• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not as petrified. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

Triggers: Transgender, Human to Pony

Chapters (101)
Comments ( 1260 )

*haven't read it yet* is this something like Kimi no na wa?

7812272 Kimi no na wa is a japanese animated movie about two teens exchanging "souls" every time they sleep, but they can move around and live the others life, they don't exchange every night but they stay in the other for only a day, then they write to each other and I wont spoil it, if you are going to see it, but emotional roller coaster.


7812295 The protagonist, a human female, gains an alternate life where she's a stallion, a male pony. Transgender, as in changing gender.

So I'm taking it on faith that the title is simply meant to be a reference to the sleep-crossing between Earth and Equestria, since the line, in Hamlet's original soliloquy, was regarding the contemplation of death (that is, suicide) as possibly being better than going on living. But I digress.

First, I have to say, I was wondering how long it was going to take you to start something new after your last story ended. As it turns out, it was one day, though that seems to be more to do with Patreon-based sponsorship than any a need to write. Not that I'm criticizing; when something is your profession, then you need to maximize its profitability, rather than only doing it as the spirit moves you.

Anyway, on to the story itself.

I suppose the first question that comes to mind is the ubiquitous question of what (if anything) Luna can glean from this. The fact that Linda asked if this was a dream should clue Celestia in that there's some sort of sleep-based aspect to this, and that's her sister's domain. That doesn't mean that there's necessarily anything to do with dreams, or that Luna will have any special insight, but it's the idea that Celestia would think to have her check that seems to plausible to ignore.

As for Linda...I can already see her fumbling those arrows and jabbing herself (and probably somepony else) in short order. It's a bit of a shame, I think, that we avoided the obvious scenario wherein she did that before she understood the artifact she was wielding, but that doesn't mean that it can't happen going forward. Given the transgender nature of this fic, as well as the author, one can quickly foresee the confusion/hilarity that will ensue when Linda finds herself attracted to Rarity or Fleur or some other mare and finds her stallion body reacting to it. That said, I seriously doubt that she'll be "competing" with Cadance, since Cadance's nature as the "princess of love" is technically pure fanon - while she might use love as a force (e.g. to help Shining Armor use his changeling-banishing force field), her technical job is to protect the Crystal Empire, and nothing more (e.g. Twilight says as much at the end of Twilight's Kingdom, just before launching into the beginning of "You'll Play Your Part"). Cadance might use her magic to make ponies having an argument instead focus on loving each other, but that's not what she's princess of, per se.

I suppose the major question here is why this is happening in the first place, but at least for the moment I don't think that matters. The nature of what's going on here seems to be more important than the genesis, particularly since an examination into the why's and how's of this would likely overshadow what's done with it, which doesn't seem like where this story wants to go. Obviously there'll need to be some examination of why/how this is happening, though, simply because it's too implausible not to try and get answers, but that can be chalked up with a shrug if no one has any answers to give.

[Insert ubiquitous "Disney's Gargoyles" reference about her pony form turning to stone when she's awake here.]

7812324 I tend to post updates swiftly and without mercy.

7812319 Sleep is a little death. No man awakens the same as the one who went to sleep. This woman can't even wake up a woman. It's a bit disorienting. Instead she's become a stallion with some background with Celestia.

Had Linda more deceit in her from the start, she could have pretended to be True Shot, and oh the drama that would have been, but she played her cards straight.

Still, she has a whole world to explore. It's just a dream, right? Nothing to fear as she savors this new rash of lucid slumberings.

As for Luna, she's coming, have no fear.

Does this story overlap with your other stories? Will there be any other humans that break out of statues in that garden? Will there be any humans that travel to Equestria differently?

7812716 No to the first. The others would be spoilers I think.

7812755 Is any of those newcomers going to try to overthrow Celestia?

7812770 That also sounds like spoilers. Do you have any questions regarding the content of this chapter?

7812783 Nah, I'm just comparing your story to the one I started and almost abandoned :) I hope yours turns out better :)

The idea of adapting the old tale of the Monk dreaming of being a Butterfly was really good. :raritywink:
Turning her into pony Cupid... not so much. :derpytongue2:

7812881 Squint at the picture. I did not invent that.

7812903 Its an old Chinese folklore tale, every night when the Monk went to sleep he dreamed he was a butterfly, living its everyday life until it went to sleep, at which point he would awake as a human once again.
And so he simply could not tell if he was a human that dreamed of being a butterfly every night, or a butterfly that dreamed it was a human every night.

Huh. Shades of Gargoyles. Not sure where you're going with this. I look forward to finding out.

7812911 No no, I meant the heart arrows.
They are in the picture. I have heard of that tale though, yes.

Princess' gonna - Princess's gonna - normally a single apostrophe at the end of an 's' word is fine to show possessive tense, but this is a contraction.

fore hooves supporting my - forehooves supporting me

must have took - must have taken

glanced to see - glanced up/over/around to see

homo sapien - homo sapiens

I already like this and will happily continue reading and commenting. I'm looking forward to learning more about Linda and seeing what happens with the plot hooks we've seen so far. There's a certain impish charm to the idea of, in good spirits, trying to play matchmaker with Princess Celestia. :twilightsmile:

I do suspect that True Shot may not be entirely absent. If this iteration of Equestria is similar to the Silververse, most untrained humans in unicorn bodies fizzle out in their first attempt at using magic for any purpose, but Linda did it instinctively. This is wild speculation based on meta-knowledge, so feel free to assign it the weight that it deserves, i.e. none. :derpytongue2:

please know that you are not unwelcome here if you come with peaceful intentions.

Of note: 'not unwelcome' isn't quite the same as 'welcome' is it? In formal logic the terms may cancel each other out, making them equivalent, but the former conveys a sense of distance and caution absent from the latter. This isn't a criticism but a comment on the subtle nuance of Princess Celestia's carefully chosen words.

Gender change, this should be a fun read.

7813154 I reject your last fix. She's allowed you get it wrong, in character! The rest have been stricken from the record.

Oh what trouble will Linda get into tomorrow?

I'm a little late writing this but good job so far can't wait for next chapter :pinkiecrazy:

I can just picture Linda and Cadance getting into a competition. :pinkiecrazy:

This is getting more kimi no na wa like...

Because she obviously didn't send an email...

He must have done it...


Kimi no na wa...

7814451 Fix'd. What think you of the chapter?

So what would happen if Linda went into a coma on Earth I wonder?

7814622 Based on the evidence given so far, and a quick google of comas... it depends? If it requires a functional dreaming state, a coma may put her in True Shot's hooves permanently, or not at all.

Oh god, thought-controlled arrows on a hair-trigger. At least they're non-lethal.

related with getting - related to getting

I'm much too late for any of the meaty typos, but there was a nibble left.

Still enjoying the premise of this series with every new tidbit of information that is revealed in each chapter. It's clear now that there's a bit of a two-way connection happening with Linda and True Shot.

I hope that somehow Linda/True Shot can provide Princess Celestia with what she wants/needs out of this little abberation in the operation of the universe.

Trying to psychoanalyze myself in the middle of a dream of magical horses seemed like a dead end by definition.

It's more akin to sado-necrophiliac equestrianism, but that's just beating a dead horse. :derpytongue2:

7815475 Only one typo? Fixed at least. So, who is the dreamer, and who is the dreamed?

to be being sold clothes by a horse - to be buying clothes sold by a horse - I couldn't think of anything else to suggest that preserves the flavor of the sentence.

fitting the character - fitting for the character

Who's holding the strings, I wonder? The gypsy's words lead me to wonder if Princess Celestia or Princess Luna did not somehow draw True Shot back, willfully or unconsciously. Curious.

Oh! I almost forgot.

Happy Holidays everyone, and thank you Mr. Silver for this tale and for the tales to be spun in years to come. :twilightsmile: :heart:

7817779 I found another typo while hacking away at the two you pointed out. Wait a second... you're really the only comment?

I guess I have to blame Christmas.

7817782 Aw, quite welcome! Happy Chrismahannakwanzamastide!

had the snort - had to snort

Just Shot - True Shot

Hello Just Shot - Hello True Shot

poked my on the chest - poked me on the chest

The story continues to becpme more intriguing.

I wonder if Princess Luna is now primed for a 'heartfelt conversation' with whoever is struck next...


I wonder if Princess Luna is now primed for a 'heartfelt conversation' with whoever is struck next...

Honestly, I thought Linda would use it on the bat pony guard, since Luna set herself up as one half of the target. If only to complete the thought that Luna started.

7819634 Typos fixed, and found another while I was in there.

We don't know what Linda will do next!

i recognise the Title of the story.
it's from Shakespear's Hamlet isn't it?

7821000 :pinkiehappy:
I recognise it from Hamlet's "To be, or not to be." speech
I haven't started the story yet, but it was something I noticed

Had he? "I don't remember a lot of things. I'm willing to be True Shot for now. Is that enough?"

An interesting position. I think it says a lot that Linda sees it as a dream, and also those e-mails, as perhaps part of herself living an alternative lifestyle, through a split personality. And instead of rejecting it outright, or taking Luna at her word that the pony world is a dream, she figures that True Shot... is interesting enough to be, in her dreams. Why not?

It's a very dream-like perspective and position to take. Enjoy the dream while you can. I could see a pony living a fulfilling life like that, for the most part. It's not something that would be possible on Earth due to the need for future planning, but there she is pony cupid, and has direct effects on others and is praised for it. Why not take that role, if there is some part of you that derives enjoyment out of it?

Of course, watching reality, even pony-reality, ensue is half the fun. When Luna and Celestia realize that Linda and her world is not a dream, and neither is Equestria. Though I am half a mind that Linda and True Shot are connected somehow on a deeper level than a random connection. Perhaps Linda is True Shot's reincarnation? Or relative? Or spiritual successor?

7821607 Thoughts worth thinking, and they will prod my poor muse along. Let us delve ever deeper into the thoughts of this gentle woman and her explorations of the pony world/dream. She seems to find it acceptable to play the part of this stallion.

Who am I - Who was I

But that was the dream - But this was the dream

softly coughed - coughed softly

hints of grey come - hints of grey coming

The guard looked confused - The owner/pony looked confused

quite a hint enough - quite a hint enough

faintly flushed - flushed faintly

push up as best I can - push up as best I could

perked me ears - perked my ears

After xmas typos are the sweetest of all, especially when they are flavored with love and romance! :heart:

I really like the shape that events are taking. At this part I'm afraid the drama llamas will storm in and cock everything up, but I'll trust the clever author to tell a good story.

Based on the conversation that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were having as Linda/True Shot awoke, I'm left wondering if our cupid pony didn't have a bit of the *ahem* 'gallant reflex' in action before freezing, or if it was just that they are anatomically correct now where they were not before.

7822339 Typos fixed, and think of the foals!

Besides, Linda wasn't excited at the time, so it would be odd for her to become so as a statue.

Oh dead. This is a sweet thought, but it could prove to be a very bad idea for Linda in the long run. I just hope the sisters don't do anything drastic.

Then I'll assume that Princess Celestias... discomfiture... is simply due to her unrequited feelings. :twilightsmile:

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