• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
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Particle Physics and Pony Fiction Experimentalist


Why is the sky blue? How are gemstones formed? Why are there so many different types of apple? How can we tell what is underground without digging? Can friendship help wild animals? How can a lake explode?

An open-ended collection of science-themed shorts, which can be read in any order.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 61 )


I approve of this. Not the notion of a post-applecalyptic world, but of the daring pun.

How can a lake explode?

Is the answer to this one purely educational, or is it meant to be more instructional?

Fun quick shorts where science and magic blur. :pinkiehappy:

Does it need a "Don't Try This at Home" warning?

heh, cute.
I'm marking this to my sci-fi category. For Science

I knew about all of those except for the moths. Nature truly is fascinating.

“Because it's an awesome colour for a sky,” she said eventually.

Favorite line. Had me laughing for a good 20 seconds. Great stories overall. :rainbowdetermined2:

“Bubbles are my special talent,” she explained.

This was lovely.

That's just silly. Of course not!
I mean, come on, who has a lake inside their house?

Instead of a food bank, the Apples got a seed bank.

What a lovely entry to end on. :derpytongue2:

I'm very happy to see a collection of your shorter stuff. Thanks for putting it together.

Very nice collection as always. I look forward to more. :)

This is technically Scifi.
It rates a 6 on Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness. Maybe a very high 5.

Point taken. But Fimfiction tag rules define scifi as:

Stories taking place in a futuristic setting or with advanced technology. Dealing with topics such as alien life, space travel, time travel, parallel universes, etc.

And this one has a lack of futuristic setting, advanced technology, alien life, space or time travel, or parallel universes

I mostly thought it was funny. Adding the tag would just mislead.

:yay: ¡A new story from Pineta!

Technically, diamonds do not last forever, but, if left alone, diamond will last longer than the Stelliferous Era.

In our world, we have a seedbank on Svalbard, protected by the Panserbjørne.

Boring is not boring.

Unicorns, with their flashy projective magic get all of the attention, but the Earthen have Geomancy, Gemomancy, Agromancy, and Bestiomancy.* The closest any unicorn has come to any of these talents is Miss Rarity and her ability to find previously existing gems (Miss Rarity cannot create gems).

Some find the repertoire of Miss Fluttershy with animals confusing, since she is a Pegasus, but Miss Fluttershy wins over the animals with pure kindness without having to resort to the Stare (an idiosyncratic form of magic, she possesses).

Beware all wishing ill-will to Miss Fluttershy because her Animal-Friends are very protective. Chief among her protectors are Mister Harry The Bear and Mister Angel-Bunny. "⸘Mister Angel-Bunny‽", I hear you say, but here is documentary-footage of what Angel-Bunny did to knights wishing Miss Fluttershy Ill-Will:

That looks more like the Whitetail Woods.

These CO2-eruptions in tropical and volcanic lakes, especially volcanic tropical lakes asphixiateaminal life in the lakes and on the surrounding shores. Nonvolcanic lakes at high latitude pose much less of a threat because the dihydrogen monoxide in the high-latitude nonvolcanic lakes turn over in the spring and autumn, thus releasing most of the dissolved CO2 peacefully.

...Hm...my only dislike of this is that they are pretty much purely "Earth Science" rather then "Equesria Science"...but it's ponies explaining science.

Hasbro should do this.

But you want you want to make a proper apple pie

Also, you did not seriously just have Twilight Sparkle not knowing the word 'variability'.

Somewhere just out of plane, Pinkie is waiting for them to look away, so she can pick up and drink her Galaxy Milk Drink. :pinkiehappy:

I dont know the speed, but the back to back fried egg model gives a gravity profile that makes the thing rotate almost solidly.

That and in the galaxy collision screen saver, very, very few galaxies remain coherent in any way, the stars spewing out into thin scattering.

If neutrinos have mass of 1 eV and theres trillions around, wouldnt their combined mass have caused the universe to collapse by now, so giving a maximum value on their mass?


Hard to believe Rarity and Maud had nothing to talk about.


Nothing about grafting?

Growing apples is war! Twilight, I swear every night when I'm lying in bed, I can hear them aphids marching towards my trees. We fight them all we can.

We shall fight on the farm,
we shall fight in the orchards and the trees,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength on the ground,
we shall defend our apples, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight in the grasses, we shall fight on the roots, we shall fight in the branches and in the leaves, we shall fight in the apple blossoms;
we shall never surrender.

In all seriousness, though, being a science geek myself, I quite enjoyed this. I liked how you worked it into the world. I also like your take on Derpy's cutie mark.


...you must first create the universe!
Carl Sagan


Ohh...didn't see that from the mouth of the ROCK LORD himself....

And on this day, Twilight Sparkle learned that her friend, in her own way, was just as intelligent as she was.

so at least some will survive an applecalypse?

Oh, now I both hate you and love you at the same time. :pinkiehappy:

Or when the Yellowstone Caldera eventually has its inevitable rupture, we will get to see a whole *bunch* of lakes explode. Or at least we will see it on satellite photographs, since everybody within about a hundred miles will be dead.

There is no dark matter holding the universe together, only dark alicorns...

Do ponies have dynamite? They have cameras, and sound recording is similar in principle.

I do, however, suspect that their understanding of electromagnetic is insufficient for that sort of surveying. Their helicopters seem to run on magic, and I would expect a similar principle for use in non-sound surveying.

“We drill holes in the ground, and extract a core sample.”

“That sounds interesting...”

“It's boring.”

It's an old pun, but it's still a good one.
That having been said...

One of the key aspects of dark alicorns being that they can only be observed by their effects on surrounding matter.

For example, when the last slice of Celestia's birthday cake goes missing...

This is a a thing! Why didn't I know this was a thing earlier~! :pinkiehappy:

Well, that's mainly an infodump? But, hey, an incensed Rarity is ranty, I guess.


“Well,” said Rarity, “most crystals in Equestria must be formed by some sort of magical enchantment which causes ready cut-and-polished gemstones to appear, in considerable abundance, in shallow underground locations, which could never happen naturally. But this particular specimen is an especially rare natural gem formed without magic.”

[OH! Nice explanation!]


“Can we go for lunch?” said Spike. “This exhibition is making me really hungry.”

:rainbowlaugh: ... Nice use of Spike in the middle and beginning as well!


crystals Rainbow

crystals, Rainbow

making gemstones as hard as diamond

[Umm.... That seems like it' s sayin' that all gems are adamant, instead of making gems that are hard, like diamond.]

like this made

like this, made

Sapphires and Rubies

Sapphires and rubies

Maud and Sheldon are F.A.M.I.L.Y :pinkiehappy:

So, is this story "complete" as in no more stories are going to be added or "complete" as in everything in this collection is completely stand-alone and that the collection will get updated as you get new ideas for oneshots? Sorry, I think the way other people use story statuses on this site confuses me to a degree.

Novo the closet biology nerd is an amazing concept. And given that magic transforming pearl, an entirely reasonable one. You have to know how life works to best use something that reshapes it.

Now my question is whether Pinkie wants to talk about fossils or uranium...

Don't worry; you're not the only one.

Pineta, I recommend you add the Anthology tag to this story. That should clear up at least some of the confusion.

Complete as in it's not waiting for anything, and I don't have any plans to add more at the moment. But if, in the future, I write another story that will fit here, I'll add it. I know, it's confusing.

Ah yes - the new tags - I'd forgotten about them - thanks for pointing that out.

True. But fossils would be Petunia Paleo's story. Given what Pinkie can find in her mane, there's no restriction on what she could dig up. And remember it's a mixed-rock farm.

My goodness! I remember this from a while back, but it seems I never gave it any updoots. Ker-fixed!

Also ker-tracked!


I'm impressed Novo was able to backtrack their genealogy that far. And even more impressed she was able to keep books underwater.

This story covers evolution and gets around the problem of chimeric organisms. I like it.

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