• Published 18th Oct 2016
  • 1,565 Views, 7 Comments

Ready and Waiting to Fall - kissfromarose2

Two alicorns. One tyrant. An empire soon to be lost. And a price too heavy even for an alicorn to pay.

  • ...

The Fall

Two alicorns stepped into an empty throne room, the only sound their hooves on the blackened crystal. They looked around at the room then at the empty throne. The elder of the two white as snow scuffed her hoof in worried impatience.

“He should be here.”

“He is not Celestia." her sister stated. "Clearly his bargains for peace were a lie.”

“Then why bring us here? Surely there can be nothing served from drawing us here? Our borders and strongholds are well guarded. We by far in a way have the superior force and power. He has all but lost.”

“And yet he does not appear.”

“It makes no sense.”

“Unless it is a trick.”

“We have the Elements of Harmony Luna. Tricks do not work on the elements. Discord proved that if nothing else.”

“You know as well as I do that may not be enough Celestia.”

“Rumours only. Myth.”

“All myths have some substance to them. And we cannot afford to lose.”

Celestia sighed, white wings drooping. “I know Luna.”

“There has to be some reason for this, some trick!” Luna said fiercely. “Sombra would not bring us here otherwise. Think Celestia! Where would a madman hide his gold?”

Celestia furrowed her brow eyes flickering about the barren throne room. Much of the decoration had been removed from Queen Amore’s time. Sombra had no need for ornamentation. The once great tapestries of heroes past had gone as had the great chandeliers. The only decorations left on these walls were jagged crystals, black as Tartarus and sharp as a blade. Looking around the only thing left in the room was the throne of the tyrant himself. Then she saw it, the great rug in front of the throne had been replaced.

Her horn lighting gold with magic Celestia looked down seeing past the floor to the path beyond.

Gesturing to her sister she pointed. “There!” At her sister’s look of confusion she continued. “Hidden beneath the floor. A staircase.”

Lighting her own horn Luna abruptly tore the rug aside before proceeding down the stairs, quickly disappearing into the inky blackness below.

Repressing a sigh Celestia followed.


They followed the staircase as it wound down for miles, silence drawn tight around them like a noose.

"Sister, I am not sure of this.” Celestia blurted. “Sombra is a threat, yes. But to kill him? It is too far! We would be no better than he is."

Luna stopped to look at her sister, face stern.

“You have heard the rumours as well as I Celestia. Black magic, corruptive enough even to defeat the elements themselves.”

“Nothing can defeat Harmony.” Celestia rebutted unsurely.

“Are you certain of that Celestia?” Luna asked. “Enough to stake our lives on it? Enough to stake our ponies lives on it?”

“They won’t fail.” Celestia said quietly. “They can’t.”

"And if they do?”

At her sister’s look Luna sighed heavily shoulders dropping. “I’m sorry sister but he is simply too great a threat. It has to be done. If the elements cannot stop him…” She paused.

Celestia would not meet her eyes.

“There is no room for mercy with a monster.” she said harshly. “Do you not remember Discord?"

"Sister, I…"

Luna turned away sharply. "We are here."

Before them there stood a single wooden door, simple in structure and bare of carvings or jewels. It was set into the stone wall that faced them, the only way forward on this trail of breadcrumbs.

To the untrained eye it would have seemed unimportant, plain even. But both sisters could feel the magic behind it drawing them in.

Luna reached out a hoof to touch it but drew back as if burned. The malignant power flowing from the door made her sick to her stomach.

"Such darkness." murmured Celestia.

Luna scowled. "I would not call it darkness sister. Rather the manipulation of negative emotions. Fear may thrive in the dark, but I find anger burns brightest in the light of your day."

Celestia flinched at the cold anger in her sister’s voice.

She gathered her composure forcing a smile. "Of course sister. My mistake. Perhaps it would be best if we took the next step together?"

Luna hesitated then nodded.

Together they each reached out a hoof towards the door.


Celestia opened her eyes to find herself back at her castle, stood by her throne.

Looking across the room she saw Luna looking out of her window in an alcove on the far side of the room dressed in shadow.

"The night is so beautiful is it not sister?" she asked wistfully, never breaking her gaze from the window.

"I...I suppose." Celestia replied.

Her sister seemed so distant, so far away. If only she could get closer, she might understand what was making Luna act this way.

Why was she so cold?

"That is true, you always did suppose.” Luna said harshly. “Never did bother to go outside and look. Then again never did anypony else. Still it makes me wonder why I need you at all."

Celestia winced but pressed on.

As she slowly got closer to Luna each step grew harder and harder to take.

Shaking off the feeling of being tied down with lead weights she looked down.

The golden carpet had turned to an inky black that clung to her hooves, dragging her down into it, holding her back.

Huffing in frustration Celestia bucked her hooves fiercely tearing the mass away from her. Nothing would keep her from her sister.

"Mind the stars would you?” Luna called icily. “I wouldn't want you to ruin yet another of my things."

Halting Celestia looked down in shock. Beneath her lay the night sky in all its glory, each constellation laid out in intricate detail, each star shining as bright as a tiny sun unmarred by lantern or streetlamp. It was beautiful.

That was aside from the galaxy she’d just torn to shreds.

Celestia stumbled back in horror.

"Oh look you've destroyed another one." Luna said flippantly. "I guess no pony is going to be enjoying Gemini anymore. Not that they ever did in the first place."

Tearing her eyes away from her destruction Celestia's head shot up to meet Luna’s eyes.

Only to find herself staring at something that was no longer her sister.

Where once stars had swum in Luna's mane there was now only darkness, blacker even than her sister’s night, which seemed drain all light from the room.

Her eyes bored into Celestia, bottomless pits that threatened to drag her down into nothingness. Even her cutie mark had changed. Where once there had been the moon there remained only a dark blot drawing all the light from her navy coat which was quickly fading into the same black.

"Luna?" she whispered in horror.

Her sister’s black eyes caught her own. Celestia could no more look away than move.

The creature spoke, a bleak monotone that seemed to echo into nothingness. "If I cannot bring light I will bring darkness. If I cannot create then I shall destroy. Where once was life let it be no more. I am the Singularity. After me there is nothing."

Liquid black seeped out to envelop Celestia.

She tried to run but the sky held her fast.

As darkness itself enveloped her all she could do was scream.


Luna stood in their throne room to the left of Celestia, one step behind as always.

Celly was addressing their subjects again, some speech about the glory of the sun and the day.

She never turned to ask Luna to speak of course. That hadn't happened for years. Why would it?

Sighing she leaned back slumping into her throne.

“Damn propriety.” She thought. “If they don’t care to listen to me, I can at least be comfortable whilst Celestia basks in their attention.”

Her back leg hit empty air. Stumbling to regain her footing she went sprawling. Frantically beating her wings to regain some semblance of balance she fell head over hooves, tumbling down the dais steps.

Muzzle cautiously peering up from beneath her bruised wing she looked around expecting jeers and condemnation.

They did not come.

Everypony's eyes were still fixed on the dais watching their Princess as if Luna had not just fallen to the ground at their feet. They hadn't even twitched.

Gulping she risked a glance at the dais, expecting Celestia to be glaring at her. Telling her without words just how much of a failure and a disappointment she was.

As if she didn’t know already.

But she wasn't. She was still talking. Going on and on about some trivial bit of self-congratulatory trash.

The worst part was that it didn’t even matter. They all loved her already. Couldn't she see that?

She didn't have to do this. Didn’t have to ignore her. Didn’t have to pretend like she wasn’t even there!

Angrily she pushed herself back onto her hooves. Uncaring of any outrage it would draw she stomped up the dais.

Shoulders squared she placed herself right between Celestia and her subjects glaring into her sisters eyes.

Celestia kept talking.

Luna's wings sprung out from her sides. Supressing a wince she waved them violently in front of her sister’s face. When they were fillies it used to drive Celestia crazy. She’d break from the dusty old spell book she was studying to chase Luna around the room shouting all the while just how important her latest discovery was.

She hadn’t done that in years either.

Now she just asked her guards to escort Luna out.

One of her wings caught Celestia, slapping her hard in the face.

She didn’t even blink.

Luna saw red.

Her hoof swung up to punch Celestia in the face with all her might.

It went straight through.

Unbalanced Luna she fell, tumbling past her sister to land on the floor behind her.

Through watery eyes she saw the back of the dais. A single throne, shining alone, marked with a golden sun.

All around her golden banners, golden statues, golden ponies. It was blinding.

Flying up she tried to pull the pennants down, tugging at them with all her might.

Magic, hoof, teeth. Nothing.

Nothing she could do could affect them. All she did was pass through, unable to change a single thing.

Useless. Invisible. Pointless.

She let herself fall.

As the distant floor rushed towards her she absently noted her wings being pulled from their sockets and uselessly trailing behind her.

They didn’t hurt anymore. Nothing did. Perhaps it never had.

Luna's mouth opened in a scream.

Nopony heard.


Eyes still wet Luna woke to a cage of black crystal. Looking through the translucent crystal she noted she was on the main balcony overlooking the square. Every so often one of the chained crystal ponies would dare to glance up at her before being brutally forced back into line.

Everything in her told her this was reality. Sombra. The crystal ponies. She was here for a reason.

But something in her froze.

She reached out towards the crystal barrier. Logic dictated her hoof would meet crystal she would then have to destroy in order to escape.

Or maybe it would just pass straight through. Ghosts couldn’t touch things after all.

Her hoof met crystal.

She didn’t know whether or not to be disappointed.

Over in the far corner Celestia lay still, unconscious but not visibly wounded. For that at least she was grateful.

Trotting over Luna nuzzled her sister, reassured by the feel of her warm fur.

Celestia was real.

After a minute or so her sister slowly came to, her eyes fixated on Luna.

Luna could have leapt for joy. Not only was her sister awake and well but she was seeing her, really truly seeing her.

Rushing forward she went to hug her sister.

Only for Celestia to back away, eyes wild with fear.

"MONSTER!" Celestia cried. "NIGHTMARE!"

"Sister?" Luna whispered. "It's me Lulu. What's wrong? What did I do?"

Tia's face only grew more maddened "You! You are not my sister, Monster!" She yelled. "Luna is dead. You killed her. I killed her."

She collapsed to the ground, rocking back and forth muttering to herself.

"Celestia what are you talking about?” Luna asked desperately. “I'm Luna!”

Celestia gave no answer.

“We need to stop Sombra! We need the elements of Harmony to stop him. I need you to help me stop him!”


“Please Sister…I need you.”

Celestia only stared blankly.

Forcing herself onto her hooves Luna reverted to military precision. Nothing appeared to have been taken. No apparent physical injuries. All three of her elements of harmony remained present. Honesty. Loyalty. Laughter. All remained strong.

But in order for them to work she needed all six.

She stepped towards Celestia.

Her sister whimpered.

Biting her lip Luna reached out with her magic gently pulling Celestia's bag towards her. Opening it, she took Kindness, Generosity and Magic as well.

Edging softly towards her sister Luna tried one last time.

"Please, Sister. Can you not see it is me? I would never hurt you."

Celestia's flinch was answer enough.

Luna hardened. "Fine. It appears I am truly alone then.” she said bitterly. “Very well Celestia. I shall make the hard choice and save the crystal ponies without you. Just as always. Fare thee well sister."

She turned away.

Channelling all her magic into her hooves and wings she shot up spinning in a corkscrew as she flew towards the ceiling of their prison at speeds which would have broken the back of any normal pegasus.

As it shattered the crystal pieces tore at her skin; but her agony was already so great she did not feel it.

The momentum carried her out of the tower entirely and into the open sky. Beneath her stood the crystal ponies chained and enslaved.

Anger growing within her she flew towards them.

She did not look back.



"Ah Princess Luna.” Sombra replied casually. “I did wonder where you were getting to. By my estimate it took you five minutes more than planned for you to escape my little prison. I’d hate to have a lacklustre opponent.”

He quirked his head feigning concern. “And where might your sister be I wonder? You did say we didn't you?"

"Our sister is of no concern to you." Luna replied harshly.

"Of no concern?” he replied disbelievingly. “Did your sister not find her accommodations to her liking? I believe I was quite generous especially after the two of you broke into my home."

"The crystal palace is not your home. A burglar can no more call himself the owner than a traitor can call himself king."

The black unicorn wicked horn lit up in anger "You dare?!"

Luna smirked. "Oh I dare, monster."

"Oh dear sweet Luna, I am not the monster here. Didn’t dear Celly tell you?"

Luna's smirk fell. Unbidden the memory of her sister’s fear, her hatred, rose to consume her thoughts.

Only blinding rage prevented the tears from falling.

"We care naught for your tricks and lies tyrant! Our sister would never say such things!"

"Then perhaps she is not your sister."

Luna swallowed, hard. "And perhaps you are not the king you claim to be"

"Excuse me!" Sombra blustered, angrily glaring round at the whispers of his subjects behind him.

Lunas smile grew wide. "You are excused."

The false king’s face turned purple.

Luna continued, feigning sympathy. "I mean it can't be easy having to force compliance from subjects who should follow you willingly"

"I do not desire their compliance"

"Shame really, Amore had many faults but she at least had the love of her subjects. You DO know the Crystal Empire requires that to survive right?"

"My magic is more than enough to sustain the empire."

"So you DO care. So hard to tell through all the smoke and mirrors, and CHAINS!"

"What do you want Night Bringer?"

"I want you to let my ponies go."

Sombra laughed cruelly "Your ponies, whatever gave you that idea?"

"They live under my protection"

"And what a great help you’ve been."

"I am here now, and I am demanding that you LET THEM GO!"


"Very well then." Summoning her dagger Luna drew it across her foreleg. Blood ran down her leg into the snow beneath but she paid it no mind.

"Just what do you think you are doing?"

"Protecting my ponies." Luna answered

She brought the dagger up before her eyes, her silvery blood coating the blade.

"I, Luna of Equestria make this oath of my own volition. I vow upon mine own blood and magic to honour and protect the citizens of the crystal empire and offer them safe passage and sanctuary under my rule until such time that they are safe and the fiend Sombra has been defeated. By Selene herself, this I so swear."

"Blood magic. How unoriginal. You disappoint me Princess."

"It is more than mere magic demon, it is a promise. A promise I shall now fulfil"

Reaching into her saddlebags she pulled out the six elements, shrouding them in blue magic.

‘I’m doing this for you sister.” She whispered to herself. “You and the crystal ponies’


Distantly Luna could hear laughter. And was that hoofbeats in the distance?

Her mind cleared. It did not matter. Everything was clear now that she could feel the elements flowing through her. Laughter and Honesty. Kindness and Generosity. Loyalty. Magic.

Harmony was so pure, so beautiful. How could she ever have doubted it?

A bright rainbow shot forth towards the evil king.

The crystal ponies looked on in nervous anticipation, hardly daring to hope.

Galloping across the courtyard Celestia stopped short in shock.

Luna closed her eyes.

All was harmony.

And somehow she knew everything was going to be all right.

With a deafening CRACK the rainbow broke. Dark crystals wrapped around it’s shattered tearing it to shreds.

Luna could feel it dying.

Kindness. Laughter. Generosity. Honesty.

The agony was excruciating.

Loyalty broke in two, darkness seeping into the cracks.

Luna’s legs buckled. A single tear rolled down her face.

Magic left all alone in the darkness.

She bowed her head.

The shattered rainbow rushed back towards her engulfing the Princess of the Moon in a Dark Rainbow.

Luna collapsed to the ground.

Celestia screamed.

King Sombra laughed.


"SOMBRA!" Celestia bellowed, voice shaking the ground. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SISTER?"

"I have done nothing Sun raiser” he said glibly “Dear sweet Luna did this to herself."


Sombra remained impassive. "Yet she has. Twice. Though I will admit this time was somewhat more of a spectacle.” Blowing ash from his hoof he grinned. “You didn’t even notice the first time. Too busy being wrapped up in yourself I suppose. Perhaps you should have taken better care of her."

"HOW DARE YOU!" The alicorn of the Sun began to glow brighter and brighter until she was painful to look at. Her mane turned from flowing pastel to blazing flames. "FOR THY CRIME YE SHALL FACE THE WRATH OF OUR SUN, UNICORN!"

She charged.

To the crystal ponies watching in fear it seemed as though the very Sun itself had descended onto the battlefield.

Some hoped it was there to free them. Others knew better. The Sun was not the Moon.

The courtyard erupted into flame. They could not run away, Sombra's chains would not allow it. They could only wait. For salvation or for doom.


The two titans clashed in cacophony of magic teeth and bone. Sombra fought with all his considerable strength, but the wretched alicorn fought harder.

Despite the burning of his flesh Sombra felt a cold chill grow over him he had not felt in many moons. Fear.

Celestia now had nothing left to loose. He had pushed her over the edge into an abyss he knew not, and from it had emerged something more terrible than his worst nightmares. Something he could not hope to control.

Breathing heavily he was forced to retreat, nursing his burns.

Glowing eyes bored into his soul as the Sun circled him like a fiery vulture. Sizing him up.

What little soul was left in him shuddered.

It swooped down.


When Luna came to everything was agony. She could feel her bones knitting themselves back together beneath her as her feathers regrew themselves from her magic.

Worst of all was her magic itself. It writhed and twisted beneath her skin, a cold fire that burned like poison.

Everything within her screamed to lie down, to return to the bliss of unconsciousness. To close her eyes to the war going on around her.

One glance at the terrified ponies, HER terrified ponies, and she knew that could never be an option.

The sounds of battle raged across the broken courtyard. Swords clashed in the distance as the frightened screams grew louder. The unmistakable scent of magic was heavy in the air. Her sister’s magic.

Had Celestia come to save her?

But there was something else. Over the familiar heat of her sisters magic. Over the scent of morning dew laced with copper. There was something more.

An unmistakable laugh cut across the chaos. Sharp and unnatural, it echoed in Luna’s ears forcing her gaze to turn to its source. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw.

Her sister was facing off against Sombra alone, her coat shining with unnatural light, her mane the fires of the Sun itself.

Celestia's eyes were blank ovals of pure sunlight; seeing everything but conveying nothing.

It was horrifying.

Stumbling back she tripped, fire igniting along her side.

She knew what that smell was now. It was burning.

For the first time in her long life Luna was truly scared of her sister.


The sun shone a bloody red down upon the battlefield.

"THIS IS FOR MY SISTER!" The Sun herself stood over the fallen tyrant, his body broken and useless. She raised a golden hoof.

Luna stumbled to her hooves. "Tia wait!"

"Not now Luna."

"You don’t want to do this!"

"But I DO Lulu. He has to pay. Has to pay for what he did to you."

Inch by painful inch Luna dragged herself towards her sister.

"But I don’t want you to do it Tia."

“You're dead Luna. What you want no longer matters"

"But I'm not dead!"

"Of course you are.” Celestia stated blandly. “I killed you. HE killed you."

"Celestia I am NOT DEAD!" Luna yelled. Eyes flashing white she stamped her hoof cracks splintering across the crystal. "And if you expect me to let you just carry on ignoring me, you can BUCK OFF!"

The golden orbs cleared. Purple eyes darted around wildly before fixing on the injured alicorn. "Luna?"

She nodded.


Sombra forgotten, Celestia rushed towards her baby sister, almost knocking her over in her haste. Sobbing in relief she held her tightly, wrapping herself around her like a living shield.

"Luna! It's really you? I thought I lost you! I'm so sorry little sister!"

"Too... tight Tia" Luna coughed.

Celestia blushed, the bright pink contrasting heavily against her white fur. "I'm never letting you go again. I promise."

A cold voice broke the peace. "How...heart-warming.” he said disgusted. “Unfortunate how it will cost you everything."

Black magic spiralled out from his horn quickly drawing out all light from the courtyard. It spread past the two sisters through the streets and towards the terrified crystal ponies.

Celestia looked to her sister. "Together then."

Luna nodded.

Together they lit their horns, blue and gold magic swirling together to combat the darkness. It rushed towards King Sombra blasting him into smoke and pulling him down through the ice into a deep glacier, sealing it behind him.

The blackness cleared. Panting Luna looked around frantically for any sign of the empire.

There was nothing. Where once a mighty city had stood there was nothing but snow softly falling around them like ash.


"Are you alright sister?"

Two figures stood on an icy cliff looking down onto the empty valley beneath. Only a bare few hours the valley had been full of life, if not laughter. Together they had walked into it to free the crystal ponies. Together they had passed under the shadow of Sombra. Now together they stood utterly alone.

"I failed them Celestia. I promised to protect them and I failed."

"That was not your fault"

Luna bit her tongue. The poisonous words were on the tip of her tongue ready to cut.

"You are correct sister." she thought bitterly. "It was yours."

She choked them down.

"I know." The words came out detached, cold. Her vision blurred. The water burned in the ice.

Celestia frowned. "But are YOU well Luna?"

Luna forced a smile. "Of course I am sister."

She turned back to the empty tundra staring out into the emptiness of her greatest failure. Something in her revelled at the destruction.

She shivered.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this first published fimfiction story.

This is the first of my StewardVerse where in order to save her sister Celestia petitioned the elements to imprison her instead of her sister.

Reviews particularly constructive ones would be very welcome.

Comments ( 7 )

Holy throne..... I knew Celestia could cut loose when angry, but I wasn't expecting that!

yo holy FUCK that was awesome.


Alright... so I'll do my best to give an actual review of this. First off; wonderfully written. Pacing was perfect. It filled me with suspense and dread. It made me question what every single next word would bring. I loved it outright, and I want to delve into more of your work because of it.

However; I'm confused about the timeline. Does this take place before or after Luna's return? Also, Queen Amore; is what supposed to be Cadance, or is that a reference to the comics?

Wow thanks for the awesome comment!
Hope you enjoyed my other fics as much as you did this one.

Since this is set in a wider alternate universe I can see how you might get confused. It's set before Nightmare Moon and the banishment, in fact the origin of the Nightmare is actually present here if you look close enough.

Queen Amore is a reference to the comics. She might not be exactly the same, but she's not a big enough player here for that to make a difference. Either way she's out of the picture and Cadance is nowhere near to being born yet.

Out of interest what parts did you enjoy most? I have to admit I'm particularly proud of the Nightmare sequences and the fight was something a little different from my usual so I'd be interested to hear what you think.

7954035 I suspected this was a 'before the nightmare' but I'm a stickler for details, and what made me thing this was post-banishment was their speech. I mean, I wrote a 'before the nightmare' romance where I used entirely middle English, or 'iambic pentameter' to write the dialogue, so when I read something that takes place in the past, my brain auto-expects there to be more oldenspoke. But, I did indeed notice the rise of Nightmare you mentioned; Luna's jab at Celestia's mischaracterizing of 'darkness' being one of them, if there were more.

Sadly, I haven't read anything else from you. I've been busy with my own works recently, re-writing a first chapter and all. When I'm writing, I don't read. Dunno why.

Favorite part, hm? It's hard to pick, really. Probably when Luna went full "I will fuck you with the crazy dark magic I can wield" mode on him, but it ended up not working. That blood-oath was fucking neato.
Also: YE SHALL. THOU SHALT is the proper wording for that.

What, I enjoyed Shakespeare!

Have a good day, my friend, and I'm glad my comment could make you happy.

The Fall
This story was Really good and your dialogue was in character and really fitting and well worded and the best part about the story. But I think I found something of a niche in your writing
it's very dialogue heavy while mostly good dialogue I'm starting to suspect you may have issues writing action scenes. Your words convey a lot of things but words aren't the only way to convey something. While that may just be your style of writing and there's nothing wrong with that. Descriptive writing and action scenes are a bit of a specialty of mine so to say this story left me wanting more of both may just entirely be my fault.

8167224 Haha. Thanks for the comment. Yeah I'll admit action scenes don't come all that naturally to me.
If you have any particular bits of sage advice feel free to PM. I'm always looking for constructive criticism and you seem to be rather adept at that.
On a non-review related note since you enjoyed this I'd suggest you check out the sequel to this The Cost of Harmony. Since it's so short I doubt it could support a review on it's own, but it is a rather good bridge between this and Solar Steward IMHO. :twilightsmile:

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