• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 5,307 Views, 105 Comments

A Golden Drive Through Equestria - Psyga315

I'm dressed as an egotistical mad scientist while wearing an egotistical mad scientist that's a belt. I'm also teaching at high school, complete with all the cliches that you see on the Disney Channel. What can go wrong?

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Golden Drive Arc 1: Where The Hell Am I?

"It's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body. "

At first, I had no idea what to wear. Should I wear his signature scientist outfit or go with the silly summer outfit during the end game? Well, what would people recognize Ryoma Sengoku better as? That was what helped me decide my outfit as I went for a simple white lab coat with a green button shirt and brown khaki pants. I straightened out my black hair and got a friend of mine, real great barber, to give me a silver highlight to match Ryoma’s hair.

Finally, I was ready for Comic Con. It wasn’t easy getting a ticket, let me tell you. Game Theory was right. Line-ups were long. Tickets were expensive too. However, I managed to pull through, made a few sacrifices in not buying a lot of the Drive merchandise, and save enough to buy myself a one-way ticket to paradise.

I realized that the only people who’d even recognize my outfit would be fellow Kamen Rider fans. No one who had worked on the shows would have come, so they wouldn’t see me. Most others would just look at me and think I’m some generic mad scientist. Well… I am dressed as a mad scientist. Generic though? … I’m getting ahead of myself now.

Hello, my name is Kelly Randall. Since around 2010, I have become a huge Kamen Rider fan. I guess I should probably explain what the show is. Long story short: pretty men become bug-eyed people and kick monster ass. The shows vary as the years go by, much like Final Fantasy in a sense. Characters change, premises update, but all around, the idea is preserved: heroes who fight in the name of justice and freedom. I think it was because of Mitsuru Matsuoka, a J-Rock singer, that I became hooked onto the series. Even if he was in only two movies from one Kamen Rider show, he managed to pull off that black and red uniform really well… Looking back, I notice just how much I’m into the villains. Ankh with his flamboyant flare, Hayami with his good looks, Sora with his charismatic charm, Chase with those leather pants… ooooh, those leather pants…

But, if I had to pick favorites, it’d have to be Ryoma from Kamen Rider Gaim… He combines the best aspects of those guys and does it in style... Well, except for the leather pants, but he makes up for it by being a cyborg... twice. Yeah, he’s a backstabbing prick, but he’s still an amusing guy to hang around with. I think that’s why I dressed up as him. However, as I walked through the con, I slowly thought of what I wanted to do.

Nothing. There was absolutely nothing for me to do. Yeah, I could talk to some of the guys who created stuff like Steven Universe or Adventure Time, but I never had time to watch those shows, so all I’d know about it is “it’s a show about a kid and some gems” or “it’s a show about a kid and his dog”. Maybe I could grab a few sneak peaks at the newest entries of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I mean, I’ve been keeping up with it since the beginning…


I bumped into a guy. I fell onto the floor as I heard a “sorry!” from a boy. Well, that's one way to derail the train of thought. Now I'm worried about straightening up my jacket and making sure my hair didn't get messed up. I got up and dusted myself off. Thankfully, my clothes were intact. Still, some people have got to learn, right?

"Hey, watch it, okay?" I said. I didn't bark at him, however. I said it in the most polite tone I could muster. Well, as polite as a girl dressed as a mad scientist who got inconvenienced by a minor bump could be. I got to look at the guy who crashed into me. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, and from the looks of his outfit, I wasn’t the only cross-dresser here. I glanced at his costume from the bottom up. He had black boots with red laces, black cargo pants, a gray, long sleeve shirt with a bullet proof vest over it, a red cloth belt with the symbol of a burning rose on it, and, the most eye-catching detail, a red cape. I first mistook it for a scarf, though it seemed rather hood-like. The boy nodded to me.

"Again, sorry." He said.

“The hell are you supposed to be? Little Red Riding Hood?” I asked him. He chuckled.

“Actually… Yeah. I’m Riding Hood. In a sense. You some sort of mad scientist?” He asked me.

“Yeah. The incredible Ryoma Sengoku!” I smiled.

“Ryoma… Is that your name? Or the guy you’re dressed up as?” He asked me.

“The latter. So… what?” I looked at his outfit some more.

“What what?” He asked.

“Is there some sort of grimdark Little Red Riding Hood movie that’s coming out soon?” I couldn’t for the life of me get over the attempted gothic look. It’s like if Tim Burton took a hatchet to that fable… Part of me worried that he has and Johnny Depp is cast as the wolf.

“Huh? No. You heard of RWBY?” He asked me. RWBY… RWBY… RWBY… I sort of remembered it… but all I know of it was that someone who worked on the thing died. I shook my head. I figured it’d be too soon if I mentioned what I know of it. “You should seriously watch it. It’s great! Hey, look at this!” That’s when he took out a freaking scythe. I leaped back at the sheer size of the scythe.

“THE HELL!?” I screamed.

“This is just one of the weapons seen in the show. It’s also a gun.” H-how can you fit a gun into a scythe!? How would that even work!? Then again, I’m a fan of a show that had axes that can become guns… My eyes looked at the scythe’s blade. The metal on the blade looked shiny and sharp. Almost… real.

“Don’t worry about that, m'dear. That prop is just a replica. It’s not an actual weapon.” I looked to see a man dressed in a gray business suit sitting by one of those cyan fold-out tables. He also wore a white fedora. A legit, honest to God fedora, not one of those tacky trilbies. It actually looked a bit familiar to me. Though, I guess I was just thinking about that badass white fedora from Kamen Rider Double, a pretty cool detective-based Rider series. I actually got that pulp noir feeling from this guy though. Maybe it was his posture and the goatee, but I could have almost sworn I saw Sid, a dealer who was also from Kamen Rider Gaim. It didn't help that he seemed to be playing the role of a dealer, as I saw him sitting before a collection of various trinkets. Most of them were from things I recognize. A collection of Soul Gems from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, wands from Harry Potter, keys to various cars, each with the names on them, such as KITT or the General Lee, and even a Fire Flower from Super Mario Brothers. There were countless others, each looking surprisingly accurate to detail.

“Oh hey. This is Mr. Zoloto” The boy waved to him.

“Though, you may refer to me as Niko, if you wish." He said to me. He turned his attention to the boy. "Afternoon, Ross. What brings you here?” He asked.

“Oh, well, you know. The usual. Say, you should buy something from this guy. He has a lot of cool stuff. That’s where I got Crescent Rose from.” He tapped onto the red metal part of the scythe. “He also sold me this sweet rose necklace that fit my outfit perfectly!”

“And… where is it, Ross?” Niko asked.

“Oh… That… Well, I left it in capable hands.” Ross said. Niko placed his palm squarely onto his face.

“Goddamn it, Ross.” He muttered. He took his face out of his palm and looked to me. “Well, do you want to buy something? I have something for you that will fit your character.” He pointed to a Sengoku Driver- IT HAS DUKE’S FACEPLATE ON IT! AND IT’S THE LEMON LOCKSEED! “It’s yours for free…” He said. I always wanted this when they announced it for Gaim Gaiden. I especially wanted to use both the Lemon Lockseed with its Energy counterpart, as I felt like that'd be super cool. I could have this cool, awesome toy for free, and I don't even had to go to any import markets to do so! I almost touched it when I noticed something else. It was simply the Drive Driver, but it was painted completely black… Is… No way… They don’t even have this out yet! I'm sorry, but... MY WANT FOR THIS DRIVER IS FAR GREATER! I had to have it! There's no other way around it!

“On second thought…” I tried to keep my dignity intact. God only knows I'll embarrass myself in front of dozens by geeking out over an oversized belt buckle... and I'm in geek central for God's sake! “Is it okay if I take this for free instead? I’ll probably grab the Sengoku Driver in the second-hand market.” I asked him. I frowned as I looked toward the Sengoku Driver... maybe next time. He clicked with his tongue.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Well, I’ll certainly let you have it without any demand for currency, but you won’t have it for free.” He handed me the black Drive Driver. It was here that I noticed a bit of an accent. It felt... not too redneck, but somewhere around Texan.

“Huh? The hell do you mean?” I said as Ross backed away from me. I placed the belt on my waist.

“Well, I believe an old friend of mine put it best.” A red belt formed around my waist. Once the belt clicked into the other side of the belt, a flash of light blinded me as I could feel my body slow down to a crawl. It was only a matter of time before I completely froze. “All things come with a price.” It was the last thing I heard as I blacked out.

“Hey, get up!” I heard a voice as my eyes slightly opened up. I saw a girl with blonde, shoulder-length hair with a cowboy hat. In fact, her entire outfit could best be summed up as a cowgirl’s sort of outfit with a white and green button shirt and a blue jeans-like skirt. Not to mention those cowboy boots. “Ah, good. Now you can start answering some questions, sugar cube.” She told me. I began to think about if I was just kidnapped by Niko and brought over to his house.

Oh God, I'm gonna have to start practicing the banjos soon in order to duel them, am I?

“Huh? The hell are you talking about?” I reeked at the smell. It was a familiar smell, a mixture of hay and manure. I looked around and saw I was in a wooden building. Yep, I was at a barn… How the hell did I manage to get into a barn, I’ll never know...

“Big Mac found you here after we heard a ruckus this mornin'. I'm just gonna ask ya one thing: what are ya doin' at our barn?” she asked.

“Look, I don’t know! All I remember was that I was at Comic Con, I bought this sweet belt and…” That’s when I looked at my waist. There it was, the black Drive Driver.

“Fancy belt buckle. Kind of big, dontcha think, sugar cube?” She asked me. I struggled to pull it off.

“Y-yeah. It’s more than a buckle though.” I yanked the Driver, even tried to pinch the sides to take off the belt, but it still was stuck onto my waist.

“Pretty stubborn one at that.” The cowgirl smirked as she tried to pull it off too. “NGH!” She pulled, only to fall backwards and tumble into the hay. “Yeah, preeetty tight.” She got out of the hay and fixed herself up. “Come on then, sugar cube. We have a lot to talk about.” She said. I gulped and followed her to her house.

As I had predicted, her living room was pretty old-fashioned in terms of houses. It seemed to be like a wooden cabin. In fact most of everything was wood. The cupboards, the doors, the walls. The only things that were not wooden were the utilities like the sink and fridge, and even then, they looked like they dated back fifty years. I was sitting on the dining table as the girl set down a basket of food.

“Apple fritter?” The cowgirl picked up a fritter and offered it to me. While I’m a sucker for baked goods, a small thing wouldn’t sate my hunger. Though... I was hungry and it did look scrumptious. I took the fritter and ate it.

“Mmm… Anything else?” I asked her.

“We made some apple pie the other day. Oh, and also some apple turnovers! We also have some leftover candy apples from Halloween if you’re interested.” I began to sense a pattern.

“… You know, I’m thinking of breakfast. I mean, it’s morning, right? What do you have for cereal?” I asked.

“Oh, that’s easy!” She went over to a cupboard and opened it up. When she returned, she held a box of: “Apple Jacks!” Alright. That does it. I’m stuck in one of those families it seems.

“Yeah… Okay, I don’t wish to be rude, but… does your family have some… thing for apples?” I asked.

“Of course we do! We own a family business of pickin’ apples, after all.” She said.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that everything you eat should be apples, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, but let’s be honest, sugar cube, nothing beats a good ol’ apple. Ever hear the saying of an apple a day keeps the doc away?” She said. I rolled my eyes.

“I have a name, you know. How’d you like if I just called you Applejack? Like the cereal?” I pointed to the cereal. That’s when I noticed her snickering.

“Well, you’re right on the dot.” She wiped her tear and offered me her hand. “Name’s Applejack.” She said.

“… Seriously, that’s your name?” I muttered. I shook my head and sighed. Eeeyup, I’m in that family. Well, it’s better than staying with the Sawyers, right? “My name’s Kelly.” I shook her hand.

“Nice to meetcha, Kelly. So, can ya tell me what the hay’s goin’ on?” she asked me.

"Well... first, do you know a Niko Zoloto?" I asked

"Nope. Name doesn't ring a bell." she said.

"Okay. Well, I'm out of ideas as to what the hell is going on. All I know is that I put on this belt, time slowed down, and I woke up here.” I said. She stared at me for a bit before she sighed. Great, I sound like a crazy person. When I dressed up as the mad scientist, I wasn't aiming to be just as mad.

“Well, I know a liar when I see one.” My hands instantly slam on the table.

“That’s all I know, swear to-!” And she placed her hand in front of my view.

“And you are no liar. I trust ya, suga- I mean, Kelly. This does raise some questions, though.” Applejack said.

"I know, I know. I don't know all the answers though. I'm just as confused as you are." I sighed. I began to think that the freezing was just my imagination. I saw a big beefy orange-haired man enter the room. I didn’t need Applejack to even tell me that’s the Big Mac she told me about.

“Mornin’.” Big Mac said. He looked to me. “What’s goin’ on?” He asked.

“Excuse me for a moment, Kel.” Applejack got up and walked out of the kitchen and towards a room I couldn’t see from my seat. Big Mac followed her. I inhaled. I knew that they’re going to talk about something they don’t want me to hear, so I snuck off of my chair and edged myself to the kitchen wall.

“Okay, so her name's Kelly and all she knows is that she got a belt. Everything else is a blur to her. I can feel like she’s tellin’ the truth, but I can’t fully trust her yet.” While I couldn’t hear what Big Mac was saying, I did know that it was a question considering how Applejack responded. “It might be better to turn her in to the cops.” I muffled myself to prevent my gasp from being heard. Great, not five minutes into this weird day and already I'm gonna get sent to jail for something I have no idea about. In that silence, I could hear some faint knocking. I saw a girl, no older than 10, with long red hair running to the door. I saw her leap up to peak at the eye hole, and I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she is. However, once she caught a glimpse of what was outside the door, she ran towards the room where Applejack was.

“Applejack! Applejack!” I raised an eyebrow at her yellowish skin when she ran back, but I didn’t mention it out loud. “Some guys are at the door! They say they're looking for someone.” She said.

“Huh?” Applejack cracked her knuckles and walked towards the door. I rushed back to my seat and luckily, I sat in time for her to pass into the kitchen. “Wait here, sugar cube.” She walked to the door and opened it up. I disobeyed her orders and snuck off. Their room was modeled in a way where I could peak around the corner and hide behind the fridge. I saw three people standing on the porch. One wore a green army vest with a black shirt and black shorts, while the other two seemed to be dressed in white tuxedos. I began to wonder if these guys were related to Mr. Zoloto.

“Hello there.” The vested man said.

“What are you folks doin’ here?” Applejack said.

“We’ve came looking for something. I have the feeling that it's here in this very house.” He said.

"Is this something a girl with black hair? A little silver highlight to it as well?" She asked. The man chuckled.

"No. This something's a belt." As soon as he said that, my body tensed up. The Driver. He wants the Driver.

“Well, unfortunately for ya, it has the problem of being stuck onto someone. Someone who I ain’t givin’ to ya unless you tell me what the hay’s goin’ on.” Applejack glared to the man. My heart raced. Only a certain group of people would ever want this Driver. The man nudged his head to the door as the two suited men barged in. “H-hey! What are ya doin’!?” Applejack tried to push them away, but they simply backhanded her.

“We’re not entitled to tell you anything! What you need to know is that, unless you hand over the belt to us, people will get hurt and possessions will be stolen.” He said as the two dragged out Big Mac and an old lady that… Wait, when the hell was green a color of skin? I looked to Big Mac and noticed that, despite the mass difference, the gangster easily overpowered him.

“Okay, that does it! We’re callin’ the cops on you!” Applejack got up, raised her leg up high and kicked their leader in the jaw. He reeled back while he held his jaw. He rubbed it a bit before he smiled.

“No… That won’t be necessary.” My body went completely numb as he waved his arm. Without ever seeing the flashy particles emerge, I have confirmed that these people were indeed Roidmudes, robotic doppelgangers with the ability to make people's perception of time slow down. Once the flash happened, I could feel the Slowdown happen again. And it seems I’m not the only one.

“W-what the?!” Applejack said as the leader walked up to her and grabbed her by the throat.

“That little number you did… I liked it. Your body… is perfect for my tastes.” His body began to morph into a blur of red pixels before they settled on a new body: Applejack’s. He tossed her as I saw her body fall in slow motion.

“Apple Bloom! Run!” She yelled. I look to see the little girl had begun to run off, though thanks to the heavy pressure, the Roidmude easily caught up to her and kicked her in the face, knocking her back. He laughed. “Apple Bloom!”

“Yes… These is indeed… the perfect legs…” He shifted back to his male form, though now with Applejack’s legs. He compared his peach-color skin to Applejack’s slightly orange skin. ... Yeah, now is the time to start wondering about the skin colors of... wherever the hell I'm in. He screamed. “NO! THEY MISMATCH! You!" He pointed to Applejack. "You’ve made me imperfect! Now you must pay!” And with another shift of pixels, he transformed into someone I now recognize: The Iron Roidmude, a perfectionist who spent his time stealing aspects of different humans and combining them to make his own body perfect. The other two Roidmudes shed their human disguises too and showed their true form. As they did, I could see their numbers printed on their chests: 042 and 088, as well as their class of both Spider and Bat, respectively.

“Boss, our priority is the girl, not these guys.” 042 said. The Iron Roidmude decked him in the head.

“Shut it! They must be punished for ruining my perfection!” He said. He nodded to 088 as he pointed his fingers to Applejack.

“Go! Now!” I could hear Applejack yell to me as she shed a tear and shut her eyes. That’s when I noticed… My body wasn’t being weighed down. I flexed my fingers. Yeah. I could move. I turned around and ran. I could hear the Iron Roidmude grunt.

“Change of plan! After her!” He said. I heard the flapping of wings. I ran as fast as I could.

I was able to lose the Roidmude in an acre of apple trees. I slumped to the ground to catch my breath. I winced as I thought of the family I left behind to be killed. I sat up, huddled my legs, and cried into them. I couldn't save them...

They are quite a piece of work, are they?” I heard a voice from somewhere. A very familiar voice too. I looked around. When I remembered where I heard the voice from, my only conclusion was to look down onto my Driver.

There, I saw a golden frowning face with a big, long nose presented in LCD. I began to shudder as I knew this face. It was the face of Tenjuro Banno, inventor of the Roidmudes and enemy to both their kind and humankind. And right now, he’s right on my waist.

They are my Magnum Opus. Perfect beings, don’t you think?” He said.

“They’re going to murder innocent people!” I yelled.

Such is life.” He chuckled. I tried again to take off the belt, though now with more aggression in my strength. “Please, if that was possible, I would have taken myself off of you the moment you got here. Hate to say it, but you’re stuck to me as much as I am stuck to you.” I breathed in.

“I figured as such.” I muttered. I already knew that they were after Banno, though.

Seems the Roidmudes want me back.” I could hear 088’s wings as they flapped. “Fortunately, given the choice between you and the Roidmudes, I’d rather be stuck to you than spend the rest of my life back inside an iPad.” Dead leaves crunched as I could hear the Roidmude grunt. “You know how the Driver works, right?” He said. A chill went up my spine.

“T-turn on the ignition. I know.” I remembered how the Banno Driver worked in the show. It was less of a transformation device and more of a brainwashing device. This thing could use Roidmudes like puppets, even if their Core is destroyed and all that remains is their empty husk. I concluded that what would happen will be similar to that.

Good. If you could do that and let me transform, I’ll see about getting the Roidmudes out of the way and maybe even save that family.” He said. My hand hovered over the ignition. “You better hurry.” Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. The Roidmude looked for us. It was only a matter of time before he found us. Only a matter of time before that family is killed. I gulped. I had no other choice but to trust this madman.

“Alright… but you have to save them, alright?” I asked him.

Very well.” My hand shook. I’d be trusting the lives of people I barely met to this monster. How would I know he’d be true to his word? He views practically everyone, even his so-called “Magnum Opuses”, as nothing more than lab rats. How could I even trust him with my life? “What are you waiting for? Start my engine.” Any second now, the Roidmude would have found me, and I don’t think he was intent on taking me alive. However, it wasn't my life that made me decide to do what I did. I knew full well that Banno was a complete monster, but as I looked at the Driver, part of me felt that I could be able to save someone with this, even if it'd be Banno calling the shots. I touched the Ignition Key and turned it. “Henshin…” He muttered.

A bright yellow light emerged from the Driver. Yellow lightning bolts sparked out of the Driver and enveloped my body as a light blue barrier was formed around me. My body surged. I felt like each part of my skin was being pulled apart and electrocuted at the same time. The pain lasted for a moment before my body had changed. Now I had the under suit to my Rider form. This was followed shortly by the golden pieces of armor that gave my form the name of Gold Drive. They snapped onto me as one last flash of golden light emitted from the Driver.

That’s when I felt my entire body become numb. I tried to lift up my arms and legs, but they didn’t seem to respond. However, my body got up regardless. It didn’t take me any time to know what was going on, especially after I threw my head back in Banno’s laughter.

Yeah, this feels right…” Banno said as my hand gripped. I knew it. He took over my body. God, this is gonna be confusing. I heard the Roidmude creep right behind me. He made a mad dash. All this while Banno just stood, chuckling. Idiot! Someone’s gonna kill you! Move! Although I couldn’t feel my body tense up, I braced myself for impact. Banno spun around and roundhouse kicked the Roidmude. It was sudden and loud, like a gunshot. The Roidmude fell over to the ground, sparking with the same yellow lightning that preceded my transformation, and exploded. His Core, represented by his number, floated up before it too exploded.

I’ve adapted to your body easier than I thought. Well, I might as well fulfill my end of the bargain, right?” Banno said. He ran off at super speed.

I worried that in the time it took for us to get there, the family would have been killed already. Even though I only knew them for half an hour, I felt sorry for them. Maybe it was just because I wound up inadvertently involved them in this mess. However, I felt relieved when we arrived and saw that the family was alive. The Roidmudes were careless enough to leave the door wide open. However, I could see that 042 had just shot the old lady in the arm, with numerous screams heard among the family. He pointed his finger guns to her head. That's when Banno leaped up into the air upon entering the house and axe kicked him to the ground. As he landed, the Roidmude was forced in a kneeling position before he exploded. Banno stomped into the ground right as its core was about to fly off, crushing it on his heel. Banno looked to Iron and laughed.

Is this the best you’ve got against your creator? I thought I made you out of sterner stuff.” Banno said.

“I’ll show you!” Iron ran to Banno and tried to punch him, but Banno dodged out of the way and punched the Roidmude five times in the stomach at blurring speeds. Iron stumbled back as Banno punched one more time into his head. Iron fell back. He got up as his arms changed. He punched as one of his arms stretched out to the end of the hall. Banno grabbed it.

Heh.” he pulled the Roidmude towards himself. He held his fist out as the Roidmude ran into it.


His fist smashed through the Roidmude’s chest and he held its Core in his hand. Iron writhed as Banno slowly crushed the core. When it was nothing but crushed dust, Banno retraced his arm and let the Roidmude fall. Its corpse had tiny bits of lightning springing from the open wound. It exploded when it landed as time returned to normal. Applejack rushed over to the elder.

“Granny!” Banno walked away before I could even know if she would be okay or not.

When we were about a mile from the house, Banno stopped walking and laughed maniacally. It was at this moment that I realized that I have made a gross mistake.

Starting today, there will be a return! The return of Tenjuro Banno! Humanity will cower before my feet! Oppressors will fall before my might! And I will rule everything over with an iron fi-” As he gloated, the Gold Drive suit disassembled. I could finally move my arms and legs again. I felt very cold when I regained them.

“Oh thank God!” I muttered.

Wh-what happened!? I was close to domination! What caused my transformation to give out?!” Banno babbled. While I was indeed thankful for the sudden depower, it had me wondering that too. Just what the hell happened? One minute, Banno was using my body, the next, he's back to being a belt.

“… Perhaps it’s a technical glitch.” I remarked how short my time was as Gold Drive, or rather, Banno’s time. I rested my index finger onto my chin. I tried to think of an idea, but I couldn’t help but think of Applejack trying to revive her grandmother. I wondered where the hell her parents were. I shed a tear as I believed that her parents must have died.

I looked at the house. Like hell I was gonna leave the family orphaned. I took out my phone. Much to my relief, my cell had service. I called a simple, three digit number.

Hello, Nine-One-One?” The dispatcher asked.

“Hello, I wish to report of a mob breaking and entering a home. There’s a grandmother who might be critically injured from their attack.” I said.

Alright, we’ll be there as soon as we can.” The dispatcher said. As I hung up, I turned around and walked toward the house.

You’re going back for them?” Banno asked.

“Yeah. They saved our lives just now and you just returned the favor. Of course I’ll do my part.” I said.

You know, I was going to take back what I thought of you, but now you’ve shown me that you are truly an idiot. That girl just said that she’ll turn you in first chance she has.” Banno said.

“So? We don’t know the extent of what she meant." I thought back to what Applejack said. Maybe I jumped the gun when I thought that she was considering having me thrown in jail. She might have meant it in another way. "Whether she thinks we’re criminals or victims, I’d rather be in the care of cops than have anyone risk their lives to cover our asses.” I said. As I walked back into the house, I heard Banno say:

You’re just as dumb as my son.

I entered the house as I saw Applejack preform CPR on her grandmother.

“I called for an ambulance. They’ll arrive shortly.” Applejack looked up to me and smiled.

“Thank you, Kelly.” She said. I paused for a moment before I knelt down to her.

“And… maybe it’s for the best if the authorities took me in. I have no idea what’s going on and I have a feeling like there’ll be more gangsters where that came from. The cops could probably protect me and maybe get to the bottom of what’s going on.” I said. Applejack hesitated, but she nodded soon after. Of course, that’s part of the reason why I wanted to turn myself in. As I heard the sirens, I rested my mind, knowing that I’ll finally answer questions that had been searing in my head since I first got here:

What the hell is Banno doing on my belt? Where did the Roidmudes come from, especially since the ones Banno fought were dead to begin with? Who names their kid Applejack? Who the hell was that Zoloto guy? And perhaps the most important question of all: where the hell am I?