• Member Since 29th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 55 minutes ago


A pretty nice person who got into writing fan fiction through the fandom, inspite of school. If you want to commission me for a story, give me a PM and I'll be more than happy to talk to you about it.


On the night that Cloudchaser's parents have something special planned, the unexpected happened. They find an infant in their backyard after a strange occurrence, only it isn't a pony. With nowhere else to turn to, they decide to adopt the infant as their own, and raise it in the town of Ponyville. Through the years in Ponyville, this infant, Sky, will grow to learn that no matter what life throws at you, whether it be fortune or hardships, you will always have friends and loved ones around you to help you through it. Especially when you're sisters are Cloudchaser and Flitter.

[Human in Equestria]

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 163 )

Wow this is a good and cutes story hope to see more of this anyway good luck im goding back to dark firelink and wait

7107110 Thanks, that really means a lot to me! Now I'm a hell of a lot more motivated to get the next chapter out a quickly as possible! :twilightsmile:

7107128 thats good to Hear looking forward Also have a following ^_^

dark souls 3 is soon out :rainbowkiss:

Opening with a dialogue?
Bold choice, but it doesn't mean it is the best one :raritywink:

7107423 I kinda figured the risks involved with opening with dialogue, but figured that there was no harm done with experimenting.

Overall not to bad, it could lead to good thing.
I found the whole arrival weird, it is to "perfect" to be accidental, I hope you will cover this at some point.

7107513 Not going to lie, it's not a topic that's going to be covered too terribly often, maybe for the next chapter or two and then maybe later on in the story. Although, I'm sure that when/if this does get covered in the story later on, then the friend I have that edits my stories will be more than willing to give me a suggestions to make sure that it makes sense. I do however appreciate your honesty, and will take what you have told me into consideration when writing this story.

Our human is going to be a middle child. Between two sisters at that. On the bright side, no hand-me-downs

This looks like it will be a very good story. It is a new idea to have a HIE start out as a child, and to be raised by ponies, so the results I cannot wait to see. To add to all of these interesting factors, Cloudchaser and Flitter will be co-stars in this as well, who happen to be two of my favorite Backgroud ponies. More excitement still resides in seeing how they will both act towards their new brother.

A Favorite and Like from me, dear sir. I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

Its looking good I hope you continue it.

Im liking this, it shows promise. Dang though Flitter was almost made that night :ajsmug:

7109327 Maybe, had they made love that night, it wouldn't have been Flitter that was born from it. Everything is meant to be, after all. :raritywink:

Great job can't wait for more!

When Blue didn’t immediately respond, he turned around to see her looking down at the colt as though she were deep in thought.

Yeah personally I always thought pony parents had some kind of seer like vision regarding their kids names... :derpytongue2:
Nice chapter, good work. :twilightsmile:

Before someone points it out, yes I am aware of the universe jumping Celestia did in the comics. I just decided to treat that as non canon to this story, mostly due to the nature that is the mlp comics.

Doesn't really matter one way or another, there is many way to justify her not returning the child to his world; not knowing wich one is the correct one being the most pro-eminent one in my mind, but other like the travel being to dangerous for a kid and such could be used too.

Anyway, you are still doing great with your story telling, keep it up!

7219401 Yeah, it's just something that my friend pointed out that I somewhat forgot about when writing the chapter. I just thought it was something that needed to be clarified real quickly.

7219427 Anyway since the comics aren't really canon material, dismissing will not make a lot of people bat an eye.

Sky Chaser, huh? Tad sad when you consider he'll be earthbound. Very nicely done with both Celestia's admission of inability and the adoption. Not leaping right into it, but actually taking a moment to think and discuss it.

7219427 Even with her dimension hopping those required possession of those mirrors (similar but not the same) to the Equestria Girl's one, and there was a finite number of those (before all sans the Equestria Girls one) were destroyed in the comics if I recall correctly. So as long as none of those matched the now dubbed Sky Chaser's world it wouldn't do any good.

Even if Celestia new how to experiment with them I doubt she would with the nutty Starswirl seemed to have when she constantly used dimensional travel to a particular universe. So creating a whole new link would be something to be very hesitant about.

The comics are non cannon to the show anyways. Are you gonna time skip or go all trough the growing up process?

7225490 Both, Flitter still needs to be born after all:ajsmug:

7246695 I actually started working on the next chapter not too long ago, more will be out as soon as it's finished.

wow i thought this story was forgotten

7449653 Nah dude, just writer's block and stress created by work. Maybe a little bit of Fallout 4 and Overwatch in between.

Just read the blurb, I don't usually read stories until they are complete or over 100,000 words

Still, it got me thinking. What if Kal El's rocket had landed in Equestria rather than Earth? AFAIK, no one has done that crossover.

Yeah, because teething, hiding, hunting, and diet are all going to be interesting, bizarre experiences. Soon, you'll all learn that you just adopted an apex predator that hyperspecializes in pursuit predation... He is what stalks you in the night, following your tracks, and chasing you until you collapse from exhaustion... Then, he eats... At least, that's how we used to work...

This continues to get more and more interesting.

Please, by all means, keep up the updates, good lad.

Glad to see you updating again.
Nice work. :twilightsmile:

7449919 You just described hunting in Ark: Survival Evolved... :rainbowlaugh:

Well, unless you're hunting a carnivore.

7450377 I direct to youtube's Human beings are scary video by Roy Kelly...

And how exactly they learn this if there zero humans around, so no one could teach kid this stuff. Also if you take average human he most likely fails horribly on pursuing and stalking.

7468779 Are you... Unfamiliar with how a baby develops? They do have some basic instinct growing up, like puppies do... Like hiding from their parents, or building stairs/ladders out of household objects to get to higher ground. Stalking anyone in the house. Hell, tag is a common game for a reason; you could even say that tag is training to be a good pursuit predator... Like I said, humans have certain ideas we don't have to be taught, as they are already there. Provide a small group of children, who have never been exposed to any media, and none were told what tag and hide & seek is. I can guarantee you that they will be playing both games after a little while of hanging out.

No... Just no. Humans without actual training are terrible hunters. I see many time when men without training tried to hunt and failed spectacularily. They made too much noise, the don't know how to track, they impatient and so one.

7469530 Humanity had to start somewhere. Besides, we were built to hyperspecialize in pursuit predation, not ambush predation. You know, follow our prey, until they collapse from exhaustion? That's humanity's thing; that is how humanity has done things.


Humanity had to start somewhere

Yeah. And I'm pretty certain that lots o people die on this start. And one that survive teach the next generation all important things that they learn. And so on.

Besides, we were built to hyperspecialize in pursuit predation

And if you don't know where is that thing that you hunt go you surely can't exhaust it. And you also need to be in great shape. And most likely you also need to know lots of other things. Which is Sky didnt know and most likely don't even need to know.

7469602 Yeah, the reason I mentioned "tag" and "hide and seek" certainly wouldn't help with making the human more attentive or more physically fit... Nor would his attentive nature help with trying to figure out how to track... Like I said; humans had to start somewhere, and we certainly weren't born with a book of animal tracks... We learn by trial and error, and that's exactly how it would work.


Yeah, the reason I mentioned "tag" and "hide and seek" certainly wouldn't help with making the human more attentive or more physically fit...

I'm played lot of this games when I was a child but I'm pretty sure that I can barely track anything smaller that moose :) (tried to track hare). If you can do this and you not a hunter - I'm impressed (and I'm not joking).

We learn by trial and error, and that's exactly how it would work

And why exactly Sky need to do this? If say something like "to get meat" I can easily counter this by "far more easier just by from griffons". There is zero need for Sky to learn hunting.

7469653 Do we have any canonical evidence that griffons (other than the physiological obvious) eat meat to begin with? The only things we've seen griffons eat are bad scones and apples... And cake... This point about griffons might be an invalid one, however popular the fanon is.

IIRC in general both their halves are usually predators so we can assume that they eat meat.

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