• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


This story is a sequel to Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim

Life on Veldin, a planet in a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy, is becoming somewhat boring for Ratchet. Fortunately he's got two younger sisters that bring some excitement to his life, despite all three of them being different species. One of his sisters is a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer, while the other is a Cazar named Sunset Shimmer.

All Ratchet knows is that the three of them all arrived at the Veldin Orphanage together. One thing they can all agree on, however, is that they need to leave their home behind so that they can truly find their place in the galaxy.
(Does not require having read the previous story to know whats going on)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series)

Edit: Timeline
Ratchet and Clank: Complete
Going Commando: Complete
Up Your Arsenal: Complete
Deadlocked: Complete
Size Matters: Complete
Tools of Destruction: Complete
Crack in Time: Complete

Chapters (130)
Comments ( 1953 )

This looks good so far. If I may ask does this take place during the original game or the reboot?

7195319 It seems that this story takes place during the original game. I mean, Ratchet was working in a garage in the reboot, but this seems to follow the original.

Here's hoping that Starlight's not comically OP like PWNY! Twilight where she's vice president of a galaxy and CEO of a weapons company at the age of 10...

7195420 PWNY Twi is older than ten at this point, id say shes about 14-15 ish...i follow that story so i know what im talking about

something about 'Ripping you a new one', or at least that's what it sounded like.

'Ripping you a new one'

Wait a second... don't tell me that Starlight made the plans for the original RYNO weapon (which, if she did, were likely stolen after their eventual departure).

7195420 I would have to agree with Night_Moon; Starlight's already older than Twilight was at the start of her journey. I would wager that the three of them are twelve, maybe thirteen, years old.

7195513 Oh, my mistake. PWNY! Twi made weps at the age of ten and she's the vice president of a galaxy and CEO of Gadgetron at fifteen.

7195642 Its okay. Of course there's no telling what Starlight will get in this story, much less Sunset and Ratchet. Though it seems like Starlight might be dreaming of creating the RYNO... at least I think so.

7195642 well, actually, she was making weapons at only twree an a haf years old...Twi in any form is some of an evil genius child prodigy

7195658 Twilight in ANY constant will always be some sort of child prodigy. It's really hard for me to see Twilight's flaws past season 4.

7195664 This is true; Twilight will, no matter what universe she's thrown in, become some sort of child prodigy. Writing anything else about her would be wrong.
Starlight, on the other hand, can actually go either way; either starting as a prodigy and working up, or starting at the bottom with a base knowledge and strive to improve.

To enter this universe as a blank slate and growing up is good for them to integrate them into this universe
Yet I worry when their past egos awaken.

Will they clash and "brick" their owner's mind into a vegetative state? Will they save and delete among each other, creating a horridly confused and disjointed persona in its wake? Or will they passively overlap and leave the owner in a surreal state of "What is real, what is life"?

Because this is a danger that all fics must understand, while many will just leave "magic" or "just cause" as the answer to why minds survive this dilemma near scot-free or totally intact. They fail to realize that if so, the person is being subjected to a complex cocktail of enchantments and buffs under self-adjusting systems in place, to ensure the being doesn't start trying to join their head with the nearest sturdy object. This also means they just turned their character one step away from one powerful psychic or anti-magic attack from turning their heads into a mind fuck grenade.

And what's horrible, Discord (author) did this, and its well within the realms of chaos to let either form of consequence to happen to Sunset and Starlight...

But who cares what I say, this story is fun, so screw consequence :derpytongue2: :rainbowlaugh:

7196355 Actually, I find that what you have to say may actually help the author better write his story. I mean, you offered ideas in Sunset's Skyrim story and several of them appeared in the writing. Blackdragon takes you seriously, as he does with the rest of his readers, so you at least know that he cares what you say.

And yes, this story is definitely fun.

So far, the only question I have is Sunset's change of species, a Cazar. Though not too big of one. The Cazar are a race not unlike the Lombaxes. However, while the Lombaxes were geniuses with tech, the Cazar with gifted in the realm politics and debate, in other words, natural leaders. A current and unproven theory of mine is that the Lombaxes and the Cazar are distantly similar though not directly: the Lombaxes evolved in Polaris while the Cazar evolved in Solana, two separate species sharing a similar evolutionary path.

I'm sure the facts will show themselves with time. I expect great things from this story, but I know you can deliver.

7198468 Near the end of Sunset's adventure in Skyrim (the story) Discord gave her a bracelet that was, in his words, supposed to allow her to blend in with the native races of wherever she traveled to. That's why this Sunset has one on her right wrist.

Who knows, maybe the Cazar Sunset will be a leader for Ratchet and Starlight, listening to them and assigning tasks based on their abilities.

7198504 I was only noting that out of all the races that could have been, it chose a Cazar. rather interesting, is it not.

7198510 I would have to agree, it is interesting. Maybe the bracelet originally zeroed in on Ratchet's species, but then sensed that more Lombaxes would be a problem and chose something similar.

7198522 Come on, don't you think that's a little extreme? Granted the bracelet was created by Discord, but I don't think it just instantly chose the Lombaxes, only to switch to the Cazar moments later. I'm willing to bet it chose the Cazar to begin with... but what the heck, this is my two cents.

7198510 I do find it interesting that it chose the Cazar... though I'm not agreeing with the Vigilant's idea that the bracelet sensed that being a Lombax would be a problem. That sounds weird when you think about it.

7198672 well, it could have chosen Cazar because of how her heart and soul looked to it, and chose a form that embodied them. otherwise, it just chose a dominate species of the Solana galaxy to give her form.

Like I said, we'll find out some day. Till then, let's enjoy the story and cheer the writer on.

7198694 Wait a second... the Cazar the dominate species of the Solana Galaxy?! (or at least one of them anyway)
Huh... first time I've discovered that fact.

7198721 well, TECHNICLY.... it's not stated what species is the dominate one of Solana....

and the fact we've only ever seen two Cazar ever in the games kinda makes my arguments weak...

7198733 They do have a planet, the one in the third game that I cannot remember the name of at the moment, so there might be more than what we see in game.

Oh well, I'm going to go replay one of the games (which I haven't decided yet) and wait until Clank arrives... which should be soon I think.

7198750 Marcadia, also the Galactic Capital of Solana.

I help out a bit for another Ratchet and Clank crossover, so I'm brushed up on a lot of the infos of the universe.

7198757 That wouldn't happen to be the one where its Twilight as Ratchet's daughter, would it?

7198858 That's awesome, I'm reading and watching that story. I guess if the author makes a mistake somewhere it can be corrected.


Your theories are fine and may hold truth but remember in the fine print, "Turns into the native species". Sure Sunset could've been any other species besides a Cazar but remember, Lombaxes are of the Polaris Galaxy, while they are currently in the Solana Galaxy, you don't go more local than a Cazar, as it is their native galaxy.

7198981 The thing that bothers me is that Sunset, Starlight, and Ratchet arrived in the same pod... because we know what happened to him before Veldin (those that have played the games anyway), so it makes me wonder if Sunset arrived in Solana and then drifted off into Polaris.

I blame Discord's magic for giving me this headache :facehoof:

7199299 Yes, let us blame Discord (author) for everything :rainbowlaugh:

#ThanksDiscord/Author :rainbowkiss:

7199667 Hahaha :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
Now to wait for Clank.

7198981 You're forgetting Angela is native, and I mean she was actually born there, to the Bogon galaxy.

7202563 That's irrelevant when considering what would the bracelet interpret as "Native", regardless of being born there than being a species that is naturally found on a planet/solar system/galaxy.

7202618 It was never acactually confirmed that Lombaxes originated in Polaris though.
Only that it had the highest population of them.
The sheer lack of details on it means that Lombaxes could have come from another galaxy entirely

7202627 True, being a technologically advanced race, it wouldn't seem out of place for Lombaxes to colonize beyond their galaxy. Enough so to register as a native species to the bracelet, but they've already been in the decline since their mass exodus, so the enchantment probably took "consideration" when trying to allow its user to survive with the minimalist conflict.

a nine barreled rocket launcher

Divines help us all... I think Starlight was working on the first RYNO weapon.

"You forgot again, didn't you?" Starlight asked, rubbing her eyes for a moment, though she had caught her brother trying to hide the fact that he was shocked by what day it was.

Ratchet... did you honestly forget your sister's birthday?
For shame Ratchet... for shame.

7205014 she was...but it will not go into production, fortunately...

7205141 Save for the one prototype that was produced by someone (I believe the Blarg after buying/stealing the plans... I don't remember really).

7205148 Which means we should be expecting a show when they finally reach Rilgar... Starlight is going to be pissed when she sees that the weapon was actually made (not by Gadgetron though).

7205014 Worked on it, she did. She also hoofed it over to Gadgetron as a possible weapon for them to make, to which they never will. If anything the Blarg will be the ones making it, and losing the prototype somehow. Besides, there no telling if that smuggler will be willing to even mention the weapon to one of the people (or pony as the case is) that worked on the original plans.

7205420 He'll mention the RYNO to Ratchet, because its what happens in the game, and then we'll have an overpowered weapon for someone to use.

"Huh... that's odd," the person said, turning around and looking at her, with a completely surprised look on his face, "You aren't who I was expecting... its actually a nice surprise in a way."

Dang it... I had forgotten about the Plumber that seems to know more than he should.

"This definitely wasn't something I was expecting... I wonder if that means what I think it could mean."

AND he knows something about the bracelet... perfect.

7212785 The Plumber is hardly a character that someone can forget about. I mean, he shows up in almost every Ratchet and Clank gave, offers the player some information, and then disappears as quickly as he appeared. Its hard to forget about him.

It stands to reason that he would know something about that bracelet, but what that something is we'll likely never figure out until the Plumber returns later on.

7213206 I never said that it wasn't reasonable that he knew something about the bracelet, I was just stating at he KNEW something about it. Considering his supposed abilities, I wouldn't put it passed him to know what it does and have an idea how to counter those powers.

7213353 Then I am sorry for how I sounded in my earlier message.
At least Sunset, Starlight, and Ratchet are all one big happy family.

Well this just got several shades of interesting. And while this is taking place I'm watching a playthrough of the original game so I'm not completely lost to the plot.

So this is a Ratchet and Clank crossover... with both Starlight and Sunset.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

Seriously... Ratchet forgot his sister's birthday? Smooth move kid.
At least now they can start their adventure.

7205135 I would have to agree with you.

And so the infamous Plumber makes his appearance. Things just got more interesting.

7214279 Yeah, it makes me wonder what the Plumber knew. And good for you to be watching a playthrough to keep up on the original game's story line.

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