• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

little big pony

Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....


One day a man wakes up in a pony's bed. For the next several days the two of them try to discover why such a thing happened.

They don't do a very good job of figuring anything out but they do cuddle a lot.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 383 )

Good gravy that is an adorable Rarity Okay I'm tracking this story.

Interesting... Very Interesting...

I ship it.

Rarity's tum-tum and James' head, I mean.

Stories like this make me want to come back to Fimfiction

I'm down for this fluff; cute as hell and I was smiling through the chapter, tracked.

The smell of vanilla and myrrh

While James happens to have to scent of walnuts and blarg. It took me a while to recognize that word, but when I did I thought: hey, y'know, that probably is what Rarity smells like.

Kudos to your obscure but accurate olfactory descriptions. And an interesting mystery story.

furry little tum-tum

This made me giggle

I love this story. Like, you need to make this with an arc system. XD When the Rarity arc ends, then another pony shall be the victim! I'd love to see James waking up in Vinyl's bed. Just imagining it would be hilarious.

Adorbs, makes me want to cuddle something furry.

seems to be a cute and funny story. for the two chapters so far you can haz like unt fav

It seem just right.

It took me all of three sentences to fall in love with the concept of this story. Delightfully silly and simple.

Catpones? I approve, and hope Pudgemuffin reads and gets some inspiration from this fic.

Just one nitpick - Mrs. Rarity? She's married?
Apart from that, amusing start! Let's see what happens next :twilightsmile:

Rarity, your plan seems to be working. Then again, cuddles are always a good idea. Especially with someone as fuzzy and soft as she is. I presume at least :rainbowlaugh:

Oooh, I love this one! :yay:

So, is this a reversal on Princess Celestia is in Your Bed? Because if so, I approve.

*reads first paragraph*
Aaaaand favorite

AHHH! This is ADORABLE! You had me at baby nerds but it only got better!

“...No,” she said, her voice small. “I most certainly do not have novels of such a subject. Not a single one.”

This story is already twelve kinds of adorbs. Anymore and we might just have a HNNNG! epidemic on our hands


It makes you wonder... if a mystery results in relaxing pone snuggles on a daily basis, does it really need to be solved?

“Être tranquille , mon cher,”

It's "Sois tranquille", but "Détends toi" is better.

On one hand, I think PonyXHuman Romances are a bit weird, and somewhat neckbeardy. On the other, I am A-OK with PonyXHuman cuddles, and these are some high quality cuddles performed by expert snugglebugs.

I shall simply have to read the fic in its entirety... yes that is clearly the only option. :pinkiehappy:

“I have a pet rock named Rockington that I keep in my kitchen.”

Hey Jon, I found Rocky!!

I only favorite because of the cover picture

7348351 I have to agree with that last sentence.


keep the cycle goin', yo

Has nothing to say, but just smiles...

Rarity looks like a cat in the cover. You cannot deny that she looks like a cat. Just as cute as one too.

I was kinda hoping in the second chapter they'd be in James's bed.

not super big on pony x human stories, but this is too cute to pass up! FOLLOW!!

How did they miss the part where they know each other on a first-name basis?

Give us all the fluff. I so totally ship this harder then I should.

The science is in: Snuggleh-wuggleh fluffykins.


Incredibly well written, I hope you keep up the awesome work. :pinkiehappy:

7349265 that's simple, it seems like they've already known each other for a while. The description of the story just says he woke up in her bed, not that he just popped up into her bed from earth. I'm just assuming he's been in equestria for a decent period of time.

Twilight, hoping to get her degree in Cuddlology.

Huh.. Snuggle science.

Why not.:twilightsmile:


The cloud-like bed he was lying on wasn’t his either, and Mrs. Rarity, who’s tummy he appeared to have been using as a pillow, most certainly wasn’t owned by him.


If Rarity had thought herself quite the private dick she looked positively amateurish compared to Twilight.

Uhh... what? Is that supposed to say duck? :twilightoops:

Is this porn?

This feels like porn.
I feel like I'm being secretly sold porn, and I'm not even really aware of it.

Snuggle porn?

7349916 Old term for private detectives. Dick Tracy being the reason I believe. If someone wanted something found out, they'd go hire their own private Dick Tracy.


Ha, okay. Thought he just made a mistake:rainbowlaugh:

7349916 "Dick" is slang for "gumshoe".

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