• Member Since 17th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago



Luna is no stranger to fighting darkness - both within and without. But when a new predator arises in the dreaming realm, she must fight like never before.

When the abyss gazes also into you, you can't afford to blink first.

Cover art from the gallery of Crowik.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

Interesting. I look forward to seeing the duel unfold.

Luna versus Unrevealed Plot-Salient Dreamwalker! Should be a ticket-seller and no mistake.

this looks very interesting I cant wait to read more about it.

The price of "free" probably won't hurt sales either. :)

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

It's probably not going to be the biggest sales-hurter, I'll concede that much.

You have my attention. And you do like your nasty little crystals, don't you? And why not, the concept just works.

Poor Rosetta! Her plight was almost painfully well portrayed.

I'm quite keen to see where you will head with this story.

They're wonderful for sadistic potential, no denying that.

At least she's out of the firing line. For now, at any rate. Glad to have you aboard! :pinkiehappy:

Good grief, Luna. Someone get this princess some counseling, stat!

That said, it is interesting that the Tantibus has enough knowledge to be able to recognize stuff like the potency of the dark magic afflicting Rosetta. Assuming she isn't simply borrowing from Luna, I wonder if you could construct a similar internal sapient (non self-harming) intelligence as a sort of magical AI assistant.

I find this new, previously unknown to Luna Nightguard to be vaguely suspicious.

Therapists seem to be constantly deficient in fantasy universes, the inconvenient bastards.

Glad to have you along for this one! Though I'll point out that it isn't Tantibus pointing out how potent all that dark magic is. Some other entity thus far communicating entirely in italics is at fault instead.


Therapists seem to be constantly deficient in fantasy universes, the inconvenient bastards.

I can just see it later on, "So, Luna, how's your Tantibus therapy going? Any new developments?"
"Same old, same old, another nightmare of the Nightmare beating my sister to death."

Though I'll point out that it isn't Tantibus pointing out how potent all that dark magic is. Some other entity thus far communicating entirely in italics is at fault instead.



"Die!" blazed the Nightmare, surrounded by a penumbra of void-coloured lightning.

"Arrgh!" retorted the dream construct of Celestia as she writhed under the lightning's onslaught.

"Die more!"


"Die lots!"

"Luna," started Celestia's own egoscopic projection in Luna's dream-realm in a somewhat strained tone of voice, watching the display next to her chained sister. "This is the most fucked-up -"

"Don't question my methods, Tia!"


Some other entity thus far communicating entirely in italics is at fault instead.

But it's the ponies who don't speak all in italics that you have to look out for. You can trust an italics mare to always speak in italics. But those ponies who don't always speak in italics, you never know when they're going to do something... bold.

Very good observation, that. You can always count on the ponies speaking constantly in italics to be permanently stressed as well.

Observation commencing!

Thank you! Hope it satisfies.

6380962 Crysssssstallssssss? Sssssslavessssss? Blargle?


Huh... sad and dark...

Is anything going to be left alive at the end?


I can make no promises whatsoever as to the respiratory states pertaining to everypony by the story's close. Nothing's technically died yet. That's a good sign, right? Right?

6425991 *eyenarrows suspiciously... and steals the Tardis for spoilery stuff... reads the end* "And so they all died in the most gruesome ways possible! The End!" Dag-nabbit!


Hoo boy. So, I decided to check this out as well. It's interesting. I'm glad to see that the Tantibus is only making a cursory appearance rather than making Luna wallow in her own self pity, because I can already tell Luna herself will be doing enough of that. I've never liked self-deprecating Luna; whining about how everyone likes her sister more like a pony princess analog to Jan Brady.

But I digress.

This story is rough in some parts. For instance:

“A pony’s been hurt, Your Majesty.” Stardust kept pace alongside Luna at a steady trot as she ventured out into the day, and then sped to a full-blown canter as her pace quickened towards the throne room.

'a pony's been hurt' is good; it's mysterious, and makes me ask questions. Chiefly, why would Luna's presence be required for a hurt pony? What are the nature of the pony's wound's? Are they magical? Has she been cursed?

And then within the same paragraph,

“She suspects it was through their dreams!”

Immediately after posing an intriguing notion to the reader, you remove the mystery, answering all of my questions and replacing them with the kinds of questions you don't want your readers asking: How the heck does Celestia know that a ponies been hurt through their dreams? It's practically canon that she has no affinity for dreamwalking, so that's kind of a big jump to make. A pony that won't wake up is mysterious. That's the reason you have the local oneiromancer poke around in her head. Whether or not you can be hurt in a dream is not something you tell the reader; it's something you show them. Because it's a horrifying concept.

Those sticking points aside, the idea of Luna facing off against a malevolent oneiromancer is one I find extremely enticing. Looking forward to this.

Cheers for the corrections, man. Stardust's spoiling statement has been excised to try and preserve the mystery until the actual shenanigans in the dream-realm. And I concur about a Luna who only wallows in her own self-pity being a frustrating Luna. No promises about what Tantibus will do throughout the story, though.

Hope the rest of it satisfies!

Really interesting start - can't wait to see what happens next!

Glad you like it. :twilightsmile: Hopefully, I'll be able to pick this up again soon and finish it off.

Fascinating stuff, especially since the Nightmare yet lingers. After all, in this setting, it's part and parcel of being an alicorn; not even the Elements can fully remove it. Luna's mind is getting to be a crowded place between that and the Tantibus. A shame she can't just point one at the other.

I look forward to seeing what you do with this when you pick it back up. :twilightsmile:


Yield to desire, purred a voice that was pure seduction. You deserve nothing less. Take what is yours, and damn whatever petty consequences the world may have the impudence to lay at your hooves.

No. Your life is duty. Your duty is atonement, came a cold retort. Walk the straight road with nary a turning. You can never run from a cost to yourself.

"Both of you will kindly be silent," growled Luna. "I'm merely trying to decide what to have with my morning porridge."

You know what goes well with porridge? Fire!

"You shut the goddamned hell up as well, auditory hallicinations."

Glad you like what's already here. I hope to be able to pick it up again soon-ish.

Might the Tantibus tag be fitting for this story?:twilightsheepish:

Now that we have one, yep! I'll pop it on.

7996196 There's a tag for everything now. Even Anon. Freaking Anon.

Ain't there just. Consider giving this group a look-see. We're determined to populate the heck out of every single one of them.

7996202 Even the Anon tag. Gah, it's just priceless that there's a self insert tag too. Thanks for the link!

Glad you like it! And alas, no good explanation for what happened to it - a mix of both escalating uni work and severe writer's block happened to it at the worst possible time. I'd still like to dust it off and finish it one day.

Why did you put this on hiatus after only one chapter?

Blame a mix of especially nasty writer's block and an onset of uni work partway through the second chapter. I wouldn't mind getting back to it and finishing it off someday, though.

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