• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 1,983 Views, 22 Comments

Where Dragons Soar - Kavian Shadow

Spike's love for Rarity knows no bounds. Even when she changes he still loves her, though with her new persona it's more like try. Only after breaking his heart does she see it too.

  • ...

Diamond Heart

Diamond Heart

Wind whistled through his ears as he dove down from the clouds high above the land of Equestria, the land that he had always known as home. A rush of adrenaline coursed through his veins as the sense of pure freedom set in to his heart. He had flown before with Rainbow Dash, and even Twilight, but out here on his own was a new sense. There was a sense of purpose, of sense of adventure as he twisted and curled around in his new playground.

Below him the vast open plains that stretched from Ponyville to the nearby river that separated Equestria from Ragnîeren, the dragon kingdom, was all but a blur to his trained eyes. Though he had been flying for nearly three days already, he could feel that he was getting closer to his target, that somewhere not too far ahead, his beloved unicorn awaited him. It was a long shot that she suspected he was coming, but it was something that he thought of and clung to as he flew.

Only twice had the dragon stopped in his pursuit of the silvery-white mare, and both times was to relieve himself and eat some gems. On the second night he had slept for nearly three hours, but with the excitement that he felt from Rarity's revelation as well as his own adrenaline rush, sleep seemed to evade him. It didn't matter really, not when his fruitless efforts were about to pay off.

Just beneath where he was flying was a single dirt road that twisted and curled like gnarled roots of a tree seeking solid soil foundation with the land around it. From afar it looked as though it was a trail made simply by heavy hoof traffic rather than something that was purposely made. For the past few hours he had followed it hoping to find Rarity somewhere along it. She had only left at midday four days ago, and at most had a couple hours head start of him, since he had left before the crack of dawn.

His eyes followed the curves of the road until they ended maybe a league ahead at a small village along the river's edge. From where he was high in the clouds, he was easily able to see the rather large bridge that pushed across to the opposing embankment. Slipping out the map that was in his pack, he found that it was the village of Dravonia.

Dravonia was the only village of its kind in known Equestria and Ragnîeren. It had started out as a small village that used the nearby river to feed their canals which they had built to water their crops. Not too long after their founding a group of dragons had set up their own little settlement across the river for fishing and harvesting gems, which the area was rich for on both sides. Instead of fighting each other for resources, they built a bridge as a link between them to assist in trade and to open friendliness between two different species. It was the only place in Equestria outside of Ponyville where dragons and ponies lived together in harmony.

It was nearly twilight by the time that the amethyst dragon came to touchdown on the outskirts of the village, landing midst the plowed fields that were ready for their seeds. Wherever he looked he could see the two different species working together in harmony. The dragons would use their claws to dig the holes, while the earth ponies would plant the seeds and cover them up. It brought a smile to his face to see something as beautiful as the union that he was witnessing.

The dragon's joy was short lived however no sooner than when he had passed the city gates. On the Eastern side of the river's embankment, the pony side, he could see what he assumed was a shanty town. Each of the buildings was crude in their construct, being made out of earth and mud with pieces of wood as support for the roofs. The road was muddy and filled with sewage, from what he hoped was not their excrement.

Across the river on the Western side, he could see that the dragons fared no better in their construct of homes. Each was made of stones piled high to resemble a cave, with a single sheet draped over the entrance, and from what he could tell, the dragons had used earth to hold together their stones.

Everypony or dragon bore a deflated expression that showed their struggles to simply live in the village. It was so much different from the fields outside, where the ponies and dragons looked almost happy to be working. A sigh escaped him as he looked around before seeing a sign ahead for the local inn.

Spike was a bit surprised when he laid eyes upon what they called the Gentle Dragon Inn. The outside was made of logs that were cut to a mirror shine and coated in a layer of crystallized amber, which has managed to wither away over the years and leave huge spots of wood where the beautiful amber once was. The sign, or the single piece of wood that lazily hung, was fastened by a small piece of fishing string to the roof. The front door was instead replaced by a series of dangling beads that served as some sort of privacy from the outside world.

Heaving his pack high up on his back to nestle between his wings, he stepped inside. The foul stench that wafted into his nose almost made him gag. Nestled in one corner of the room was a pile of what he could only assume was somepony's waste, while lying in another corner was a pile of dirty clothes. All along the floors the dragon could see bugs of all shapes and sizes running a muck into whatever crevices they could find.

The counter, if it could be called that, was comprised of nothing more than a few pieces of wood stacked only three feet high. Behind said counter was a pony that looked as old as the inn was. Her clothes, or what little cloth was over her barrel, was torn and tattered to the point that there was almost no use in wearing it. Just past her was a rack that had holes in it from where previous tenants had thrown things at the wall in a vein attempt to probably lower their bill for the night.

Lowering his head a bit, the dragon approached the pony while walking on his two hind legs, unaware of the deathly glare that she seemed to be giving him from beneath the brim of her straw hat. “Whadda yursan be wantin' filth?”

The dragon, slightly taken aback, didn't move from his spot as he calmly addressed the mare. “I seek a room for the night ma'am.”

“Fur da likes of yurs'lf, to Tarturas wich ya Ah say.” Spike simply placed four gold bits on the counter, letting her eye them for a few minutes in silence. “If'n yur promisin' to not filly 'round.”

Spike never looked up when she slid a key over to him, silently thanking her before going up past the counter down a hallway and up to his room, the stairs creaking with every step that he took.

It was nightfall when Spike slipped away from his cozy room in the inn to the tavern that was down the street. The vibrant lights that were pouring out into the street, along with the tunes that were coming from inside, he could only assume it was a lively joint.

The dragon wasn't disappointed as he passed the threshold and stepped inside. All around him he could see dragons and ponies all drinking some form of alcohol, the most common being either apple cider or ale. A few of the patrons were already too far gone to be there, let alone sitting in their chair. Some where already passed out in front of the bar, a few even seeming to find comfort in their stools as they drooled all over the bar table.

Managing the bar was a proud green dragon that bore a small smile when he saw the amethyst drake, but as quick as it had come, it vanished. Sighing, Spike made his way through the mass of patrons who were either dancing to the music or were trying to please themselves to the antics of a few mares or dragonesses.

Spike felt his heart start to beat faster and his breath catch in his throat as he saw the only mare that he wanted to find, Rarity. There she was sitting at a table in the far back next to the window, with two stallions sitting around her. One was drinking eagerly from his glass, while the other was busy flirting with the bar maid as she dropped off another round of alcohol for the two. When she made to leave the second stallion, a cream colored pony sporting a straw hat similar to the one that the mare in the inn was wearing, reached a hoof out and slapped her on her flank. He felt his face flush at the scene.

Steadily, the dragon made his way towards the mare, his mare, as he focused his ears on her conversation with the two stallions. The first, a dark grass green pony with a scar running down his right eye, and the cream stallion were now solely focused on her. The cream stallion was busying saying something to her, while his partner was trying to slide his hoof between her legs. The stallion only laughed when she swatted away his hand.

As he drew near, he could finally make out what they were saying. Rarity, even in this place, had the most beautifully sounding voice in the world, aside from Celestia that is. “No thank you sir, I assure that I don't drink that um... type of uh.... drink.” She managed a sheepish smile to them, which both just shrugged off as they downed their new glasses in a matter of seconds.

The cream colored stallion looked at her for a few seconds, then belched as loudly as he possible could. “Where do ya fay yus was from?”

“Um, Ponyville, seven days walk from here.”

The green stallion seemed to perk up a bit, “I know that place. Over there just beyond the pure bloody lake eh?”

“Why yes, where the newly appointed Princess Twilight Sparkle lives.”

“That place is a bloody dump.”

Rarity was a bit taken back, but kept her composure. “Well I assure you sir, that it is nothing of the sort. All of my friends happen to live there, as well as somepony, um... special.” She weakly smiled at them, seeming to look out the window to some unforeseen spectacle up in the sky.

“What, yus ot yuself a wench or somethin'?”

“Celestia no! I was talking about my special somepony.” Spike's heart seemed to quicken its pace, and she swore he could hear hers doing the same thing.

“Well the chap can't have been any good if'n your hear eh? We could show you a proper welcome miss.” Rarity resisted the urge to reach up and wipe away the sweat that was starting to gather on her brow.

“I'm.... uh just fine.... thanks.” She started to scoot away from the table a bit, was caught by the green stallion as he placed a hoof on the back of her chair.

“Leavin' so soon miss? I thought ya needed a bloody room eh?”

“Ya, we's ot'n 'special' bunk for yus.” By now, both stallions were closing in on the mare, and were letting their hooves start to run around her chest and slide lower.

Spike broke out into a full sprint when he saw the tears that were cascading down the eyes of the mare, no, his mare, and he had to prove it. “Take this!” He shouted as he slid across the table and into the cream colored stallion, knocking him to the ground.

“Bloody hell?” The green stallion was on his feet in seconds, wondering what had just happened. Rarity, seeing her chance, darted away from the stallion and over towards the bar, where the bartender allowed her to slip behind the counter with him.

She gasped when she watched Spike rise from where he had slid into the cream colored stallion. “Don't you ever touch her again.” Spike's voice was calm, yet it's icy chill made the green stallion gulp, but he still raised his horn towards the dragon.

“Who the bloody hell do you think you are eh?”

“Her drakefriend.” A devilish smile danced across his lips, and it made Rarity quiver with fear as she realized what was about to happen. Knowing Spike however, she knew that he wouldn't hurt them too bad, or at least, she hoped.

“Buck yus 'ragn.” The cream colored earth pony rose to his hooves as well, glaring with a drunken haze of anger at the young dragon.

“Get 'em!” Both roared as they charged at the dragon. Spike merely flipped backwards away from, the two, letting them collide with each other.

There was a loud groan as the two conked their heads together, yet neither one was fazed at all by it. Rather, it seemed to fuel their rage from a simple brush fire into a raging incinerator.

The amethyst dragon swirled back around to face them, a low smirk etched across his lips as he raised a hand and with it, motioned them to continue. Rarity had to stifle a set of giggles as she noticed a few of the dragonesses eyeing him up, some even liking their lips, all the while Spike seemed to be toying with the two drunk stallions. He was oblivious to anything but her, and her would-be assailants.

The green stallions charged first at the dragon with his horn raised to strike him in the chest. Spike took a step to the side, and as the pony missed him, he swung his tail low to make him trip and lodge his horn into the wooden floor. Laughter was heard as everypony and dragon were watching the fight with great amusement.

“Next.” The dragon taunted the drunker of the two on, and yet, it was for naught. He only had to take a step forward and push the stallion down, to make him pass out from his drunken stupor. Another chorus of laughter rang in the tavern as they found joy in the stallions misfortune.

The green unicorn finally managed to dislodge his horn, and turn to face the dragon. Using what little instance of magic he had left, he pulled out a small dagger from beneath the fold of his garment and threw it at the dragon. Spike was too slow to catch the dagger as it impaled itself in his left shoulder.

He fell to the ground in mock surrender, which only spurred on the unicorn. Lowering his horn, he prepared to charge again, unaware of the smirk that the dragon was holding onto.

Rarity wanted to scream as she watched the unicorn charge at her dragon, but held her tongue when she seemed to notice his subtle shift in position, and how his arms were lower than they had been. The unicorn never had a chance, for as soon as he stepped close enough for Spike to slip his hand underneath of him, he hoisted the stallion up and threw him through the window.

Shards of glass rained down from where the stallion went through, and there was a low groan from the other side. Spike adopted a solemn expression as he waltzed over to the window and gazed out, seeing the pony lying lifeless outside with several shards of glass impaling his body, one large one in his throat.

Spike held a hand over his wound as he walked away from the tavern with Rarity by his side. She had a few tears still falling down her eyes, but she remained silent as they walked together through the town back to the inn. “I've got a room that we can use.” He didn't say anything more as they made their way up into the room that he had gotten.

Rarity was shocked when her eyes finally gazed upon the room. It was beautiful compared to the rustic look of the rest of the building. There was a large bed in the center, with a wash basin beneath a mirror, and a window with a view, though there were curtains that could be drawn over it. The floor was spotless of anything remotely resembling dirt, and even the aroma was like that of freshly cut grass rather than the pungent smell of the village streets.

Spike motioned for Rarity to take the bed as he walked over to the window, sitting down in the chair before it and looking up to the moon and the stars. A pregnant, and unwelcome silence hung in the air between the two. Since their reunion they had yet to really speak to each other, and it felt awkward, especially for Rarity. She was so happy and ecstatic to see her dragon, but she couldn't help but wonder why he was there in the first place.

“I'm not here to take you back Rary.” Spike said as he reached into his bag, withdrawing a long piece of metal.

“Then why are you here?” Rarity still hadn't moved from her spot in front of the door, watching the dragon as he raised the bar to the moonlight and began to breath fire on it.

A few minutes passed in another awkward silence, during which time only the steady release of his flames crackling could be heard. By the time that he ceased his fire the metal was white hot from the extreme heat. Before Rarity could ask, he placed it against his wound, grimacing as the heat sealed the wound shut and stopped the bleeding.

The metal clattered to the floor as the dragon finally released it, panting from the exertion of not only breathing the fire for so long, but also of having to keep his body loose as he cauterized the wound.

Spike turned to the mare of his dreams, his eyes with a longing gaze as he studied her expression to his next words, “I came for you Rarity. I'm going with you.” She felt a lump develop in her throat as she gazed upon him with the same longing, knowing that anything she could say to deter him was a fruitless endevour. He was determined to see this through, just as she was.

“Oh Spikey.” She ran into his massive arms, welcoming the warmth as it seeped though his scales and into her fur. Without even realizing it, she was burying her head in the crook of his neck, taking in his welcoming scent as if it was her own.

“I love you Rary, and I want to be there for you.”

“I know, I love you too Spikey.” The young couple sat there together in relative silence, the beat of their hearts sounding in a perfect union to their ears.

Luna's brilliant moon seeped in through the open window to illuminate the form of a resting dragon as he lied on the floor of the massive room. His eyes were glued to the stars that were painted in the night sky, looking like they were positioned with the skill of an artists paint brush. It seemed so serene, so peaceful, and all he could do was feel a pain deep in his chest. Though he would never admit it to his sister or his adoptive mother, Spike liked the night more than the day. There was a certain calmness that dispelled over the land at night, and it allowed him time to think.

The amethyst dragon chanced a glance over towards the sleeping mare, a smile spreading his lips when he saw her sound asleep on the bed. Though she had the blankets wrapped tightly around her, he could see her little shivers as her body tried to escape the cold with the thin blankets. He sighed as he turned back to the stars, memories of when he was younger flashing before his eyes.

He could remember when he first moved to Ponyville with Twilight, when he had first laid eyes upon each of their friends. To this day, he still remembered exactly what kind of perfume Rarity was wearing that day, and even how long ago she had gotten her hooves ponicured for the occasion. To look at her now, her lithe body coiled in a bundle of blankets as she slept, made the butterflies in his stomach start to wonder across their field. To think that not only a few days had passed since their admission for each other, and here they were, out on an adventure together.

A deep, heavy sigh escaped him as he thought about his last birthday a few months ago, and what he had done. A few tears ran down his face as the screams of innocent fillies and colts filled his ears, the taste of blood on his teeth, and he fear that he saw from both dragons and ponies alike. He shook his head as he rose to his feet, walking to the window and gazing out over the field laid before the city, watching as the grass swayed in the breeze beneath the moon's luscious glow.

Putting aside his memories for a moment, he allowed his mind to encompass the beauty that he was gazing upon. It was no where close to Rarity by any means, but it did make him smile to see it all the same. All traces of the scuffle from earlier were gone, the street quiet as the ponies lied in their beds sound asleep. As though they were in a trance, a few dragons walked along the street in silence, looking at each home as if they were safeguarding it from intruders.

Spike started when he heard the shuffle of hooves drawing closer to him. He whisked around just to come face-to-face with his beloved mare. She simply laid her head against his breast as she rose to her hind legs, wrapping the forelegs around his chest while his arms fell around her. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.” He said in a quiet, almost timid voice.

“I was too cold to sleep for long anyway.” Though it was Spring in Equestria, it seemed that some nights were still colder than others. With a small hole in the wall to the outside, it didn't help any. Spike gave the mare a smile as he wrapped his wings around her form, protecting her from the cold. She hummed as her body welcomed his warmth, it was all she could do to not fall asleep right there in his arms.

“I was dreaming about you Spikey-Wikey.” She almost whispered to him.

“Really? What was it about?” He asked with earnest in a much softer voice.

“Us, about what kinds of things we are going to encounter on our journey together. Mostly about us though, as a 'family'.” He blushed when she said 'family', knowing that she was talking about their future, as well as their friends.

“I'm sure when we get back the others will be supportive of us. Twilight, she pretty much encouraged me to tell you about my feelings on, um... that day.” Rarity felt a tear run down her cheek as she remembered her words.

“I'm so sorry for what I said Spikey-Wikey. I hope you know I didn't mean any of it.”

“It hurt for a while, but then when you came back, and you gave me that kiss, I felt the same as I had before. Your words I knew then meant nothing, and that it wasn't really you talking. This here, tonight, it feels like I'm finally getting the Rarity I fell in love with back. At least here, around me, you aren't talking like a Canterlot snob.”

They both shared a quiet laugh. “Well darling, whatever shall we do now?” she joked in a mock Canterlot voice. Again they laughed, but kept it quiet so as not to disturb their neighbors.

“I guess you could go back to sleep.”

“What about you?” She managed through an intensive yawn.

“I'll be fine, I was just thinking anyway.”

“What about?” She spoke in a sleepy voice.

“Last year, on my birthday.”

Rarity brought his face down so that she could look into his eyes, her gaze piercing his as she spoke, “Not tonight Spike. Please, please don't talk about that tonight.” She pressed her lips to his, hoping that somewhere in his mind he could repress those memories.

“I'll never be able to forget that night Rarity. It'll haunt me until the day that I finally die, but I'll try not to let it ruin my life, especially for you.”

“Thank you Spike.” They shared a brief smile. “I'm tired.” She yawned against his chest.

“Alright princess.” He joked as he scooped her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed, wrapping her up in her sheets once more.

As he was about to step away he felt a hoof reach out to his clawed hand, “Please, stay with me...” She was practically begging him to stay, and it tore his heart asunder to hear her say anything like that.

“Anything for you Rary.” Without another word, he slipped into the bed beside her, draping a wing around her while pulling her closer to his warm chest with his arms. She cuddled against the warmth with a smile plastered across her face. “Goodnight,” he whispered.

Rarity muttered something in reply, having already fallen asleep as soon as her back had hit his chest. Another sigh escaped him as he turned his head to look out the window one final time to the stars, “Please Aunt Luna, watch over her dreams tonight, and mine too...”

Author's Note:

As always, read, review, and tell me where I can improve.

Comments ( 8 )

6943275 Sorry to disappoint, but as I said, one of my favs

:applecry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::fluttershysad::raritycry::raritydespair: why!? WHY!? why must u stop!?:applecry::fluttercry: :raritycry:

could i finish it plz? let me know soon:fluttercry:


Dead and forgotten? Or just waiting to be struck by lightning?

More like dead, I've just never felt right writing for ready established characters, and as much as I love the Sparity pairing, I want to focus more on characterization of my own OCs and maybe some lesser established characters, cause in all honesty, characterization is where I always seem to fall short.

It never helped that I didn't really have an end goal in sight for this story. It was sort of a "what if" scenario I had thought of one night. More so though I decided to move away from the main characters so that like I said before I could focus more on actually creating characters.

To be honest, in the long run my goal is to write my own books, but first i want to get better at creating what makes a character who they are, thus i do still write fanfictions for that sole purpose. That being said, i am currently working on a major project that will pay some homage to Sparity, but more of as a mention to their relationship or maybe a cameo somewhere.

To answer you honestly though, I have no real intention of ever actually finishing this story, so if anybody feels the desire to actually continue then by all means more power to you.

damn, sorry to hear, this was an amazing story too, good luck on the next one.

if that's so, I wonder why FiM is spotlighting a cancelled story in the popular section...

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