• Published 29th May 2016
  • 9,836 Views, 149 Comments

Not Wonderbolts Material After All - Autismo555

After Rainbow Dash's shocking resignation from the Wonderbolts, Twilight and her friends must do everything in their power to change Rainbow Dash's mind... but will her downward spiral prove it all to be for nothing?

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Chapter II

Author's Note:

Okay, I know I kept you all waiting, but the reason is because I had completed a chapter of a story of mine on Fanfiction.net for the first time in a year and I spent the last few months working on the next chapter. I've been jumping back and forth between this chapter and that chapter, but I got this chapter done just in time for it to be published.

Think of it as an early Christmas gift.

Also, as you may or may not have heard, I recently lost my pet cat, Bella, by having her get put down at the vet's. You can read more on what happened in my recent blog post linked in the parentheses (https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/696929/bad-tidings), but the good news is I'm over my grief for the most part. It's gonna be lonely without her around, but I have a kindred spirit with my cousin who lost her puppy dog suddenly a few weeks prior.

So yeah, I hope you all enjoy this tough-to-make chapter and I wish you all a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

EDIT: Also, this story is now on Fanfiction.net! Hurray!

The knocking at the front door woke Rainbow Dash up from her short-lived slumber.

The noise jolted the exhausted pegasus from her four-hour slumber with a gasp, lying amongst a bed of shattered Wonderbolts merchandise with Tank fit snugly under her arm. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and Celestia's sun slowly moved a short distance above the horizon. The sunlight shone through Rainbow Dash's bedroom window and blessed her room with its light, but Rainbow Dash covered her eyes to shield them away from being blinded by the light. Her corneas burned from lack of sleep, her eyelids felt like a ton of lead weights each, her belly and sides ached from lying in the broken remnants of her lifelong dream, and her wings felt messy and out of place.

Once her eyes didn't feel so sore, Rainbow Dash moved her hoof down her muzzle and moaned. Doing so had woken Tank from under her hoof, who blinked a couple of times before he emitted a yawn. Another knock sounded from the front door, prompting Rainbow Dash to groan as she slowly stood up to walk to the door. Her head swam with vertigo and her hooves slipped from underneath her, but she was still able to stand, if not still.

"I'm coming," she moaned in a hoarse voice as she walked outside of her room.

Rainbow Dash struggled to keep a firm step in her hooves while they slipped from underneath her step, but she quickly recovered and continued onwards. Tank witnessed his owner's sluggish movement when she tried to leave her own bedroom like she consumed too much cider the night before. When Rainbow Dash made her way into the hallway, Tank once again yawned and fell back to sleep.

Rainbow Dash's walk steadily improved as she made down the hallway. The door knocked once more, and the tired pegasus called out "I'm coming!" in a slightly impatient tone in response. When Rainbow Dash finally made it to the front door, she opened it up to reveal Twilight and her friends at the door, all of them bearing a worried expression on their faces.

"Oh... hey, guys," Rainbow Dash greeted hoarsely. "What's going on?"

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight inquired. "What happened to you? You look like you haven't got a good night's sleep."

"Yeah, well, you get enough sleep yourself if you've been up all night crying your eyes out. That's basically how Tank and I spent the entire evening together." Rainbow Dash paused for a moment, giving her friends time to absorb what she said. "But enough about me. What are you all doing here, anyway?"

"We came to check up on you," Twilight explained. "We were worried about what happened to you last night, so we decided to pay you a visit to see if you were alright."

Rainbow Dash found herself subconsciously gasping lightly, but she instead looked away, crestfallen. "Oh, yeah... that..." she sighed. "Listen girls, I appreciate you guys being concerned for me and all, but I really don't wanna talk about it right now. I just need some time to be alone is all."

Before Rainbow Dash could even close the front door, Applejack's strong hoof suddenly shot out and held the door open. "Oh no you don't, Rainbow Dash. We've already let you have all night to have some time alone," Applejack said firmly. "Now I think this is the best time that we help you out with your problem."

"I told you guys, I don't wanna talk about it," Rainbow Dash insisted, trying to close the door against the strength of the country mare's with her weakened strength. "Now could you please leave so I can get back to sleep?"

Applejack pushed the door back with another ounce of added strength. "Nope. We're not leaving until we've talked this problem over."

Rainbow Dash tired to resist Applejack's strength against the door, but her fatigue had gradually weakened her ability to push back, and was defeated when Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy took advantage of the pitiful struggle by walking through the front door. When Applejack was the last pony to enter, Rainbow Dash grumbled and pushed the door to let it slam shut by itself.

"Fine. I guess that ponies wishing to be alone is as dead as my dream, isn't it?" Rainbow Dash grumbled, planting herself on her flank in the middle of the floor and crossing her front hooves.

Twilight was the first of the five ponies to step up to the miserable pegasus, having much experience with trying to reconcile two opposing ponies through diplomatic means. "Rainbow Dash, please listen to me. We're not here to antagonize you by discussing what happened with the Wonderbolts, we're here to help you. We're here because we want to be here for you."

Fluttershy was the next pony to step forward. "We're your friends, Rainbow Dash, and as your friend, I have to be there when my friend is in desperate need of a helping hoof."

Pinkie Pie stepped forward to support Fluttershy's statement. "Yeah! We're always here to help our friends, even if they turn out to be so cranky and miserable that they pretend they don't need any help from anypony else, but everything goes wrong for them and it turns out that they did need somepony to help them out more than ever!"

"I don't need a helping hoof," Rainbow Dash huffed, turning her head away. "I'm fine."

"No, you aren't, Rainbow Dash. In fact, you don't even look remotely fine to me," Twilight protested.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, have you looked in a mirror lately?" Twilight questioned. She lit up her horn, and a little hand mirror materialized in her aura. "Your eyes are bloodshot and dry, you have bags growing under your eyelids, your mane is messier than before, your feathers are out of shape, and..." Twilight spotted a few flecks tangled in her friend's chest fur. "Rainbow Dash, what is that in your fur?"

Rainbow Dash looked down at her chest and swiped the material away. "Those would be from the pile of smashed-up Wonderbolts merchandise that I slept on last night."

The five mares gasped, Pinkie Pie having the most expressive shock. "WHAT!? Rainbow Dash! Please tell me you didn't actually smash your Wonderbolts collection last night!? Not the Wonderbolts souvenir collection that you spent your life collecting since you were a little filly! Not your books! Not your posters! Not your everything that you smashed that was described in the last chapter!"

"Everything," Rainbow Dash confirmed. "Everything including the souvenirs that reminds me of the Wonderbolts, and that includes my Wonderbolts Reserves entrance exam and the Best Young Fliers tiara."

"What!?" Twilight Sparkled shrieked. "But Princess Celestia awarded you that tiara herself! We've spent every bit we had trying to help you study for the exam! How could you just smash it all up and throw it all away!?"

Rainbow Dash shot back with a very stern look. "Maybe you haven't remembered what I said last night, Twilight, but I'm done with the Wonderbolts! And when I say that I'm done, that means I'm done!" she barked. "I tried so hard to fit in with them, I tried so hard to be the mare who was capable of flying like the Wonderbolts! But every time they called me 'Crash', I kept losing my focus, my confidence, and my faith in my own team!"

"Oh, come now, Dashie. It couldn't have been that bad?" Applejack said with a slight smile, but reconsidered her facial expression after staring into the eyes of the enraged pegasus. "Right?"

"Not that bad, Applejack? Not thaaat bad!?" Rainbow Dash gave her country friend the biggest, freakiest angry face since her situation regarding Tank's hibernation. "Well, let me tell you how bad it was Applejack! I was called 'Crash' left and right by my own team! Every time I heard the name 'Crash' come up, I lost my focus with my flight practices and failed, I kept crashing into the trash cans, and I was called the worst flyer of the day, every day where I had to clean the entire compound by myself until late in the evening!

"On top of all that, I kept losing confidence and faith in both myself and mostly in my team!" Rainbow Dash continued her rant, "If that wasn't enough, they even put a badge on my Wonderbolts jacket with a picture of my Cutie Mark crashing into a stop sign and breaking it in half! I tried to prove I wasn't the pony that they kept calling me through my last performance, but we all saw how that turned out, didn't we!?"

The five mares had mixed reactions, some cringing, others nodding vehemently. "After I got bandaged up in the medical tent, they met me outside and wanted to know why in Celestia's name I did what I did! I told them what I felt, and then I said I wasn't Wonderbolts material after all! Then, everypony told me it was normal to call the member of every Wonderbolt their nicknames based on the mistake they made on their first day! They even had the gall to tell me I was the best flyer they saw and tried to make me feel better by telling me their nicknames! After all the Tartarus they put me through, I just couldn't help myself! I felt so much anger building up inside of me, that I just exploded at my team!"

"And that was when we heard you screaming from a distance when we came up to check on you," Fluttershy said. "I must admit, I'm still a little bit shocked when we heard you use vulgar language."

"You'd use vulgar language too, if your team of so-called friends called a horrible name and found out too little too late," Rainbow Dash said.

"But did that justify yelling at your own teammates and then calling them out on their own mistakes?" asked Twilight.

"Why wouldn't it be justified!?" Rainbow Dash asked, throwing her hooves up. "Before they started calling me 'Rainbow Crash', I've overlooked every mistake they made in the past! When they threatened to kick me out of the Wonderbolts because I was framed for a crime that I didn't commit, I still held on! When they asked me to replace Soarin' when he got injured at Rainbow Falls, I found out what true loyalty was for me then! When they thought that being the best was important in the Wonderbolts was what the team was all about, I gave them all a second opinion about how teamwork was important. I was happy to be a part of the team and despite what mistakes they made, I looked the other way and forgot all about it!

"But then the accident at my first show happened, and they started calling me that name..." Rainbow Dash continued, a growl in her voice. The very thought of her former team made her tense up in frustration, pushing her hooves into her kitchen floor until they trembled. "That was the biggest mistake they've ever made in their lives! They were supposed to be my teammates, my friends away from my friends! But now I realize that my teammates would never be my friends! Friends don't gang up on you, call you a bad name, and laugh at you while you're hurting!"

"But Rainbow Dash, you called me an 'Egghead' many times before, and I always thought it was hurtful because it was implied that I was smarter than you" Twilight said. "How is this any different from when you called me 'Egghead?'"

"Because I had the accident!" Rainbow Dash responded angrily. "When ponies have an accident, they don't need to be called names for screwing up all the time! Especially when that name happens to be the same name your fillyhood bullies called you when you started out at flight camp! Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to be called that same name by your own friends or teammates!?"

"Well... no, I guess," Twilight responded.

"Nuh-uh!" Pinkie Pie energetically shook her head a couple of times.

"Eeenope," Applejack answered.

"Me neither," Fluttershy softly spoke up.

"I can't say that I have," Rarity replied.

"Exactly! You didn't have friends who called you horrible names like that and not think about how much it hurt! But those birdbrains were too pigheaded to realize that, and that really made me feel low! It's that kind of low that just pins you down to the ground so hard that you can't fly, think straight, or even stand up on your own four hooves, you know!? I never asked to be called 'Rainbow Crash' by my own team, but it doesn't matter now! What's done is done, and there's no going back now! I'm cleaning my hooves and my entire life of the Wonderbolts!"

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew out of her front door, and within seconds came back with an empty trash can. "Now if you will all excuse me, I'm going upstairs to clean my room from any of that Wonderbolt junk out of my room and then I'm going back to sleep."

Before Rainbow Dash could fly to her room, she was pulled back by a magical yank on the handles of the trash can while Twilight (casting said magic) looked up to her with a firm look of her own. "No way, Rainbow Dash! That 'Wonderbolt junk' is your entire life and goals you've dedicated so work hard for, and now you're willing to throw it all away because of some bad nickname!?"

"It's not about that nickname, Twilight, it's how the Wonderbolts treated me when I was a part of their team!" Rainbow Dash explained, pulling back on the handles. "When they treated me like I was the worst flyer that they made me, I realized that there are some dreams that aren't worth reaching for! That's why I quit the Wonderbolts! Because it was all a big, fat, stinking, lie!"

Twilight pulled on the handles. "I understand how angry you are with the Wonderbolts, but smashing up your collection in a fit of rage!?"

Rainbow Dash pulled back. "They treated me like trash, so it's only right that I throw away everything that reminds me of them!"

Twilight yanked the handles back. "No! I'm not going to let you throw your dream away like that, Rainbow Dash! Nothing good ever comes from throwing away your dreams!"

Then Rainbow Dash yanked again. "So what!? My dream of joining the Wonderbolts was the biggest lie that I've blindly believed in since I was a filly! If the Wonderbolts are supposed to be the greatest flyers in Equestria, then I'm the next princess of Equestria! So I'm going upstairs and throwing away what's left of that lie and you can't stop me!"

"That's where you're wrong, Rainbow Dash! With the state you're in now, you're bound to so something completely stupid, and we're trying to keep you from going through with it!"

"Since when is taking out the trash completely stupid!?"

"Since it represents everything you stand for!"

"I only stand for my friends, and the Wonderbolts are not my friends!"

"Rainbow Dash, you're blowing this way out of proportion!"

"Do you think I don't know that!?!" Rainbow Dash shrieked, making the ponies jump. "Do you think that after all I've been through, I wouldn't flip out over this!? I've worked hard to get where I got, but when they started calling me 'Crash' in every waking moment of my already miserable life, I knew my dreams as a Wonderbolt was numbered! I tried so hard to fit in with them like I would with you guys, I tried so hard to ignore that name, but every time I tried it ended up with me becoming more and more miserable!

"I never deserved to be called 'Crash' by my own team! I never deserved to be pushed around like that by my own heroes! But when they told me how the nicknames worked at the worst possible time, that was the straw that broke the camel's back! I had enough of them treating me like a slave they can push around, so I pushed back at them and quit the team on the spot!"

Rainbow Dash turned to the lavender alicorn. "I know I'm blowing it out of proportion, Twilight! I know I should've found another way to convince the Wonderbolts to stop calling me 'Crash'! I know I shouldn't have damaged all of my Wonderbolts possessions! I know I shouldn't have quit the Wonderbolts! But what's done is done and there's nothing any of us can do to make me go back! So why don't you just get off of my back already and leave me the buck alone!?"

Rainbow Dash threw the garbage across the room and landed with a few ear-piercing metallic clanks. The pegasus suddenly found her sadness and stress taking its toll as she fell to the floor and collapsed into a big, sobbing pile. Her five friends all quickly surrounded her, Fluttershy drawing close and quickly bringing Rainbow Dash into a bear hug that she quickly accepted while she cried out into her yellow fur.

"Shh, shh, shh, there, there... it's okay. It's okay," Fluttershy quickly shushed, patting a comforting hoof on her back. Her fur was soaked to her skin with her friend's deluge of tears while her voice was muffled into her shoulder but loud enough for every pony to hear.

"I was so happy to be a Wonderbolt!" she bellowed in Fluttershy's shoulder. "I w-w-worked so hard to get where I was! I put everything I had into joining the Wonderbolts Reserves... a-a-and when Spitfire told me that I was a full-fledged Wonderbolt, I was so ha-ha-ha-happy-hee-hee! Buh-Buh-But then they started calling me 'Rainbow Crash' and... and... and I was made the worst flyer on the team! I tried to fit in, but they kept calling me 'Cra-a-assshhh'... and... and when they confronted me after my last performance... I told them I wasn't Wonderbolts material after what I've been through... but then they told me I was the best flyer they've ever seen... and when.. and when they told me that... that calling me that nickname was how it was done in the Wonderbolts, I... I... I... I just couldn't take it anymore!"

Eventually, Rainbow Dash ran out of carbon dioxide to help her cry out anymore. Her breathing suddenly labored trying to retrieve its oxygen as Fluttershy cooed her crying friend, gently stroking her back and patting her shoulder. "Shh... it's okay, Rainbow Dash. We're here for you. We're all here for you."

Rainbow Dash's crying seemed to have calmed down, but her lamenting was far from finished. "I couldn't help it! I... I... I yelled at them in their faces, I called them out on what they did to me during those times at Rainbow Falls and Canterlot, and... and... and I yelled at them about how they treated me the past few days! I told I quit and that... that I never wanted to see them again! And I really... really... meant it! I can't go back to them... not after everything I said to them... and not after everything they put me through...!"

Fluttershy felt a pang of sympathy for her friend and squeezed her embrace tighter than before. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, I'm so sorry that you've been through so much. I know it must have been hard for you when you quit," the pegasus said, her voice cracking. "But don't worry, Dashie, we're going to get through this ordeal together. I promise."

Rainbow Dash stifled another sob and rubbed her eye free of her tears. "Yeah, but... how? How am I supposed to do that when I've already quit the Wonderbolts? I disowned my entire team, I smashed everything in my room related to them, left them all in a pile, and now I have nothing. Nothing but my house, my Daring Do stuff, and Tank. I can't go back to them, Twilight. I can't even find it in myself to forgive them for what they did. Even if I did, they won't let me back on the team. I deserted them, and deserters can't rejoin the same teammates they abandoned by choice."

Twilight trotted over and laid a hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "That's not true, Rainbow Dash. I know deep down that the Wonderbolts have realized that treating you this way was a huge mistake on their part, and they would want to have you back on their team. After all, they didn't recruit you to the Wonderbolts because they pulled your name out of a lottery machine, you know. They recognized your talent and they were thrilled to have you on board with them."

But Rainbow Dash could only look away as her mood dropped down to discontent. "That was nearly the same thing they tried to use to keep me on the team. I am never going back to a team where they pick on you all they want and try to suck up to you by calling the worst flyer, 'the most talented flyer they had ever seen.'"

"But what if they really meant it, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked. "What if they did want you back on the team because you were the most talented flyer."

The cyan pegasus huffed. "It doesn't matter. I'm never going back to them again, and that's that."

Rainbow Dash turned to move, but the exhaustion had finally taken its toll. Her hoof lost the meaning of support when she suddenly fell headfirst on her floor (only to be caught by Fluttershy's quick reflexes in her hooves) and felt her bones ache. "Rainbow Dash, are you okay!?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm fine," Rainbow Dash tiredly insisted. "I just... I just need to get something to eat is all..."

"Eat? Why darling, I'm more concerned about how you neglected your beauty rest over neglecting your own meals," Rarity said, trotting over to help Rainbow Dash by wrapping one her cyan hooves over her back. "Now we're taking you upstairs and you're going back to your bed. We'll have some food waiting for you by the time you wake up."

"But, Rarity..."

"Tut tut, Rainbow Dash. You've been through too much to let you wear yourself out. Celestia knows you need to rest given how hard the past few days have been," Rarity insisted. "Now you're going to get some extra sleep, and you and I will have no fighting at this point."

Rainbow Dash growled, but Fluttershy stopped her from saying anything else. "Please, Rainbow Dash, listen to us. You need our help more than ever on this one not because you're in need, but because you're our friend, and we've always looked out for our friends, whether they wanted it or not. So please, Rainbow Dash, let us help you this one time. Please?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but groan at this, but she couldn't fight back. She literally did not have the strength to push against her friends' helping hooves, and given how heavy her entire body felt, she had no choice but to accept this defeat. "Fine, let's just get this over with," she sighed dejectedly.

"Now don't you fret, darling," Rarity told her crestfallen comrade. "Soon, you'll wake up as fresh as a blossom and you'll have a healthy appetite to satiate."

The two mares escorted Rainbow Dash up the stairs to her room, their voices muffling for each step taken up to the second floor. While the three ponies were upstairs, the other three mares who remained behind gathered around. "This situation is worse than we thought," Twilight asked Applejack and Pinkie Pie. "Now that Rainbow Dash has given up on her dream, it's already beginning to affect her, physically and mentally."

"I can't believe that Rainbow Dash would destroy her own Wonderbolts possessions just because she was angry at them," Applejack said. "I've seen her beg, plead, and take humiliatin' dares just to get a rare Wonderbolts badge, but now she's gone and smashed them all to pieces."

"What a bunch of meanie bo-beanies they were to Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie said, stomping her hoof. "I should go up there, give them a piece of my mind, and bake them a cake they'll never forget!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "How exactly do you plan on gettin' revenge on the Wonderbolts by bakin' a cake for them?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Oh that's easy," she said, her suddenly gleaming with a manic spark. "By baking them a three-bean cake covered with salty frosting. Yucky!"

Twilight suddenly clamped her hoof on Pinkie Pie's shoulder, and that stopped her from switching to her alternate personality. "No, Pinkie. That will only make things worse between Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts. In order to put the differences between them aside, I need to go up to the Wonderbolts Academy and talk to Spitfire so I can get a better understanding of what went on in the past few days."

"You really think this is gonna convince the two to shake hooves and be friends again?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not sure, Applejack, but it's well worth a shot," Twilight answered. "After all, I was given the title as Princess of Friendship because I've shown how the magic of friendship can change the hearts of ponies, zebras, griffins, and yaks for the better. This time won't be different, but it'll be far from easy."

Applejack tilted her Stetson hat. "I agree with you there, partner. If there's anypony who can settle a disagreement between two ponies, it's you."

Twilight trotted to the door and spread her wings in preparation to fly. "I'm going to the Wonderbolts Academy now. Applejack, you and Pinkie Pie stay here and cook up something special for Rainbow Dash once she wakes up."

"You can count on me, Twilight."

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight and Applejack looked over and saw the Pinkie Pie inside one of the overhead cupboards, pulling out nine cans of three different beans, and a box of salt in her mouth. She closed the door and looked at the two with wondering eyes. "Pinkie Pie, no! You're not baking that cake! You're going to work with Applejack to cook for Rainbow Dash!"

"Nngo efen a cukake?"

"Not even a cupcake!"

Pinkie Pie spat out the salt box and then whined. Applejack trotted over to her distant cousin and hugged her close all while looking at her alicorn friend. "Don't worry, Twilight. I'll keep Pinkie Pie on the straight and narrow while you're gone. If she's gonna be cookin' up trouble, you'd better believe I'll smell it comin' from a mile away."

"Good." Twilight spread her wings again. "Now I'm leaving everything to you and the girls. I'll be back as soon as I can."

A quick thrust of the wings, and the Princess of Friendship was well on her way to the Wonderbolts Academy, leaving Pinkie Pie and Applejack to watch as their friend became a tiny lavender dot in the horizon. By the time that Twilight flew off into the distance, Rainbow Dash was already fast asleep with Tank cuddled next to her in her soft cloud bed.