• Published 14th Dec 2015
  • 2,972 Views, 43 Comments

Generous Gifts - BlazzingInferno

Spike has the perfect Hearth’s Warming gift idea for Rarity, or so he thinks.

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A Perfect Plan

Spike rested his elbows on his bedroom windowsill. Snow-covered Ponyville looked so small from three stories up, especially with the evening’s dim light obscuring so many details. He knew ponies all over town were just now setting up their lanterns and stoking their fireplaces. Soon the little pinpoints of light dotting the scene before him would be the only thing illuminating the night. The dense cloud cover overhead left the days grey and the nights moonless.

Far below the window, he could make out three trails of hoofprints in the snow that converged at the castle’s doorstep. He put a claw to the glass and traced each trail: one to the rolling hills that hid Sweet Apple Acres from sight, one to the unmistakably cake-shaped Sugarcube Corner downtown, and one to Carousel Boutique, where the most beautiful pony in the world lived.

Peaceful moments like this almost made time stand still. Time didn’t actually do that, though. Time moved swiftly, especially around here. Years flew by, adventures were had, and friendships grew ever stronger. Twilight was more than a unicorn now, Spike was more than a baby dragon, and, if the last few months were anything to go by, Rarity was fast becoming more than just his friend.

Twilight called to him from down the hall. “Spike! Everypony’s here, aren’t you coming?”

Spike backed away from the window and nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be right there, Twilight.”

He took one last glance in the mirror, ran a hand through the spikes on his head, and patted the large wooden chest next to his closet. Hearth’s Warming Eve was just three weeks away, and a chest jam-packed with gems meant he’d have no trouble affording gifts for all his friends. This year he could get them all something extra-special and still have enough left over to really wow Rarity. They’d been spending more and more time together lately, and whenever they walked down main street he’d notice her glancing at a certain shop window and the shiny new sewing machine on display within.

He polished the edge of the chest with his elbow, and then headed for the door. “Just three weeks, Rarity. Just three more weeks.”

Downstairs in the main hall, his six closest friends were engaged in their usual chatter. Only Starlight Glimmer was missing, thanks to her spending the holidays with Sunburst. He strolled down the staircase, running his hand over the garland-wrapped banister as he did so. From the wreaths hanging on the doors to the candy canes decorating the walls, the castle had never looked more festive.

He paused on the last step and waved hello. “Hey everypony, who’s up for some of Spike’s famous hot chocolate?”

A round of cheers swept the room, along with a unisonous “Thanks, Spike!”

Rarity held up a hoof. “Oh, do remember to add a little extra cinnamon to mine, won’t you, Spikey?”

He winked. “Sure thing, Rarity.”

She matched his smile and, unless he was mistaken, held eye contact for a moment longer than she intended to. “Thank you.”


A few hours later, they were all seated around the table with empty mugs and full bellies. Spike reclined in his chair, supremely happy with how the evening had turned out. Tonight was more than just a good time with his friends, tonight was a sign of things to come. After all these years of quietly trying to figure out how to win Rarity’s favor, she seemed to be figuring it out for him. She was seated to his right, talking about her latest trip to Manehattan in that melodious voice of hers. She’d been next to him all night, and didn’t seem capable of going more than ten minutes without giving him a quick glance and a warm smile.

Twilight’s hoof gently kicked his left foot. He glanced over and saw her eyes move from him to Rarity and back again. Her smile said it all: it’s really happening, Spike.

He smiled back. I know! Isn’t it great?

Applejack gave a mighty yawn. “I don’t know about y’all, but I’m fixing to call it a night.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I should go, too. Angel’s been very needy ever since his ear-straightening operation. He might need an extra lullaby to fall asleep tonight.”

Spike bit his tongue to keep himself from grinning. Seeing that annoying bunny stuck on bedrest with both ears in casts was still one of the funniest things he’d seen in months.

Fluttershy sighed and stared at the table, her smile gone. “I just wish he wouldn’t fight me about taking his medication. Those pills were so expensive; I can’t afford to buy more if he just keeps spitting out the ones the vet gave me.”

“I feel for you, Sugercube.” Applejack replied. “Winter is a lean enough time down on the farm, and this year the harvest just wasn’t what it should’ve been.”

Twilight tapped a hoof on the table. “Applejack, Fluttershy, if either of you needs a little help from your friends…”

“That’s okay, Twilight. The Apples have been through worse and come out stronger for it.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’m okay, too. Thanks for offering, though.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Be that as it may, I’d like to suggest a little something that might… ease the burden that Hearth’s Warming Eve places on each pony’s time and resources. What if we were to do an anonymous gift exchange this year? Each of us puts our name in a hat, everypony draws one name and gets that friend a gift. Nopony knows who’s getting a gift for who, or who gave them their gift after the gift exchange is over.”

Spike gasped. “B-but—”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, I’ll be, it’s a Hearth’s Warming miracle: Rarity said something and I’m agreeing with it.”

“I’m in!” Pinkie shouted. “This makes the gift giving and getting extra-mysteriously fun!”

“Totally! This’ll make my last-minute shopping so much easier!” Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy clapped her hooves and smiled. “If it’s only one gift, I could try doing something hoofmade this year. I’ve never had enough time to do that before.”

All of Spike’s objections died in this throat. “If… if it’s easier on my friends then… then how can I say no, right?”

Twilight held a hoof out to Applejack. “Can we use your hat, AJ? Spike, could you get some paper and quills?”

A ream of paper landed on the table, and Pinkie grinned. “I’m way ahead of you!”

Spike chewed on his claws. This was really happening. If he drew Rarity’s name, he was set: he’d buy her the biggest, fanciest sewing machine known to ponykind and have her name engraved on the side.

In under a minute, Applejack’s hat was upended on the center of the table and filled with slips of paper. Rarity retrieved the hat and mixed the papers around with her magic. Finally, she withdrew a slip of paper, glanced at the name written on it, and crumbled it up. “Would you care to go next, Spikey?”


If only they all weren’t watching him. If only he could stick his nose in the hat and smell out her perfume-laced writing. Instead he plucked out the first paper his claws touched and passed the hat to Twilight. A quick glance at the paper told him everything he needed to know: he’d drawn Fluttershy, and now his mission was to figure out who drew Rarity and convince them to trade with him through any means necessary.

One look at Twilight was all it took to know who she’d drawn. Between their familial bond and her total lack of a poker face, Spike knew he’d be unwrapping a very nice book on Hearth’s Warming Eve.

Pinkie came next, and honestly Spike had no idea what to make of her reaction. She simply took an emotionless look at the paper, stuffed it in her mouth, and mumbled something about tasty secrecy.

The hat passed from pony to pony, none of whom gave obvious hints as to whom they’d drawn, at least until it was Applejack’s turn. Applejack’s eyebrows shot up and she stifled a gasp.

Rainbow left her chair and hovered over the hat. “Ha! You drew me, didn’t you?”

Applejack covered the paper with a hoof. “I ain’t saying nothing. This whole thing is anonymous, and I aim to keep in that way.”

“Oh yeah? Then you’d better not get me something fruit related.”

“Maybe I’ll give anypony here a whole barrel of cider for free, just in case they’ve got a rainbow-maned pegasus to shop for.”

Spike gnawed on his claws. Applejack had to be the one. Shopping for Rainbow was as easy as grabbing the closest knickknack with the words “Daring Do” or “Wonderbolt” on it. Shopping Rarity, on the other hand, was like trying to get something for Princess Celestia: she already owned just about everything she actually wanted. The only gifts left to get were the ones she didn’t know she wanted yet. Spike knew Rarity, though. He knew without a doubt that she wanted that new sewing machine, but didn’t want to splurge on it for some reason. That’s where he came in.

He tuned out Applejack and Rainbow’s continuing banter and gazed at his beloved. So help him, this would be Rarity’s best Hearth’s Warming ever. All he had to do was coax a little name trade out of a certain Stetson-wearing farm pony.