• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


In the grand circus of Equestria's national security, Ahuizotl is but a sideshow. He is little more than a fly buzzing around the armpit of the land, his jungle filled with dying temples and his once proud race almost completely forgotten.

However, he does have his uses.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Man, if Daring Do ever learns of this event, she's gonna be soooo pissed at Princess Luna.


Just as well Ahuizotl's really good at his job, then. :pinkiehappy: (Although now I'm wondering how Caballeron fits into all this...)

Hmm... it was a little too vague at some places for my taste (Though maybe I shall blame myself for that as I haven’t been able to read this story in one go :derpytongue2:), but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It was an interesting insight into Ahuizotl’s business :pinkiesmile: Also, I wonder why they consider Daring Do as such a dangerous character.


I'm guessing it's the "undesirables" bit that's making it too vague. I had hoped from context it was clear that "undesirable"="hero" (the talk makes a lot more sense when you replace the one for the other); they just don't like using the h-word.

As for why they consider Daring Do so dangerous, a good chunk of their talk is about this, but it's mainly because of what Ahuizotl points out here:

Fate is on her side,” he said simply. “There is no future in denying this. We all know the rules. Undesirables always win against their biggest enemy, no matter how hopeless it seems. It is built into the nature of this world. Powerful as you are, you cannot handle more than a handful of them, and I believe you will have your share to keep track of as it is. And this one is a rising moon among the stars of the world. Her past shows this clearly enough. Once she learns what is happening and who you are – and believe me, she will and she always will – then she will come for you. She will mark you as her biggest enemy, and the result will be something your bookie-gamblers would run a mile from.”

Ahuizotl's main role in all this is to make sure that, since heroes always win against villains, this particular hero always has a dummy villain to keep her occupied. That's pragmatism.

I hope this clears up one or two points.

It surely cleared up a few things, thank you for clarifying! :twilightsmile:

A very clever idea.


Thanks. :twilightsmile: I had originally considered doing one scene for every major villain in the show, but it just felt repetitive, so I settled for the first one and left it at that.

Whenever heroes and villains become aware of the standard way that things work, it makes for some wonderful interplay. I enjoyed this.


Yes. It's amazing what possibilities open up when characters become that much more self-aware and see a bigger picture.

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