• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.


Written for a small inter-author challenge of prompt fics, the prompt given here was 'Pinkie Pie exposes a conspiracy'... it's just not quite the one full of shadowy government agencies to the crown that she thought. Instead, it's something much more personal and close to home.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

No Pinkie! You're being tricked! The Milkmen ARE behind it. They're behind it all! And the Organized Mystic Royal Brotherhood of Funny Hats finance them. :trollestia:


I have every consumer right to discontinue use of any product I feel is defective ot otherwise not meeting particular needs which I may have. Still watch your other shippy story.

And besides, a triple ship is hardly difficult to conceive: if the individual elements can be rationally posited then the combined elements are simply a matter of probability calculation. :twistnerd:


Science and math, bitch, it WORKS!


I'm well aware of what a meme is... I haven't been on the internet for the last two decades for nothing.

And sorry for the delay in the reply, I had to recover from your abject stupidity. I had better things to do, like knitting.

Yup, this story is cute. Great work and greened thumbed!

"I am the Milkman. My milk is delicious"


*bro-hooves for getting the reference*


I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting THAT! Great job keeping the suspense throughout and the surprise, well, surprising :pinkiegasp:


Oh Luna, it's the author of one of my favorite fics... eeeee :pinkiehappy:

*explodes from happiness*

This story so great i earn a green thumb and a fav and a :moustache:


Hey, thanks! And thanks for the watch, too!

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