• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 9,584 Views, 3,825 Comments

Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

  • ...


The hallway was completely silent beyond the sounds of our black robes swishing across the stone floor. When we paused, there was no ambient noise to speak of. Not a drip of water, a breath of wind, or even a small scurrying creature. On some instinctual level, it seemed like living things knew to stay far away from this place.

We continued to make our way down the sloped passage, led on by the line of white flames that burned in the wall sconces. As my companion and I drew near to them, the color of the fire shifted to a shade of gray and dimmed until we were past. Then, as quickly as it had turned, it burned pure white again.

These were disharmony detectors. An invention of Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Snow with the assistance of Sunny Day. Equestria’s clever magical minds had figured out a way to turn Sunny’s talent into a spell.

Creatures that were touched by disharmony would change the flames color from white to various shades of grey, and eventually to black. For us, the grey was on the lighter side. At least now, anyway.

In the distance, I could see the silver vault doors looming. A sentinel stood in front of each one, their armor gleaming brilliantly in the white light cast by the nearby detectors.

When we approached, they drew their swords and fell into combat stances. “All are forbidden from this place by order of the Sovereign of the Night and the High Marshal. Turn back now,” the one on the left ordered from behind his winged helmet’s visor.

My companion stopped. I took three more steps forwards, keeping myself outside of striking distance. Reaching up, I pulled my hood back to reveal my face. The sentinels visibly relaxed but they did not withdraw.

“Good evening, High Marshal Knight. Is it inspection time again?” the same pony asked.

I shook my head. “Not tonight. We will be going inside.”

The armored figure’s stance tensed again and he shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir. That is not allowed without both you and the sovereign’s order. Please turn back.”

“Consider such an order given,” Princess Luna said from behind me, pulling her hood back to reveal herself.

Both sentinels immediately sheathed their swords and bowed low. They then set to work in carefully removing the wards, unlocking the silver doors, and pulling them open.

It was a slow process. The doors were a foreleg’s length thick and hard to move even for strong ponies. They’d been made from celestial steel and then coated in silver.

It took a few minutes of work but, once the way was clear, we trotted across the threshold into the small chamber beyond.

I looked back at the sentinels and nodded. They shut us inside. It was disconcerting to hear the locks falling into place. There would be no way out without their assistance.

“Are you ready?” I asked, looking up at Princess Luna.

“Indeed; are you?”

That I was. I shifted and tossed my cloak aside, exposing the gleaming lion’s head pauldron that was affixed to my right shoulder. The Virtue of Courage would protect me, as would my training. “Yes, Princess.”

Together we crossed the opposite side of the room and set our hooves on a set of doors that were the exact duplicates of the pair we’d come through. They briefly flashed as the wards came down.

Princess Luna took a few steps back while I unlocked and then pulled the doors open, revealing a glowing presence in the chamber beyond.

In the center of a stone circle, bound by silver chains, was a crystal as black as a starless night sky. It bobbed in the air, a seemingly mundane object that was extremely dangerous. This was the crystal that Maristella’s disharmony had been banished to and sealed within. The one Midnight Snow had carried into our final battle.

You cannot hold me here forever. Even now, I can feel these bonds straining and crumbling. One day they will falter and, when they do, I will swoop down upon your little ponies and ruin all you hold dear.

The voice, though not spoken, rumbled through the cavernous room like an oncoming thunderstorm. It battered our ears but I felt no fear as its dark tendrils tried to pry into my mind.

Its promises were false. What it offered came with too high a price. What once wormed its way into my mind was now easily ignored.

Princess Luna smiled smugly back at the dark vessel. “On the first point, we agree. We cannot hold you forever. The fact is, we never intended to. You see, we’ve learned that we can let little bits of you free at a time whether you want us to or not.

“Little by little, bit by bit, you’ll drain back out into the world in a carefully measured way. We’ll spread the whole of you over many, many beings so you have an insignificant influence. More importantly, those parts separated from you won’t hold the same malicious imprint of Maristella that you do.

“No, my friend, by the time your bonds break we suspect you’ll not even be half as strong as you are today.”

Lies and bravado!

The voice was louder this time. The crack of thunder before a lightning strike. Anger and anguish oozed from it and it strained all the harder against our defenses.

The princess shook her head in pity. “Lash out all you like. It just makes it easier for you to seep out in small bits. As you sit there, entombed and angry, I also want you to think about one more thing.

“While you may view the ages that will pass as short, it gives the ponies you look to ruin a great deal of time to study and prepare. In fact, much as half your power will be gone, I’ve set into motion a plan to ensure that my High Marshal here will have created a vast order of knights trained specifically to combat disharmony. Isn’t that right, High Marshal?”

I pivoted to the princess and bowed low. “Yes, my liege. Above this very prison, we’ve established our newest bastion, and soon the latest adepts will begin their training there.”

Wisps of dark purple energy rose from the peak of the crystal, cast off as it trembled in the grasp of the chains around it.

Traitors! Usurpers! Cease this torture and see me free!

Princess Luna took two steps towards the black crystal. For the first time since coming in, fear rose within me. We were not meant to get so close.

Her voice lowered. “And, by the time these bonds fail, I will have found a way to restore the alicorns, train them to use the Elements, and you will barely be a threat worth our attention. Come, High Marshal, we have more important matters to attend.”

With a sweep of her cloak, Princess Luna pirouetted and marched through the heavy silver doors while the crystal seethed with rage.

Curses upon you and yours, Nocturna!

Without fear or hesitation, I turned and followed after the alicorn, looking back only a moment before I pushed the door closed and locked it. We then sealed it together.

I went to retrieve my cloak while the princess stood by. “So much anger. Even with the underlying pony long gone, the energy alone is furious.”

“It is the greatest concentration of disharmony in existence. A tempest waiting to break free and restore the balance,” I said as I pulled my cloak over myself.

“Yes… and in time, it shall. We’ll be ready, though. For now, we must keep it away from Asvoria,” the princess whispered before moving to the opposite doors.

We stood together by the disharmony detectors. They dimmed to gray. Once more we moved together, setting our hooves on the door.

There was a long pause. I held my breath a moment. This was my least favorite part. Finally, we heard the workings of the locks from the other side. We’d passed the test. We wouldn’t be trapped in here for the rest of our lives.

The doors opened and the sentinels let us free. We waited for them to secure them again before making our way back up in silence until we reached the narrow spiral staircase that led up into the keep.

We emerged into a small room at the back of the keep that Nocturna had built ages ago in Midnight’s Peak. We removed our robes and returned them to the silver-coated chest. That ensured no wisps of disharmony snuck out without our knowing.

I assisted the princess in putting her royal accouterments on before dressing in my armor. It was a new suit. Another gift from the crowns. It was, without a doubt, based on those worn by Princess Luna’s House Guard. After all, how could Silent Knight wear a suit of golden armor?

“Ready, Princess?” I asked.

“That I am,” she replied before straightening up to her full height and stepping in front of what appeared to be a stone wall.

I pulled my helmet on and stepped beside her. The princess’s magic briefly illuminated and the wall slowly slid to the left, revealing the office of the High Marshall of the Knights of the Moon.

We walked in together and she activated the spell to return the stone wall to its position. Then we went out the main door into the training area. Everypony inside stopped and bowed in our direction before going back to their duties.

This was the headquarters of the Knights of the Moon. This was where I trained ponies to face disharmony, evil, and magical creatures. After all, Equestria couldn’t rely only on Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

An aide I didn’t recognize was lingering near the door, looking very pensive and nervous. Canterlot ponies rarely came to Midnight’s Peak. Most of them struggled with the dark confines. That, and the dragons.

“Princess, I knocked, but you didn’t answer. Your meeting with the High Marshal ran long. We’re going to be late for your audience with the Matron,” the aide said softly.

Princess Luna patted the pony with a hoof. “She’ll understand.” She then turned to me and smiled.

It was a smile I happily returned before asking, “Will there be anything else, Princess?”

She set her hoof on my chestplate. “No, I think we covered enough in our meeting to last a while. Go home, Silent Knight. Go home to your wife and daughter. Know that they sleep in peace and safety and will do so for as long as I live.”

With a deep bow, I replied, “Thank you, Princess,” before taking my leave and heading out the front gate.

Ragnhild shifted from where she laid across the steps. Her eyes met mine and she nodded in greeting. One that I respectfully returned before I left the barren city and set a course for Canterlot.

The trip was not as long as it had once been. Though I was older, I’d grown faster. A result of harder training and the gift Princess Celestia had given me in my restoration. I reached my neighborhood and home before the sun had crested the horizon.

I removed my armor and crept to the bedroom, not wanting to alert the household to my return. As a father, one of the things I enjoyed the most was watching my daughter sleep. The very definition of peaceful innocence.

Coral Knight was nestled in the center of our bed with Crystal curled protectively around her. The most beautiful filly in the world, sleeping deeply and without a care, just as Princess Luna had promised.

She was the most important pony in my life. A cute little lavender unicorn foal that heavily favored her mother, other than the light blue mane that looked very much like her great-grandfather’s.

Everything I did and would ever do from then on would be for these two. I slipped into the bed and nestled against Crystal’s back, extending my wing to cover her and our child.

“Sleep soundly my princesses, sleep soundly tonight. An alicorn watches over you, and so does her knight.”

Author's Note:

And with that, the story and trilogy truly come to a close. I want to thank all of my readers, friends, fans, and everyone in between for joining me on this wonderful ride. It has truly been my pleasure to share with you.

I hope you enjoy this little taste of what the future may hold. It leaves a lot of opportunity for your imagination. It also gives me some options for future short stories.

Thank you all!

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, Q&B AU wiki, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon. We have monthly art give aways, a Q&B Discord RPG, a several other fun gifts for patrons.

Comments ( 107 )

It must feel great to put a full stop at the end of a story like this. As sorry as I am to see it finish, I'm happy for youse guys!!! (I use 'youse' in it's full and grammatically correct context...).
Awesome work and a great ending :heart:

... And now it is over.

*claps* I am sad it is over, and that last line from silent...damn the feels... So many:fluttercry:

Yaaay everything ended on a good note, thanks again for taking us on this journey.

A better end can't be imagined, very lovely And Coral is a sweet name but where was there lavender in the family again?

That last line, simply beautiful!

Wow. My thoughts for the name of the foal where nearly correct.

Colt: Crystal Knight
Filly: Silent Wishes.

And thank you once again for your awesome work!!

A very fitting final line for the Trilogy.

Awww. What a nice little bow to tie the story up with. (and yes, I know I ended that sentence with a preposition.) It's nice to see Silent getting a happy ending. Well, I mean, he got more than that, considering he has a foal, but you know what I mean. Ending to the story.

Some of you probably knew this was coming. Even you have to admit this fits.

*insert applause gif here*
Congratulations, Ansel. It's almost like saying goodbye to a close friend. I'm tempted to give my regards to the Knights. May their days be peaceful ones...unless you plan for more stories, of course! :raritywink:

And thus ends one of my favorite series on the site. It's truly a bittersweet moment watching this end; it may be over but at least the ending was very satisfying.

I hope that you'll eventually have printings of the second and third book in the series, I would love to buy them.

What a fantastic ending for the trilogy. As it has been said plenty of times I am sad to see it end. The way it was ended answered all my questions and left more opportunities for future stories so that is exciting. With the trilogy ended will there be a possibility of a full book series printing?

As many have said and will say, one of my favorite series on this site has ended but I can say that it's proved to be one hell of a ride. As always, great work and whatever endeavors you pursue next this is one legacy you've left behind.

One last thing, now I really want to see a picture of Silent's family, Crystal and their daughter lying in bed with him looking over them.

Now this was a true ending for the trilogy, one that was really worth the wait. One that conveys a message of hope, just like the ending of Bambi.

Also, one thing I was correct about years prior is that Silent and Crystal would have a daughter as their first child. Now, the name Coral Knight sounds much more fitting than Jewel Knight, which I suggested after I commissioned Mari on DA to draw a conceptual offspring for Silent and Crystal. Furthermore, the color scheme you've described for Coral Knight works much better than Jewel's.

Anzel, if you don't mind, I could ask Mari to have the name changed to Coral Knight and apply changes to the design so that they're more akin to how she's described here in the epilogue. Unless you've already commissioned PaintedWave to depict Coral Knight in her own fashion.

A nice little wrap up, giving us a chance to see what threat might be on the horizon, and see Silent's daughter. Very cute, very definitive. Looking forward to whatever is next.

It was a slow process. The doors were a foreleg’s length thick and hard to move even for strong ponies. They’d been made from celestial steel and then coated in silver.

What is celestial steel? Why is being coated in silver important? Where have we seen previous references to either?

I take it this is the “end” of Silent’s stories for now. And the next set of stories will focus on Coral Knight

I can offer some explanation towards the bit regarding silver, silver is a metal associated with several supernatural wards, in some stories with the metal it is stated to disrupt or diffuse spells in addition to having cleansing capabilities

Thank for a story I hope I will remember fot a long time to come.

I sure hope so! I want to know more about the adorable little one.

And Aiiiiiiiiiii so glad to get one last chapter to close things up! See their little filly, close up a few more things, and see it feel like a true 'happily ever after - but they will still have problems like everypony' kind of deal? idk my brain is kind of fried right now. :rainbowlaugh: But :pinkiehappy: so much cuteness!

Good to know they started right away on the plan for when it breaks out instead of just improvising. Luna was always better at these things than Celestia.

Thank you for the long, satisfying story :twilightsmile:

Well now we need a story about Coral Knight

Will there be any more canon side stories?
All that remains is for Crystal's half of the Great Saga to come to its conclusion.

8319329 In a way it absolutely is. I've been doing a serial since 2014. I rarely missed more than a week or two and only took a few vacations. It was a ton of writing on a deadline. Now I'd like to see how the other side lives and do stories to completion before ever launching the first chapter! Thank you so much!

8319333 Indeed. Truly complete now.

8319339 A fitting end for a pony that has grown so much. His priorities are straight now. Glad it hit the mark.

8319344 Yes, it did! Lot's of things still out there but the world is happy. You're welcome :D

8319347 Grandma ;D

8319396 Thank you! It seemed like it would fit pretty well for this. A simple little rhyme for a filly.

8319429 You're most welcome!

8319437 It was how I wanted to leave it for the readers for sure. There is the horizon, yes, but everything is safe now.

8319439 Everything worked out for him in the end for sure. There was a lot of suffering, a lot of growth, but it was all worthwhile! Yup!

8319453 I do enjoy that song :)

8319465 Thank you! Thank you very much! I can't say what the future holds for certain but I do know it doesn't hold any serials for me anytime soon. Side stories though? Yeah, I've got a few ideas!

8319576 I start work on the Secrets printing in a few weeks :) We plan to ship in November and have it to folks in December!

8319638 All three stories will end up in books, although Trials may have to be broken into two books due to some of the page constraints we suffer. As mentioned, I'm starting work on Secrets shortly. Memoirs is of course already available.

8319730 That would make a great Scene of the Quarter image! ;)

8319732 From my perspective, changing the name is fine. Asking the artist to change the design that much sounds like a new commission though >_<

8319766 Thank you! Beyond the Veil is next! Then perhaps some short stories :D

8319797 Celestia Steel is referenced a few times in the trilogy. It is made from the metal that falls from the heavens. It is the strongest material known to ponies and is easily imbued with spells. Silver is the purest metal, also easily imbued.

8319863 All told, this is the end of "Blade Serials" altogether. At least for the foreseeable future. I have no Coral Knight epic planned. Though she may appear in short stories.

8320009 You're very welcome! Thank you for reading and commenting :D

8320039 More or less it gives me options for the future if I want them. It shows that ponies must be vigilant! But, yes, on the whole, all is well in Equestria!

8320089 Prepare early and often! You're welcome :D

8320109 That is certainly a possibility in the future.

8320113 In time, probably so. I have some short stories I'd want to write. Probably after Beyond the Veil is done.

Aw. So cute.

"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story." - Frank Herbert

And this is a wonderfully sweet place to stop the story.

The best story comes to an end. Maybe. I want more...

On a side note, when is CW going to ship?

Man, I'm really going to miss seeing these characters regularly.

Nice! I really hope to see Coral Knight in the future. Crystal and Silent obviously would've learned from the mistakes of their parents when it comes to parenting Coral but I'm sure that, like with every child-parent relationship, there will still be moments of "omg MOM/DAD you just dont UNDERSTAND ME!"

I can't wait to see Crystal's side of things!

Alright, thanks. Also, someone really needs to stop giving every one of my comments a thumbs down or else I'll have to severely report the one responsible on charges of harassment. And believe me, harassment is something I won't tolerate on this site or anywhere else.

Alright, thanks. Also, someone really needs to stop giving every one of my comments a thumbs down or else I'll have to severely report the one responsible on charges of harassment. And believe me, harassment is something I won't tolerate on this site or anywhere else.

I pity them. If they are unwilling to come to you with whatever grievance they blame you for, then it's likely they aren't worth your time and even if they were they wouldn't any conceivable "arguement" to support such.

Point being, you can't please the "TOLERATE ME OR ELSE!" dogmatics, so don't waste energy giving them credence they don't have and couldn't handle anyway.

If someone downvoted me for supporting an author, I'd be flattered they think of me highly enough to "threaten" me.

Take it as a compliment, a testament to your fortitude.

I can empathize with you completely, but have you considered the possibility that you are being too sensitive?

I'm not invalidating your feelings (I could say I share them more often than not) but not every single red number warrants a reaction.

If I took issue with every Dito Downvote and Tito Tolerance who got mad at me for saying things like "Do the right thing" and "I have faith in you" then I would still be sorting through them now.

Short version:
I say this in the kindest possible way; grow some skin and fight fire with friendly. Those who are worth it will see it, and those who aren't can't hurt you anyway.

Go home, Silent Knight. Go home to your wife and daughter.

I had a fit of excitement when reading that. I still can't stop smiling about it. :pinkiehappy:

Welp, I guess that's a wrap. Thank you and good luck with your next venture!

A shame I got on the ride and blazed through the trilogy right as it was ending. It was great fun anyways, even if I was late.

Oh wow that was beautiful. brought a tear to my eye to say goodnight to Silent knight and his family.

Time to reread this wonderful series and await future work from you and the misses.

Thanks for sharing your world with us.

Thanks for the advise. But it still hurts like a lead weight forced into one's heart.

Still I'm grateful for your advice.

Curse this website. For it has made me hate the color green...the complete tag FYI

8320384 Thank you very much ^_^

8320465 Excellent quote! That is how I feel. Thank you =D

8320473 There may be some short stories! When you mean CW, are you talking about the original book or the 2nd half? If you ordered an original and haven't received it, reach out to us immediately! That is an issue. Those books arrived a LONG time ago.

8320565 Me too honestly! They'll be back though!

8320716 All parents make new mistakes! Yup ;) And yes, Crystal has a lot to share =D

the Epilogue is perfect no one cod ask for a more beautiful ending.

I honestly thought they were heading towards a secret larping room at the beginning.

That would have been hilarious.

I'd love to see how you'd manage to report specific people for leaving a thumbs down, when the system is anonymous. Openly announcing that you're bothered by people downvoting you and threatening to report them just encourages others to come along and keep doing it. Evidently, several people disagreed with something you said, and when you announced to the world that you didn't like it by calling it harassment, it said to others "please come and downvote me and laugh as I get excessively upset over a red number!"

As 8321136 said, just toughen up. Don't sweat the small things, just ignore 'em. If someone's coming after you specifically and doing actual harassment like constant PM spam or downvotes on everything you do, that's possibly worth (privately) contacting an admin. If you make the issue public by complaining about it, it tells the person that you're upset, which is their whole goal.

I'll be sure to heed that advice the next time someone does that. Thank you.

Ooo Nice. This is a good epilogue. and it does set the stage for more if chosen for there to be more. And the ending of it was very sweet. Nice work!

8321299 Thank you, thank you! It was the ending I wanted for him for sure =D Happy and smooth.

8321328 The positive side is that you didn't have to wait on updates each week ;D

8321537 Aww thank you =D I'm going to be thrilled to share Secrets 2.0 with everyone as I finish working on it.

8321747 Blue is better than green anyway!

8321797 Thank you =D

8321911 LOL that would have actually fit just fine.

8323540 Yes it does! Gives me lots of options :D

Annnnnnnnnd I don't know what to do on fimfiction now

Ah... it's over....

I will miss this being an updating series in full, but you have had incredible work ethic as far as I have seen. It is a nice place to leave off, though I really do want more :rainbowlaugh: bittersweet -- I'm hoping for a short story of Relic, I liked that guy

I just realized 'Quill and Blade' is a reference to Crystal and Silent' :facehoof:

Please make blog post about saga future i'm sure many will appreciate it. Also nice ending.

I'm still kinda wondering what happened to Runic and a few others.....
In Memoirs and Secrets there was a a bunch of important charters that kinda just disappeared. I know this was the most serious of the 3 stories but I still feel like even a few of the less important ponies or ponies that only showed up for a little bit could have used somthing.


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