• Member Since 8th Jan, 2015
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Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h


Quite a bit happened as Chrysalis's defeat approached and everypony finally escaped the reformed changeling hive to celebrate at the Sunset Festival in Starlight's old village. After all, when many characters who don't usually meet end up paired together, there are bound to be some interesting interactions--new friendships can be realized, old friendships can grow stronger, creatures can learn about each other, and fresh views can be shared. The point is togetherness and finding comfort in the fact that in Equestria you never have to be alone.

...Unless you choose to be.

The end of Chrysalis's evil reign brings peace to all but careful contemplation to one as Starlight Glimmer and her friends have a well-earned celebration of the magic of friendship.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

This was a really good story. I can't help but wonder what lies in store next season.

Well, Chrysalis hasn't been wise enough to change.

Looking forward to season 7.

Sometimes, I consider selling my soul to steal your writing abilities, then I remember that it's probably more fun to read the stories than it is to write them.

P.S. Would you ever consider writing a "dark" Discord? Not full psychopath, but one that's just incredibly twisted? A perfect example would be from 'You can Fight Fate' Where the following ensues:

"From up on his throne Discord just looks down on the six of them, grinning like the madpony he is. “Come now my little ponies,” he says. They look up just in time to catch a highly localized hailstorm of gumdrops to their faces. Well, except for Pinkie, who instead looks to be trying to catch as many of them in her mouth as possible. As the others try to cover their heads or brush the candy out of their manes, she chews away happily.

“Mmm! Theth ‘umdrops ‘re thorta funny tathting, but they thure are gummy!” she says through a mouthful of candy.

“Why my dear, what a refined palate you possess. You’re exactly right, they are made from alligator,” says Discord with a smirk.

Pinkie’s smile persists for a few seconds longer, then her eyes go wide and her ears perk straight up before slowly beginning to droop. She suddenly stops chewing as her smile falls away. Hesitantly, she sticks her tongue out.

The sugary mush is entirely green. It twitches."

So that pretty much wraps it up! I found this story to be up to your usual standard, pacing was good, it tied into the episode well and the characterisation was spectacular as always.


I always saw Discord's relationship with Fluttershy as more parental than anything, but I've never seen it depicted in a fic. Good job.

getting a moment’s piece.

Unless you meant "peace", this was very nearly a very different story entirely.

If you meant "pease", then I can't help you.

7930548 Thanks! I know what you mean, I feel the same way. On the surface he acts like he's just being selfish about their friendship, but in moments like when the changelings tricked him or their hug at the end, his genuine concern for her really comes through.

Lol, you’re very kind, thank you for the compliment. :twilightsmile: Eh, writing them’s pretty fun too just because I’m usually not too sure of the details, so I get to find them out as I go along. The editing is a bit draining though, but it’s worth it for the readers and getting to share my stories with everyone.

I haven’t had an idea yet for a full story about Discord at his darkest, though it’s something I would like to try. I’ve written him reformed and semi-reformed, and it’d be nice to sort of complete the trifecta and write him as the villain he once was. I’ve played around with the idea of a one shot that sort of a mental monologue of Discord just after the pony sisters turn him to stone realizing the plunder seeds aren’t coming for him and that he’s stuck like this, and the sort of slow psychosis that would set in. But a story where he could take some action might be more interesting. I don’t think I’d like to go as dark as the story sample you shared (I’d like to go dark but still in the realm of something that could air with MLP’s age rating), but writing him at his most evil could be fun. Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll keep it in mind. And thank you for the story recommendation—I like to read as much Discord as possible to help with my writing ^_^

7930601 Thanks, I made the correction :twilightsmile:

I wasn't sure what to expect going into this. I certainly didn't expect so many fascinating and cute interactions!

It's usually at a character's weakest moments that the layers begin to peel away and the real core of their being is exposed. That's the impression I got through the paired up discussions. It's also at those times that they learn the most about themselves and what's most important in their life. What makes these times really special is to share them with someone else, both growing from the experience. It's nice to see some of those moments here, in person. Everyone came out of this stronger for it.

Well, everyone except the one in the last scene. With no one else around to work off of, the weakest moment only caused more damage.

Very nice, thoughtful, character driven story!

I throughly enjoyed reading this story. Everyone was in character, the transitions were smooth and seamless, and discussions were well thought out. Not to mention its fits perfectly fine as a epilouge to the Season 6 finale. Truly masterful work. I would love to see a possible followup in the future. I for sure would like to read that as well.

That would actually be an awesome villain plot for season 7..... But yeah, cool story. It's nice to see them all just hanging out and having fun instead of being off saving the world again.

I shall read this tomorrow, looks good! :pinkiehappy:

Visions of Sunset Shimmer and the hu-mane six coming to save the day comes to mind. Watch yourself Crysalis

Chrysalis should be punished by becoming the Smooze's playmate which would be pretty funny for everyone other than Chrysalis. Discord should introduce the Smooze to more ponies anyway.

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! And I really like your point about how the true essence of a character gets revealed at their weakest moments. I think we saw a lot of that in the finale, and it gave a lot of extra development to characters we haven’t seen on screen often. :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much! And depending on how they progress things with Chrysalis in the future, I’d definitely consider doing a follow-up.

Exactly—I just wanted to think about how they’d be handling the calm after the storm. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks, I hope you like it! :twilightsmile:

Oh wow, your writing is always so entertaining! I loved it :heart:.

Not bad at all. Honestly the first part of the story, just having Celestia and Discord talking together while imprisoned was more than story enough, for me. That could have stood alone all by itself and I'd have been totally pleased. Love seeing them interact, and I think you portrayed them well.

7938361 Thanks!!! I'm just glad I finally got this posted before S7 starts lol :yay: And thanks for the favorite!

Actually, it's funny you should say that. My original story concept was just to have that scene of Celestia and Discord in the hive and then maybe a shorter scene afterwards of them talking about Chrysalis at the festival. But then I started thinking about all the other great characters in the finale, and it just kind of snowballed from there lol. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed their interactions and the story :)

A little of Twilight’s smirk returned as she cleared her throat as well and added, “Oh, and I’ve been watching how you handle Discord—I don’t think I’ve ever seen any pony talk back to him like you do or get under his skin so much. It’s very refreshing. I’ll really have to invite you over the next time he pays he a visit.”
Trixie waved her off. “Oh, he’s not so tough. Klutzy draconequus…” She laughed to herself.
Twilight raised an eyebrow.
“Private joke.” Trixie shrugged.

Tricks x Discord fanfics anyone? No? How about you, Azure? :scootangel:
Also an no? Well that sucks. :fluttershbad:

Just got back from finishing Fallout Equestrian after a few days of reading! Then I remembered I haven't looked at your feed from before FE and a little after FE! :pinkiegasp:

My favorite parts of this story were Flurry-Skype and Discord's new safety protocols.

This was really fun to read! Sequel?

7953957 Depending on what they do with Chrysalis next season, I'd definitely like to write a sequel to this. Thanks for letting me know there's interest! :yay:

Thanks for an awesome read. You certainly did a great job typing up all the "loose ends," and your characterizations of every pony are perfect. I especially enjoyed Discord and Princess Celestia's entire conversation, showing that they've come a long way in their own friendship. :twilightsmile:

7999071 Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the story so much! :twilightsmile:

8073697 You're welcome, and thanks again for a fun read!

Awesome story! My favorite part was Discord and Celestia talking together while trapped in those cocoons. Perhaps you could do a similar story, showing the Mane Six having a conversation while imprisoned in the hive? Just an idea.

This was fantastic! I loved everyone's interactions, and I'll take them as canon. Discord and Celestia's friendship was especially sweet.

Seriously, this could be ingrained in the canon almost flawlessly - for now, anyway. The only thing that conflicts with it right now is how Discord never considered having Fluttershy at his place until Discordant Harmony. But that's so minor

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it ^_^ I'm especially glad the Discord/Celestia interactions came off well-- I'm always worried about writing those conversation well since we don't really have any series canon of them interacting to go off of lol. Ah, I hadn't even thought about the Discordant Harmony thing coming out since I published this--thanks for the note!

Great story I loved it and how you did each character

And once again, Azure, you show us all the right reasons why you're one of the best writers out there, especially for writing Tia, Discord and stories that realistically could be episodes themselves. This was glorious! A fun piece to read.

All hail the Bug Queen! May she be unreformed for future attacks, for as long as she doesn't overstay her welcome as a villain! May her reformation - which at some point, I'm quite sure of that, will occur - be handled with grace and elegance by capable writers!

Thank you for this entertaining piece - and thank you for writing. :twilightsmile:

I'd love if this got a bit of a followup to explain where Chrysalis was when the students were at the castle during School Daze.

I really liked this. This is how it should have ended.

Except, it needed more Fluttercord and LESS Dislestia. Gag. Discord x Celestia = NO.

I can definitely see Luna really bonding with Starlight. Both were evil and tried to impose their will on ponies and both were changed by Twilight and friends. Starlight would make a great next princess, with LUNA giving her the upgrade instead of Celestia.

Didn't see this. Just have to say...she could have been anywhere. She could have been a chair one of the students were using. She could have been one of the students, even! Anytime one of them left for a short time, Chrysalis could easily take their place and feed on the others' love. She was probably just hanging out in the throne room and turned into a chair or something whenever someone entered.

You should read the story, “Megan and the Reformed”. I figured it would be fun for Megan, the adventurous girl from the original My Little Pony cartoons to interact with Starlight, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax.

I loved all these moments of friendship between all the ponies.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story :twilightsmile:

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