• Published 30th Sep 2016
  • 8,532 Views, 183 Comments

Cultural Differences - Highlord Langslock

Some girls and some ponies explore the different cultures of their two worlds.

  • ...

Differences in Tolerance-Sexuality

The last thing Flash Sentry wanted to do on what should have been a perfect Saturday was deal with some perverted creep.

He had managed to finish his weekend chores and homework early, and Shifu Sun Lee had come down with the flu and canceled his weekend lessons, so Flash made plans to spend the afternoon at the mall with one of his friends. All he had to do was drop his sister off with her own friends, and he was free.

“We'll meet back up at the entrance at six,” he instructed True Action as he parked his car. “Don't leave the mall unless you absolutely have to, stick with your friends, and call me if you get into any trouble.”

“Whatever you say, warden,” True replied cheekily. She was thirteen years old, with yellow skin, green eyes, and short black hair. She wore a white t-shirt, black jacket, and blue jeans. She pulled up her left pants leg. “So are you going to put my ankle monitor on for me, or do I have to do it myself?”

“Funny,” Flash replied dryly as they got out of the car. “By the way, after we're done shopping, Sunset and I are going to see a movie together. Would you like to join us?”

True's expression soured. “Oh sure, I'm always so eager to spend time with that girl.”

Flash sighed. “Come on, True, we've been over this. Sunset Shimmer isn't the same girl she used to be. She's changed.”

“She used you as her personal wallet and trophy boyfriend, mocked First Base's first baseball game, treated us all like we were her servants whenever she was at our house, and after you finally broke up with her, she tried to sabotage your car,” True retorted. “And that's before she turned into a literal raging she-demon.”

“Yes, she's done some really bad stuff, but she's already paid for it, and she's made it up to everyone many times over, especially with me,” Flash insisted. “Can't you give her a chance?”

True sighed and rolled her eyes. “I'll think about it.”

They waited for their friends in silence for a few minutes before Flash decided that now was as good a time as any to have an important talk with his sister.

“So, you're pretty close to these friends of yours, Gadlight and FX Flare, aren't you? he asked.

“Yeah, we're pretty close,” said True.

“Just...how close to them would you say that you are?”

True cocked on eyebrow. “What is that supposed to mean?” she asked.

Flash struggled to find the right words. “What I mean is, do you have a 'special' relationship with either one of your friends?”

True stared at him in annoyance. “Why are you talking like you're a magazine quiz?”

Realizing that subtlety was getting him nowhere, Flash decided to go for the more direct approach. “Look, True, I know that...”

“Yo, baby, come over here so that you can get caressed by the Breeze!” an extremely obnoxious voice called out.

Flash and True turned around to see a guy around True's age approaching them. He was lanky, with pale aqua skin and long blond hair tied up in a man-bun, grayish pink eyes, and a broad chin. He wore light-gray pants, a black t-shirt and a green sleeveless vest. The way he walked reminded Flash of the way Sunset used to walk, as if his mere presence was a gift to everyone around him, except that his posture seemed to say “you're welcome”, rather than “you're all beneath me” like Sunset's did.

The new guy brushed right past Flash as if he didn't even see him, and walked right up to True. He leaned in until his face was just an inch away from hers. “Hello, my dark and brooding angel,” he cooed. “How did you know that black and yellow were my favorite colors?”

“I didn't,” said True, glaring at guy like he was something that crawled out of a rock. She took a step back, but the boy just followed her. “I don't even know who you are.”

“Oh, where are my manners? The name's Zephyr Breeze, but like the rest of my girls, you can just call me 'the Breeze'.”

“I can guarantee that I will never call you that,” True deadpanned.

“Aw, baby, there's no need to play hard to get when you've already caught the Breeze,” Zephyr Breeze cooed, moving a finger towards True's chin.

“Touch me, and I'm a cannibal,” she growled.

Zephyr Breeze quickly pulled his hand back, but his smile didn't waver. “Are you sure there isn't some other part of me that you want to bite more?”

Flash had heard enough. Grabbing Zephyr Breeze by the man-bun, he dragged him away.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Dude, what's your damage?!”

Releasing Zephyr Breeze, Flash looked him right in the eye. “Look, Zephyr Breeze, from one man to another, I am going to have to ask you to keep your grimy paws away from my sister.”

“She's your sister?” asked Zephyr Breeze. “Hey man, I hear ya. Don't worry, I'll treat her right.”

“I don't think you understood me,” growled Flash. “I think that you're a creepy weirdo, and I want you to stay away from her, period.”

Zephyr Breeze shrugged. “Bro I wish I could help you out, but we've gotta obey the law of the Breeze: any girl I see, belongs to me.”

“Sexism aside, you literally have no chance with her,” said Flash. “The fact is, she actually prefers other girls.”

“What does that—oh.” Zephyr Breeze's eyes widened. “For real?”

“Very much so.”

“Alright bro, I read ya.”

Flash nodded. “I'm glad to hear that.”

“You don't have to worry about a thing. Just leave everything to me.”

“Wait, what?”

Zephyr Breeze smiled, giving Flash a thumbs-up. “Trust me bro, just a few hours with the Breeze, and your baby sister will be completely cured.”

Flash couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Are you crazy?! When did I say anything about curing her? I told you to stay away from her! Those were my exact words!”

“I gotcha,” said Zephyr Breeze with a wink. “I'll keep our little deal on the down-low.”

Flash had to force himself not to throttle the little idiot. “There is no deal! I genuinely want you to stay away from my sister!”

“I completely understand. Don't worry, this won't be traced back to you.”

“There's nothing to trace!”

“Are you causing trouble again, Zephyr Breeze?” a new voice called out.

Flash turned to see that Sunset had arrived.

Zephyr Breeze's face turned pale. He pressed his legs together and crossed him arms in front of his waist, like he was trying to shield his private parts.

“H-hey, Sunset,” he stammered fearfully. “T-there's no trouble here.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure about that? Because I would hate to have to tell your sister that you were bothering one of her friends again.”

Zephyr Breeze became even paler. Beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead. “Please don't tell her anything,” he whimpered.

“Just haul your flank out of here,” Sunset commanded.

“Yes ma'am.” Zephyr Breeze turned around and ran into the mall like the demons of hell were after him.

Sunset sighed, then turned to Flash. “So, are you ready to start shopping?” she asked cheerfully.

“Sure, lets go,” said Flash. The two of them walked back to where True was waiting.

The glare Flash's sister was directing at Sunset could have bore a hole though a concrete wall. With an audible gulp, Sunset stepped forward, pasting a smile on her face.

“Hello, True,” she said.

“Shimmer,” True replied curtly.

“So, how have you been?” asked Sunset.

“Oh, I've been doing great, but then you arrived.”

“True!” growled Flash.

“It's fine,” said Sunset, although her smile was wavering. “So, are you still attending that alternative school? What was it called again?”

“Stocks' School of Filming and Performance Arts,” said True. “It's a great place. They have all of the best stuff, I'm learning a lot about filming, and there's no rotten bacon to stink the place up.”

True!” Flash snapped. He stepped in front of Sunset and glared at his sister. “We just talked about this!”

“And I said that I'd think about it,” True retorted. “So I thought about it, and this is the conclusion I've come to.”

Any further arguing was averted when True's friends arrived. After a quick goodbye and a final glare at Sunset, she went into the mall with them.

“I am so sorry about that,” said Flash once they were alone.

“Really, it's fine,” Sunset insisted. “Lets just forget about it and enjoy our day.”

“So how did you know that Zephyr Breeze guy?” asked Flash as they approached the mall's entrance.

“He's Fluttershy's younger brother,” answered Sunset.

Flash was so busy staring at her in shock, he ran right into the mall's door. “That guy is related to Fluttershy?” he asked incredulously as he rubbed his head.

“I can hardly believe it myself,” Sunset admitted, “but they've got the DNA tests to prove it.”

“Huh. So, does he always act like such a creep?”

Sunset laughed humorlessly. “If 'creep' is the strongest word you can use to describe him, than it's probably one of his better days. He thinks that every girl he meets is madly in love with him, and nothing short of extreme violence can get him to back off. Not only that, but he's so lazy that if he can't get someone else to do all of his work for him, he'll just straight up refuse to do it himself. And his ego — he's like Rainbow Dash, but without the skills to actually back it up. He's convinced that he's a brilliant artist, yet everything he makes is pure crap. But if anyone tries to criticize him, or even help him improve, he'll start stomping his feet and whine about how their trying to 'stifle' him. And honestly, he's just unbearably annoying and unpleasant all the time; he's always butting in where he's not welcomed, making everything about him and acting like an absolute pig. It's so bad that he has to be home-schooled, because there is literally no school that's willing to put up with him.”

“Can't his parents do something about his behavior?”

Flash's own mother had never once needed to so much as raise her voice to keep her three children in line — her piercing glare alone was enough to ensure that they never dared defy her.

Sunset scoffed. “Have you met Fluttershy's parents? They may as well have 'Welcome' tattooed on their foreheads. Once, Zephyr Breeze decided that he wanted to take up pottery, so he threw out his father's prized collection of commemorative plates to make room for his studio. Mr. Shy used to be in a professional orchestra, and he had a plate made for every City they played in during their first and only tour. Anyone else would have grounded Zephyr Breeze for life, but Mr. Shy just said that he shouldn't live in the past, and that he was actually proud of his son for pursuing his passion. Said 'passion' only lasted for a single day before Zephyr Breeze gave up when his first three tries weren't instant masterpieces. And then there's the time he took his mother's car out for a joyride, and drove it into a tree. Mrs. Shy's response? She just said that it was costing her too much money anyways. She's been taking the bus to work ever since, AND Zephyr Breeze has somehow gotten both of his parents to promise to buy him a convertible after he gets his driver's license. They don't even have to nerve to send him to boarding school, or military school or someplace that could actually straighten him out, even though Fluttershy has been begging them to do so for years.”

“Wow,” Flash muttered. “Just, wow.”

The two of them walked through the mall in silence until they came to a store with a sign that read “Overpriced's Furniture Store” over the entrance.

“Are you sure you want to get a new couch here?” asked Flash. “This place is pretty expensive, and I am not paying for everything this time.”

“It'll be fine,” said Sunset. “I've crunched the numbers, and I should have enough to splurge just this once.”

“How? I can't imagine that a part-time job as a sushi waitress pays that well.”

“Actually, I only took that job to supplement my savings,” Sunset admitted. “When I left Equestria, one of the few things I brought with me was a collection of gems I used to practice infusing spells with. On Equus, gems actually grow from the shards of other gems, so they're really cheap over there. Of course, they don't have the magic to do that in this world. When I had to sell my gems for cash, I didn't expect to get more than a few hundred bucks for the lot of them; imagine my surprise when just one of them got me fifty-thousand dollars! After I sold the rest, I was able to pay off some, questionable people, who provided me with some important documents, such as identification and birth records, and I still had enough to last me through college.

“And yet you still made me spend a fortune on you while we were dating,” Flash said flatly.

Sunset smiled cheekily at him. “Well, what's the point of having a rich boyfriend if I can't mooch off of him?” she asked lightly before walking into the store.

“I'm not rich, my mom's rich,” Flash muttered as he followed her.

The interior of the store had a rich brown color scheme. The floors were polished hardwood. Expensive furniture was arranged in neat rows.

A well-groomed man wearing an employee uniform approached them. He had gray skin and dark-gray hair. His name tag read “Stuffy Uptight”.

“Welcome to Overpriced's Furniture Store,” he said formally. “How may I help you?”

Sunset stepped forward. “I'm Sunset Shimmer, and this is my friend, Flash Sentry. We're just here to shop for a new couch for my apartment.”

Stuffy Uptight raised an eyebrow. “The two of you seem rather young to be shopping for furniture by yourselves,” he noted. “Where are your parents?”

“I'm an emancipated minor,” Sunset explained. “Flash is just here to provide a second opinion.”

Stuffy Uptight's expression didn't waver, but Flash detected disapproval in his eyes.

“Young lady,” said Stuffy Uptight, “I'll have you know that the merchandise in this store is quite expensive, and we require full payment, plus the costs of shipping and handling, immediately upon purchase. Are you certain you will be able to afford our prices?”

Rolling her eyes, Sunset took out her checkbook and showed its contents to the older man. Evidently, whatever number was written in it was enough to convince Stuffy Uptight, who nodded and smiled politely.

“Alright then,” he said. “Would you like me to show you our new spring themed line?”

“No thank you, we'll just look by ourselves,” said Sunset.

“Very well,” said Stuffy Uptight. “If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.”

Turning around, he walked away, leaving Sunset and Flash alone.

The two of them were in the middle of examining the store's line of couches when Flash heard Stuffy Uptight's voice again.

“Welcome to Overpriced's Furniture Store, how may I help you?”

Looking up, Flash saw that he was speaking to two adult men this time. One was husky, with electric pink skin and bright yellow hair that was trimmed short. He wore a baby-blue button-up shirt with the image of an orange and a flower on the sleeve, and purple pants. The other man was slimmer and far less flamboyant, with dark brown skin and reddish hair and a scraggly beard. He wore a red checkered shirt with the image of some office paper on the breast, and brown jeans.

“Yes, hello, my name is Creed Aventus, and this is my partner, Tree Lawyer,” the husky man said in an effeminate and lilting voice, “and we would simply love to see your selection of dining room tables.”

Stuffy Uptight's eyes narrowed. “I'm sorry, but we don't have any tables available at this time.”

Both men stared incredulously at him. “What are you talking about?” Tree Lawyer demanded. “You have more than a dozen tables right over there!”

He pointed to a corner of the store, where there were indeed many fancy tables.

Stuffy Uptight's expression didn't waver. “I'm sorry, but all of our tables are on hold for other customers.”

“Are you serious?” growled Creed. “You really expect us to believe that every single one of the dozens of tables you have in stock just happen to be sold, despite the fact that you still have them all on display?”

“I'm very sorry sir, but that's how it is,” said Stuffy Uptight without sounding very sorry at all.

“Oh, this is a load of bull!” Creed declared. “Do you think I don't know what's really going on here? We've dealt with guys like you before!”

“I don't know what you're talking about, sir,” said Stuffy Uptight, “but I'm sure there are other stores that will be more than happy to serve your kind.”

Creed gasped. “Oh, you did not just go there! Do you want me to bring the drama? Because I'll bring the drama!”

“Forget it, Creed,” his partner said, grabbing hold of Creed's arm like he was trying to keep him from attacking the man who had just insulted them. “Let's just shop somewhere else.”

“Have a good day,” Stuffy Uptight said, smiling smugly as the couple walked away.

Flash turned to Sunset, who had been watching the scene as well. A quick and silent conversation passed between them.

Flash ran after the couple, cutting them off before the left the store.

“Excuse me,” he said. “Before you go, I want to ask you something: do you really want to get a new table from this particular store?”

Creed's face fell. “I do, I really do,” he confessed. “They have the nicest things here.”

“It's okay Creed, we'll come back when there's a less homophobic employee on duty,” Tree Lawyer assured him.

“Well, if you could just wait a moment, that may not be necessary,” said Flash. He signaled to Sunset, who approached Stuffy Uptight. After speaking with him for a few minutes, she waved Flash and the older men over.

“Can someone please explain to me what's going on?” Tree Lawyer demanded.

“Oh, Stuffy Uptight here was just telling me about all of the wonderful tables there have in stock here,” Sunset explained.

“Was he now?” Creed asked coolly as he gave Stuffy Uptight the stink-eye.

Stuffy Uptight's composure faltered as he realized that he had just been tricked. His eye started to twitch.

“Oh yes, he was,” said Sunset, smirking maliciously. “When I saw you guys, I thought, 'now those two look like they'd know how to pick out a good table'. So I was wondering if you could help me pick one, and while you're at it, maybe you find one for yourselves.”

“That sounds wonderful!” exclaimed Creed.

“It certainly does,” agreed Tree Lawyer. He turned to face Stuffy Uptight. “You don't have a problem with that, do you?”

Stuffy Uptight looked like he wanted to put up a fight, but after a moment, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

“Right this way, everyone,” he sighed.


Sunset's good deed ended up costing her when Creed actually got her to buy a new table along with a couch. She assured Flash that she could still maintain her budget, provided that she could convince her boss to give her extra shifts for the next nine months.

To help her feel better, Flash payed for both of their movie tickets, and afterwards treated her to dinner at the mall's best restaurant.

Sunset ordered a meatless lasagna and steamed vegetables, while Flash ordered a bacon-cheeseburger with all the fixings for himself. Back when the two of them were still dating, Flash had adopted Sunset's vegetarian lifestyle. After they broke up, his friends had treated him to a feast at a steakhouse, and he spent the evening texting her pictures of him devouring steak, B-B-Q ribs and fried chicken. When he learned that the real reason Sunset was such a staunch vegetarian was because she was from a world where a portion of the animal population was sapient, and she couldn't bring herself to eat something that, in her mind, might have been able to think and feel when it was alive, he felt a little bad about about what he had done — not too bad, but a little.

“So, what has your family been up to?” asked Sunset as she cut off a corner of her lasagna.

“Well, First Base joined his school's baseball team,” said Flash. “He's their new third batter and center fielder.”

“He's not their first baseman?” Sunset asked. “Isn't that a bit odd?”

“Why would it be?” asked Flash.

Sunset pursed her lips. “I'm not sure, actually,” she admitted. “Never mind. Anyways, I've already talked to your sister; how's your mom doing?”

“She's good, still working hard and hardly at home. Also, I'm pretty sure she has a new boyfriend.”

Sunset's eyes lit up the way only a girl's could upon hearing such news. “Are you serious?!”

“I can't believe it either, but it's true,” said Flash. “I picked up a call for her from work a few weeks ago on a Saturday, and apparently, she has actually been using her days off for a couple of months now. Not only that, but she's been meeting up with a guy for lunch a few times a week. Her colleagues haven't been able to get a good look at him yet, but apparently he has blue skin.”

“You're mom hasn't told you about him yet?” asked Sunset.

Flash shrugged his shoulders. “She can tell us when she's ready.”

“So how do you feel about your mom dating someone?”

“My mom deserves to be happy,” Flash stated simply. “If this guy, whoever he is, can make her happy, than he's fine in my book.”

“You're not worried about him replacing you dad?”

“Why would I be worried about that?” asked Flash suspiciously. Sunset knew that his father was a touchy subject for him, so why would she bring him up?

Sunset hesitated for a moment. “The thing is, Rainbow Dash's dad has also been seeing someone for awhile now, and she hasn't been taking it very well. She won't admit it, but I think she's afraid that her dad might be trying to replace her mom.”

“That's too bad, but what does it have to do with my dad?”

Sunset shrugged her shoulders. “Well, your situation is similar to hers, so I just thought that...”

“Our situations are nothing alike,” Flash snapped. “Rainbow Dash's mother died from cancer; she had no control over it. My worthless dad, on the other hand, chose to leave his wife and family of his own free will. If Mom wants to 'replace' him, than more power to her. Hell, if he ever tried to come back into our lives, I'd just kick him back out myself.”

Sunset frowned. “Come on, Flash, don't you think you're being a little harsh?”

“No, I don't,” Flash retorted, “and I am not discussing this with you, so just drop it.”

“Alright, alright, sorry,” Sunset grumbled, throwing her hands up in surrender. “I wasn't trying to psychoanalyze you or anything, I was just worried about your feelings.”

Flash sighed as his anger ebbed away. “I know." After an awkward pause, he asked, “So what about your family? You've never talked about them before.”

Sunset's fork froze inches away from her mouth. Her expression became sad.

“Sorry, is that off limits?” Flash asked awkwardly.

Sunset shook her head as she set her fork back on her plate. “It's fine. It's just been so long since I thought about them.

“To start with, my mother is a geologist who specializes in finding deposits of a mineral we call neinmaganium; it nullifies magic on contact, which makes it extremely useful for security and incarceration purposes. My father is a professor at the University of Manehatten, where he teaches crystal matrix engineering. Now, do you remember what I told you about how herding works in Equestria?”

“I do,” said Flash.

“Well, my parents share a wife who had a son before I was born,” Sunset continued. She smiled fondly. “You'd like him. He was always protecting me from the other fillies and colts who used to pick on me. As I grew older, he taught me how to defend myself. He was really good at it to. In fact it's his special talent.”

“Is he your BBBFF?” Flash asked playfully.

Sunset's smile fell. “He used to be. These days, however, if he saw me getting beaten up, he'd probably just walk away without lifting a hoof to help me."

“What happened?” The idea of a older sibling not helping their younger sibling did not sit well with Flash.

“The old, 'bitch era' me is what happened,” Sunset said bitterly. “I blamed all of my problems on my family. Both of my parents come from a long line of Earth ponies; I'm the first Unicorn in our family since my great-great-great grandfather. Unfortunately, in Equestria, there's an old wives' tale — well, old mares' tale, that says that — ”

Flash would have to wait another day to hear what the old mares' tale said, however, when a voice roared: “What the hell do you two think you're doing, huh?!”

Flash turned to the source of the commotion. Two grown men wearing business suits were standing in front a table, glowering at the two girls seated there — Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops.

“What's your problem?” asked Lyra. “We're not bothering anyone.”

“Oh yeah?” one of the men sneered. “This is a nice restaurant, you know. You think anyone here wants to watch you two flick each others' beans?”

“We're on a date,” said Sweetie Drops. “We were flirting, that's all.”

“You were 'flirting',” the other man mocked. “You're disgusting, you know that? If you want to play the game of flats with each other, why don't you get out of here and do it in some hole where you won't bother anyone?"

"What the heck is the game of flats?" asked Lyra.

"It's an eighteenth century term for two women having sex," Sweetie Drops explained. "I'm surprised there are still people who use it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because unlike some people, I actually research the topics for my history assignments rather than hope that the History channel will air an episode about them."

"Hey!" The second man slammed his hand against the table. "Don't ignore us, you brats!"

"Excuse me, is something wrong here?" a waiter asked.

"Yes sir, these two guys are harassing us for no reason," said Lyra.

"Those two are the one's causing a scene," the first man snapped. "What I want to know is, why would a respectable establishment be willing to serve a pair of dykes?"

"Sir, please watch your language," the waiter pleaded.

"Don't you lecture me when you're letting filth like this into this place!"

"I'm sorry sir, but this restaurant has a policy that so long as the bill gets paid, anyone can eat here."

Lyra smiled smugly. "You heard him. So why don't you creeps get lost?"

"You want me to slap that smart mouth of yours, you little bitch?" the first man threatened. "I'd be glad to, because obviously your parents aren't doing it enough."

Flash had heard enough. He began to stand up when Sunset placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't try to stop me," he told her.

"I wasn't going to," Sunset assured him. "Just try to talk them down first, and if that doesn't work, keep the mess to a minimum. We don't want to cause trouble for the other customers, or get ourselves thrown out."

"Alright," Flash agreed. He walked over to the other table.

"Excuse me you two, I'd like to have a word with you," he said.

"Young man, please go back to your table, I'll handle this," the waiter said.

Flash ignored him. "These two girls happen to be friends of mine, and I don't appreciate it when people badmouth or threaten them."

The second man laughed snidely. "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it, huh?"

Now that he had a closer look at them, Flash could see that both men had been drinking: their eyes were glossy and they seemed a bit unsteady on their feet.

"What, are you hoping that if you can chase off the bad guys, these two queers will thank you by servicing you?" the first man jeered.

"Why don't you take a look around?" suggested Flash. "When I first walked in here, they were all minding their own business. Nobody cared about two girls who just happened to be on an innocent date and weren't bothering anybody. But then you two started making a scene, and now all eyes are on you.

"If you keep this up, and someone inevitably calls the authorities, what do you think these people are going to tell them: that these two girls were behaving 'inappropriately', or that two grown men were insulting and threatening violence against some innocent teenagers?"

The two men looked around as if they were trying to find support, but nearly everyone in the restaurant was glaring at them in contempt. The anger and scorn in the second man's eyes was swiftly replaced with fear and apprehension as the situation sank in. The first man, on the other hand, only became angrier. His face turned red and his eyes bulged out.

Deciding that he had made his point, Flash tried to placate both of them. "Listen, why don't we all just go back to our own seats and forget this ever happened? I'll pay for your next rounds..."

Bellowing, the first man swing his fist at Flash. In one fluid motion, he grabbed the older man's wrist and twisted it, while simultaneously kicking his legs out from underneath him. The man spun in the air before slamming face first into the floor. Flash continued to twist his arm, preventing him from getting up.

"You little punk!" the second man roared, grabbing a chair and swinging it. Before Flash could dodge, Sweetie Drops leapt out of her chair and used the table to launch herself at the man, wrapping her legs around his neck, knocking him to the floor. She also caught the chair in mid-drop and set it down neatly on its four legs.

The entire restaurant burst into applause, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

"Sorry for the commotion," Flash apologized to the waiter.

"No problem at all," the waiter assured him. "In fact, if you could escort these men out of here, all of your meals for today are on the house."

Flash and Sweetie Drops were happy to oblige. Wrestling the men to their feet, they marched them to the door. Flash's prisoner struggled violently.

"Let go of me you piece of crap!" he snarled. Specks of spittle were flying from his mouth. "You and both of your skank friends are dead, you hear..."

Twirling him around, Flash drove his fist deep into the man's gut. He doubled over, coughing and gagging.

Grabbing him by his hair, Flash forced the man to look him in the eye. "I suggest that you shut your mouth, or I'll stuff your own nuts into it. Understand?"

Whimpering fearfully, the man nodded and allowed himself to be led outside.


Once the men were taken care of, Flash and Sunset moved to Lyra and Sweetie Drop's table. They spent the rest of their dinner making small talk before leaving to pick up True.

Sunset was in high spirits. "Seriously, dinner and a show? You sure know how to spoil a girl. I had no idea Sweetie Drops could fight like that."

"Yeah, she may not look like it, but she's a totally badass ninja," said Flash. "We spar together sometimes; I'm in the lead with seven wins to five losses."

"Well, you may have saved the lives of those guys then. I haven't seen Sweetie Drops that angry since those punks started harassing her and Lyra after they came out of the closet. I honestly thought she was going to murder those two men.”

“I might have cheered her on if she had,” Flash said darkly. “I hate it when people make a big deal over something so harmless. We're supposed to be living in a more tolerant age, yet there are still so many jerks who're determined to make like hard for decent people over something they have no control over, and it just pisses me off.”

Flash clenched his fists so hard, he could feel his fingernails digging into his palms.

“This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that your sister's a lesbian, would it?” asked Sunset.

Flash stared at her. “How did you know that?”

“First time I was at your house, I caught her checking me out, twice,” Sunset said smugly. “Have you talked to her about it?”

“I've been trying to, but I just can't think of the best way to bring it up,” Flash admitted. “I don't suppose you would have any advice?”

Sunset shook her head. “I wish I did. Truth is that we don't have this problem in Equestria. Same sex relationships have been perfectly acceptable for over a thousand years, and gay marriage was legalized about three centuries ago.”

“Really?” Flash was surprised. “How did you manage that?”

“Well, it's mostly thanks to how herding works in our society. Before Equestria was founded and the pony tribes were still split up into different countries, society's attitude towards same-sex relationships was as hateful as humanity's was in the past. But then, shortly after Equestria was born, herding was created in response to the drastic, unexplained decline in the stallion population, and in order to maintain equality between the genders, it was set up as a polyamory system where everyone in a herd was married to each other. After a few generation, this fostered something called 'selective bisexuality'. I don't really understand the psychology behind it, but basically, an otherwise perfectly straight mare can feel sexual attraction towards another mare with whom they have formed, or desire to form, a herd.”

“That sounds fascinating, but what does it have to do with actual homosexuality?” asked Flash. “Unless you're saying that all of this caused ponies to become desensitized to it.”

“To make a long story short, yes, that's pretty much what happened,” said Sunset. “There wasn't any big movements or anything; we just gradually grew more and more tolerant over time until, by the time of the Crystal War, bringing up somepony's sexuality became as casual as talking about the weather.”

“You don't say,” said Flash.

He was in the middle of pondering what he had just learned when he heard a familiar voice.

“Will you just leave me alone already?!”

Flash and Sunset raced around the corner to see both True and Zephyr Breeze. True's face was a mask of pure fury, while Zephyr Breeze was smiling at her lewdly.

“Aw, come on baby, we've just started to get to know each other,” Zephyr Breeze cooed.

“I don't WANT to get to know you, you ass!” True snarled. “I want you to get the hell out of my face! You've already driven off both of my friends, and now I want to get away from you myself!”

“You're just saying that because you haven't acquired a taste for the Breeze yet.”

“I've already had a taste of you, and it makes me want to puke!” snapped True. “Just get lost and leave me alone!”

“I'm afraid I can't do that, babe,” said Zephyr Breeze. “You see, your brother told me about your little lesbian problem.”

True's expression shifted from outrage to surprise. “He-he knows about that?”

“He sure does, and he personally asked me to turn you into a proper, guy loving girl.”

For just an instant, True looked devastated. But then she became angry again.

“You're lying,” she hissed. “My brother would never say that. Now get lost before I bust your damn nuts.”

Zephyr Breeze chucked. “Baby, you have a mouth I would just love to cut myself on. In fact...”

He leaned forward with his lips puckered up. True, now absolutely livid, drew her fist back.

Flash was faster.


“So how long have you known?” True asked Flash.

The two of them had snuck up onto the mall's roof. They were currently enjoying the view while leaning against the short wall that ran along its ledge.

“I figured it out when you were nine,” Flash answered. “You came home one day gushing about a new girl in your class. You just wouldn't shut up about how pretty and smart and special she was.”

“Oh yeah, Wicked Whisper,” said True. “She was cute. Too bad she was a total bitch. So, why didn't you say anything until now?”

“I tried to earlier,” Flash pointed out. “Although to be honest, I was sort of hoping you would bring it up yourself.”

True averted her gaze. “I wanted to, but... I was too scared.”

“Why?” asked Flash.

“I... I was worried that if you knew... you'd end up hating me or something.” True's voice began to crack. “I... I read a lot of stuff about families rejecting their gay kids, and...”

True trailed off as tears began to form in her eyes. Reaching out with his left arm, Flash pulled her into a hug.

“You're my sister,” he told her, “and there is nothing you could do to make me hate you. I love you, True. That is never going to change.”

True hugged Flash in return. “Thank you... BBBFF.”

Flash's heart skipped a beat. It had been years since his sister had called him that. He hadn't realized how much he had missed it.

A light cough from behind them drew their attention to Sunset.

“What?” True demanded.

“Not that I want to ruin the moment, but we should wrap this up before somebody sees us, or you start loosing your grip.”

“Alright,” said Flash. He looked over the edge down at Zephyr Breeze, who was dangling from the hand Flash had clamped over his mouth. He was holding desperately onto Flash's wrist.

Flash hauled him up to look him right in the one black eye that wasn't swollen shut. “Now listen carefully, because I am about to give you a set of instructions, and instead of twisting them around to suit your own perverse whims, you will follow them to the letter, or my hand will get very loose. Understand?”

Zephyr Breeze nodded the best he could in Flash's hand.

“Good. Now, first of all, you are not going to tell anyone about this. Second, you are NEVER coming near my sister ever again. If you see her, you run the other way as fast as you can and don't stop until you can't run anymore. And third, you will never, EVER try to 'cure' another girl of her homosexuality. In fact, you are going to disabuse yourself of the notion that you are some Casanova with supernatural sex appeal that can reverse someone's sexual orientation. You are nothing of the sort. You're just a dickhead. You're such a massive dickhead that I'm feeling a little gay myself just holding your face like this. And if I ever catch you harassing anyone again, I will gut you alive with an honest to god smile on my face and paint my house with your blood just to serve as a warning to anyone else who might try to piss me off. Got it?”

Zephyr Breeze sort-of nodded again.


Flash hauled Zephyr Breeze onto the roof and dropped him. Unable to stand, he fell to his hands and knees.

“Now, I believe that you owe my sister an apology.”

“I'm sorry, True,” Zephyr Breeze mumbled.

“For...?” Flash prompted him.

“I'm sorry for stalking you when you told me to leave you alone. I'm sorry for trying to touch you, for making gross comments, and for disparaging your sexuality. And I'm really sorry for pretending that your brother put me up to it. That was low, even for me.”

To his surprise, Flash sensed that Zephyr Breeze really meant it. Perhaps the guy wasn't completely beyond hope after all.

“Apology accepted,” said True. “Come on Flash, let's go home.”

As the siblings walked away, Zephyr Breeze turned to look up at Sunset. “I don't think I can walk; I think he shattered my spleen.”

“What do you want me to do about it?” asked Sunset.

Zephyr Breeze held his arms up. “Carry me against your big, soft boobs, please?” he simpered.

Sunset kicked him in the stomach before stomping away, fuming.

“Totally worth it,” Zephyr Breeze squeaked.

Author's Note:

I would have liked to have added a discussion about how things like religion can influence society's attitude towards homosexuality, but I didn't want to deal with the inevitable flame wars.

True Action's appearance is borrowed with permission from PaulySentry's original character, Pauly Sentry. Creed Aventus and Tree Lawyer are loosely based on Cam and Mitch from Modern Family.

Comments ( 63 )

Seeing EG!Zephyr in extreme pain always makes me smile.

I like this version of Flash. He's awesome.

8118342 Actually, seeing both versions of Zephyr Breeze in pain is more fun, even if he's genderbent and especially if he's in enough pain to be hospitalized for six months and dangerously close to being castrated. No one deserves to be in a relationship with him, after all.

Seeing the fandom's reaction to Zephyr Breeze makes me happy I accidentally killed him in my stories. Or unhappy because I can't make him a slimy douche that gets punched. Either way, plenty of physical and metaphorical punching in this chapter!

Gotta say I'm starting to get sick of Asshole Zephyr almost as much as Asshole Blueblood. Honestly I never found Zephyr to be all that bad a character I think he just hit a little too close to home for alot of the fandom lol.

I completely forgot this story existed. Carry on.

You know, I think Zephyr Breeze would be an EXCELLENT candidate for chemical castration. God knows, we don't want him breeding.:pinkiehappy:

and instead of twisting them around to suite your own perverse whims,

It's "suit."

The exposition is a bit too thick at times, but it's fine otherwise.

8118681 i think it's FanofMostEverything who has a story where Zephyr just showed up, and got his ass handed to him.
That never gets old.

Little clunky on the set-up, but God *damn* that was satisfying! :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::yay:

8118768 Um...alright?

I have no idea why you replied to me about this, though.

wow, those guys and Zephyr got off easy...

possible commentary on the focus of this chapter aside, is it just me or is Human Zephyr Breeze's behavior/attitude even worse then that of Pony Zephyr Breeze?! :applejackconfused: :pinkiecrazy: :twilightoops:

Hmm, not a lot of cultural differences in this chapter, it's mostly just the humans reacting to human culture. I think it could have used a bit more of Sunset interacting with the events rather than Flash, to highlight the cultural differences.

Remarkably Anvilicious.


What would a girl version even look like?

Flash is such a good brother! Personally, I think pony Zephyr isn't so bad once he actually tries, but his human version is way worse for being a pervert; I wouldn't exactly want his pony version to get with someone either though. I can see what's being set up for Flash's mom and Rainbow's dad, and I can't wait to see their reactions. Is Sweetie Drops a spy in the human world too? That's the only reason I can think of that she has ninja skills on par with Flash's self defense.

“I... I was worried that if you knew... you'd end up hating me or something.” True's voice began to crack. “I... I read a lot of stuff about families rejecting their gay kids, and...”
True trailed off as tears began to form in her eyes. Reaching out with his left arm, Flash pulled her into a hug.
“You're my sister,” he told her, “and there is nothing you could do to make me hate you. I love you, True. That is never going to change.”

Its so sad our society is still so backwards regarding this point.
Last year a good friend of mine came out of the closet, the sheer relief he showed when me and our friends simply kept treating him as we always did was something else... :pinkiesad2:

8118342 Indeed. :pinkiehappy:

8119469 She'd have a hipster hairstyle for women, have a similar body type to Adagio and be dressed as a skimpy bimbo not unlike those strippers from Vegas or something.

can i just say this

i mean damn man that was hard to read. so cringey XD

At least pony!Zephyr was kind of amusing to watch.
This interpretation of EQG!Zephyr is just annoying, at best.

If I wasn't already a fan of Flash before, this chapter made me like him even more.


Is Sweetie Drops a spy in the human world too?

Not yet, but that's her career plan.


To be fair, pony!Zephyr Breeze is significantly older and more mature (relatively speaking, of course) than his human counterpart. Human!Zephyr Breeze still needs time and a couple reality checks to straighten out a little.


Little clunky on the set-up

If you're talking about the first few paragraphs, then yeah, I wasn't really satisfied with them myself. I only published this when I did because I didn't want to risk it taking until next Saturday to do so. I think I may still go back and fix it later, however.

8120227 ...I can accept that: won't make Fluttershy's brother any more likeable in ANY universe, but I can't argue that it IS a good point
:fluttershysad: :fluttercry: :fluttershyouch:
Don't worry, Flutters: we still like you; in fact, while I don't want to count our chickens before they hatch, but I'm pretty sure that even the ones who aren't necessarily a big fan of you tend to find you a FAR more of an endearing character then Zepher Breeze, DESPITE him being your brother...

...wait: that didn't come out right

Don't be mean to Zephyr. :fluttercry:

Don't be mean to Zephyr. :fluttercry:

Don't be mean to Zephyr. :fluttercry:

Okay, wow! I gotta tell you, the narrative of this chapter was delivered in an extremely heavy handed fashion. Like the readers need to be repeatedly and enthusiastically beaten over the head with the idea that you should be tolerant of other people. This is like watching the "cater to me or I'll sue you" mentality in action.

8121474 In my defense, I wasn't trying to deliver an Aesop or anything. I was just portraying the subject through the eyes of someone who had a very good reason to be pro-tolerance and a bit of a temper to boot. Personally, I don't have a very "solid" opinion towards homosexuals, seeing as I have never interacted with anyone I knew to be gay. That said, I am all for tolerance and getting along. Live and let live.


I see you used the chapter I sort of gave you sort of

8121027 Sorry buddy. He's not the worst, definitely, just easy to make worse given the fandom has no rules. But I did accidentally kill him so ... I can't do much about it.

True Action

That's...a rather awkward name. Especially a girl. I mean, it just...it doesn't really work as a name, you know?

“I don't think you understood me,” growled Flash. “I think that you're a creepy weirdo, and I want you to stay away from her, period.”

Zephyr Breeze shrugged. “Bro I wish I could help you out, but we've gotta obey the law of the Breeze: any girl I see, belongs to me.”

Man, he has a death wish, doesn't he?

Zephyr Breeze smiled, giving Flash a thumbs-up. “Trust me bro, just a few hours with the Breeze, and your baby sister will be completely cured.”


“Overpriced's Furniture Store”

Well...can't fault them for truth in advertising.

“Yes, hello, my name is Creed Aventus, and this is my partner, Tree Lawyer,” the husky man said in an effeminate and lilting voice, “and we would simply love to see your selection of dining room tables.”

Stuffy Uptight's eyes narrowed. “I'm sorry, but we don't have any tables available at this time.”

...ah, so this chapter is about persecution of LGBTs. And here I thought it was about creepos like Zephyr Breeze. :ajsleepy: Sociopolitical author tract time, fun!

(Also, you're REALLY bad at coming up with names. Like, REALLY bad.)

“What the hell do you two think you're doing, huh?!”

Flash turned to the source of the commotion. Two grown men wearing business suites were standing in front a table, glowering at the two girls seated there — Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops.

“What's your problem?” asked Lyra. “We're not bothering anyone.”

“Oh yeah?” one of the men sneered. “This is a nice restaurant, you know. You think anyone here wants to watch you two flick each others' beans?”

...wow. Need a bigger sledgehammer? I think the ten ton one you're using might not be pounding that nail in hard enough.

“This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that your sister's a lesbian, would it?” asked Sunset.

Flash stared at her. “How did you know that?”

“First time I was at your house, I caught her checking me out, twice,” Sunset said smugly.


IRONY. I love it.

Do I...do I even need to point out everything wrong with this exchange? :ajbemused:

BTW, pretty much every time you meant to say "suit" you said "suite" instead. They're not the same word, and you need to fix that.


Also, you're REALLY bad at coming up with names. Like, REALLY bad.

I'm trying, okay?!:raritycry: But yeah, I don't have the same talent for it as some people do. If you have any advice, I'm all ears.

Also, as I told another reviewer, I wasn't shooting for an Aesop or anything, I was just presenting the issue through the eyes of someone who is staunchly on the "acceptance" side. I suppose I might have gone overboard with it, but that's part of the reason why I'm writing fanfiction --- to improve my writing and storytelling skills.

Also, this story is about creepoes, as well as thugs who pick on girls and jerkasses who need to be tricked into actually doing their jobs. It's just that gays and lesbians seem to be attracting their attention today.

I mean, the problem wasn't really the scenarios by themselves, as this stuff does happen. The real problem is all of this happening within the same day, to the same people, in the same mall, one right after the other. Like, if it was just Zephyr, or just the gay couple getting denied service, or just the violent drunks, this would have been fine.

Zephyr Breeze held his arms up. “Carry me against your big, soft boobs, please?” he simpered.


I'm surprised how Flash even manages to live around society on a daily basis when he's this FUCKING SAVAGE!

I love it! :yay:

8127710 Probably for the same reason the government is still ignorant about magic after four movies.

“Touch me, and I'm a cannibal,” she growled.

That was hilarious unless you've seen it before.
My sister once bit off part of a little girl's face. They were the same age at the time. The neighbor girl accidentally closed a car door on her hand and she reacted out of instinct.


“You don't have to worry about a thing. Just leave everything to me.”
“Wait, what?”
Zephyr Breeze smiled, giving Flash a thumbs-up. “Trust me bro, just a few hours with the Breeze, and your baby sister will be completely cured.”
Flash couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Are you crazy?! When did I say anything about curing her? I told you to stay away from her! Those were my exact words!”
“I gotcha,” said Zephyr Breeze with a wink. “I'll keep our little deal on the down-low.”

jared is that you?(guy I play heroclix with he is the living embodiment of a shit post he once proudly told a story about how he made fun of a women recovering from breast cancer and his defence was she was a terrible gossip before that. Like get you fired and ostracized level of gossip so that might make it better or it might make it two asses just doing as they do.)

8118412 how did you accidentally killed him in your stories. Don't skip on any of the details.

8154441 Hu... someone responded quicker than I thought well.. thanks for being civile honestly I thought the first comment would be an angry one considering everything I said later on in the post.

8154451 It's not too eventful really. It's just that I had a lot of headcanons, and sometimes they don't match up with Canon. And depending on whether it's a major part of that Continuity or not, I'll either adjust it or be like 'eh, this Universe is Canon Divergent now', so if it was mentioned either in an already-written fic, or I talked about it on my blog, and I like it more than the newer Canon. I tend to not adjust it. So back before we saw Fluttershy's family in canon, I created one for her. Specifically, that she was adopted because her birth family died from a Berserk Dragon(She was too young to remember, but old enough to gain an unnatural fear of Dragons). I debated about changing this, but I was very attached to the OCs I made for her adoptive parents, and I didn't care for her Canon family too much. So I kind of decided that her Canon Family is the one that died. Which sucks, but yeah, technically Zephyr Breeze got retroactively killed off within my fics. I guess if I really wanted him to be alive I could say 'he's alive but they got separated by the System so he's on the other side of the word and they've never met', but honestly I'm just not going to address it and leave him in death/limbo.

8154266 Finally an atheist after all those days finding. Can we be friends?

Comment posted by AProudMalaysian deleted Jul 7th, 2020

truth be told, I was answering the commentary that was directed at me specifically...but seeing how you felt the need to point it out and I've had some time to think it over a bit, I feel it best to leave you with two bits of wisdom: 1) the fact that we can have differing opinions is the truest testament to the fact that mankind has a sense of free will, at least in my heart and mind; 2) if it helps, think of my lack of anger as me turning the other cheek

Okay, first of all, I have to say that all the antagonists in this chapter were complete jerks. That said, and please understand that I do not say this lightly, or even proudly, I hate the way you strawman people who disapprove of homosexual behavior in this chapter. Not everyone on this side of the argument has that attitude; I'd only refuse service to that kind of couple if it was for their actual "wedding" (which I consider a form of speech since it's an announcement to the world about their commitment to each other) and I'd certainly never go up to complete strangers and tell them to stop talking to each other in ways that seem flirty to me. I wouldn't even bring it up with people I know unless it came up in conversation. As for the whole "curing" solution of Zephyr's, that is disgusting and I don't know anyone who actually believes that works. If you want to argue with our beliefs, please at least pretend to understand what our actual beliefs are. Otherwise, we'll never be actually challenged in our beliefs and the debate will last forever. Sorry for the rant, but I had to say something.

Yeah. There is a difference between being lazy and selfish, and being a complete jerk. I don't consider Pony Zephyr qualifies. It would be more interesting to make him someone who is genuinely in love, but has a hard time dealing with rejection.

Will this get continued?

Will this get continued?

You know you might be on to something with the last part.

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