• Published 15th Feb 2017
  • 7,882 Views, 32 Comments

Letters Of Love - Glitch_319

Sunset notices her dear friend Fluttershy hasn't been asked out too the school dance, so she takes it upon herself to change that

  • ...

Secret Admirer

Fluttershy hadn’t really paid attention to the news of the upcoming dance until now as she closed her locker door and looked up at the huge red and pink poster that hung directly above it. It was also easy to focus on once she heard her friends approaching, Rarity’s voice loudly exclaiming about all the boys – and girls – who had expressed interest in asking her.

“I mean, really, how am I supposed to choose just one?” Rarity sighed in a strained tone. “Oh!” She exclaimed excitedly with wide eyes. “Unless I can go with not one, but two! Or maybe even three!”

Twilight Sparkle scrunched her nose in Rarity’s direction. “Rarity, please. That’s not fair. I’m sure you’ll figure out who to go with in time for the dance itself.” She chided. The group gathered in a semi-circle around Fluttershy’s locker as the shy blonde turned to face them.

“Shoot, I’m surprised you had one person askin’ you to the dance, much less several.” Applejack teased, crossing her arms over her chest and smiling softly to herself as Rarity huffed.

“Oh really?” Rarity quipped. “Well, how many people have asked you to the dance?”

“How do you know I’m not the one doing the askin’, sugar cube?” Applejack smirked.

Rarity blushed as she began stammering out a comeback. Before Twilight could interject, the girls were interrupted by an explosion of confetti raining down on them.

“Guys!” Pinkie Pie jumped up and down excitedly, as Sunset Shimmer stood beside her, shaking her head at her pink haired friend. “Only three days until the dance! And do you know what a dance is? It’s basically a party!”

“Um, guys…” Fluttershy muttered softly.

“Pinkie, a dance is very different from a party.” Rarity corrected her. “A dance requires finesse, poise, elegance and manners.”

“Pfft, forget that!” Pinkie scoffed. “A dance is all about having fun!”

“Excuse me…” Fluttershy said again, her voice as soft as it normally was. Her stomach was growling, and she was hoping to urge her friends on to the cafeteria for lunch. And besides, she was getting tired of hearing about the upcoming Canterlot High Valentine’s Day Dance. For someone like Fluttershy, who was shy, quiet, and timid, high school dances weren’t really anything to get excited about.

Sunset glanced over at Fluttershy, noticing her nervously chewing her bottom lip as she crossed her arms over her stomach. After a glance at the clock on the wall, it wasn’t hard to figure out what Fluttershy was trying to say. “Who wants to go to lunch?” Sunset asked, raising her voice above the loud chatter of the other girls.

“Ooh lunch! Last one there’s a party pooper!” Pinkie exclaimed before darting down the emptying hallway.

As the group began making their way to the cafeteria, Fluttershy gave Sunset a shy smile of thanks.

“So Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash slowed down next to Fluttershy and threw an arm around her shoulders. “Has anyone asked you to the dance yet?”

Fluttershy blushed a deep crimson. “N-no,” She muttered softly, an embarrassed tone to her quiet voice. “I h-haven’t been asked yet…”

“Don’t sound so down, Fluttershy,” Twilight said with a smile. “There’s three days until the dance. I’m sure someone will ask you.”

As the girls made their way down the hall, continuing their excited chatter (and some arguing) concerning the dance, no one noticed that Sunset Shimmer strayed away from them with a thoughtful look etched on her face, the gears obviously turning in her mind.


Once lunch was over, Pinkie and Twilight both had to run to their next class and Rarity had left in the middle of lunch for a fashion club meeting. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack had time before their next class, which worked out because they had to stop by their lockers.

Fluttershy stopped by her locker, as AJ and Rainbow Dash chatted behind her. As she opened the locker door, she caught sight of a pink slip of paper cascading out and landing swiftly on the floor. Furrowing her brow, she knelt down and picked it up, unfolding it curiously.

“Whatcha got there, Fluttershy?” AJ asked curiously.

“Ooooh, do tell!” Rainbow Dash propped her chin on Fluttershy’s shoulder, trying to read what the piece of paper said.

“Um…oh my goodness…” Fluttershy murmured, her face going red as she read the note.

“If I could give you one thing in life,
I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes,
Only then would you realize how special you are to me.
Your secret admirer”

The note was made complete with several doodled hearts.

“Who do you think wrote it, Fluttershy?” AJ asked.

“I…I have no idea. Um…excuse me.” Fluttershy nervously stuffed the note into her backpack and hurried away from her friends, her mind racing as she tried to figure out who could have left the note in her locker.


The next day as Fluttershy walked through the front doors of the school, her thoughts were overtaken with just one thing: the note from her locker. She had re-read it countless times the previous night, and again the first thing that morning. She had even read it again on her way up the path leading to the front door. She wanted to be excited and flattered, but a part of her couldn’t help but worry that this was some cruel prank.

Her friends badgered her with questions and even theories about who could have written it, but Fluttershy blushed and brushed their comments aside. Yesterday she had been feeling down because she thought no one wanted to go with her to the dance, today she was afraid of what the outcome of this could be.

By the time lunch rolled around, Fluttershy was tired of hearing everyone else talk about it. As she stood in line at the cafeteria, settling on a baked potato and apple slices, she was approached by Sunset Shimmer. As Fluttershy braced herself for yet another comment about the note, she was surprised as Sunset laid her hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Listen Fluttershy, stop worrying so much about the note, okay?” Sunset offered her friend a smile. “And don’t let anyone get you down about it. No matter what, you’ll always have your friends.”

Fluttershy blushed warmly as she averted her gaze. “Thanks, Sunset…” She murmured softly, returning her friend’s smile. Sunset nodded and walked off, leaving Fluttershy feeling slightly better about everything.

“Hef Futherthy,” Rainbow Dash said with a mouthful of hot dog as Fluttershy approached the lunch table. “Thereth somefing on your fray.”

“Augh!” Rarity exclaimed in horror. “Rainbow Dash, manners!”

“Hm?” Fluttershy reached beneath her tray as she sat down, plucking a piece of paper from beneath. She gasped as she set the tray down and realized the paper was pink and folded identically to the note from her locker.

“Wow Fluttershy, another note?” Twilight smiled. “Someone must really like you!” She teased playfully.

“Yeah, I guess so…” Fluttershy murmured, staring at the note.

“Well go on, sugar cube, what’s this one say?” AJ asked, leaning forward.

“Um, oh my…” Fluttershy blushed a deep shade of crimson as she unfolded the note and silently read the words to herself.

“I love that you’re shy
But please don’t fear
I am always the happiest
When you are near”

It was the same handwriting as before, complete with the same doodled hearts. Something about it made Fluttershy feel somewhat better about everything, as if the person leaving the sweet words for her truly meant them. After all, she wasn’t used to anyone complimenting the fact that she was shy. Sometimes she felt self conscious about it.

As her friends chattered around her about the note, Fluttershy folded it back up and held it in the palm of her hand. Naturally, she couldn’t help but wonder who it was writing these notes and slipping them to her. However, she also thought that, no matter who it was, she appreciated their effort and found it very sweet that they would go out of their way to do this for her. She almost wondered if it was one of her friends doing it to help her feel better, but she quickly pushed that thought aside – that would almost be considered cruel.

“Guys! This is getting super serious!” Pinkie exclaimed as she wiped icing from her lips and tossed her empty cupcake wrapper aside. “One note is one thing, but two notes? That’s like…that’s like two things!”

“As dumb as that sounds, I actually get what you’re saying,” Rainbow Dash said, hmming inquisitively as she looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, are you sure you don’t know who could be leaving them?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly guess.” She blushed as a shy smile crossed her lips. “But whoever it is, they seem very sweet.”

“Well, that leaves out Flash Sentry,” Rainbow Dash said jokingly. “Any other ideas?”

“What about Cheese Sandwich?” Twilight suggested.

“Pfft,” Rainbow shook her head. “Can that guy even write?”

“How about that Sky Stinger fella?” AJ spoke up.

“He already asked me,” Rarity said. “I would hope he wouldn’t be leaving notes in another girl’s locker!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, ignoring Rarity as she turned to face Fluttershy. When she spoke, however, she spoke to all the girls. “Maybe whoever it is doesn’t want to be found out just yet…which is why they’re leaving notes. Maybe they’re just as shy as Fluttershy, and they want to make sure she’s willing to accept someone like them before they decide to show themselves to her or anyone else.”

Applejack smiled and nodded her head in Twilight’s direction. “Good point, Twilight.”

Fluttershy smiled at Twilight. “Well whoever it is, I hope they know how much I appreciate them, and will hopefully get to meet them soon.” She said softly, before tucking the new note into her pocket next to the first one.


“Heya Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy looked up at the sound of her name as Sunset Shimmer bounced into the classroom. “Oh, good morning Sunset!” Fluttershy greeted as her friend sat down in the seat next to her. It had been a busy morning for Fluttershy, and she had almost been late to their shared history class. She hadn’t even had time to go over the secret admirer notes from the past two days, although the thought of them had been ever present in her mind.

“Morning!” Sunset sighed exasperatedly as she set her backpack down on the floor and retrieved her notebook and textbook for the class. Fluttershy already had hers lying in front of her on her desk. As Sunset continued preparing for the class, she let out a frustrated groan. “Darn it! I’m such a ditz … I don’t think I have a pen with me.”

Fluttershy giggled softly at her friends dishevelment. “No worries, Sunset, you can borrow one of mine.” She leaned over to rifle through her backpack, retrieving a blue pen a few moments later. She handed it to Sunset, who accepted it with a smile.

“Aw thanks Fluttershy, you’re the best.” Sunset said, giving her friend a wink before settling down in her seat as the teacher entered the room.

The teacher wasted no time. After greeting the class, he proceeded to demand they turn to page 56 of their text books and be prepared to take notes! Fluttershy began thumbing through her book to try and find the correct page number, but stopped at the sight of a pink piece of paper, folded into a neat little square.

Fluttershy stifled the urge to gasp. It was the exact same paper and folding style as the two notes before. Her heart hammered almost painfully in her chest as she reached with shaky hands to unfold the paper, her teal eyes eager to soak in the note for today.

“When I hear you sing
It makes me weak
Your voice is like an angel
So perfect and sweet”

While Fluttershy was shocked, and wanted to question how this person was so good at sneaking notes to her, she didn’t want to over think it. Instead she just smiled softly at the note. She wasn’t going to question them any further. She was just going to enjoy them like they were meant to be enjoyed. After all, they made her smile – they made her happy.


The day of the Canterlot High Valentine’s Day dance had arrived, and the school was completely aflutter. All through the halls, the girls discussed what they were wearing and where they were meeting up after school to get ready. The guys did their best to keep it casual, but you could tell they were just as excited.

Fluttershy walked by the crowds with a smile on her face. She was happy for the couples attending the dance tonight. Besides, even though her – well, she guessed you could call it a “relationship” – wasn’t exactly normal, it was enough to give her warm feelings in the pit of her stomach and appreciate the red heart decorations everywhere. And that was enough for her.

“Oh! Fluttershy!”

As Fluttershy reached her locker, she looked up at the sound of her name being called to see Rarity jogging up to her. Fluttershy smiled at the sight of her friend – Rarity was naturally dressed for the occasion even before the actual occasion, wearing a red and white outfit along with a red ribbon in her flowing purple locks. “Oh Rarity, you look nice!” Fluttershy gushed with a smile.

“Oh thank you darling, it’s just a little something I threw together.” Rarity replied, giving her hair a slight fluff. “Now I wanted to talk to you about the dance tonight. As many suitors as I have, I’m sure I could find one who would love taking you instead of me…”

Fluttershy blinked and then shook her head. “Oh no Rarity, it’s fine, I…”

“Nonsense! There’s no reason for a girl as pretty as you to go to the dance alone.” Rarity smiled as she began looking through her bag. “Now, I’ve put together a portfolio of sorts with photos and stats for you to look over…”

Fluttershy sighed as she entered in the combination for her locker. “Rarity, really. I don’t need anyone to go to the dance with.”

“Well, why not?”

“Because…” Fluttershy opened her locker door, and her smile widened as she saw a pink piece of paper begin to drift out. She held out her hand and caught it in the her palm, gently closing her fingers around it as she brought it towards her. “Because I have this.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh Fluttershy, a secret admirer is adorable and very sweet, but you can’t very well dance the night away with a note can you?”

Rarity continued speaking but Fluttershy let her voice drift away as she focused on the note in her hands. She couldn’t believe what she was reading…her heart pounded faster with each word, and her hands began to shake ever so slightly.

“No more notes,
Let’s meet face to face.
At the dance,
We’ll seal our fate.
Please don’t be alarmed
When I confess;
That in a sea of red,
I’ll be the girl
In the blue dress”

Fluttershy felt like she couldn’t catch her breath right away. Her secret admirer was a girl? Although she guessed that made sense…she certainly couldn’t think of any guys who attended the school who were capable of writing things so sweet, or who had ever even really paid her any attention. She was too shy for them to really notice…and whoever this girl was happened to like the fact that she was shy…

“Fluttershy? Yoohoo! Fluttershy, are you listening?” Rarity snapped her fingers, bringing Fluttershy out of her haze.

“Oh Rarity…you’re still here?” Fluttershy blurted and then shook her head. “I mean…oh, I’m sorry…”

“Fluttershy dear, are you alright?” Rarity asked with an expression of concern written on her face. “You look absolutely flabbergasted.”

“I’m fine, Rarity,” Fluttershy said quietly, re-reading the note in her hands. As the words sank in again, she smiled softly. “Rarity, um, could you do me a favor?”

“Of course,” Rarity said, blinking. “What is it?”

“After school, um,” Fluttershy muttered quietly before looking up into Rarity’s eyes. “Would you help me get ready for the dance?”

Rarity’s eyes widened, and her gaze darted between the note, then to Fluttershy, then to the note and back again before a huge smile spread across her face. “Oh Fluttershy, absolutely! You didn’t even have to ask, you know I would love to!” Rarity exclaimed before pulling Fluttershy into a tight hug just as the first bell rang.


The Canterlot High gymnasium was overdone with decorations as loud music pulsated through the speakers. Fluttershy swallowed hard as she tried to work up the courage she had felt earlier – but it was always easy to feel courageous when Rarity was doing your hair and telling you how “absolutely gorgeous” you looked. Now, looking around at everyone at the dance, Fluttershy felt self conscious all over again as she began to nervously tug at the hem of her yellow dress.

Sensing her friends plight, Twilight walked over and stood beside Fluttershy, laying a hand on her shoulder. “Hey Fluttershy, you can do this okay? I believe in you. I know you’re nervous, but once you relax and start having fun with this mystery girl, you won’t regret it!”

“I know you’re right, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, biting her bottom lip. “But…but what if she meets me and decides she doesn’t like me anymore?”

“Never gonna happen!” Rainbow spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest. “And besides, if that was the case, which it won’t be, I’d find her and make her sorry!” She finalized that statement by cracking her knuckles.

“I don’t think violence will be necessary, Rainbow dear,” Rarity said, then turned her attention to Fluttershy. “Listen to me, darling…whoever this girl is, she knows you. She knows who you are, and she likes you. Do you hear me, Fluttershy? She. Likes. You.”

Fluttershy stared at Rarity with wide eyes and nodded her head slowly. “You’re right…you’re all right. I just have to go in there and look for a girl in a blue dress!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Go get em, girl!” AJ hollered with a wink.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, nodded at her friends in thanks, and then headed into the fray.

Couples were already on the dance floor taking advantage of the sick beats that Vinyl Scratch was mixing for them. There were some wallflowers who had yet to venture out, but looked like it wouldn’t take them much longer to get up the nerve. A few lingered by the refreshments table, and Fluttershy got distracted at the sight of Sunset Shimmer standing near the punchbowl.

Fluttershy waved as she approached. “Sunset! I wasn’t sure if you would be here or not.”

“Of course, where else would I be?” Sunset smiled, narrowing her eyes at Fluttershy playfully. “You look amazing, by the way.”

Fluttershy felt her cheeks turn hot as she blushed. “Oh, thank you…I had Rarity’s help, it’s all because of her.”

Sunset shook her head. “I don’t think you need any help in that area, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to stammer out a response but Sunset spoke before she had the chance.

“So are you here with anybody?” She asked, reaching up to push a piece of her red and yellow hair behind her ear.

“Actually, I…” Fluttershy began, smiling softly. “I’m meeting someone.”

“Oh?” Sunset perked up at that.

“Mmhmm.” Fluttershy nodded. “You know those notes I was getting? Well, my secret admirer wants to meet me here and it’s apparently a she…which I’m totally fine with! And I’m supposed to look for her. She said she’s wearing a blue dress.”

“A blue dress? You mean like this?” Sunset motioned to her knee length halter top, which Fluttershy now noticed was a beautiful midnight blue.

“I guess…she didn’t say what color blue…” Fluttershy glanced around the gymnasium, seeing nothing but a sea of red, with splashes of white and a tiny bit of black. From what Fluttershy could see, Sunset’s was the only blue dress at the entire dance.

It didn’t take her long to put two and two together.

With wide eyes and an ever increasing heartbeat, Fluttershy stared into Sunset Shimmer’s face with her mouth agape. “S…Sunset?” She muttered softly.

“Fluttershy,” Sunset closed the gap between them, taking Fluttershy’s hand in hers. When Fluttershy didn’t pull away, Sunset squeezed her hand gently. “Just listen, please. I didn’t know how else to tell you…I’ve had these feelings for you for a long time, but I was too afraid to tell you. I was afraid you would either dislike me because I’m a girl or…or just because of who I am. I thought this dance was the perfect chance for me to ease us both into it. And if you want to walk away, I understand. But I couldn’t keep sitting back, having these feelings for you and constantly wondering.” She finally stopped to take a breath, averting her gaze from Fluttershy’s.

Fluttershy was silent as she chewed on her bottom lip. “Sunset,” She finally said in a very soft voice.

“You want to leave don’t you?” Sunset said, letting go of Fluttershy’s hand. “Like I said, it’s fine if you do, just…”

“No!” Fluttershy said loudly (or loudly for Fluttershy anyway) as she snatched Sunset’s hand back to her. “No, I don’t want to leave at all. I just…well…” She averted her gaze, her face as red as a tomato. “I was wondering why you didn’t kiss me after a speech like that.”

“Wha…?” Sunset gasped softly, and then didn’t hesitate. Keeping Fluttershy’s hand in hers, she slipped her other hand into Fluttershy’s long, side swept hair and pulled herself against her. Sunset tentatively dipped her head, watching as Fluttershy closed her eyes and parted her lips slowly. The sight made Sunset’s heart pound and erased all of her nerves as she hungrily pressed her lips against Fluttershy’s. The blonde emitted a soft moan as her arm went around Sunset’s waist, pulling her closer so that there was no space left between them.

Their friends watched from the sidelines, smiling to themselves.

“Do you think someone oughta remind them that this is a dance and not a motel room?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Nah, they’ll figure it out.” Rainbow said.

“Mmnpfhr!” Pinkie muttered with a mouthful of iced heart shaped cookies.

“It is adorable, but I do think PDA is a bit overrated, don’t you girls?” Rarity criticized.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Rarity, why don’t you just shut up and dance with me already?” She demanded, holding her hand out.

Rarity blinked, and then smiled at AJ. “Well…alright. Just no line dancing!” She said, taking AJ’s hand and letting her lead her out to the dance floor.

Needless to say, it was a Valentine’s Day dance none of them were going to forget any time soon.

Author's Note:

Thank you guys for reading this crap can't believe you like this. but anyway thanks to my awesome friends for the help with this, you should follow them i will put links Here and Here

Comments ( 32 )

That was a lovely little story. Very sweet and very well written. :twilightsmile:

7949848 Thank you very much :twilightsmile:

69/10, needs more clop :trollestia:

Nice work though ya arse, perhaps one day you'll reach my level my padawan :ajsmug:

This was a very sweet Sunshyne story with nice buildup and emotion put in.

Awwww you didn't have to credit me! I was happy to help, and I love how it turned out! Such a great first story, seriously. You rocked it! :D I think I have a new ship thanks to you! ;D

Really cute. Loved it. :heart:

Honestly, with how much of a clever bastard Sunset can be sometimes, and with how well she can be shipped with any of the girls, this seems quite in-character, so far as the phrase can be applied to fanworks. Very cute, and all-around warm and fuzzy (but then again, anything romantic involving Fluttershy being warm and fuzzy is mandatory).

Awww, so much cuteness, I really like it :raritywink:
What better way to start a day than a cute SunShy story :scootangel:

This was a wonderful story I am left wanting to see at least six sequels to it. Truly one of the best stories on this website. Well written well thought out and well done. :twilightsmile:

7956968 Thank you very much. i thought about writing a sequel but i don't know if people would like it or not.

7957002 Well you have found one that would like to read it. Besides you shouldn't be afraid of what people like or dislike all that matters is what lies in your heart. If you feel a sequel will be something worth doing then shoot for the stars and do it the first step is to simply believe in your self and let the other stuff fall where it may. I for one would love to read a sequel to this wonderfully written story.

7957002 I would read a sequel.

...not terrible. Not great, though.

But not unsalvageable, either, and also has some cute bits!

Some of the girls' dialogue is off (I can't imagine a universe where Rainbow would ever say "oooh, do tell!" :D) , as are several instances of grammar, and maybe it's because I'm Old(tm) but for some reason every single note outside of the "meet me at the dance" one sounded kinda stalkery. ^^;

That one's subjective though. What's objective is that, we have no idea why Sunset is into Flutters, even with the big confession and the scenes with her and Fluttershy alone beforehand.

And that's the biggie that stops this story from having rewarding substance as opposed to hollow saccharine feels. The base concept is super-adorbs and the ending is, even with the lack of explanation on Sunset's part, ultra-cute--but how do these two gals connect? What compels the otherwise very canonically assertive Sunset Shimmer to send Fluttershy notes and stress out about a possible negative reaction from the nicest, most conflict-averse girl in school?

My advice for your next time out is to think on these things. Magic will happen, I promise. :raritywink:

P.S. Just noticed the publish date. If you wrote this in a rush to get it out for Valentine's Day... well, stop that, it'show stories die before they even get off the ground :D

7963337 Thanks for the advice and the favorite. and i know, i kinda had Rainbow Dash out of character but it wasn't on purpose. and i also kinda figured that the way Sunset and Fluttershy connect was kinda out there you have the cute shy kind girl and the determined girl who has a bad past, so i just kinda thought that she might want someone to have so she can forget her past but that might just be me. (also sorry if i kind of sound like a asshole i'm not) but thanks for the advice much appreciated, and i will try to do better next time :twilightsmile:

Huh. Letters of Love, huh? Sounds like a cute story. Lessee, here...

“Shoot, I’m surprised you had one person askin’ you to the dance, much less several.” Applejack teased, crossing her arms over her chest and smiling softly to herself as Rarity huffed.

“Oh really?” Rarity quipped. “Well, how many people have asked you to the dance?”

“How do you know I’m not the one doing the askin’, sugar cube?” Applejack smirked.

:pinkiegasp: WO-HO-HOOOOOAAAA! .....this.....
:pinkiesmile: This gon' be good fic.

“If I could give you one thing in life,
I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes,
Only then would you realize how special you are to me.
Your secret admirer”

“I love that you’re shy
But please don’t fear
I am always the happiest
When you are near”

“When I hear you sing
It makes me weak
Your voice is like an angel
So perfect and sweet”

“No more notes,
Let’s meet face to face.
At the dance,
We’ll seal our fate.
Please don’t be alarmed
When I confess;
That in a sea of red,
I’ll be the girl In the blue dress”

:raritystarry: AAAAWWWW~!! /):rainbowkiss:(\ I'm a sucker for adorableness like this! :twilightsmile:

“No!” Fluttershy said loudly (or loudly for Fluttershy anyway) as she snatched Sunset’s hand back to her. “No, I don’t want to leave at all. I just…well…” She averted her gaze, her face as red as a tomato. “I was wondering why you didn’t kiss me after a speech like that.”

“Wha…?” Sunset gasped softly, and then didn’t hesitate. Keeping Fluttershy’s hand in hers, she slipped her other hand into Fluttershy’s long, side swept hair and pulled herself against her. Sunset tentatively dipped her head, watching as Fluttershy closed her eyes and parted her lips slowly. The sight made Sunset’s heart pound and erased all of her nerves as she hungrily pressed her lips against Fluttershy’s. The blonde emitted a soft moan as her arm went around Sunset’s waist, pulling her closer so that there was no space left between them.

:raritystarry: :pinkiehappy: :yay:

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Rarity, why don’t you just shut up and dance with me already?” She demanded, holding her hand out.

Rarity blinked, and then smiled at AJ. “Well…alright. Just no line dancing!” She said, taking AJ’s hand and letting her lead her out to the dance floor.

:ajsmug: :raritywink:

Yes! All the ships! :pinkiecrazy: ALL OF THEM.

This was adorable! I'm very glad I read it!

Yay! I'm so glad you liked it, it means the world to me that people love this story so much. I'm so thankful that you took the time outta your day to read this. :pinkiehappy:

I always have time to get a little Sunshyne in my life. :twilightsmile:

Always a nice story to go back to when you're in the mood for something mushy. :twilightsmile:

While Fluttershy was shocked, and wanted to question how this person was so good at sneaking notes to her,

Either they've managed to master the art of misdirection, or they asked Discord for assistance. Either one's possible, really, given who it is.

She was too shy for them to really notice…and whoever this girl was happened to like the fact that she was shy…

Well then, Wallflower just became a candidate; both she and Fluttershy are naturally looked over and underestimated because of their shyness. The two wallflowers can go together now.

“If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, Only then would you realize how special you are to me. Signed, Your secret admirer”

This is by far the most perfect love letter ever

This was by far, one of the cutest things I ever read. <3

*Que me literally screaming through half of this because AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! it's so cute!!!!*

Thank you guys for reading this crap can't believe you like this.

Crap?!? This was well written, delightful, and sweet. Everyone loves a good bit of romance.

:heart:SunShyne foreveeeeeeeeeer:heart:

“What about Cheese Sandwich?” Twilight suggested.

I'm jumping does not appreciate you bringing cheese sandwich up Twilight:flutterrage:

“Never gonna happen!” Rainbow spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest. “And besides, if that was the case, which it won’t be, I’d find her and make her sorry!” She finalized that statement by cracking her knuckles.

*loads AK-15 with malicious intent*

I second this.

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