freedom. Because while Twilight did not find violence in the creation myth, there is plenty directed at those who don't wish to follow the path she's taken. For a person like Twilight Sparkle, that should lead to some inner conflict at the very least.

I am christian and I always found that part disturbing in the extreme. I don't believe it either, but I'm not Twilight.

What's a Christian Fic?

It's basically a Fanfiction story with a predominantly Christian theme.

A part (one word) from Spike, her number one assistant and kind of little brother, who happened to be a dragon, at roughly toddler age, for a dragon anyway, the Princess sat the carriage alone. Using her magic, she levitated the documents over to Spike. He looked them over briefly and smiled “Thorax really seems to be a natural at leadership. Then again he did think outside the box compared to the other Changeling, (Changelings and Ember's advice must have help. (helped)

Twilight paused “Wait,” she bookmarked the placed she got to and went to the cartography section and found a new map of the world. The Crystal Empire sat to the North, the Changeling Kingdom sat far South, and in between them, Equestria. Twilight quietly sat down and wrote her findings, she knew the Crystal Ponies must be related to the Equestrian Ponies, but the Changelings? If Genesis spoke the truth then, the artefact divided in two, one half must have become the Crystal Heart, the other must have been carved into Chrysalis’s throne. The magics of the those two must have mutate (mutated) those ponies.

Silver Light is called the Lamb of God because in ancient Unicorn ritual they sacrificed a perfectly healthy lamb as an offering for the forgiveness of sins. Silver Light chose to became to (the) greatest sacrifice, he took up his cross and suffered to carry the Sin of the World. Flash turned to one of the later small books, or “Letters” as he referred to him.

Twilight trotted up “Princess, your (you're) Silver Enlightened?”, Celestia smiled “Yes Twilight, for family reasons.”

Thank you for bringing those up. I didn't catch them due to my dyslexia. I've edited it now.

Again, thank you.

Did you hear about the dyslexic, insomniac agnostic?
He spent all night wondering if there was a Dog :pinkiehappy:


Roald Dahl made that dyslexia pun before.

Forgive me for asking this, but because the text can't portray emotions in the voice, I must ask.

That joke was not a intentional slight against this being a Christian story, was it?

No, no. I've just never been able to resist good snark
I added 2 story links to my previous post because I liked them

When I was in Florida back in the 1970s, the ACLU sued to stop a town from using public funds
to create a Nativity scene (separation of Church & State). The mayor's response
"They're just jealous because their entire group doesn't have 3 wise men or 1 virgin"

Good grief. Talk about a third degree burn.

Still, it good to know that was a simple joke. Sadly it's very hard to tell on the internet.

Incredible story!! This made me tear up a bit, being a Christian myself. Amazing story; and while Twilight approach to our faith was different than mine, I can say I relate.

A beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us! :twilightsmile:

I get surprised when people say this story made them teary-eyed. I have to say I am proud of this story.

But thank you anyway. Just note that I've been inactive on this site for a while, and shall like remain to be, as I'm focuses on other projects.

Oh wow! It's so interesting to read about a real life religion sculpted to fit into a universe of ponies. Personally it seems weird to me that ponies would have religion but at the same time, why wouldn't they? I'm also a Christian and I really enjoyed this. People say theyre teary-eyed after reading this, I am too.

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