• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Lipstick on her reefer, waiting... for a match...


After three years apart, Sunshine Smiles visits her... odd 'soul' sister, Moonlight Raven. The broody mare, having taken an opportunistic trail into a cushy life at Canterlot, struggles to understand what she wants out of her life. Both welcome and unwelcome, her sister's big re-entrance into it sparks deep, meaningful and inscrutable soul searching.

...if Sunshine would give her some peace and quiet first.

*Thanks to Meridian Prime, Manaphy, Mudpony and Samey90.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 34 )

Finally a story with my OC's girlfrind.

Finally a story with those two, really, why the heck there isn't more of this ship? I demand more! :rainbowkiss:


Don't worry: this story is 'random' for a reason. Endless MoonShine!

RATINGS: 12001


Oh my!

6922606 OH MY! Look at those ratings! We've reached our view milestone! :raritystarry: :derpytongue2: (500+ points for you only for being cool and knowing/liking Undertale) Anyways, unleash the MoonShine! Let it be shipped, forever! :rainbowkiss:

6925971 Nah, the shipping is way better than the beer (trust me, I have tried, I didn't liked it). :derpytongue2:

I admit, at first I wasn't feeling the way this was written; I think partially because I've always sort of been a doof when it comes to anything vaguely poetic :twilightblush:

But, I gotta admit, I'm liking this so far! It's a unique way for the characters voice, and I liked how she was sort of writing this out in her head as she goes along; it's a nice bit of 'Show, don't tell' towards her personality. Like I mentioned, I did struggle with it at first, but once I managed to decipher the lyrical sections (again, my fault, so not a complaint or anythin) I liked how it broke things up and painted the scene! And, of course, I love the way you write these two; God, Sunny is just friggin adorable in this :pinkiehappy:

I only have one suggestion, where you put;

‘Despair, ye denizens of the night! Tremble in agony as blankets of hot magma rain from the sky upon your weak, mortal flesh!’

I'd reccomend putting that in italics; when I first read that bit, I thought it was leading into a conversation so it would keep things a little neater.

I read this is 'out of your comfort zone', but I REALLY hope you keep this up. It's definitly caught my attenton and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out!

(Sorry if this reads like a bit of a mess, I wrote this with only half my mind working :ajsleepy:)


The poetic nature is a huge part of my style, actually. I'm told most of my fics are like this. The part outta my comfort zone is the Slice of Life and shipping aspect to it; all but my first (and abandoned) fic are dark/adventure stories. You could probably tell that the shipping was pretty... thin in this chapter, and now you know why!

Don't worry, though. The next chapter will be quite amusing. I'll also get a picture of Spider-sol in all its glory made.

Not sure how much I'm feeling Sunny being so suggestive, but that might just be that I've seen that far too much.
Been awaiting another Sunshine+Moonlight fic though, there are so few of those it's criminal.

Love it...more please do not leave this unfinished...so little moonlight raven it on the fanfic side of the fandom it hurts...too little of her everywhere but I digress...you have done my second Fav pony besides Luna Herself exactly how I envisioned her...I just didn't know it...the poetry, the swagger and additude...and even sunshine is great playing off her dark broody nature...and ill admit when I saw them together I was like screw pinkie wanna be more Goth Pone Plz...but I really am digging this portrail of sunshine too! Great please more! I have to know...so many say they are like starfire and raven of the teen titans(old)...has this played at all into this fic, I can see a little of Raven(TT) in moonlight, forgive me if you may have answered this already I'm having a hard time reading the comments with my crappy iPod...

Awwwwww:twilightsmile:, that picture is so sweet:fluttercry:

6927540 Well that's good to hear! Don't worry bout the shipping being thin; I'd prefer the story to lead into it rather than jumping head first! 'Sides, it made those moments all the cuter!


It's a crime indeed!


I did ask the artist for permission, for the record. He has yet to tell me what he thinks of the story...


The next chapter will definitely be fun for you then. I didn't have Teen Titans in mind when writing it, but on occasion I did think about Raven when writing out the moodier bits of prose (not poetry).


I'll probably reveal the main dynamic in the next chapter, so we'll see how it goes for you.

"She hops from her chair. Her frame was light enough to not feasibly wake the neighbors. ‘Unless they actively pursued excuses to gripe’, she ponders. Her hip brushes her plush mattress on her way to the door. It too calls her name. She eyes one of two nightstands; the one away from her brings a tingle to her tail. As tantalizing as it was, three times was enough for the day. The temporary respite from company certainly lit that fire in her belly. The unicorn was above such hedonism, though. Clearly." I was reading this chapter again, waiting for the next one, and noticed this, this, what is it actually trying to convey...I mean, it may be my dirty mind but, what is she referring to? Something on the table? And 3 times a day? Hedonism? Is she...you know? Working through "Lonelyness" like I said it may be my dirty mind and ill admit it but I can't quite get what this is making out...


Just use your imagination! And sorry; I do plan on updating, but my other ongoing stories need attention too. *coughselfpromotioncough*

Oh, wow, I'm glad I found this. Deep, poetic, very well written. Good, very heavy emotions and descriptors all throughout. Excellent characterization and interaction between the protagonists.

Much as I love the Moonlight Raven/Sunshine Smiles duo, I never got much out of their fics. This has changed that, and I thank you for writing.


I hope where I take this whole thing doesn't disappoint! And you're too kind, really. I'm just trying my best to find Moonlight’s voice. I guess it turned out as something more?

Wow this turned out to be very interesting.


Thank you! I plan to take chances with the direction, so I hope it gets better and better.

7174739 Just try not to get discouraged if something doesn't work out the way you want, that's part of the process after all. And as long as you keep your heart in it you'll do fine.

Oy, why you no tell me about this glorious MoonShine fic you wrote?! It's a work of art Snosno! I totes love this! :raritystarry:

oh no, I read this story with the green text and black background and now I am seeing the color purple where the color white should be :3

pretty good story if I do say so my self :3
it shows what is normally a foreign thought to most
the stronger the bond between sisters, the more the public ridicules them
needs more chapters though :twilightsmile: (no rush)


They will come, my friend! I'll find some time in the near future, since I already have an idea of what to do. This story is definitely the experimental one. Much like Sunshine...

Holy freaking shitballs...an update! Sorry for doubting but I was beginning to think this was abandoned...

Always a joy to see this update. Your poetic, imaginative writing style is incredible and unique.:pinkiesmile:


I wouldn't do that to my favorite duo! I actually wrote this new chapter a couple months ago but didn't like it. I read it again the other day, and I couldn't remember why, so I posted it.


If only ;-:

This fic has been all first drafts with no second opinion (not by choice!) so I'm glad it's still coming out okay. Thank you all!

This is adorably written, and I approve of how this is going~ :heart: Good show, good show!

This... is some incredible stuff right here, I am loving it! :heart: Damn fine work on this Snu, this is wonderfully written~

This was such an awesome read, and I love how this is written, its fantastic!
Good job on this Snu, I really hope to see more of this! <3

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