• Published 27th Aug 2015
  • 17,302 Views, 10,944 Comments

BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 13: Trip Down Memory Lane (part 3) Destiny in Doubt

Author's Note:

Ta-daaa! Finally the next chapter of the 'Memory saga' is complete.

Sorry if its been so long, but this is to celebrate over 100 likes, 20 followers and over 90 comments.
Thank you everyone! :twilightsmile:

Can't say much now, so leave a like, leave a comment, and I'll see you lovely people later.

As the bright light faded away, the three Alicorns found themselves in what looked like a barren wasteland. The soil was sandy with only a few grass patches and massive cliffs dominated the landscape. Luckily since it’s all a memory, the three princesses were unaffected by the otherwise extreme heat.

“Wow, the Digital World has deserts too,” Twilight said as she looked around her surroundings.

“So the Digital World is like our world. It has different environments,” Celestia joined.

But as Twilight, Celestia and Luna looked on, they saw an unnerving sight. Digimon, multiple types and sizes, all lie on the hot sand. They were left beaten and broken.

Then the trio heard footsteps, which was then followed by a voice all too familiar to them.

“Who’s next? Come on! Stand up and fight!”

The three Alicorns turned towards the voice and saw BlackWarGreymon, walking past the fallen Digimon around him.

The princesses immediately knew that the devastation was his doing. He defeated the innocent Digimon and left them in the sand. Seeing such things broke the hearts of the mares, never had they seen BlackWarGreymon being so heartless and cruel. Despite the sight, they had to constantly remind themselves that it was what BlackWarGreymon was before he found friendship. Where he believed that fighting was all he thought was good for.

After a few more footsteps in the sand, the armoured Digimon spoke again.

“This is too easy. I need a more worthy opponent,”

Then he called out to the world around him.

“Is there no one who can challenge me!?”

The princesses knew he had a point. Knowing that he was capable of beating Tirek, there was very little in Equestria that could stand to his power.

Then they heard him spoke as he came to a stop.

“What’s this?”

It took the mares a few seconds to realise why BlackWarGreymon stopped. Standing in front of him, was a herd of elephant-like Digimon. Twenty of them. They had shaggy brown fur, two long tusks and strange looking ears. But what made them truly strange was that all of them had armour on, covering their faces right down to their trunks. Also, they had yellow stripes and a cyclops eye engraved on their facial armour. They were noisy too, they kept blowing their trunks loudly.

“These Digimon get weirder and weirder,” Luna said before she and the other mares realised that the herd were all facing at BlackWarGreymon.

“Well well well, what do we have here? Looks like the circus is in town,” The black Digimon remarked as the heard kept blowing out their trunks. Until one spoke up.

“Hardly. We’re Mammothmon! Giant woolly Digimon who travel in herds. You are no match for our Tusk Crusher attack.”

As soon as the Mammothmon finished its introduction, the three Alicorns spotted Arukenimon and Mummymon on the top of a cliff behind the herd.

Then they heard them calling out to BlackWarGreymon.

“There you are, BlackWarGreymon. What a bad boy, running away from home,” Arukenimon said, acting like a mother to a disobedient child.

Then Mummymon joined in.

“You’re in a lot of trouble, now be a good Digimon and come with us. Do you know how many Control Spires it took to create theme Mammothmon!?” He asked before trying to figure it out for himself.

“How many was it?”

“Two hundred,” Arukenimon answered. That left Twilight figuring something out.

“So two hundred Control Spires. And there’s twenty of them. They must be Ultimate level Digimon,” She said. Then the trio of Alicorns heard BlackWarGreymon speaking.

“I wonder how powerful they are? Let’s find out!”

This earned looks of disbelief from both his creators and the on-looking mares.

“What do you think you’re doing!?” Mummymon demanded.

“He’s seriously going against the whole herd!?” Celestia asked while she and the other two Alicorns waited in anticipation.

Then without a moment’s notice, the whole Mammothmon herd charged at BlackWarGreymon. Who just stood in place without a hint of fear.

As the shockwaves from the stampede flowed through the sand beneath them, the Alicorns noticed that just one of the advancing Digimon completely dwarfed the armoured Digimon. One was enough to scare the living daylights out of the royal guards, but there were twenty of them.

“Over here, boys!” BlackWarGreymon called out, then followed by a crazed chuckle.

The three princesses didn’t say a word, eager to find out the outcome.

After a nerve-racking moment, slashing sounds were made when the herd went through and past BlackWarGreymon. As the last Mammothmon went past, the whole herd came to a halt. When the dust cloud faded to reveal the black Digimon, everyone and everypony were shocked when they noticed that he was left completely unscaved.

“I don’t believe it!” Mummymon said.

“That’s impossible! They didn’t even make a dent!” Arukenimon added.

“Not a scratch on him,” Mummymon added again.

It was clear that his creators completely underestimated BlackWarGreymon. Even the three Alicorns were left gawking at how strong and resilient he was, to take a full stampede and come out of it still standing and unmoved.

Then something happened that shocked everyone. Four of the twenty Mammothmon immediately got deleted. All their data just poofed into the air and into nothing.

“Tell me I didn’t see what I just saw!” Arukenimon shouted in a panic. Stricken to see four of her creations destroyed at once.

“Well if what you saw was four large Mammothmon disintegrating then I can’t tell you that because that’s what you saw!” Mummymon answered, whom was also in a panic.

Although Celestia and Luna were also surprised at what just happened, Twilight was surprised at something else.

‘So that’s what happens when a Digimon dies.’

She then froze at what she just thought of. She had just witnessed a death of four Digimon. By BlackWarGreymon. But she had to remember that they weren’t ordinary Digimon, they had no true feeling or emotion whatsoever.

“Next,” BlackWarGreymon said as he turned to the next Mammothmon, temping one of them to attack. And it worked.

“I’ve got a few tricks in the old trunk.”

One Mammothmon then charged at its fellow Artificial Digimon. Who was getting his claws ready to strike back.

Then in a flash, BlackWarGreymon slashed at the assaulting Digimon. After a few seconds of silence, the Mammothmon was destroyed. Who was then quickly followed by another with minimal effort.

While the fight was going on, the three Alicorns talked amongst themselves.

“He’s making mincemeat out of them,” Twilight said.

However, Luna was puzzled by one thing.

“But I still don’t understand. Up against three Digimon is one thing, but here, BlackWarGreymon’s against twenty. How is he still winning?”

Twilight then answered Luna’s question.

“Because BlackWarGreymon is a Mega level Digimon. The strongest type of Digimon there is. And the Mammothmon are Ultimate level Digimon, a stage below a Mega.”

“Wow. Even though he’s outnumbered, he’s still stronger,” Celestia said, amazed that even twenty Ultimates couldn’t defeat one Mega.

Celestia then continued.

“To think that BlackWarGreymon is now a lot stronger then he was back then.”

Hearing the sentence out loud sent shivers straight through the group, knowing that back in Equestria BlackWarGreymon was capable of so much more.

Because that what they were seeing was a memory, the three princesses were able to hear BlackWarGreymon’s thoughts as he was slaughtering the Mammothmon. And what he said made the Alicorns concerned as they listened.

‘I defeat my opponents so easily. It’s not enough. I still fell an emptiness inside me. No matter what I do, nothing seems to fill this void.’

Soon, to the surprise of the three mares, his hidden frustration got the better of him.


Hearing his emotional outburst sent sorrow into the hearts of the Alicorn princesses. He was new to the world and all he knew at the time was to fight. He had no experience with feelings and was greatly confused about it.

The princesses knew that, in a way, BlackWarGreymon was scared. To have no idea about the world around him. To have no experience in anything apart from war.

To feel totally alone.

Just the thought of it made Twilight, Celestia and Luna feel deeply sorry for BlackWarGreymon. He was like a lonely child, completely defenceless in a world he didn’t understand. Missing out on opportunities that could’ve prevented him from being haunted and scarred for the rest of his life. Only to grow up being feared, hated and unloved.

In short; Being alone would mean he wouldn’t understand. And what he wouldn’t understand, he would try to destroy.

The thought of it all was enough to make one shed a tear.

The mares’ thoughts of sadness however were interrupted by Arukenimon.

“You can’t be feeling empty because you have no feelings!”

Confused at the statement, the Alicorns, as well as BlackWarGreymon, listened to what the Digimon had to say.

“It’s just your imagination. I created you from Control Spires. So you’re nothing more than my little puppet.”

Although Twilight and Celestia were unmoved by the obvious insult, Luna was starting to grunt in anger.

“Who does she think she is?” She said quietly to herself. But what Mummymon said next just made it more insulting.

“Oh, I do love a puppet show!”

After silencing her comrade, Arukenimon became intrigued about BlackWarGreymon’s behaviour.

“I wonder why you’re experiencing this. These imaginary feelings of yours.”

She then thought up with a conclusion.

“It’s quite possible that when the Control Spires you were created from fused together, the left over programs that weren’t being used caused this reaction.”

“Left over…programs?” BlackWarGreymon asked. Although confusing at first, he and the princesses eventually got the right picture.

‘Could that be why he is different from the others?’ Luna thought to herself.

As the Mammothmon herd charged at BlackWarGreymon, he spoke back to his creators.

“How simple would it all be if I were just another one of your Control Spire Digimon. But I’m not!”

He them performed his infamous Black Tornado attack, deleting three Mammothmon in the process. Afterwards, he spoke again in a serious tone.

“I’m not a simple creation from one Control Spire. I’m complex! Made up of many Spires! That’s why I suffer! Or is it still my imagination!?”

“Beats me,” Arukenimon answered, followed by a suggestion from Mummymon.

“There is an easy way to end your suffering!”

“How do you suppose I do that?” BlackWarGreymon asked, eager to know the answer.

“Just simply forget all this feeling nonsense and follow orders like you’re supposed to do!”

His suggestion was not the one the princesses were expecting.

“They’re the ones with no feeling. They don’t even care about what he’s going through. They don’t care at all!” Luna said to herself, her anger reaching to a point where Twilight and Celestia start to notice.

What BlackWarGreymon said next was one of the reasons as to why he didn’t like being ordered around.

“I will not take orders from those inferior to myself.”

After a quick discussion on the edge of the cliff, and realising that their Mammothmon were no match for the Mega, Arukenimon and Mummymon taunted BlackWarGreymon before retreating away.

“Go ahead and feel if you want. You’re of no use to me.”

“Yeah, feel to your imaginary heart’s discontempt!”

Their taunting seemed to had gotten the better of Luna more than anyone else.

“Luna? Are you alright?” Celestia asked, concerned of her sisters’ change in behaviour.

After hearing her older sister, Luna calmed down and answered.

“Uhh… I’m sorry. It’s just that they treat him as if he’s nothing. As if he was their slave. Don’t they realise that they have created a living, thinking being?”

Before either Celestia and Twilight could say anything, they heard BlackWarGreymon. Who apparently wasn’t effected by the taunting.

“I’m not imagining my turmoil.”

He then turned toward the advancing Mammothmon herd.

“If what they say is true, then my enemies don’t suffer when I destroy them. Tell me something Mammothmon,” He then charged straight into the heart of the stampede.

“Are you imagining me!?”

During the next five minutes, BlackWarGreymon was relentless. Every time a Mammothmon tries to attack, he deletes them with minimal effort. As he kept up the onslaught, the three on-looking Alicorns felt fear and sadness towards him. Fear from the fact that he was fully capable of holding his own in a fight against creatures that could overwhelm royal guards. And sadness that no one was answering the questions that he so desperately wanted to find out. He even resorted to ask the Mammothmon.

As the fight reached its conclusion, BlackWarGreymon was still fully in his prime, and there was only one Mammothmon left.

“How about you? Do you feel any pain?” BlackWarGreymon asked. But the fake Digimon only responded with a blow from its trunk before charging.

That earned a sigh of disappointment from the black Digimon before looking down at something that caught his vision. Right in front of him was a small grass patch with a lone pink flower.

“What’s this? A tiny flower? Hmm.”

The three Alicorns followed his line of vision and too spotted the flower.

“Why is he looking at that flower?” Twilight asked, expecting an answer.

What BlackWarGreymon said next made the princesses question why he was so concerned.

“It’s right in Mammothmon’s path.”

As the stampeding Mammothmon got closer, BlackWarGreymon’s eyes widened when he realised that the flower was about to be crushed under the woolly Digimon’s foot.


Moving at great speed, BlackWarGreymon leapt on top of the grass patch. Shielding the flower by taking the blow from Mammothmon. Seeing its advantage, the woolly Digimon repeatedly stamped its foot onto BlackWarGreymon’s back. Pounding him in hopes he would break.

The three Alicorns whom were watching were taken completely by surprise in his change of behaviour. Plus, the fact that he was protecting an ordinary flower. No, the fact that he was protecting… something.

Twilight was then hit with da-ja-vu. She had seen this action before.

“He’s protecting it in the same way he protected Fluttershy from Tirek!”

“But, why is he protecting that flower?” Celestia asked.

“Well, yesterday he did say that during his time of being bad, he encountered signs, showing that he could be more then what he realised. I think this is one of the signs,” Twilight answered, earning interest from the royal sisters.

After turning their attention back to the fight, Mammothmon was still stomping on BlackWarGreymon’s back while he was still shielding the flower.

With a sudden determination of ending the fight to ensure the safety of the flower, BlackWarGreymon mustered up his strength and rose back up. Despite Mammothmon pressing down a hard as it could.

After he got back up on his feet, the Mega faced the final member of the herd and performed an attack that Twilight and Luna were familiar with. Celestia however, being the only one out of the three who had never seen the attack before, was left completely awe-stricken at the amount of power it packed.

“Terra Destroyer!!!”

Then the great red sphere collided into Mammothmon, vaporizing it entirely. Twilight looked over to Celestia, being slightly amused by her expression.

“Yeah, he can also do that.”

With no more opposition towards him, BlackWarGreymon immediately checked up on the tiny pink plant in great concern.

“The flower!? ......safe,” he said while sighing in relief. But his concern was then followed by great confusion and questioning of his recent actions.

“But why did I care? What difference does it make if there’s one more tiny flower in the world or not? Hmm.”

Continuously being clouded in confusion and desperate for finding answers, BlackWarGreymon went ahead and done something that no one, no Digimon and no pony would ever had expected. Especially since it was coming from the likes of him. The three princesses couldn’t help bit giggle at the sight. To them, it was rather cute.

BlackWarGreymon, the ultimate anti-hero himself, was talking to the flower.

“You and I are very different. I mean, besides the obvious, you’re a little flower and I’m the most powerful Digimon on two worlds. I-I mean you’re alive and I’m just artificial. You have real feelings and I can only imagine it…”

His eyes start to narrow in anger, confusion and something even the Alicorns could detect, sadness.

“…like I can imagine this pain in my heart.”

In frustration of his confused mind, he squashed the flower with his own foot. Then wiping his foot side to side to smear it on the grass patch.

Seeing the action and BlackWarGreymon in such a confused state broke the princesses’ hearts. Feeling deeply sorry for him to go through such a thing.

“Why should I care about whenever a tiny flower lives or dies? Who cares!?”

He then lifted his foot off the patch, revealing the crushed flower. The very same one he protected moments ago.

“All I want to know is, where is this empty feeling inside of me coming from? If I’m not a true living creature, why does my heart ache? Well the truth is… my heart doesn’t even exist.”

His last sentence mad the three mares feel deep sorrow for BlackWarGreymon. He has done something good but had doubts about it afterwards.

“But…for him to ask such questions, his heart must exist. Right?” Luna asked, but Celestia and Twilight weren’t too sure what the answer might be.

But one thought occurred to them that he might indeed have a heart. He saved Equestria from Tirek, rescued Luna from the yellow dragon. And accepted friendship from everypony he had met so far. That should be signs that BlackWarGreymon had a heart.

But further thought of the subject was put on hold. Because the memory started to fade into whiteness. But instead of leaving the memory, the memory itself changed. It skipped ahead a few hours. Though the Alicorns found themselves in the same desert area. But with the sun setting and a long shadow of BlackWarGreymon stretched to the distance.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“We’re still in the same memory, Twilight. But later in the day,” Luna answered before talking to herself.

“Strange, I had no control over it.”

As the princesses caught up with BlackWarGreymon, they noticed a strange, wobbly path the Digimon was leaving behind. Rippling through the ground as he passes by.

“Wow. Even back then his energy was intense,” Twilight said to herself.

Then to their surprise, the three mares heard a child-like voice.

“Hi, you look familiar. Are you lost or something?”

It was obvious that the voice was intended for BlackWarGreymon. Hearing in brought his full attention.

“Hmm? Me?”

“That’s right.”

After narrowing down the source of the voice, the three Alicorns saw a large rock in front of BlackWarGreymon. On top of the rock, was a Digimon.

He looked like a small yellow carnivorous dinosaur with three claws on each hand, a small tail and large green eyes. After looking at him, the three ponies estimated that he was taller than an average pony, but slightly smaller than a stallion.

“What’s that small Digimon doing on his own?” Twilight asked, but before she could get her answer, BlackWarGreymon spoke.

“Why are you talking to me? Do you want to fight?”

His sentence earned looks of disappointment from the Alicorns. Even at a state of confusion, he still thought that fighting was the best way to go.

Then the small Digimon answered back.

“No, just being friendly. Allow me to introduce myself. Agumon’s my name, protecting this area’s my game.”

Hearing his introduction made Twilight gasp in astonishment. Seeing one of the very Digimon that BlackWarGreymon mentioned first hand.

“That’s Agumon!?”

“You know him?” Celestia asked in confusion, clearly seeing that Twilight heard the name before.

“Well not exactly. But BlackWarGreymon told me and my friends that Agumon was the first Digimon to offer friendship towards him.”

The answer made Celestia and Luna look at Twilight in utter surprise.

‘His first friend?’ Celestia thought to herself while smiling warmly at Agumon.

Then the small Digimon said something that even caught Twilight off guard.

“When I warp-digivolve, I become WarGreymon.”

Twilight was left completely in shock at the piece of useful information that BlackWarGreymon could have told her.

“H-He can warp-digivolve? He has a Mega form!? He can transform into… WarGreymon!?”

“Twilight, who’s WarGreymon?” Luna asked the smaller Alicorn.

“I…I don’t know. BlackWarGreymon never mentioned a thing about him.”

After their brief and confusing lesson, they heard BlackWarGreymon said something that made them concerned again.

“Were you also made from Control Spires?”

His question almost sounded like he wanted Agumon to say yes. But the answer he received was not what he wanted to hear.

“Na. I came from a Digi-egg.”

BlackWarGreymon frowned in disappointment, expecting to see that talking would lead him to nowhere.

“Then I have nothing to talk to you about. You couldn’t possibly understand me whenever you become WarGreymon or any other real Digimon,” He stated as he walked past Agumon.

Hearing his words made the princesses sad again. He really was the only one of his kind.

Then Agumon tried to be supportive.

“But maybe I can help.”

It seemed to have worked. BlackWarGreymon stopped and turned his full attention to the Rookie Digimon.

“Wait, I will talk to you. And perhaps you can answer all of the questions that plague me.”

Seeing the sudden turn of events made the Alicorns smile. Then they giggled at Agumon’s response.

“Umm… I didn’t know there would be a quiz involved.”

As time went by, the Alicorns stood still in silence. Because of how important the conversation was between BlackWarGreymon and Agumon, they wanted to hear every word. But the questions the black armoured Digimon asked were something that the three princesses really wanted to answer. Because the small Digimon doesn’t have them.

Like the question about where the heart was. Unfortunately, Agumon was unsure where it was on his body.

“Hmm, maybe right here?” Agumon said before moving his hands from his chest to his head. “Then again?”

He then gave up.

“Oh, I’m not sure. I’m sorry I’m not more helpful to you. No one has ever asked me before where my heart is.”

BlackWarGreymon then answered back.

“Strange. You claim to be alive and yet you don’t know where your heart is. Maybe in doesn’t really exist. Maybe the heart is just an illusion.”

The three princesses couldn’t believe what they just heard.

‘He thinks that hearts are fake,’ Twilight thought to herself while she, Luna and Celestia watched on.

“It’s not an illusion. When you really care about someone more then you care about yourself, it’s called love. And I know it comes from the heart. I just don’t know where it is,” Agumon said in protest, clearly disagreeing that the heart doesn’t exist.

BlackWarGreymon was briefly intrigued that Agumon used an emotion as an example.

“Interesting. Then let me ask you this. Why do you have a heart?”

“I don’t know why, I just do that’s all. Humans have them and so do Digimon.”

“But I’m a different kind of Digimon. Made from Control Spires. Does that mean I have a heart too? Or was I created without one?”

It was a question that baffled the Alicorns just as much as it did to Agumon. But in a way he had a point, but the princesses still believed that he had one. The Rookie Digimon however wasn’t entirely sure.

“Hmm, these are all very good questions that I love to answer for you. But I’m not very good at this kind of stuff,” He admitted before continuing.

“Could you repeat the question?”

“I’m not sure I remember what I asked anymore,” BlackWarGreymon said, the question was so confusing that even he forgot what it was.

“Hmm… then we’re both confused. Let’s forget the whole thing and grab a bite,” Agumon suggested, he was clearly no help. But BlackWarGreymon wasn’t finished.

“I’m sorry, I need more answers.”

As more time went by, the sun was just barely over the horizon. The sunset made the sky glow red as the conversation continued.

Tired from the constant standing, Twilight, Luna and Celestia sat down to rest. To them it was strange for a brief moment because BlackWarGreymon too sat down as he talked to Agumon.

“But you see I’m not alive. I’m just…uh…a thing. Why would I possibly have any use for a heart in the first place?”

His question made the expressions on the mares’ faces sadder by the minute.

“Good point,” Agumon said. Then he made a suggestion that made the princesses’ eyes sparkle in happiness.

“Hay, you can be a friend!”

“A friend?” BlackWarGreymon asked, confused and interested in what Agumon had to say. So did the Alicorns in fact.

“Yeah! You see if you care about me, then we’re friends. And if we’re friends, then you have a heart. You can’t have one without the other.”

Twilight’s face suddenly beamed with utter joy.

“He’s right. Agumon’s absolutely right!” She then turned to her fellow princesses. “BlackWarGreymon is friends with us because he cares. So it must mean he does have a heart!”

“I agree with you, Twilight,” Luna said white Celestia smiled warmly at the two. They then turned their attention back to the two Digimon.

“Look at me. I got lots of friends,” Agumon added.

However, what BlackWarGreymon said next was a great example of him doubting himself.

“What if I’m not capable of being a friend? That would prove once and for all if I have a heart or not.”

The statement alone took the happiness from the princesses. If only the past BlackWarGreymon could see his future life in Equestria.

“Of course you’re capable, everybody’s capable of being someone’s friend.”

The Alicorns couldn’t agree more. Agumon was clearly a good example of a true friend. But BlackWarGreymon still had doubts.

“But what if…”

He was interrupted by Agumon.

“What if. Always with the ‘what ifs’. What if my aunt had a moustache? She’d be my uncle,” He said, obviously making a joke.

“She would? Your logic confuses me,” BlackWarGreymon said, clearly didn’t get the joke.

“How is friendship supposed to feel or does it just happen? At any rate it certainly hasn’t made me feel any better,” He continued.

“That’s because we just met. Give it time,” Agumon answered. But his advice had only angered BlackWarGreymon.

“Time!? I’ve given you time to answer all of my questions and you haven’t answered one yet.”

He then raised his right gauntlet up to his face, showing his metal claws to threaten Agumon.

“I should just destroy you and move on. It seems to be my purpose in life. And if that’s so, then so be it. I will dedicate myself to being the most powerful.”

The statement was something the princesses didn’t want to hear. He not only had a chance at making a friend and threw it away, but thinking that hurting other Digimon just to prove that he was the strongest was his meaning in existence, literally hurt the Alicorns. They simply couldn’t believe that BlackWarGreymon was once so cruel.

But the image of the pink flower made BlackWarGreymon flinch, already doubting what he just said.

“But I have to know if that was my true destiny. Or if there’s something more for me in this world than just fighting. You know like a reason why I’m here. For some it’s money, others power, and for you perhaps friendship. But I have to know the reason why I was created.”

His long rambling got both the Alicorns and Agumon all worried.

“Snap out of it! Boy are you a serious guy,” Agumon said, trying to calm BlackWarGreymon down.

As the conversation neared its conclusion, the sun disappeared over the hills, giving way for night. And BlackWarGreymon suggested something that both the princesses and Agumon completely disagreed on.

“No way! You can’t throw your heart away!” The Rookie Digimon said in a serious tone.

“But if what you say is true, and I have a heart, then it is clearly interfering with my fighting. And I can’t reach my full fighting potential until I throw my heart away,” BlackWarGreymon said, but what Agumon said next sounded like a beacon of hope for something good.

“Fighting is important but it’s not everything. You need to trust me as your friend before you can find your heart.”

What the black Digimon said next caught the three ponies by surprise. He suddenly changed his mind.

“Very well. I will be your friend in order to prove if my heart exists.”

It made the Alicorns smile, as if he decided to keep his heart after all. But what he said next made them feel uneasy.

“But if it doesn’t, I will be forced to destroy you.”

“Thanks for the warning,” Agumon said, taking slight offence to the sudden threat. Then he softened his expression.

“By the way, it’s customary to shake hands with a new friend.”

He then raised his right hand up and stretched it out in front of him. The action caught BlackWarGreymon by surprise.

“Hmm!? Shake…hands?”

He then raised his right gauntlet in front of him. After looking at his claws, he slowly moved his arm towards Agumon’s outstretched hand.

Knowing that it was an equivalent of a hoofshake, the three Alicorns were amazed at the sight. BlackWarGreymon was moments away from accepting Agumon as his very first friend! It looked as if it was a start of something both new and big for their saviour. A beacon of hope that would shine on through the rest of his days.

At least, it would of.

As BlackWarGreymon’s claw was just an inch away from Agumon’s hand, his whole body started to tremble from the sudden pain he was feeling. Grunting all the while.

“You…ok?” Agumon asked, unsure what was going on.

It became at the point where the three Alicorns became deeply concerned. They approached him to see what was wrong.

“Uhh…uh…aagh…the pain! It’s getting worse! S-Something’s hurting me!”

The pain got so intense, he covered his head with his hands in hopes for it to go away. But the pain still lingered.

“What’s happening to him!?” Luna asked, but nopony could answer even if they wanted to.

As the pain got to its peak, BlackWarGreymon couldn’t bare it anymore. He roared out in pain and frustration before flying away. But not before the Alicorns noticed the pupils in his eyes became perfect slits.

As Twilight, Luna and Celestia took off to follow him, they heard Agumon calling out to him.

“Where’re you gong!? I was gonna make s’mores! Come back!”

The three Alicorns were silent as they kept up with BlackWarGreymon, determined to find out what’s happening, where he was going and what caused someone like him such pain.

They didn’t have to wait for long. In a massive clearing in front of them, they spotted the same humans from before and their Digimon. What was puzzling to them was that another Digimon, who looked like a knight, was attacking a massive rock with a golden ring around it.

“Why is it attacking that rock?” Luna asked. Twilight meanwhile seemed to know the answer from her previous conversation with BlackWarGreymon.

“I…I think it’s one of the Destiny Stones.”

“I guess BlackWarGreymon has already told you about them?” Celestia asked, knowing that Twilight couldn’t possibly had known what it was if the Mega Digimon hadn’t told her.

“Yes. He said that the Digital World was kept in balance by stones like that one,” Twilight answered.

The princesses then noticed that the sky above them was getting darker. They then turned to BlackWarGreymon, who was speeding towards the knight Digimon while being shrouded in dark energy that not only emanated from his body, but it was spreading across the night sky.

After spotting the incoming Mega, the Artificial Digimon named Knightmon turned around to face him with his sword ready.

However, it never got the chance to use it.

“Mega Destroyer!”

BlackWarGreymon collided into Knightmon’s chest, impaling it with his nose horn. The attack destroyed Knightmon, its body and data disappearing into nothing.

After eliminating his opponent, BlackWarGreymon landed and faced the Destiny Stone in curiosity and determination.

The princesses soon followed in pursuit.

“What’s he going to do?” Celestia asked. Although she and Luna had no idea, Twilight had a pretty bad one.

‘He’s going to destroy it.’

She was right. BlackWarGreymon raised his arms above his head with a red glowing orb in-between them.

“Terra Destroyer!”

He then threw it at the Destiny Stone, causing it to crack open like an egg.

The princesses were shocked at his actions, completely speechless at what they saw.

Just as the good Digimon; one Ultimate, two Champion and two Armoured, charged at BlackWarGreymon in an attempt to stop him, the Mega turned to face them and then defeated all of them with just one Terra Destroyer attack.

With all the opposing Digimon reduced to their smaller forms, they and the DigiDestined were powerless to stop BlackWarGreymon from further damaging the stone with another red glowing orb.

Then he finished it off with another, completely obliterating it.

Again the Alicorns were just as shocked as they were speechless. He just destroyed one of the very things that kept the Digital World in balance. Within one memory, things went from being calm with Agumon to violent and enraged. The destroyed stone then transformed into a giant black tornado, towering high above the ground and into the sky.

The three ponies just stood there in silence as they watched the DigiDestined retreated away and BlackWarGreymon not moving. He just stood there, watching the calamity he caused.

As the memory faded into whiteness, Twilight, Celestia and Luna heard BlackWarGreymon asking a question that they dreaded.

“Could destroying the Destiny Stone…be my destiny?”

After a blinding flash, the stunned princesses found themselves back in BlackWarGreymon’s mind. And behind them was the Digimon himself, who hung his head down in shame and regret.

Knowing that he was behind them, the three turned around to look at him. their faces were full of disbelief. Yes, he told Twilight about what he had done, but she never thought it was anything like what she’d just seen.

Silence surrounded the four of them for a solid minute before Twilight spoke.


The Digimon spoke back while not daring to look at her.

“I know… I did warn you that it wasn’t for the faint hearted. And now you know why.”

He then moved his eye so he could look at the princesses, and read the expressions on their faces. They were exactly what he had expected, it magnified his guilt.

“I knew you’d look at me like that. Thinking that I’m nothing but a cold-hearted monster.”

As he kept talking, sadness was evident in his voice.

“I knew this was a mistake!” He then turned his back against them. “Now get out before more damage can be done!”

What he said next really opened the hearts of the Alicorns.

“I…I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”

After another moment of stunned silence, Celestia walked up to him and attempted to ease his suffering in a way she knows best.

“BlackWarGreymon… you’re not a monster.”

Hearing her made BlackWarGreymon look at her with uncertainty in his eyes.

“I’m…I’m not?”

“No. You see, Discord had done terrible things in the past. And despite everything he’d done, we forgave him when he accepted friendship and became a good friend to Fluttershy,” Celestia said, but BlackWarGreymon still wasn’t sure.

“But that’s different. He tried to take over your world, whereas I almost destroyed mine.”

Luna was next to step in.

“You were only miss-guided. Those… creators of yours were obviously no help to you. You were confused and had questions that needed answering. But with no one to turn to, you took measures into your own and tried to find answers by yourself.”

Despite Luna’s support, it didn’t seem to help BlackWarGreymon. But then she said something that actually did help.

“Not only that, I believe you do have a heart.”

Her words made BlackWarGreymon turn to face the three ponies. He was speechless at what Luna said. Then Twilight backed her up.

“She’s right, BlackWarGreymon. All those questions you asked, those were the sort of questions that comes from someone with a heart. Not only that, back there you almost accepted Agumon as a friend. Even when you arrived in our world, you saved everypony in Equestria from Tirek’s wrath. If that’s not proof that you have a heart, then I don’t know what is.”

Hearing Celestia was one thing, but hearing both Luna’s and Twilight’s words had made BlackWarGreymon glad that he had the three Alicorns as his friends.

“Thank you. All of you.” BlackWarGreymon said, touched by the kindness he was receiving.

Then out of the blue, a thought occurred to Twilight. Something she really wanted to know.

“BlackWarGreymon… just who is WarGreymon?”

The Digimon was surprised at first, but understood why she asked. Both their names sounded similar. Celestia and Luna were just as keen.

“Well… remember when I said that Artificial Digimon were copies of the originals?”


“Well basically, I’m a copy of him.”

The mares all shared collective gasps at the revelation. But he wasn’t finished.

“But because of the amount of Control Spires that were used in my creation, I was… altered."

All three Alicorns became confused at the last word.

“Altered?” Celestia asked.

BlackWarGreymon explained himself.

“You see, unlike other Digimon and their artificial copies, WarGreymon and I don’t look identical.”

He then described WarGreymon.

“Unlike me, his eyes were green and his helmet was chrome silver. He had orange skin, red hair and his voice was different too. But the most interesting part about him was his armour. While mine is black, his was gold.”

The princesses were intrigued at the description of WarGreymon’s appearance.

“I actually met him a few times. You could say he was my rival,” He said while letting out a chuckle at the last thing he said.

While Twilight and Celestia also chuckled, Luna was lost in her thoughts. She was concerned at one of the events she witnessed that popped back in her head. BlackWarGreymon was the one who noticed her.

“Are you ok, Luna?” He asked, making Luna flinch in surprise. She also gained attention from the other two Alicorns.

Luna found it difficult to answer, afraid that she might offend him.

“I’m fine… it’s just that… I know you only did it in self-defence, but… it’s strange… seeing you easily killing those evil Digimon.”

The group were surprised but caught on what Luna meant by. BlackWarGreymon never did once mentioned that he’d done such things. But then the Digimon said something that left the Alicorns confused.

“You can’t kill what isn’t alive.”

The confused princesses looked at him, wanting an explanation.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Artificial Digimon may look alive, but they’re basically walking talking Control Spires. So destroying one is just the same as destroying one of the dark towers.”

He then stopped, realising that he was also talking about himself.

Twilight noticed his expression and tried to reassure him.

“I don’t think you’re a walking talking Control Spire. Because the way you act and the way you talk, as well as those questions you asked Agumon, that sort of makes you more like a real Digimon than a fake one. It’s those qualities that makes you alive.”

BlackWarGreymon felt happy hearing Twilight’s statement. It was backed up by the smiles from the Alicorn sisters.

“Thank you for telling me that. And when it comes to real Digimon, I have never destroyed one.”

The princesses all let out a sigh of relief, knowing the only Digimon that BlackWarGreymon had destroyed were only the artificial ones. But what he said next made them confused again.

“Besides, even if I did, Digimon never really die.”

All three mares were baffled at what the Digimon said. It was a sort of thing that needed to be explained.

“Can you explain that please?” Luna asked.

“All I know is that when a Digimon’s body gets destroyed, its data gets reconfigured and then comes back in a form of a Digi Egg. So the Digital World gives that Digimon another chance in life.”

The princesses were amazed.

“So…it’s like reincarnation?” Twilight asked.

“In a way yes. But Artificial Digimon are a different story. When they get destroyed, their data just collapse and disappears into nothing,” BlackWarGreymon said before pausing again, not exactly sure if that fact was even true, since he himself had been through that.

Again, Twilight noticed his pause.

“Are you ok?”

BlackWarGreymon was then snapped out of his trance before speaking.

“I’m…fine, thank you.”

The three princesses then received an odd feeling. A feeling that BlackWarGreymon was hiding something from them.

But the matter of the subject was put on hold as BlackWarGreymon spoke again.

“So…I take it that… you want to see more of my past?”

“Yes we do. And I take it that what we saw was just the beginning,” Twilight said with a hint of worry.

“Yes,” BlackWarGreymon answered.

Then he remembered a question. A question that was never answered to him.

“Oh, before you go, answer me this Twilight… where does your heart lie?”

Twilight was confused at first, but then remembered that Agumon himself didn’t know the answer. So, to ease his tension, she answered his long awaited question.

“Right here,” She answered with a smile on her face while placing her hoof on her chest.

BlackWarGreymon’s eyes widened as he became intrigued.

“In…the chest?”

He then lifted his right arm and placed in on his chest plate. Where the heart should be.


The princesses smiled as they saw the expression in BlackWarGreymon’s eyes softened. He had finally received an answer to one of the questions that haunted him.

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