• Published 8th Apr 2016
  • 6,169 Views, 178 Comments

Let Me Tell You About My Character - Tumbleweed

After an incident regarding Twilight's browser history, the true extent of Twilight's nerdiness is revealed. With her secret found out, Twilight Sparkle must introduce her friends to the wide, strange world of Live Action Role Playing Games.

  • ...

Chapter 2

“Think of it like a play.” Twilight rummaged around in her backpack and finally pulled out a battered trade paperback with “ChronoQuest” written in gold lettering above a broken clock logo. They'd left the Shake Shack, relocating to Pinkie Pie's place to plot in privacy. “Just a play with certain rules to guide it. Instead of moving pieces on a board, you act out what your character's doing.”

“Oh no. People are going to be watching?” Fluttershy trembled and hid behind the back of the couch..

“Not really? Everyone there is going to be a character. Well, unless you count the Chrono-Master staff narrating everything. There might be a few out of character observers, but they tend to stick to the sidelines. ”

“A play with no audience? That's dumb. How else are people supposed to see how cool I am?” Rainbow Dash said.

“People will see how cool you are. It's just that those people will also be playing characters, so you get to see how cool they are, by interacting with them.” Twilight said.

“So this book got all the lines in it?” Applejack eyed the ChronoQuest rulebook, somewhat wary. “Seems like a lotta stuff to memorize.”

“It's not like a scripted play,” Twilight said, “think of it more as … improv.”

“Oooh! Neat! Like the game where you can only speak in questions? Or when people in the audience yell out random stuff and you have to dance around and make up a song based on what they tell you to?” Pinkie Pie bounced in anticipation.

“She just told you there's not an audience, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said.

“That'll make a pretty boring song, then!”

“Okay, so. Um. Maybe a play's not the best analogy. Think of it more like … uh, a video game, maybe?” Twilight said. “Only, like … instead of a controller, you have this book.” Twilight patted her rulebook. “And your imagination.”

“So we're rescuing princesses from castles, then?” Rarity mused.

“Psh. Lame.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “We should be like super spies and sneak up on dudes and break their necks like kee-rack!” Rainbow Dash mimed the action with an alarming degree of accuracy. “And then you hide in a box!”

“Why does it have to be so violent?” Fluttershy peeked up from behind the couch. “Why can't it be like one of those nice games on your phone where you pet all the cute kitties?”

“It's not like that.” Twilight said. “Or, well, theoretically, it could be like any of those things. That's the great thing about a role playing game- it's not limited by a set script or programming. Not to mention ChronoQuest's premise is specifically designed to be as open ended as possible.”

“And just what is that premise?” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Okay, so.” Twilight Sparkle smiled in eager, nerdy enthusiasm. “Basically, time is broken.”

“Like your watch is broken?” Pinkie's hair bobbed as she tilted her head to the side. “That seems pretty easy to fix. Unless it was a really fancy watch, I guess?”

“Not your watch.” Twilight spoke faster and faster as she went on, building momentum like some kind of geeky avalanche. “Time itself. The concept. Basically, people from all through history are getting pulled out of their lives by this mysterious quantum force. All these people wind up at the Endpoint Nexus, which is like a city that stands outside the timestream, which is populated entirely by time travelers. People being, well, people, they've banded together and formed different factions. Ostensibly, everyone's working together in order to fight the Clock Wraiths, the mysterious and creepy entities that hunt everyone who's ever traveled through time. But the thing is, most of the factions can't agree on just how to do it. Not to mention everyone else's own hidden agendas and plots on just what they want to do with the timeline.”

“So the game takes place in this Endpoint Nexus you talked about?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Actually, no! Parts of it do, but the thing is, if you stay in the Endpoint Nexus too long, you start to go out of phase with the primary timeline. That's actually represented in a stat you have, called Flux. The more Flux you have, the more the Clock Wraiths pay attention to you. Eventually, if your Flux gets too high, you won't be able to enter the primary timeline at all without getting erased from reality. My character, Tara, is actually fairly unique in the game in that she's got a Flux score of zero-- Tara's just a graduate student from the modern day of our primary timeline, so she's more or less right where she's supposed to be. It's fun, though, because she plays off of all the other travelers from the past and from the future-- But I'm getting ahead of myself.” Twilight shook her head. “Most time travelers spend most of their time in the primary timeline, banding together around certain quantum hotspots that they can draw power from. That's where the regional aspect of the game comes in. So not only can you play anyone in ChronoQuest, you can play pretty much anywhere. Isn't that neat?”

“I'm glad you're excited about it?” Sunset Shimmer offered.

“So hold up. You said we could play anybody, right? Like, not just from the past, but from anywhere in time?”

“That's right!” Twilight Sparkle beamed with the pride of a teacher.

“So I could play someone from the future?”

“Well, yes--” Twilight said.

“Who's a spaceship pilot?”

“There's a skill for that, yeah--”

“And she's also got cool cyborg parts, 'cause she's from the future! Oh, oh, and since she can time travel, she totally went back to Japan so she could get an awesome samurai sword so then I'm gonna roll up on these clock dudes and be all like WHA-CHAAAAH!” Rainbow Dash mimed some vaguely anime-worthy katana poses.

“That's … theoretically possible, yes, but you'll have a really high Flux rating.” Twilight said.

“Who cares?” Rainbow Dash grabbed at the rulebook and began eagerly leafing through it. “I'm like the toughest girl in all Canterlot High! I can totally beat up those chumps.”

Twilight paused. “You … do know there's no actual combat in ChronoQuest, right?”

“Well, duh.” Rainbow Dash said. “You nerds just fight with those fake swords made out of pool noodles, right?”

“You're thinking of a boffer LARP, Rainbow. ChronoQuest is a salon LARP-- it's strictly hands off. No weapons, real or fake. There are combat systems, yes, but it's more narratively focused. You never actually hit anybody with a foam sword.”

“Really? Laaaaaaame.” Rainbow Dash said.

“But there are cybernetics rules, if that's something you're interested in?” said Twilight.

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow Dash leafed through the book some more until she stumbled across the proper chart. “Oh cool, laser fingers!”

“You probably won't need those.” Twilight said, even as Rainbow Dash started pointing at things randomly, making 'pew pew' noises. “The game has a bit more of a social focus, honestly. Which led to some pretty interesting situations. Like, Tara started as a physics student, but running into all of these people from all parts of the timeline has inspired her to start studying history, too … ”

“Mmm. Well.” Rarity had produced a sketchbook from her backpack, and flicked her pen back and forth across the page with the savage precision of a fencer. “Socializing sounds promising, as the Contessa de St. Germain would never sink to the level of physical violence.”

“The who de whatnow?” Applejack said.

“The Contessa de St. Germain.” Rarity said, as if explaining the most obvious thing in the world. She swung her notebook around, revealing an intricate sketch of an elegant woman in an ornate, well-bustled ball gown. “The role I shall be playing. I've been in the mood to construct something historical as of late. I'm thinking late 18th century.”

“So the fate of the whole dang universe is at stake, n' you're just gonna wear a fancy dress n' talk to people?” Applejack peered at Rarity with a typical expression of mild disbelief.

“Of course! That's what Twilight said the game was about, anyway. I bet it's more of a plan than you have, Applejack. Unless you've got a character idea already?”

“I got the best character idea! I'm gonna be … uh … a cowgirl! Yeah!”

“How original.” Rarity deadpanned.

“'bout as original as you bein' a fancy pants princess.”

“Obviously, you haven't been paying attention.” Rarity went back to her sketching with renewed vigor. “She is a Contessa, not a Princess. And she wears a fabulous skirt, not pants.”

“Well iffin' you can play a Contessa or whatever, I can be a straight-shootin', cattle-ropin', rough-ridin' cowgirl. Like Annie Oakley or somethin'.”

“That's actually a really good concept, Applejack. It's just that ChronoQuest has rules against playing historical figures. Basically, if you're important enough to the timeline to pop up in a history book, you're more or less 'locked in' to your time period, so you can't time travel.”

“Alright, I'll name my character somethin' else. Like … Carrie or somethin'.”

“Carrie?” Pinkie Pie said, “Carrie Oakley?”

Applejack shrugged noncommittally. “Sure, why not?”

“Carrie Oakley. KAREOKE!” Pinkie Pie broke down into helpless giggles.

Applejack facepalmed. “That's why not.”

“Now you have to!” Pinkie Pie's teeth glinted as she smiled. “If you don't wanna be Carrie Oakley the signing cowgirl, then I totally will!”

“There is a perform skill. “ Twilight Sparkle said.

“Fine. Straight-shootin', cattle-ropin', rough-ridin', country-singin' cowgirl, then.” Applejack crossed her arms across her chest.

“This is great!” Twilight said, “I think you guys are starting to get the hang of it. Once you find a character that 'clicks' with you, it's really easy to step into that role and just run with it. The mechanics are just there to guide you. Tell you what, just let me know whatever you want to play, and I'll take care of your character sheets. The ChronoQuest system is more complicated than it looks, but I know it well enough to optimize your character sheets. All you'll have to do is just show up at ChronoCon, and we'll all be ready to go!”

“Don't forget the laser fingers!” Rainbow Dash turned her finger-guns upon Twilight. “Pew pew!”

“Uh, right.” Twilight said.

“Actually,” Sunset said, “I think I'll cook something up on my own. Can't be too hard, right?”

“I guess that works too.” Twilight pulled out her tablet and began to scroll through files. “I'll send you a PDF of the rulebook-- really, I'll send all of you guys a PDF. It'll give you a good idea about the factions and the setting and other stuff. Though to be honest, it can be kind of enlightening to just go in completely ignorant of the deeper parts of the setting. I mean, Tara's been time-displaced for a couple of years now, and she's still learning new things about the Endpoint Nexus and … I'm gushing about my character again, aren't I?”

“A little bit.” Sunset said.

“Sorry. Sorry.” Twilight fiddled with her glasses again. “Like I told you, I don't get the chance to talk about ChronoQuest very often.”

“It's okay.” Sunset shimmer leaned over and laid a hand over one of Twilight's. “We know this is important to you. We just want to help. Don't we?” The other five girls sitting around Pinkie Pie's living room nodded their agreement.

“And I appreciate that.” Twilight flexed her fingers beneath Sunset's. “But I'll just go on and on and on if you guys let me.” She stood, and started slipping her tablet and the ChronoQuest rulebook into her backpack. “I'm sure you guys have better stuff to do-- I'll have your character sheets ready in time for ChronoCon and we can take it from there. Besides, it's a school night-- we all should be getting home.”

“Except for me! I'm already here!” Pinkie Pie said.

“We should still leave and let you do your homework anyway.” Twilight said.

“Aaaaw.” Pinkie Pie drooped a little. “I hate it when you're right.”

“Just relax, guys. ChronoCon should be fun! I hope. I've never actually been to a ChronoCon before … or even a live game.” Twilight's voice cracked a little, and she tightened her grip on the straps of her backpack.

“Hey, we'll all be there.” Sunset said. “I mean, it'll be nice to hang out with your best friends, won't it?”

“Yeah.” Twilight relaxed a little. “I guess it will.”

“What a bunch of nerds.” Rainbow Dash said.

She peered over the rims of her aviator sunglasses, surveying the motley collection of people who'd gathered in the hotel lobby to register for ChronoCon. Some of them were in various stages of costume already, with various combinations of corsets, cloaks, capes, and culottes. The rest simply wore the obligatory nerd uniform of blue jeans and black T-shirts emblazoned with game logos and/or snarky turns of phrase.

“That weren't a very nice thing to say.” Applejack hooked her thumbs into her belt as she glared at her friend.

“Oh come on! You were thinking it too!”

“Just sayin', we're here to play the same game as them folk. Don't seem right to go 'bout throwin' stones.”

“I'm not throwing anything, jeez.” Rainbow Dash stuffed her hands into the pocket of the bomber jacket she wore. “Twilight said it wasn't one of those boffo games or whatever.”

“Oh! There you are!” Rarity swept over towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash in a rustling of silk and linen. Her hair was carefully coiffed, and from the shoulders down, the fashionista wore a voluminous ball gown of dark green, decorated up and down with intricate gold embroidery. “I was afraid we'd never find you.”

“Every time I think I've seen ya at your fanciest, Rarity, you surprise me.”

“What, this?” Rarity looked down at herself. “This was just something I had laying around the shop. Or, well, I had the components laying around the shop. All I did was throw it all together. I honestly would've done more, but Fluttershy needed proper attire too.”

“Hi.” Fluttershy said from somewhere behind Rarity. She too was in costume, but in a far simpler (and more practical) variety of historical dress, complete with a modest bonnet. “Have you guys seen Twilight yet?”

“Not yet.” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “I swear, if we went through all this trouble just to have Twilight bail on us … “

“Twilight would never bail!” Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere, as she was wont to do. She'd pulled on a denim jacket over a riotous dress of neon tones, while a pair of thick-rimmed sunglasses covered her face. “Unless, like, we were in a boat, that were sinking, and then I'm pretty sure she'd totally help bail it out! Or maybe she would post bail for us if we ever wound up in jail, which honestly is totally something that's going to happen to us eventually. I mean, we're not bad or anything but sometimes we can just get a little carried away and then we might just break a teensy few laws while we're trying to save the world from whatever evil magical pony thing that's trying to explode everyone's brains that week! Which you'd think would get us off the hook, but I think we'd better find a good lawyer to keep on retainer, just in case.”

“Here's to hoping we'll never have to find out.” Rarity said, and looked Pinkie over. “Love the 80's costume, by the way. Very retro.”

Pinkie Pie tilted her head to the side. “What costume?”

“Hey guys!” Twilight Sparkle hurried up to the group, panting. In contrast to her friends' costumes, she had opted for jeans and a grey hoodie sweatshirt, with a battered messenger bag as her main accessory. Sunset Shimmer followed behind her, likewise dressed in her typical leather jacket and boots. “Sorry I'm late! I had some trouble with my printer at the last minute. But here--” Twilight pulled a folder out of her messenger bag and began handing out pieces of paper. “I've brought everyone's character sheets. Here's one for Contessa de St. Germain.”

“Thank you, darling.” Rarity took the paper between two gloved fingers, and looked down at herself. “Wait. No pockets. Damn.” Rarity grumbled to herself for a few moments, and then finally folded her character sheet up to the point where she could slip it down her decolletage, which was in good supply on account of her corset.

“And for the Contessa's handmaid, Francine.”

“Thanks.” Fluttershy murmured, and then neatly folded up her character sheet to slide it into her apron.

“And here's the character sheet for Carrie Oakley.” Twilight handed the next paper to Applejack. “Don't worry, your perform skill is maxed out, just like your firearms skill.”

“Don't think I'm gonna be doin' much singin', what with savin' the universe and all.”

“You'd be surprised!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Aaaand here's the character sheet for club rock sensation, Ellie Firebolt.” Twilight handed Pinkie Pie her character sheet.

“Whoa. Cool name.” Rainbow Dash said.

“And last, but certainly not least, we have … “ Twilight pulled in a deep breath before she foisted Rainbow Dash's character sheet on her. “Ace Punchley, the cybernetic space pilot samurai.”

“With laser fingers!” Rainbow Dash ran a finger down her character sheet until she found the proper piece of equipment.

“Right. About that. Are you sure you don't want to tone your character back a little, Rainbow Dash? Your Flux rating is really, really high for a starting character.”

“That's 'cause I'm really, really awesome for a starting character! Pew pew!”

“Don't say I didn't warn you … “ Twilight trailed off, and looked over at Sunset. “So, uh. I've got a few extra sheets, if you need a character … “

“Don't worry, I've already made one.” Sunset pulled a neatly folded piece of paper out of her pocket. “Becca Black, Private Detective.”

“Ooooh! Noir!” Rarity grinned. “You should've let me know, darling! I would have gotten you the most wonderful hat.”

“Nah, not Becca's style.” Sunset Shimmer grinned, and turned up the lapels of her leather jacket. “Besides, she's from the modern day, so she'd dress … well, like me.”

“But where's the fun in that?”

“Okay. Everyone ready? We just need to sign in at the main table, and then the game should get started shortly.” Twilight nodded to her friends, and then, after a deep, bracing breath, led them across the lobby. They were about halfway to the registration table when a familiar face (albeit in unfamiliar attire) came through the crowd.

“Hey! Twilight!” Lyra Heartstrings shuffled away from a knot of nerds and headed towards Twilight and company. A pair of goggles pushed Lyra's minty-colored hair back, while the rest of her was covered in a battered hodgepodge of fatigues and riot gear. “I didn't know you played ChronoQuest!”

Twilight froze in place. “Oh. Uh. Right. It's …. something I've read about?” She murmured. “I wasn't expecting to really meet anyone from school here.”

“I know, right?” Lyra beamed, and waved to the rest of Twilight's friends. “Wow. You brought everybody. Cool! Bon-Bon always tells me she's too shy to play, no matter how hard I try to get her interested. But heck, if you've got Fluttershy of all people involved, she's got no excuse!”

“Um. Glad to help?” Fluttershy said from somewhere behind Rarity's hoop skirts.

Lyra just beamed, and clapped Twilight on the shoulder. “We're always happy to get new ChronoQuest players. If you need anything, just lemme know. I play Captain March-- she's pretty well connected, so I'd be happy to help you build character ties or whatever.”

“Uh. Sure.” Twilight nodded, and clutched at the strap to her messenger bag. “I'll keep that in mind.”

“Hey! Cap!” A lanky guy in a too-large trenchcoat called out from the other side of the lobby.

“Oh! Shoot. I gotta take care of this real quick.” Lyra smiled. “See you at game!” And with that, she jogged off to tackle the taller guy in an enthusiastic hug. Twilight, meanwhile, just kept staring forward blankly.

“You alright?” Sunset Shimmer leaned over and waved a hand in front of Twilight's face. “You look like you've seen a ghost.”

“I think she's just surprised someone else from Canterlot High is involved with this whole endeavor.” Rarity said.

“I don't get what she's embarrassed about.” Rainbow Dash mused. “I mean, did you see Lyra? She's gone all out with her costume, which means I bet she's even nerdier about this stuff than Twilight is!”

“It's not that.” Twilight said. “It's just … I … uh. I kind of know Lyra's character already.”

“How so?” said Rarity.

“We're … kind of dating.”