• Published 27th Feb 2017
  • 10,840 Views, 280 Comments

Sunscarred - Masterweaver

  • ...

"Just because I'm a dog doesn't mean I'm an idiot."

"Nobody said you were an idiot, Spike." Twilight stacked her papers calmly. "It's just that you're hanging around people with quite a bit of intellectual prowess and we have the unfortunate tendency to assume that the majority of the population will not be able to keep up with our thought processes, ergo we have a bad habit of treating those around us as require simplification for translation."

"And yet, I don't see you treating any of the girls like you do me."

"...you're right. I'm sorry." Twilight turned around and knelt down. "I just... I guess I'm still kind of used to thinking of you as the family pet."

"Just... even if I can't help, that's no reason not to let me know what's going on."

"Well..." Twilight bit her lip. "The girls have found five of the split Sunsets, and they're all coming here to talk with her brother. So plus the one we've already got that's six. But nobody knows where the seventh one is, and we're not sure how to find her."

"The best place to find a thing is where that thing would go," Spike said firmly. "Squirrels are in trees, treats are in bags, and people are usually trying to get to where they think they should be."

Twilight sighed. "The problem is, we don't know where this part of Sunset would think she should be."

"Well why don't you ask the other Sunsets? They probably know how she thinks."

"That..." Twilight began, before considering for a moment. "...is actually a really good idea, Spike. I'll do that right away!"

She rushed off to the crowd of identically faced but not identically garbed teenagers, clearing her throat. "Excuse me! Excuse me, everyone! Now then. As you can all tell, we have six out of seven of the Sunset personas here. The final one, however, has yet to be located. So... to you various fragments of Sunset... you're part of the same person. Maybe you could help us figure out where the last one of you would head, right?"

The Sunsets all looked at each other.

"What, like telepathy? I don't think we have telepathy." The one wearing the Everfree dress gasped. "Wait, of course we have telepathy! The crystal thingamajigger we got at that place! Where is it?"

The pony-eared Sunset rolled her eyes. "Even if we had it the thing is contact based. I supposed it could work over a range in this specific incident due to thaumic resonance, if we worked together, but we'd need the geode to do it."

"No, no lo hacemos ¡Nos tenemos el uno al otro! Y con el poder mágico de cada uno podemos causar una cascada de resonancia que--"

"Are you using a translation spell?"

The salsa-dancer Sunset crossed her arms. "Déjame soñar, maldita sea!"

"Oh my god!" One Sunset covered herself with her flaming wings. "Why didn't anybody tell me my pants had been burned off?!"

"Well, you were the one that burned them off," pointed out the one in crystal armor. "I thought you knew."

"It's a good thing we wear bloomers," mused the one in the Everfree dress, "otherwise that could have been a lot more awkward."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Wait, you seriously all wear bloomers?"

The Sunsets nodded in unison.

"Huh. I'd have thought you were a thong kind of gal."

Twilight dragged a hand down her face. "Focus, everyone. We're looking for the last Sunset--do we have any idea where she would be?"

"Well, she'd go where she wanted to," pointed out the one in the Everfree dress.

"Okay, yes, but where would she want to go?"

"I went to the ice cream parlor!"

"Mi corazón me llevó al club de baile."

The one in pony ears shrugged helplessly. "I just wanted to get out and do something, I didn't have any idea. Hey you! Alicorn Sunset, or whatever you are, you got any ideas?"

"To understand where she is, we must understand what she is. And what she is is what we are not."

"That is an incredibly deep sounding series of similes," the crystal-armored Sunset stated dryly.

"No no no, she's got a point." The flame-winged one gestured at herself. "Like, I'm the perceptive one, I can figure out what's going on real quick, and also I've got magic. You're the determined one, the one that figures out what we want to show to the world. Dancer there--"


"Whatever, she's our friendships and relationships, and pony ears is our drive. And the one in the dress is our... ditziness, apparently."

"Excuse you, I have a broad and well developed emotional spectrum!"

"And this one," Twilight pointed at the stoic Sunset, "is apparently your wisdom. So... Wisdom, Perception, Expression, Relation, Action, Emotion. What's missing...?"

"You know if this were based off the elements of harmony it would be so much easier," Starlight pointed out. "I mean Magic, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter... then again, there's only be six of you."

"The elements of harmony..." Sunburst adjusted his glasses. "Of course! The elements came from the Tree of Harmony! The missing Sunset must be a fundamental binding force, something that ties the rest all together!"

"The will to exist," the alicorn Sunset agreed. "The need to be. The survival instinct."

"Whew!" Pinkie wiped imaginary sweat off her brow. "Glad we got that squared away. Hey, wasn't the last Sunset the one that looked like she did after the fall formal?"

"You mean the demon?" Rarity nodded slowly. "Now that you mention it, yes, I do recall that... although I had assumed that she would be easier to locate, what with looking so obviously different and all."

Applejack frowned. "The survival instinct... oh, hay, Ah think Ah know what's goin' on!"


"The last Sunset don't want to be found! If'n she is, she don't get to be seperate from the rest of them. She vanishes."

"Well, that's not entirely true," Sunburst pointed out. "Even ignoring the unique circumstances of the fractal cascade, the simple fact is that without a proper stabilizing magic network she will disintegrate. And I know she probably knows that, so unless there's somebody here that can construct a harmonic formation she's out of luck."

"...She's scared. She's desperate. She doesn't think we have her best interests at heart..." Fluttershy frowned at the ground. "She'd seek help... from somebody we wouldn't think. But who could help her that isn't already--Oh. Oh no."

Her eyes went wide. "We have to move now!"