• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
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I am not contained between my hat and my boots.


What's a demon-slaying she-wolf to do when the baddest demon she's ever fought drags her kicking and screaming to Equestria? Friendship? Ha! Not her style.

A commission for Winterchangeling.
Cover image by shadowzero20.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 62 )

^.^ Glad to see it got your attention!

hummm pretty interesting premise, I will follow!

Ohoh~ Something tickles my mind with entertainment. Watch this I shall, enjoy it I will.

Sounds fun. ^.^

Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far! :twilightsmile: Next chapter's a big one.

“Um, she said, um...” Fluttershy rubbed the back of her neck for a moment, blushing. “She said, 'Thank you for carrying that for me.'”

I'm beginning to wonder how many of Fluttershy's translations were truthful.:applejackconfused:

just my luck, to be rescued by a bunch of demon whores.


This will be fun.

one anthro in the world of others, my interest is piqued.

Huh... is that the part that's interesting people? ^.^

Absolutely none of her translations are faithful. Woodland creatures are foul-mouthed little bastards, the lot of them.

7824058 you have a story that I haven't seen one like it before and I am interested in it. love the idea and really can't wait for more.

Okay... so... I have one major question here... what the hell kind of crap is this only Fluttershy can understand her plot bs?

I mean like literally every single other sentient species speaks Equestrian or Auto Translates to it, and honestly I really, really don't like the fact that you're basically forcing Fluttershy's 'values' on the main character's speech through her needing to translate, it really nerfs her ability to be a bad ass when she can't actually be understood and everything that she can get across is censored for stupid reasons... Magic being what it is it's probably because the whole planet is marinated in it.

Especially since it's been established early in the chapter that Fluttershy is basically being REAAAAALY racist and saying she can't be a person because she speaks a different language and isn't a pony even though she's obviously a sentient from points she herself pointed out (Clothes, Posture, WEAPON) but because she's not a pony and is in fact a wolf she must not be people. Which is something Rainbow knowing a Griffon who likely has their own language should be pointing out.

Eh, I figure all the races in Equestria can talk to each other because pony language and culture have dominated the region.
And Fluttershy is really a universal translator, but usually only interacts with animals.

That part is just, like, my opinion, man. But I do think this partial language barrier is fun to work with ... for a little while. Don't worry; it'll be short-lived.

As for ponies being a little racist... well, I think that's kind of show-accurate. Have you seen how they treat sheep and buffalo? Not to mention the way 5/6 of the mane 6 reacted to Zecora the first time! ... Or Iron Will, for that matter. Calling him a monster was a bit much; I don't think they would have used that word on a pony who did the same things.
Anyway, I think I could see them being unsure if they should classify something as an animal or not, since their world is divided by several sapient species who can speak and many animal species who can't. The ability to speak Equish could easily become a shorthand rule of thumb for whether something is an animal or a peer.

7824316 That really doesn't explain the Griffons from A completely different kingdom, in the canon, heck they outright state they have their own culture using the same written and spoken language. Cultures don't work like that I mean unless they share a common ancestor... which is very, very had to believe they do at least... it's pretty much all but, been dismissed yet accepted that The magic of harmony that Equestira pumps out by the metric ton since the Crystal Empire came back carries a TARDIS translation effect for every sentient being. Because that's the only way it'd make any sense...

As for the racist thing? I can easily explain that with two words, Herd Mentality. Anything that isn't a Pony i.e. part of the Herd is an unknown, the unknown is scary, and therefor must be treated differently... Hell look at the Flower Trio for the best example of the Pony Herd Mentality when it screams PANIC... they whipped the town into a psychotic frenzy over bunnies... which likely caused mass injuries... that wouldn't have been caused if they hadn't set the Herd off into panic mode.

Hell you really wanna go into the whole way they treat others being an issue? Look at the way the ponies treated EACH OTHER when the Herd was just a single breed of Pony till it outright was killing them to think that way?

:twilightoops: I can't seriously still have a wrong name in there, can I?
:facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:

Ooh, who's the other one? ^.^

Heh, so we agree about pony racism, then? :rainbowlaugh:
As for languages... *shrug* I do think griffons would have their own language, and there's even a reference to that in this story ... but I see pony culture as having dominated the area, basically forcing the other species to learn their language in order to interact with the rest of the world ... sort of how like Latin was spoken nearly everywhere during the height of the Roman empire, or how English is very common around the world today.

7825196 Humans behave exactly the same way, and they're all the same species too.

That's simply tribalism. Most species do it to some extent.

The modern ponies' behavior is fractious and entirely inconsistent. They panic at zebras and bunnies, yet barely shed a glance to a griffon walking in their midst.

Now, a cleverer person might simply conclude that this is due to the show being for little children and hamming up certain things for comedic value... but I do realize I'm dealing with fans here. :trollestia:

Over-analyze all the things!

(Also, if Angel Bunny is anything to go by, a bunny stampede is something to be legitimately concerned about.)

7826014 Discord is secretly Q and is hiding in plain sight! :pinkiegasp:

This MUST be the truth since they're both John de Lancie!

And Discord is also secretly helping a teacher (prolly Cheerilee) run a giant meth organization... because "Breaking Bad"... and he's also making trouble for the "Stargate: SG1" team at the same time.

(So much overanalyzing) :applejackconfused:

Question: Why would the ponies assume an anthro wolf wearing clothing was an animal when they are quite familiar with Diamond Dogs?

Just a thought. :raritywink:

I really should have thought about that when I was writing it.
Of course they would think she's some kind of diamond dog, or at least related to them.
Oh well, too late now. Maybe I could be forgiven? We haven't seen diamond dogs on the show in forever!

7826045 You can just assume the writers forgot they existed and they'll never show up again. :trollestia:

Though that does shine an ill light on the show's continuity... almost as much as a certain Stu-like character has this season. :ajbemused:

Mizuki is the name of the she-wolf, right? You know, whenever I hear Mizuki I think of that series of shows that Cartoon Network did.

Well... chaos magic is pretty much a somewhat usable substitute that can be converted to arcane magic, ki, etc....:unsuresweetie:

Maybe not very efficiently by people who don't know how to work chaos magic to get a great conversion rate, but at least to some degree of conversion that makes it a viable method:rainbowhuh:

Though Discord is a master so the conversion rate is pretty perfect i think:applejackunsure:

Heh. I just figure he's got so much of so many different kinds of magic in him that Mizuki would of course be able to pick up on some of it.

7828342 but what i said does make sense right?:applejackconfused:

Not Bad.
A little obvious, though.

that was awesome and a little short, but love it anyway.

Huh. Didn't expect it to be this short:applejackunsure:

Kinda nice to read a short story to be honest:pinkiesmile::eeyup::twistnerd:

Heh, yeah.
But it really wasn't meant to be that much of a surprise. Anyone who looked at the character tags could probably see it coming.

I prefer the word 'concise'. :twilightsmile:
Even as it is, it took me half a year to write it. :unsuresweetie:
Glad you enjoyed it, though! :twilightsheepish: What was your favorite part about it?

I did put '20,000 words' in the description...
(though it's gone now)
No need to be surprised! :rainbowlaugh:

...And if you like short stories, have I got some stories for you! Most of mine are shorter than this.

7833800 well most of it, thou would have thought Chryssi would have gone too.

7833800 to me 20k is short:rainbowlaugh:

I consider 100k -175k a nice medium length:eeyup:
Pretty average to be honest:twilightsmile:

Thanks! ^.^ What was your favorite part?

7835585 That initial interaction with Discord.

Groggily, I opened one eye, then the other. Where was I...? Slowly, the wooden ceiling brought be back to the—

Think this word is supposed to be something else.

Does the anthro tag only apply to the she-wolf or does it apply to the ponies as well.
There are instances where the ponies seem anthro at times and at others non-anthro. Or im looking at this the wrong way. I was thinking EQG. The ponies are anthro but still retain many many pony aspects.

I am so used to the majority of writers going either full human like EQG or going full pony like the show. The middle ground between the two is not something I see here very often. Maybe it shades to much to furry for most folks liking.


Think this word is supposed to be something else.

Oops! Fixed.

The ponies are anthro but still retain many many pony aspects.

That's the one.

And yeah, this fic is unabashedly furry. ^.^

All the upskirting is hilarious.
Does Flutters go commando perchance?
Does Mizuki have uncomfortable and confusing feelings towards Fluttershy?

What do you think the best part of the story is?

7838497 culture shock. Not knowing anothers motives, trust issues. A point of view from someone other then a pony. The whole inner struggle with oneself.

Short and sweet. I like it!

Heh, I don't know about either of those, but I'll take it! ^.^


This was really, really cool. An original-universe Furry crossover is something I don't recall seeing before. And despite how little time I spent with her, you wrote Mizuki and her troubled world well enough to leave me craving more. Well done!

Thanks! ^.^
The originality of the idea is thanks to winterchangeling, but I'm glad I was able to pull it off well enough to leave you wanting more!

Heh, that could be fun. ^.^

So I haven't even started reading this yet. I was sitting at work when all of a sudden I asked myself "Hey I wonder if anyone has ever done a classic furry in Equestria story?" After a short search the answer came up as "Not many. (At least that I could find.)" I thought for a moment about doing one in the vein of the old school cerebral HiE. You know the type, wordy, filled with introspection and cultural mishaps but I ultimately decided such a story would just be a rehash of that old subgenre and little else. So I opened the first furry story I found and here I am. Looking forward to reading this, from the comments I've seen it would appear to be a good one... then I noticed who exactly was writing it and my brain stopped...

-Sincerely LinktheLazy's zombie fingers who won't stop writing even after Brain.exe stopped responding...

Heh. I hope you like it.
I tried to take some of the good parts of HiE while trying to avoid some of the pitfalls ... and all without making it excessively long.
From the comments so far, it seems to have worked, and having a furry instead is enough to change it up a little.

7922154 I would take you up on that If my own skills weren't as lackluster as they are and I didn't just start another project on top of my long term story. But maybe later.
It seems to have worked out just fine from what I've read so far. Though the MC seems almost bipolar on occasion it can be excused on account of the extraordinary situation and the stresses inherent therein.

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