• Published 30th May 2019
  • 9,468 Views, 789 Comments

A Sunset Across the Galaxy - Professor Donger

Sunset Shimmer entered the mirror consumed by hatred and jealousy, she would come back something more.

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5: Anger, Fear, Aggression

Author's Note:

AN: Sorry for the Delay on this Chapter real life got in the way.

Sunset Shimmer woke up with a sharp inhale and her heart beating in her ears.

Taking a moment to collect herself the Equestrian tried to rationalize what her dream had meant or even what it had been, but to her dismay the nightmare had already faded from her mind before she could really ruminate on it.

Getting out of her makeshift bed of blankets and pillows that Yoda had scrounged for her when she first arrived, Sunset pulled out the data pad her Master had given her and looked at the time. Seeing that it was nearly four in the morning, Sunset sighed and knew she wouldn’t get back to sleep anytime soon.

Quickly putting her boots on and stepping out into the swamp, the Jedi Padawan shuddered as the moist cool air touched her, but began her morning jog early, without Yoda.

In the now four weeks that she had been on Dagobah, Yoda had taught her meditation techniques to calm her mind and connect with the Force. These techniques ranged from sitting still and reaching within yourself to just running until you lose yourself in the world around you, or as it was named back in Equestria, achieved a running high.

Sunset took to the running meditation quickly, which seemed to annoy Yoda, but Sunset paid him no mind. As she ran through the bog she let her mind drift and tried to let her issues flow into the Force as she had been instructed, and always failed to do.

Yoda, when she first started learning under him, had started preaching to her about “letting her anger go” and “releasing it into the Force.” What Yoda underestimated though, was just HOW much hatred and anger Sunset held within her heart.

She had a long list of ponies she disliked or hated on principal of interfering with her time with Celestia, but they were easy enough to let go of once she started her routine and started thinking things through.

Most of the ponies that interfered with her relationship with Celestia weren’t doing it on purpose, she had realized during her meditation. So, letting those feelings “go” into the Force was easy enough.

Forgiving Celestia and Cadence though? That was nearly impossible.

Cadence was everything Sunset had wanted to be, perfect, beautiful, a PRINCESS, and officially adopted by Celestia. They both started out the same in many respects. Orphaned at an incredibly young age and yearned for affection and knowledge; but Cadence was the one to randomly defeat a witch and be greeted by Celestia and awarded Alicornhood! While Celestia just kept pushing Sunset towards making friends and socializing, instead of having her gain the prestige and power Cadence had stumbled into.

Sunset inhaled sharply through her nose to try and calm herself down, she turned around the bend, leapt over a fallen tree and kept running.

Before Sunset could truly calm down however, her train of thought derailed itself on another point of her endless anger, Celestia.

Sunset abruptly stopped her run at that and clenched her fists as she thought about her mentor.

When the princess took her on a tour of the castle, Sunset had noticed the mirror, had noticed the reflection of herself with wings within it and being the excited student she was, she had asked Celestia what the mirror was.

Celestia had LIED to Sunset, she had told her the mirror was nothing, that it was just an old mirror that Starswirl had tinkered with. Sunset had believed her at the time, but when their final explosive argument had happened years later, she had run to the mirror and the rest was history.

I need to calm down’ Sunset’s thoughts whispered, she was shaking, and she could feel the Force heating the area around her, the mud was starting to dry underneath her and the water around her was bubbling.

Sunset once again took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and tried once more to calm her volatile emotions ‘Peace, Sunset, Peace’

Opening her eyes once again it was then that she noticed something odd about the area she was in. This wasn’t the normal path she took when running, the trees were too thick, the fog pervasive. Looking around it was then that she noticed it, a gnarled tangle of roots and vines, with a slight opening that made it look like the mouth of a cave.

Walking up to it Sunset recoiled when she felt the temperature drop drastically near the cave mouth. ‘What is this?’

Swallowing her fear and letting her curiosity get the better of her Sunset stepped into the cave.

Sonata Dusk woke up with a muffled scream and the sound of beeping in her ears.

She tried moving her head to look around for her sisters, but she couldn’t. Her head was stuck between two hard clamps, her entire body tied down to a metal table that seemed to get tighter every time she moved.

Realizing that she was stuck, she instead made use of her eyes and looked at as much of the room as she could. It wasn’t much, the room was a gray, bare, metal thing. It was cold, much colder than the colony had been, and her sisters weren’t here with her, of that she was sure.

Sonata’s eyes widened, the image of that dark man destroying her sisters’ gems came to her mind, looking down she noticed her own gem was missing and her panic increased, as did the beeping in her ears.

Before Sonata could find any other reasons to panic though, the sound of an automatic door opening caught her ears, followed by the dreaded breathing of the bad man’s respirator.

She felt the table jerk underneath her and suddenly she was turning around to face him.

“So, you’re finally awake.” Darth Vader’s voice echoed through the room as he stood before Sonata, bigger than she remembered.

“Wmf!” Sonata tried to talk, tried to ask where Adagio and Aria were, but in her struggle to get free she hadn’t noticed the gag in her mouth. She looked back at Vader who just seemed to gaze at her curiously before crossing her arms.

“You worry for your sisters,” Vader walked forward, and Sonata flinched instinctively before she felt the gag lifting out of her mouth. With that out of the way Vader continued “Try to enthrall me again, Child and you will die.”

Sonata’s eyes must have shown that she understood because he continued, “Your… sisters are fine and are currently being interrogated.” He walked away from her before pulling out to her joy and dread a gem, and not just any gem, HER gem.

“They are surprisingly stubborn and refuse to answer any questions.” His gaze lingered on the gem a moment longer before he turned it once again to Sonata “You don’t have that luxury.” He took two steps forward and Sonata felt the rooms temperature drop with every step. “I wish to give you an offer Sonata Dusk, one you simply cannot refuse.”

With the Dark Lord looming over her Sonata said the only thing that came to mind, sealing her fate for the foreseeable future. “What… what kind of offer?”

Sunset had been wandering inside the cave for what felt like ten minutes now and she really wanted to know why she had even bothered to enter it in the first place.

It was cold, musky and dark, so why did she feel drawn here?

Turning a corner and pushing some vines out of the way, Sunset saw something strange out of the corner of her eye. It was bright and crystalline, but when she turned to see what it was, there was nothing.

Sunset stopped to rub her eyes, her exhaustion from before coming back and playing tricks on her. She turned around to try and leave the cave and head back to Yoda’s hut when something else caught her eye.

Walking a bit deeper into the cave she finally saw it, on top of a small pedestal about the same height as Yoda actually, was an ornate looking box. Sunset smiled and thought, ‘JackPot’ before runing forward to open it.

The box came open easily enough, it wasn’t locked or anything. The contents of it though surprised Sunset as she rummaged through it. First came diagrams of a body, with points outlined along the head, arms, chest, and legs. Putting those to the side Sunset then pulled out what seemed to be instructions for fencing? They had no writing, only detailed drawings of the movements and maneuvers.

Sunset absentmindedly put the drawings to the side, and without looking stuck her hand once again into the box, only for her hand to touch something cold and metal and voices to fill her head.

‘Into exile I must go, failed I have’

‘Master Yoda… You survived.’

‘the Dark Side I sense in you’

``I've become more powerful than any Jedi, Even you’

Sunset gasped lightly and shook herself out of it. ‘what was that?’, she thought pulling out the small metal object she touched, Sunset tried to understand what had happened and why this thermos had caused it. Turning the thermos around and running her fingers along its front yielded no results.

Then something amazing happened, her thumb must have hit a switch because the moment it did a loud snap hiss filled the air and a brilliant green blade extended out of the thermos and into the air in front of Sunset.

Once again voices filled Sunset’s thoughts.

’A toy, young ones, a Lightsaber is not.’

‘So, Lightsaber, not a thermos.’ Sunset snidely thought, wondering why Yoda had never taught her about these things during the time she had been stuck with him. Giving the small blade a few practice swings she noticed that it was lightweight and made a pleasant hum when it moved.

Sunset looked at the Diagrams she had put down next to the box, and suddenly it all made sense! ‘These aren’t for fencing they’re for the Lighsaber!’ before Sunset could even begin to start looking over the diagrams though and copying the movements depicted in them slow condescending clap filled the air.

“Oh bravo, Sunny you figure that out!” a deep distorted voice snarked from behind Sunset.

Sunset instinctively turned around and slashed at the air behind her, only for her blade to be intercepted by a longer red blade.

The being moved forward her red blade pushing the green blade towards Sunset and causing her legs to buckle under the strain. Her attacker was taller and stronger than her that much was obvious, but the light of the two sabers kept her from being able to see who her attacker was. All she could make out was a hood and dark clothing but not her face.

Using the Force Sunset pushed her enemy away from her and using her memory of the diagrams she skimmed over took up what she hoped was a defensive stance. Saber raised above her head, blade pointed towards her opponent and hand outstretched forward.

“HA!” her enemy cackled “Such a smart girl!” Her enemy took up a different stance, both hands on the Saber with it raised over her head. Rushing forward she brought the blade down like an avalanche and Sunset moved her blade to intercept the blow.

The two blades locked towards the ground away from both combatants and this time Sunset took the initiative. Pulling back her head she smashed her forehead into the dark girls’ nose causing the girl to stumble back and her hood to fall away from her face.

“Ow! You bitch!” the girl snarled rubbing her nose, casting a glare towards Sunset.

Sunset ignored that though, instead she felt the color drain from her body, and she took an instinctive step back as she finally got a good look at the person she had been fighting “No that…that’s impossible!” she screamed putting the lightsaber once again in front of her as if to ward off the image that this dark girl represented.

Sunset Shimmer scowled at her younger counterpart as she whipped the blood from her face, but then she smiled her yellow eyes burning like fire pits and her pale sickly skin stretching with the motion before she snarled “Surprise!” and once again launched herself at… herself.