• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Somedays, I sit, looking at the stars. I muse and wonder. I meditate and reflect. And I find the miracle in a new day of life. Especially since I swallowed so much glass the day before.


In the wake of the Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy has to ask Twilight a very difficult question. And then things get weird.

Not another damn parody

by KitsuneRisu

A writer you have never heard of

And probably don't care about

Rated E for Ellegal.
Endorsed by GaPJaxie and the Pope.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 274 )

If you have over-analyzed this story and wish to overreact, please consult the following:

- If your overreaction involves the ethical ramifications of lying or issues of individual vs group identity, please comment here.

- If your overreaction involves the deconstruction of religion, please comment here.

- If your overreaction involves moral outrage at the fact that I am pooping over a VASTLY SUPERIOR STORY and HOW DARE I, please comment here.

Otherwise, please leave all other over-reactions in the comments of this story.

It's not that I don't want over-reactions. I just want new ones.

Oh bugger.:pinkiegasp::facehoof:

Well, I'm definitely impressed by Twilight*'s overreaction.

I do find it interesting, though, that this particular story got approved and posted. It's almost like there's a double standard or something.


Where's the spot for outrage that you can just up and create something as wonderfully goofy as this?

Yes, this is exactly what trying to make an argument on the internet feels like.

Well, I know there was actually over a day's worth of deliberation on this. So it did have some serious thought go into it.
Also note that at least KR did link to "another particular story" in his first comment, so there's something.

6441020 So the double standard required a lot of conversation before it was implemented? Doesn't make it not a double standard.

(KR did say he was looking for overreactions, after all, I'm trying to oblige. Also, this work related web training I'm currently half-assing is dreadfully boring and I need a distraction.)


I do find it interesting, though, that this particular story got approved and posted. It's almost like there's a double standard or something.

I mean, the other story to which you're referring to was the same as the original, just with the ending of "Nope" changed to an ending of "Yep".

KR here has... definitely made something different :rainbowderp:

But I'd rather not start an internet fight about it

what have you done

6441097 Plum, I just now read through all three fresh to make sure I wasn't making an unjustified ass out of myself here, and still have them up in browser tabs so I can jump back and forth for comparison purposes. Here is my analysis:

All three are conversations between Twilight and Fluttershy.
All three are set immediately following the wedding.
All three are set in different locations:
- One in 'the old library'.
- One in the wedding reception after it finished.
- One in what seems to be an unspecified library, I'm not sure if it's in Canterlot or Ponyville.
All three of them have substantially different characterizations for everyone involved.
One ends with nobody clearly revealed to be a changeling and two of them have one or more of the main six as changelings.

So, no, I don't buy in the slightest that the other story was the same as the original in ways that this one wasn't. Either all three are the same or all three are different enough to be honestly counted as different.

I recognize that you say you don't want to pick an internet fight about this, but please explain the logic that says this story is different and the other one wasn't. (Open question for anyone, really, in case Plum doesn't actually want to play.)

Also, that's not my downvote on your comment, I have a personal policy of not downvoting people I'm talking with.

Ridiculous but amusing, nicely done. Gotta admit, I prefer this one over the others though.

Again, I really don't want to get involved in an argument over something as dumb as "someone's horseword story on the internet didn't get published for some reason". I'd prefer it if we just left this issue alone after this comment, but I'll try to explain myself, as you requested.

See, you kinda oversimplified this story a bit, and it's really easy to make stories look almost identical when you oversimplify them ("It's LotR, but with ponies!"). There's a bit more to it than "the characterisation was different", "some ponies were changelings" and "it takes place in an unknown library".

This one is a completely different genre of fic, with it's own unique style. It's random, silly, off the wall, and a self-parody as much as anything else. It's ridiculous, ludicrous, and honestly pretty damn funny, which you definitely can't say about the original. Whereas RC's... wasn't, imo. For any of what I just said. It was the same question as the original, just with a different answer. This one's a genuine parody, whereas RC's just feels like "No, you wrote it wrong. This is how it should have gone".

I mean, you're welcome to disagree, but I can definitely see where the mod team are coming from.

6436168 Yeesh. I didn't think it was possible for me to lose more respect for Reality Check. I used to call him the diet version of John C. Wright, but I think he is Wright at this point.

6441205 Well, I guess I do disagree. I honestly hadn't actually gotten around to the first two prior to seeing this one posted, so I intentionally went into all three looking for similarities and differences. All three simply feel very different to me, from the general atmosphere to what actually happens.

Incidentally, the two that were in a library were the original and this one, RC's story was set in the reception clean-up, which honestly make it the most different in terms of base setting.

You can say it's dumb, but it's really only as dumb as everything else on this site. If horsewords don't matter in some vague, undefinable way, what are we even doing here? Why have you spent so much time editing stories for people? Why have I spent so much time reading and commenting?

We need to be able to trust the mods to be properly objective about their roles on the site, and in this particular instance it feels like they aren't, and that they're getting away with it because everyone with opinions that matter hates RC.

A writer you have never heard of
And probably don't care about

Dude, your story babytails is on my user page :ajsmug:


You can say it's dumb, but it's really only as dumb as everything else on this site. If horsewords don't matter in some vague, undefinable way, what are we even doing here? Why have you spent so much time editing stories for people? Why have I spent so much time reading and commenting?

Oh no, horsewords aren't dumb. Horseword drama really is, though :raritywink:

We need to be able to trust the mods to be properly objective about their roles on the site, and in this particular instance it feels like they aren't, and that they're getting away with it because everyone with opinions that matter hates RC.

Not gonna deny for a moment that there's a lot of RC hate out there. Hell, D even admitted to it in that PM he sent RC (which, so far, RC has completely ignored). But while a lot of people dislike RC and are jumping on the "Fuck that guy" bandwagon, that doesn't mean that the issues the mods have with his story aren't legit.

But eh, I need to go grab some scotch for a livestream later tonight, so I'm gonna leave this conversation here.

6441257 Fair enough. I do need to get back to my training anyway now that I've successfully killed a good hour and a half over-thinking about this.


If your overreaction involves moral outrage at the fact that I am pooping over a VASTLY SUPERIOR STORY and HOW DARE I

What if I told you personally I find this parody is in much better taste than the original?

*Begins to stack sandbags around himself against the eventual onslaught*

So why the random Sunset Shimmer tag??

Is nobody going to bring up the Sunset Shimmer tag?

I hue'd.


I feel very bad for laughing as loud as I did when Fleutters calld Appuljerk a mong. Way too loud.

You are terrible for writing this, and I am terrible for laughing at it.

Thanks for this story, I needed to read it after reading the original. That one never quite sat right with me for reasons I can't put my finger on. Your story feels a lot closer to how Flutters would truly present (or fail to present) a philosophical argument, especially on a difficult topic at a difficult time.

So, Twilight was less in character than the original.... but Fluttershy was more in character than the original. And Spike's characterization was some of the best I've ever seen!

Wait, was Fluttershy suggesting ponies let changlings take a few ponies away to feed on for the circle of life, like how foxes take a few hens now and then?

Great characterization for Fluttershy!!!:yay:
But then, you had to jack up Twilight!!:facehoof:
Was that necessary??!!!:facehoof:
Ugh.....I have mixed feelings about this.
Better Fluttershy characterization, but very bad characterization for Twilight:facehoof:

"And that was our daily dose of WTF."

Punchmagic is indeed the most superior kind of magic, excepting of course for kickmagic. But then, that goes without saying.

...Why is Sunset Shimmer in there?

6442009 Did you read the ending? Maybe they were just bad at their job?

This is especially funny if you read it in the voices of the mentally advanced series



Personally I found all three enjoyable for different reasons. With the original being thought provoking, the second being a bit heavy handed but sweet at the same time, and this one being quite funny and very clever.

While set with the same premise in mind, each had their own unique set of differences that set them apart from one another as different stories; with this one in particular having the greatest variation. Particularly the ending. Changing this from a hehe, that's funny to a whoa... that's actually kind of deep. So I'd say this one at least, is quite different. Just how different? I guess that's a bit subjective depending upon who you are asking.

However whether they are different or not isn't the question that should be asked, but rather where they enjoyable? I never would have imagined reading the original would have me tagging along for two stories of interesting and funny horsewords. Overall this whole premise has been quite the enjoyable adventure if you ask me. :twilightsmile:


If I were to hazard a guess, I think that was actually intentional. Given this is a parody of the original, where the "more in character" character was Twilight. Going quite over the top with Twilight, yet remaining Fluttershy's character quite true at the same time. I found it to be rather clever if you ask me. :raritywink:

What is sandwich? Me not understand sandwich...

Author Interviewer

A winner is you.

And that's what really matters.

You're my hero and this one was better

Man, I love how you portrayed Sunset in this.

“This is a symbol of my super magic friendship magic! Do you even understand what that means? That means Princess Celestia entrusted me with kicking the ass of everyone in Equestria.”

This mare gets it!

I was extremely proud of how she came out. Thank you.

Yes. Good crack is hard to write. I actually usually do much worse. I was being restrained in this one. But your feedback has been logged, and thank you for letting me know. I'll have to try harder to maintain a good balance next time. Cheers.

Hey, thanks, haha. ^^; Glad you liked that one!

What are you guys talking about? Sunset Shimmer isn't in the fic. What Sunset Shimmer tag?

I don't know why it has so many down votes, this is great!

"I came, I saw, I broke a hip. Good parody of that story."
-Johnny Bravo

That was pretty amazing! The general all around weirdness is really entertaining for some reason.

6444160 >_> Can't tell if troll or going insane... :pinkiecrazy:

This is just as great as the original, but for entirely different reasons. Instead of Fluttershy acting slightly out of character to be serious, you had Twilight act slightly out of character to be hilarious. I approve.

I think that, judging by your story, and your innate gift of making sense out of nonsense -- that you probably would write Discord really well.

FINE, I'll write Sunset Shimmer.
Jeez, you guys are so demanding!

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