• Member Since 13th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th


I write horse stories.


This story is a sequel to Finding My Place

It was over.

After a month of fighting for my life and trying to decide who was friend and who was foe, I'd done it. Adamant Will was dead. Everfree was liberated. The Minotaur army had been pushed out of nearly every city in Equestria, and was being routed back to their kingdom of Minos.

And yet, I still could not go home.

The portal was closed. I had no idea how to activate, or if it even could be activated, or any idea how I would get home now. While I'd found a place to stay in Everfree, It was no secret that Solaris was none to fond of me. It was only through the support of Queen Serenity and the two princesses, Celestia and Luna, that I was allowed to remain at all. Still, a grudging acceptance was better than me being out in the wilderness. At least in Everfree, I could begin to rebuild a new life. And hey, maybe I'd find some way back to Terra yet.

But of course, just because one battle is won does not mean that the war is over...

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 101 )

I literally started tracking the prequel, and you give me this? You are too good for us.

It's pretty obvious that who the villain is.

7851745 lolno!:rainbowlaugh:

7851831 definitely dissy:ajbemused:.....

is there gonna be any romance? :p

7851745 I'm going to say Nightmare. It makes sense to me.

7852109 while all are good guesses they don't exactly fit. The Nightmare would appear to Luna, also she is too young. Discord is a good guess, but when describing the creature the author didn't make it sound like our favorite mismatched draqueonnes. The creature seems to be symmetrical. I'm think it's some new threat. The author seems to be focusing on the story before Luna and Celestia take power. And most of the enemies in the show were only around during their early reign.

I could be wrong though, perhaps this creature is discord, the show does mention that he ruled the land before Celestia and Luna, perhaps he will overthrow the two sisters parents (probably killing them.) Then our human takes the two sisters and hides them, then they find elements of harmony or something and he helps them defeat discord.

Wouldn't surprise me if they somehow freeze Chris and he wakes up during the main show.

7852235 I was actually thinking that it was the Nightmare and it would take over Chris instead of Luna or fail to do so and Nightmare Moon will still happen.

7852241 well it's possible, but it's never actually been confirmed that there actually is some being called the "Nightmare" the show just says that jealousy drove Luna insane really. Nightmare really would probably just be an ethereal cloud like in the show.

Also the author seems to be following the canon story. Just with the way things are going currently. We will just have to wait and see.

7852235 Meh, your right. The description was a little different. And freeze him........ I dunno.

7852571 I'm working off the logic that the Nightmare is a type of magical parasite, so I'm gunna bet that the creature IS the Nightmare. Talking about the new pawn, the Nightmare is either talking about Chris, or Luna.

You could argue that if it was Chris, why would it give him these nightmares? Perhaps it's trying to break him down psychologically (as it was doing at the end of the previous story). Perhaps it's confident that its plan will work, and it gets some sick twisted pleasure from letting the creature it plans to posses know exactly what it plans to do to them, knowing they can't stop it. It states that the new pawn is insignificant. That could easily describe Chris in this world. Besides his knowledge of technology, he is weaker than them, and has no magic. Compared to all the other races of the world, he is quite insignificant.

Perhaps it is Luna, perhaps Chris is picking up on the Nightmare in his dreams has to do with how closely he worked with the Minotaurs, and more specifically, with Adamant Will while he stayed in the castle. We know that in the future, Alicorn Luna becomes Nightmare Moon, so it wouldn't be too farfetched to assume that if this creature is Nightmare, it is indeed talking about Luna. It states she would need to be closely monitored, and that makes sense because she is no longer in mortal peril and is surrounded by her loving family, so there isn't much room for negative emotions to come in and give Nightmare a chance to take over. It also states that she's insignificant. Currently, Luna is the youngest of the ruling ponies and, unless I am remembering incorrectly, isn't an Alicorn yet. Adamant Will had the Alicorn Amulet, making him extremely powerful and able to take an entire army of spell casters with a few foot soldiers. Comparatively, Unicorn Luna is quite insignificant.

These are my thoughts on everything. They could be partially right, or I could have no idea what I'm talking about. ^_^

7852758 Thats also a possibility!

This made the front page: Jan 9, 2017

My birthday!!

I love how this story is developing so far:twilightsmile:

BTW the description of "beast" that you gave us, (for me) it kinda "sounds" like Discord :trollestia:

finally binged on the first story and saw that updates were kinda sketchy. now i'm on this one and I don't wanna suffer waiting!:raritydespair:

7857342 yeah, college life does that. Don't worry, though - most of the instability in my life has been ironed out. Updates will be every week or two.

7857655 So you say, but my narrative bowl is empty!

7946575 I knew someone would call me out on that eventually

Without going into too much detail, recent events have left me... otherwise occupied. I'm writing as I can, and the next one is actually nearly ready, but... yeah.

Sorry :applecry:

*pats Solaris on the back* Just remember, there are over 7.4 billion of us out there somewhere. Have fun!

my reaction to the explanation about us humans. :pinkiecrazy:

oh ya. here's a good video.

You've written an absolutely brilliant chapter here, I loved reading it :twilightsmile:

I'm looking forward to what might happen in the next part of this story:raritywink:

We just got done checking his endurance. Now we are to meet Luna alone in the library after dark, and her father, the king can't know.


Luna alone...

After dark....

Her father can't know...


BOW CHICKA BOW WOW! ::rainbowlaugh:

Great having you back dude!


Best surprise of the morning!

7950041 this is exactly what I was going to comment. Dang it! Also it's a real bummer that Chris didn't go into the facts that we've been to space or that you know, you can remove every limb from a human and we can still live, and that shooting a human does nothing if you don't kill it outright. Also humans control the power to destroy the entire planet several times over.

Solaris is a dick, and his hatred is actually completely unfounded, as soon as serenity had said that Chris was working for them he should have chilled the fuck out. *but Chris was with the bad guys!1!1!1* except he did absolutely nothing, he did not hurt kill or maim any equestrians. Hell he killed minoutars. The only thing he did was build a weapon, one that didn't even get to be used really. And then saved solaris' royal ass.

7950427 It was a bad first impression. Yes it's a little unfounded but he as a King was at his lowest most vulnerable point, and Chris saw that. He is feeling exposed and Chris is the only one left breathing to remind him of that. Does he need to cool it? Yes. Is it kinda understandable? Yeah.

7950449 to me it's really not that understandable though. Kinda feels like he's just being racist.

7950793 I suppose but they are unicorns, said that's a given.

7950041 weeeeeell shit!! I suppose endurance is our strongsuit!

7950793 Probably feels like crap since the human killed the minotaur while he could do nothing about it and got caught.

7951002 Only joking. Wouldn't mind if he and Luna hooked up but that has to be earned and not just for something as flimsy as that.

Just letting you know that our superior endurance is only that good in a hot climate. The difference in maintained speed over distance drops with the temperature.

Also I wish he had told Solaris that those guns he developed were as primitive as a tree branch is to an enchanted sword, compared to what we actually developed.

Ps. Ya! A new chapter!

My first day as a semi-permanent resident of Equestria, and I was already being told to keep secrets from the crown.

I wonder when he'll realize he's being told this, by a member of the crown

Judging from Tia I'm guessing keeping a secret from Solaris is a VERY BAD IDEA!

Ahem. More please

I feel like that last line was some sort of semi excuse. Like "you waited and now a chapter came. Wait again and eventually another will come."

I would love it if they untapped his potential, and he immediately gained The Sight and The Soulgaze.

He'd probably need some sort of sensory feedback to be able to cast, otherwise it's like a blind man trying to paint Rembrant, but going from Blind to Wizard's Sight would just let him know that Murphy still remembers him, and she still cares..

Another wonderfully crafted chapter, good job I loved reading it:twilightsmile:

Yes honey, we sit with a being that can out-survive, why? Oh, its awkward? Oh..... Oh......ok then........:rainbowlaugh:

Glad to see it's back.

Wondering what Magic he will unlock, here's hope my it's immortality, would be interested in seeing him live to see the sisters go Alicorn, and have to side with one of them. I would say Luna but I dunno.


Love the chapter, keep it up!

Alright, so at this point in time, hes potentially isolated himself doing the testing they wanted, and possibly has earned some serious ire form the king.

I can almost reasonably say that either somepony is going to try and proposition him, or somepony/minotaur, is going to attempt to harm him and most likely succeed.


I can already tell some of what happened last story let me guess? After Serenity found out how powerful weapons were on earth she closed the portal because she was scared the secret of Equestria could be revealed, now i know what you are think your saying but if she could close the portal then why worry about it? it's because the portal is like a Nexus it may close on one area but open in another, she is worried they might believe Chris and she doesn't want to tip off an army that would destroy them all so for the benefit of Equestria she closed it. thus the Nightmare circles and already knows tension can rise from anywhere if Chris were to find out and tell Luna then Luna might fall and become Nightmare moon. but darkness has more than one route but I am sure you all know who I am talking about. read it if you want but just in case I'm right I put spoiler on it now I am not 100% sure this is the case as the author can do what he likes but from where I am standing the portal closing seems too convenient to me anyways it's a theory but i am probably completely wrong....... maybe

That's an interesting take on dreams and how they work.:derpyderp2: Good interesting by the way, :pinkiehappy:great chapter! Keep up the good work:twilightsmile:

Let us see where things continue onto, maybe he will get lucky and find that magic part of him, a good deal of the brains never been mapped yaknow.

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