• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.


Nurse Redheart has had too many long days and weary nights, too many lost causes to care for. And one cold winter's night, she finally reaches the breaking point, questioning whether her career has been truly worth it.

But tonight, she receives an unexpected visitor, one who will help restore her hopes.

A special Christmas charity story commissioned by Crystal Wishes. Dedicated to nurses everywhere.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

As a daughter of a nurse, this hits very near and dear to my heart. Very well written and hauntingly accurate to the stories my mother has told me from her years working with so many patients.

Thank you for your generosity with this charity commission drive, and thank you for the respect and care you gave with my request. It turned out perfectly.

7818319 So glad that you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas, both of you!

Very nice story. Everyone needs to know their efforts make a difference.. Something that doesn't happen all that often

If you want to know exactly what needs to be done in a hospital, ask a nurse. They're probably more pissed off at the high and mighty administrators who probably care more about their next golf date than they'd be at the patients.

Being a nurse, Doctor or medic is always hard when it comes to the dead and telling their Families about it. Or making no mistake at a Operation. Still, I wish spark dancer good luck in becoming a nurse

7818520 Yes, I can't imagine that's easy at all, to tell someone that their loved one is going to die and there's nothing that can be done. But I'm glad that you liked it! Happy Holidays!

7818535 i wish you happy holidays too

7818535 i wish you happy holidays too

Hurray for nurses everywhere!

:pinkiesad2: This is amazing!

7819223 Glad that you think so!

Comment posted by Charliehorse deleted Aug 1st, 2023

What a great and touching story. Doctors and Nurses are just some of the many unsung heroes of the world and this story captures both the highs and lows that they face each and every day.

7821807 Be sure to thank your doctor today!

It's kinda weird that I read this story when just last week I listened to one of my relatives, who is a nurse. I dunno what kind, but she works with kids with mental disorders and cancer patients. She gets bitten, punched, and kicked(after all how would you like to get huge needles inserted into your body on a daily basis) and combined with the low pay and long hours, she is stressed to the point of switching professions, not to mention saddened from the fact that in the end, most of the patients die, so I kinda agree with the message of this story.

7851335 I wrote this story in hopes that it would show that even in the darkest of circumstances, there is still always some good in the world.

I'm sorry your cousin finds that position stressful. Perhaps she could find a different nursing career where she feels she could do some actual good for others?

7851394Sorry for misunderstanding the message of the story. I'm really ackward with words, and I meant to say that her circumstances are kinda similar to the one in the story. She is looking for another medical-related profession, one that hopefully doesn't have that much stress.

7863183 It's all right. No harm, no foul. And I wish your friend success!

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