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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

Comments ( 127 )

You've gotten me hooked! I'm already checking out the first story in the Shimmerverse to see what I'm dealing with on that side...

Okay, this crossover is really interesting. The fight between Rodan and Sunset was very interesting as both sides are equally powerful and have clashing personalities yet they managed to settle things diplomatically at the end. Mizu and Mircalla are also interesting antagonist who know how to be evil masterminds. Mizu differs from the relentless Enjin by being more intellectual and using alliances/manipulations to accomplish his objectives whereas Mircalla is a classy vampire with her own army and yet is savvy enough to know not to trust Mizu too much and that overconfidence can be disastrous. I'm going to fav this story.

It seems that Megalon, Pinkie, and Sonata's antics destabilized the multiverse even further than they had intended. Now there are crossovers within crossovers. only time shall tell what the broader ramifications of this are. ^_^

Even as I come to enjoy this new story, and look forward to Rodan getting a tale of his own to shine in, I now find myself drawn into yet another setting.

Cancel all my appointments for the next week; I've got a Shimmer'verse to read up on.

I guess crossing two Literature universes are now a thing

Excellent. Ah the good old Let's You And Him Fight, never gets old. Glad Rodan is able to figure it out quickly. Glad we're finally meeting another aspect besides Enjin.

Note: In the story's description, the link on Amalgam'verse also leads to the Shimmerverse. You might want to fix that.

Alright good news, I like this story. "Bad" news, I'm hooked and filled oblige to read this shimmerverse now. I already have about 500 stories to read and those cross multiverse stories continue to piled up.

Also I agree with Rodan. Even ticked off, those ponies emanate nothing but adorableness that you want to cuddle them. :raritystarry:

Mizu… correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that one of Bagan's three creatures?

Overall, interesting chapter.


Yep, Mizu is the primordial aspect of water. The other primordial aspects are Enjin (land) and Doragon (Air)

That's a good way to start a story

An idea. Those are rare these days. Well done.

Great work on this chapter, I love the interaction between Sunset and Rodan.

So if Enjin was in the equestria girls universe and Mizu is in the Shimmerverse. Than were is Doragon ?! (dramatic face)

Bagan certainly didn't waste any time in taking advantage of Harmony's connection to Equestria and it's parallel realms being severed. Mizu persuading Mircalla to don Nightmare Moon's armor has answered the question on my mind of how cunning the aspects are outside of combat.

Comment posted by kahnac deleted Jun 22nd, 2016

Just finished reading, review to follow.

You've combined my all time favorite series that Evowizard25 has created with your own creation. 10/10 so far. Looking forward to seeing more.

After a re-read, I have some observations and speculations. To avoid ruining things, I will be using the Spoiler tags. Uncover at your own risk.

I'm guessing Rodan didn't revert because of the benign magic clause; he may have been absorbing power, but they were still attacks, and thus hostile magic. That, or because the ability to revert is linked to the barrier that drained his power, which exists for a different Equestria.

Mizu provided the pillar. The shadows are a different color. I suspect they owe their true loyalty to Mizu, and a double cross is in the works; let one alicorn deliver the other before turning in and taking his own pawn for his own purpose.

Finally, I see no reason to conclude this Mizu is from the same Bagan as from The Bridge; it may be from a different Bagan altogether. I expect some indication as to weather or not this is the case will come up... eventually.

Having read at least part of the Shimmerverse now, I must ask... What are those cultists thinking, hiding out in the domain of a being that terrifies dragons and explicitly hates ponies? Yes, I mean Fluttershy, who in this verse seems to be a peer of Celestia's.

I can only guess they either are unaware of the danger, or are very good at hiding their presence.

Spoiler bars are to protect those who have not read the Shimmerverse stories yet. peek at your own risk.


To answer your question there is a reason behind it and they've been good about hiding. Remember their camps have a cloaking spell so when they are stationary Fluttershy wouldn't be able to see them or know how many there were, same for any Everfree carnivores. Additionally, the army's sheer size, powerhouse lead (Countess Mircalla was extremely powerful even before the boost), and large amount of magic users would be a reasonable deterrent. If anything did get close, the dire wolves would smell it coming so ambushing is very difficult.

And of course there's Mizu. Recall how whenever Enjin roamed around, all the animals near by were driven away in terror just by its presence? Same thing here. Mizu is causing a big, mobile 'blank zone' as it moves through the Everfree. As for why they picked to travel by Everfree, there's gonna be a reason.

Sorry i forgot to comment on this chapter, bud. I seem to be slacking quite alot. But now that i'm here, i can say my piece: this chapter was really good, and it feels very interesting. Especially since i'm curious as to how Rodan ended up in this universe. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait, and see to find out.:) But as for me, the real fun part was seeing that the demon, Mizu, is in this universe. And it seems Bagan is once again being the master planner by manipulating the villain here into doing something that we all know is gonna benefit HIM only. Also awesome is how this reminds everyone that Bagan's reach across any multiverse is nearly vast. There really seems to be no universe he cannot enter. And this is only him at like level 1 or level 2 of his strength. It may be a real nightmare to see what he can do when his full power's restored. And worse yet: exceeded.:twilightoops: Also, i really like the theme of the Aspects of Bagan: while Enjin was a monstrous juggernaut whose representation of earth/fire makes him more of a raging destroyer who uses action more than thought, while Mizu is much more collected, manipulative, and is as cool as the gentle waters he represents. Now to just wait to see what the 3rd Aspect is like. Though i like imagining him as Bagan's eyes, and ears. Awesome chapter, either way.:)

I've decided not to read this. I'm sure it's interesting, but this story is completely out of scope with the main series. Plus I was never interested in the shimmerverse. Be that as it may, should the current series be finished I might take a look at it. While I await the lull between the next installment in the series.

Mizu, huh? Things just got rather serious...

So will the events of this fic affect how Rodan's story goes in the main story? Who am i kidding, of course it will.:pinkiehappy:

On another note, this story introduced me to the Shimmer'verse, so, double pluse:rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

Alright got a new side-story. As with most first chapters, I don’t have a super lot to react to, because they only set the premise, and for me it becomes a ‘wait and see’ type of thing.

I did appreciate the time spent explaining the Shimmerverse, to the extent of stuff we'll need to know to understand this story. I'm sure we'll get more exposition in future chapters though.

I'm not familiar with EvoWizard's universe, not because I'm not interested in it, but because I'm a 'not enough time in the day' type of guy. Time I spend reading fan fics, is time spent away from my own projects, which for me are diverse and demanding, and that's aside from the real-life stuff to get done. Evowizard has a big headcanon, so if/when I get into his stuff, I'll be going through his ancillary material to appreciate all the work he's done.

So that said, I do find the introduction we get interesting, with an array of creatures of the night. My questions about them could probably be answered by reading his blogs, but I'll ask them aloud anyways. I have to wonder if it was the continued existence of potent dark magic in Equestria that was able to birth these creatures. We don't see these things existing in the normal Equestria world, so the variable change of the prevalence of evil magic has effected the world to spawn monstrosaties.

Anyways, this worlds Sunset Shimmer sneaks up on the nightmare army of the dead and malefic, as they sneakily sneak through the Everfree forest, protected by a cloaking spell. She sees a witch crone using a magical totem to summon shadow troops to serve in the horde. She puts a swift end to this, and the disruption causes Rodan to be pulled through from the other Equestria.

The exponential fire-fight between them was cool. Each feeding off of the other, using the energies to go super pony-sayan. I would think that such a conflict would be noticed by anyone in the area, but you know, narrative convenience. What I personally enjoy about it, was that Rodan was able to match Sunset blow for blow, without either side getting the short end of the stick.

I can just picture Rodan turning his back to her, folding his arms, and with his eyes closed, remark sarcastically about how she’ll never beat him, only for her to reveal something that leaves him struggling to speak in shock.

Oh wait, that’s Vegeta. I’m thinking of Vegeta.

Also, Sunset seems to be getting a fix off of Rodan’s uranium heat beam. A very interesting element that I don’t really expect Tarb to follow-up on, but if he wanted to take something in a darker direction, I suppose he could explore some kind of addiction sub-plot. Come on Rodan, just one more hit? I’ll suck your dick…”

One feature of Rodan’s pony form I think would be hilarious, would be if he made little bird sounds at times. Like when he tilts his head, or after a sentence, a little brak or chitter.

Rodan gets all meta when he goes on about how cute the ponies are, even when they’re mad. I think that one deserves a quick depiction from Faith. Not a whole scene, just a picture of Sunset about to blow her gasket.

We meet a new ‘Pr-antagonist?” In Countess Mircalla, A vampire pony who serves as a big deal in the Nightmare army. I don’t know if there’s a depiction of her somewhere, but she sounds like she has an interesting look.

Laying on her floor like a beached whale, Mizu, the fishiest aspect of Bagan helps her to plot and gives her powerful magics. I can’t help but picture Mizu as an evil jellyfish with eyes, staring at her malevolently. Kinda like a Tentacruel.

Now obviously we don’t yet know the story with how Mizu got here, and if he’s from the main Bagan, or possibly from an alternate version. But most likely I think from the only Bagan we know.

Mircalla retains the damaged remains of Nightmare Moon’s armor. Very cool, I like that a lot. Mainly because Nightmare Moon In the show never really got the chance to be a threat to Equestria, since in the main, Luna was only Nightmare Moon for like five minutes the first time around, then maybe an hour upon return. Which made her self-flagellation during “Do Princesses Dream of Electric Sleep?” really questionable.

I think the Nightmare entity is actually a great villain, and criminally underused on the show. Like how most ongoing cartoons have a main enemy throughout the length, I think Nightmare could serve that role, jumping from host to host.

That said, I’m definitely interested to see where NightMirCalla goes from here.

The Magnificent Machine remains tentatively interested in this chapter. General Mugar’s finger hovers above the buttons labeled: “Finger Missiles” & “Belly Laser” respectively.

…. For now….

7369182 Thank you for the feedback as for the nightmare forces, I haven't gotten around to writting their blog as of yet. However I can answer your question. You see there are four 'leylines' that are connected to the world: Magic, Darkness, Light, Life. These forces often tend to create different forms here and there. Darkness is the rarest of them to manifest, but many of those creatures did at least come from a natural rise given that all realms had some connection to the world. It's just that Nightmare Moon herself created a bigger connection between the worlds so more of these dark creatures could be possible.

{I really love long, detailed comments. Always fun to read and respond.:twilightsmile:}


I see, so you invented a mythopoeic device for your world that isn't in the show, connections of different powers that can manifest creatures of their nature.

Also, interesting bit about how Nightmare Moon was able to expand the connection to the darnkess stream. A being created of the Darkness (I'm assuming) being able to empower its life source, like a man contemplating, then taking part in creation.

Yeah, I do tend to ramble on. But mostly because I can sympathize with an author putting in hours, and weeks into mere parts of a story. To work so hard, only to receive a blurb or two in comments. "I liked the part where she said the thing..."

7376669 Yeah, that's a bit annoying. While I don't want to force people to go into depth, it's always refreshing to see people do so since it gives me {and in this case Tarb as well} a better understanding of what our audience is taking away from our work. I really appreciate the time and effort you're putting into these {and your videos, which I've seen and enjoyed} as well as supporting my friend Tarb. :twilightsmile: Thank you. If you ever do read my fics or blogs, I hope they can at least bring a little joy to you as well.

What's that I see on the horizon? Is that the Sunset/Rodan ship I see? Oh boy, I certainly hope so XD

7439959 I would actually like to see that XD! Tarb should go that route.

How long until next chapter comes out? I really want to see what happens next.

So, wait… we're taking a Godzilla/MLP crossover… and crossing that with a world that has heavy Warhammer influences… so we put this crossover and that crossover inside of another crossover so we can over while we're crossing… I think that's how it works. :pinkiehappy:

Holy throne, you updated with a bang! Awesome work as always!

Wow, this story is darker than the Bridge, given Sunset's shorter fuse, but it was still an entertaining read. I really like Rodan's morality as he refused to kill his enemies until they were proven to be monsters and has an admiration for Celestia due to stopping revolts in a peaceful manner. This chapter was very interesting, especially the reveal of how Sunset and Mircalla know each other.

Yay! I'm doin et rite!

Basically. This is a crossover where two characters from the Amalgam'verse, which is a crossover with Godzilla and other kaiju franchises, get tossed into the Shimmer'verse, which is an MLP AU that has an good Sunset Shimmer as an element of Harmony set in a darker Equestria that has some elements taken from the Warhammer series mythos (though not really copy-pasted in and instead more it was inspired by it and has similar elements).

7490352 Heh, nothing like Warhammer (Both 40K and AoS) inspiring others!

Yah if I were to make a film comparison, Bridge proper is Raiders of the Lost Ark whereas Shimmer in the Dark is Temple of Doom. The darkness level isn't much higher, but the violence is more explicit than in MLP or kaiju films and thus there is some on-screen gore. That's why it has the M and Gore tags Bridge lacks.

Still glad you like the product. Though it be a neat trial to have a kaiju and equestrian hero team up and it actually is the kaiju who's more light hearted and optimistic (thinking Celestia is to be admired and could resolve the issue peacefully here) and the equestrian is the more angry, dower tone one (who's not out for revenge). And it seems my wham line is being effective.

I enjoy how level headed and respectful of Celestia Rodan is. With his 24 hour time limit, hopefully he can run into Mizu and boot him out of this universe to get it back to normal. He doesn't even have to figure out who it is.


This is a crossover where two characters from the Amalgam'verse

Might I be so forward as the ask whom the second Amalgam'verse character is? Assuming it's not the end of everything.

Whoa this Shimmer'verse is really dark, though I'm still interest in reading it from the beginning.

So there are trace of the Warhammer franchise mix in it. I'm not very familiar with it, the only game I have is the recent Total War Warhammer.

Excellent as always Tarb, but dang it you had to include that last line.

Excellent as always. I enjoyed the contrast between the contributing settings (it says something when the Pony goes straight for the kill while the Kaiju tries to take his enemies alive) and the twists in the plot. I'm glad you included a built in mechanic to get Rodan back to the main story; not only does this avoid some form of plot contrivance for only one Equestria to have the ability to send him home, but it also allows his visit to be short without shortening the main story with a convenient bit of knowledge.

That said, no matter how nice an homage to my all time favorite movie it would be, if Sunset Shimmer takes up the sword, hunts down the Six Limbed Nightmare, and proceeds to 1) introduce herself, 2) accuse the Nightmare of a crime committed against her 20 years earlier, and 3) proceeds to threaten the Nightmare's life, over half a dozen times in order, then I'm gone.


7490366 So which one is The Last Crusade?


7490366 Or worse, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

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