• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 9,516 Views, 181 Comments

For the Mare Who Has Everything - Justice3442

Every day Celestia shares light and love with all the ponies of Equestria. In turn, they share their love with her. Still, the princess senses there is something missing. Something her heart longs for.

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Chapter 5

For the Mare Who has Everything

Chapter 5



The dark mare in the center of the dim throne room shook her head. “There is no need to shout, I am right here.” She put on a ponderous expression for moment. “Though that name no longer seems fitting.” She grinned malevolently. “I think I prefer Nightmare Moon.”

Cadance trotted up next to Celestia, warily eying Nightmare Moon. She glanced at the stained glass windows inside the throne room, the light from which barely brought the room above a level of pitch blackness and into a realm of sinister shadows. In contrast, the hallway was still brightly lit with the light of day.

“Wha-Why?!” Celestia cried out as motioned to the bodies of dead ponies around Nightmare Moon’s hooves.

Nightmare Moon shoot Celestia a contemptible look. “Because ‘our ponies’ relish and play in the day you bring forth,” she replied, practically spitting out the words ‘our ponies’, “but shun and sleep through my beautiful nights.” Nightmare Moon smiled. “So I simply decided the nights shall be eternal.”

Celestia closed her eyes hard and began to speak in a soft tone. “No… we… we… we TALKED about this over a millennium ago…” Celestia opened her eyes. “That’s when I handed over my duties to you… Where I let you have control over the sun…”

“Oh, is that how it went?” Nightmare Moon replied with a knowing smirk. “You selflessly handed over to your sister everything she desired? Are you sure you did that instead of attempting to reason with her that the way things were was already ideal?!” Nightmare Moon’s smile fell. “Are you sure you didn’t tell her that she was being foolish? That she wasn’t ready for all the extra responsibilities?”

“I… I tried to work with you! I offered suggestions! Things we could do so ponies wouldn’t sleep through all your spectacular nights.”

“A meager few festivals and celebrations,” Nightmare Moon spat out. “Token gestures to placate me and make the problem go away. No real solutions… And after all that time you had to think and prepare for that confrontation.”

“Luna, I had no idea that was coming!”

Nightmare Moon’s knowing smile returned. “So is that what you told yourself so you could go to sleep each night? That your sister’s demands caught you completely off guard? Where you really that oblivious to the feelings of your only sister?!”

Celestia grit her teeth, squeezed her eyes shut, then hung her head. “No…”

Nightmare Moon shook her head. “And yet you never addressed these issues with your own flesh and blood until it was far too late.”

Celestia opened her eyes, but kept them focused on the floor beneath her. “I’m… I’m sorry… I always hoped Luna would find her own strength… her own path…”

Nightmare Moon tut-tutted. “Too slothful to help your own sister.”

Celestia grimaced. “I had found my own purpose… I didn’t want to dictate to my sister what hers should be…”

“Do you really believe that? Or do you just tell yourself that to feel better about the actions you failed to take?”

Celestia paused. “I… I… No, I don’t actually believe that. I should have done something… Comforted my sister, worked out a way to share responsibly, asked some ponies to change their schedules entirely. Anything but sit idle until it was too late.”

“But you did none of that!” Nightmare Moon said accusingly. “So here we are…”

Celestia let out a long, sorrowful sigh. “So it would seem…”

“Celestia,” Cadance began, “this isn’t real! You must know that by now!”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m afraid it is all too real…”

“No!” Cadance cried. “This… this… I think you’re fighting the illusions… Your real memories are coming back! The way you’ve been talking… the way she’s been talking… There’s no way you can’t—”


A brilliant azure beam crackling with menacing purple energy slammed into Cadance and sent her sailing towards the wall on the other side of the hall.

“Cadance!” Celestia cried.

Cadance hit the wall with a hard ‘thud’ before she fell limply to the floor.

Celestia rushed up to her. “Cadance! Cadance!” Celestia cried as she nuzzled Cadance’s head. “My little gentle song!”

Cadance’s eyes slowly opened. “Oh… I really hope I don’t feel this when I leave here…” she uttered.

Celestia turned towards Nightmare Moon, her eyes blazing with anger. “Why?!”

Nightmare Moon shook her head. “She doesn’t belong here. You know that!” The energy around her horn sizzled and crackled with tiny bolts of dark purple energy before going dim once more. “I’m doing you a favor here.”

Celestia stepped directly in front of Cadance. “Leave her alone.”

Nightmare Moon sighed. “Typical Princess Celestia, waiting until she has a full blown crisis on her hooves before taking action. So what is it going to be this time?” She asked with a smirk. “Are you going to banish me again? At least until such time as you can groom someone to deal with your mess for you once more?” Nightmare Moon began to trot towards the massive open doorway of the throne room. “Or do you finally have what it takes to deal with your own problems, no matter what it might cost you?”

“I… I can’t let you continue to hurt her!” Celestia cried.

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. “What a dramatic way to avoid answering the question,” Her horn began to glow azure as the dark purple bolts of energy returned, starting small around her horn before firing off in the throne room with a hissing promise of pain. “Come up with an answer soon, or she will die.”

Cadance woozily rose to her feet. “Auntie… I’m sorry, but this is a waste of time! While you argue with this… this… apparition of your past, your real sister—”

“Can you actually die here?!” Celestia cried, cutting off Cadance abruptly.

Cadance frowned. “I don’t… I don’t know… I’m not really keen on finding out…”

“I am,” Nightmare Moon said darkly with a smile to match as she continued to step forward. The searing energy of her horn bolts began to spill out into the main hall.

Celestia narrowed her eyes in determination, trotting forward with purpose, only wincing slightly as the energy arced over her sides, adding smoldering lines of burnt fur into her alabaster coat.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’ve decided to simply let me kill you…”

Cadance swallowed. “Celestia, please don’t do anything rash… I don’t know what will happen to you or me if you die here… If that’s even possible. Again, not something I really want to find out.”

Celestia shook her head and continued forward. “I don’t think she wants to find out either.”

“So? What now?” Nightmare Moon asked, her eyes turning into narrow slits. “This stalemate is not going to do anypony any goo—”

As she nearly reached Nightmare Moon, Celestia quickly dove forward, wrapping her forelegs around the dark mare’s neck and holding on tightly.

“What are you—!”

Celestia closed her eyes and pressed her face into Nightmare Moon’s purplish black coat. “Please, come back to me, Luna…” Celestia whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes flew open.

Please don’t make me harm you… PLEASE don’t make me send you away… Please come back to me…”

Nightmare Moon’s coat began to change color, lightening in appearance until it was a soft dark blue. “Sister…?”

Still holding tightly, Celestia smiled. “Yes, sister… It’s me… ”Celestia felt Luna’s warm forelegs wrap around her. The dull ache that had enveloped Celestia began to lift, replaced with a warm feeling of joy and contentment. “I have you… I’m not going to let you fall…” It was alright… Everything was going to be fine. Her sister was herself again. Everything would go back to the way it was before—

Cadance suddenly screamed out, “Auntie, the REAL Luna is going to DIE if you stay here!”

Celestia felt Luna’s grip on her tighten to the point it became painful and with it came a sharp pain that flooded Celestia’s psyche. Celestia’s eyes flew open as she heard the sound of crackling energy once more.

A bolt of brilliant blue energy shot out from Nightmare Moon’s horn, flickering with dark energy as it flew towards Cadance.

“NO!” Celestia cried.

With a light blow glow of her horn, Cadance put up a barrier, the energy slamming into it as purple sparks flew out in all directions. Relief on the pink princess’s face soon gave way to exertion as drops of sweat appeared on her head. Her horn glowed brightly and even whistled as energy poured out of it into the barrier around her, but the cascade of deadly energy was unrelenting. “Auntie…” she said through clenched teeth. “I can’t hold this forever!”

“Ha ha ha!” Nightmare Moon cried triumphantly. “So, don’t! It seems this will be a scientific discovery for all ponies present!”

With a mighty heave, Celestia pushed herself away from Nightmare Moon and brought a hoof down across the black mare’s face. Surprise brought the beam of energy to a stop. Before Nightmare Moon could bring her head up to look Celestia in her eyes, Celestia quickly fired a point-blank blast of yellow energy that sent Nightmare Moon flying back into the throne room where she bounced across the floor a few times, crashing to a halt in a heap of wings and legs partway up the stairs to the throne.

Cadance dropped her shield and took a couple much needed deep breaths.

Celestia’s horn began to blaze with yellow energy, humming and vibrating as bright light shot out from it in all directions. She kept her eyes focused on Nightmare Moon as the dark mare slowly got back up to her hooves.

Nightmare Moon chuckled ominously to herself. “Goodness, I have ruffled your feathers.” She smiled wryly at Celestia. “But you’re going to have to give me more than a few love taps to bring this confrontation to a close. So, what’s it going to be? Kill me? Send me back to the moon?”

Celestia clenched her eyes shut as the yellow fire from her horn shot up towards the hall’s vaulted ceiling and colored light began to pour out of the stained glass windows of the throne room. “Actually, I thought I’d split the difference,” she answered in an icy tone.

Nightmare Moon’s head whipped around to stare at the windows. “WHAT IN EQUESTRIA?!”

Out of, actually…” Celestia said as she turned towards Cadance.Cadance! Get down!” she cried.

Oh, horse apples…” Cadance exclaimed as she dove to her belly, threw her arms over her head and activated a shield.

Celestia took a moment to glance down at Cadance. “Language, young—”

Nightmare Moon looked out the windows in total shock. “You CANNOT be serious!”

With a castle shattering ‘CRASH!’ the ceiling of the throne room caved in and massive chunks of solid rock crushed the throne, the fallen noble ponies, and Nightmare Moon before the largest rock of all fell through the ceiling and walls with a tremendous force that shook the castle.

Cadance lifted her forelegs and looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes wide. “It’s a good thing I know none of this is real, because that doesn’t seem physically possible,” she commented as she rose to her hooves.

The throne room was now completely cut off, or filled in this case by a massive spherical chunk of solid stone pockmarked with craters.

The magic around Celestia’s horn began to fizzle down to a dull yellow glow, then finally back to a plain white horn as the shimmers in her mane disappeared and the colors slowly faded until all that was left was pink. Her mane and tale fell limply about her as both seemed to shorten a bit in length. Her shoulders dropped as well as her head, but she kept her balance on her four hooves.

“… Auntie?” Cadance began inquisitively. “For… for what it’s worth, I’m sorry you had to go through that… Real or not, that couldn’t have been pleasant for you.”

Celestia let out a deep sigh and shook her head, her shorter, but still long pink mane cascading to one side than the other. “No, but… This is for the best. I will not find closure… real closure with my sister in this place.” She looked up towards Cadance and gave her a small smile. “Thank you for coming to find me.” Her smile dropped. “How dire is the situation?”

“Queen Chrysalis was fighting Princess Luna when I entered your er… dream… I can’t do anything while in here, but Twilight is keeping us safe.” Cadance shook her head. “But Chrysalis has been feeding off the love you're emanating while under the effects of Heart's Desire pollen… She’s even stronger than when we faced her at my wedding…”

“I see…” Celestia answered.

“Are you ready to go?”

Celestia cast a miserable expression down the hallway from which she had just walked down with her ‘sister’ a bit ago. “I cannot…”

“Cannot, or will not?”

Celestia gave Cadance a sad smile. “I’m afraid I still feel a connection to this place… A connection I must sever if I’m to leave.”

Cadance's eyes widened as she lifted her head to its full height. “I… I’m sorry…”

Celestia shook her head. “It must be done… One way or another, I have to say goodbye…”

Cadance swallowed, her pupils swaying slightly as she seemingly processed the situation. “Do you… Do you need my help?”

Celestia began trotting down the hallway. “I’m afraid this is my fate and my fate alone, my gentle little song. Go back and help the others…”

“Auntie…?” Cadance called out.

Celestia stopped and turned. “Yes, Cadance?”

Cadance’s expression was the very picture of sorrow, but somehow she still managed the gentle smile Celestia had seen countless times. It was a smile Celestia had grown to treasure over the years, something that somehow seemed to suggest everything would be alright even when things were at their worst.

“For what it’s worth… I love you,” Cadance said. “We all do… Luna… Twilight… We need you.”

The ends of Celestia’s lips curved upwards ever so slightly. “Thank you, Cadance. I love you too. All of you. I shall be along shortly.”

Cadance nodded. “See you soon, auntie.” With a blinding flash of Cadance’s horn, the mare was gone.

Celestia lowered her head and let out a heavy sigh, heavier than any she had ever let out. Still, the sigh was nothing compared to the almost overwhelming encumbrance of the royal regalia she now wore, and that still seemed insignificant to the dense burden she carried in her heart.

Raising her head, Celestia broke into a gallop down the hallway towards her family.


As Chrysalis’s vision filled with furious purple energy, she quickly put up a shimmering jade-colored shield. The solid wall of purple destruction crashed into her protective barrier at full force, filling the small vertical tunnel she was in with the deafening sounds of dual energy storming heavily. For not the first time in her life, she made a mental note to not underestimate one Twilight Sparkle.

Still, despite Twilight’s unexpectedly aggressive strategies, the Changeling Queen still had energy to spare. In contrast, Twilight’s energy couldn’t last forever, or even long if she kept this display up. All Chrysalis had to do was sit and wa—

Chrysalis’s thoughts came to a sudden halt as the crashing waves of purple energy suddenly stopped and her barrier was pierced by a glowing purple horn attached to a lavender alicorn princess that smashed said horn directly into her abdomen.

Chrysalis felt her insides heave painfully as she began heading towards the ground once more at an alarming rate, the end of a rocket magically propelled by Twilight, whose horn was currently jammed uncomfortably against her chest plates.

Chrysalis’s horn blazed with jade energy once more, as she looked up to shoot a death glare at Twilight.


She was met with a hoof to the face for her troubles.

Again, Chrysalis made a mental note not to underestimate one Twilight—



SpArKlEs LiKe TwInKlInG sTaRs ArOuNd My HeAd! Chrysalis quickly shook her head to clear the fog and dizziness from it. As soon as she was thinking straight, she put up a barrier just to be safe. As it turned out, another blast of purple energy flew out from behind her and crashed into her barrier with a burning ‘SOOOOORCH!’ Her twisted black horn pulsated with jade energy, but the shield held as she picked herself out of the small crater her impact had caused.

Twilight had clearly decided on a different strategy to engage Chrysalis from that of Princess Luna. Luna had spent the beginning of their ‘fight’ ducking and weaving out of the way of blasts before carefully attacking here and there. All, no doubt, to draw the fight out as long as possible and buy the other princesses more time. In contrast, Twilight had threw herself into the fray with reckless abandon.

Princess Luna was trying to stall. Twilight was trying to win.

A commendable attitude to be sure, but—

Chrysalis smiled as the torrent of purple energy ceased, she lowered her barrier and side-stepped as Twilight came dashing towards her once more. This time Chrysalis swatted at the purple princess and sent her sailing across the large cavern of Starswirl’s books and artifacts. Twilight let out a startled “WHAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA…” as she went skipping over the shallow pool in the cave before impacting into a solid stone wall with a satisfying ‘THWACK!’

With a devilish grin, Chrysalis let loose a bolt of jade energy.


Twilight looked up not a moment too soon and gave her wings a mighty flap, sending her into the air. “Ha! Not today, Chrysalis!”

The a large chunk of the wall behind where Twilight was just standing exploded into pebbles that shot out in all directions, trailing smoldering green smoke as they fell to the ground. Chrysalis sneered and let out a few more blasts that Twilight flew around, dodging, diving, and even looping around as bolts of energy flew towards and missed to the smallest of hair’s widths. Burning rocks that glowed with jade energy flew out in all directions, but Twilight remained unscathed.

Chrysalis took aim and fired once more. This time, Twilight did a barrel roll around the blast and began returning fire.

Chrysalis took to the air as the spot she was standing on was blasted with purple energy.

“You got the touch!” Twilight cried out.

… What?

“You got the poooowaaaaaah! YEAH~!”

Twilight Sparkle is… is… SINGING?!

Twilight landed on the ground and seemingly braced herself on her hooves as she fired off not a bolt, but a solid beam of purple energy. Chrysalis quickly moved her face out of the way as she eyed the purple line of destruction worriedly. It began to carve deeply into the cave walls it touched, solid stone apparently little of a hindrance as Twilight adjusted her horn to point at Chrysalis.

“This is the end of the road, Chrysalis!Twilight exclaimed as Chrysalis darted as fast as her wings would take her to keep her out of the path of the magic drill Twilight was trying to hit her with.

Chrysalis flew about the cavern a bit as the purple beam chased her and then banked hard, pointing herself directly at Twilight as she gave herself a telekinetic push to move with all the speed she had. As Twilight brought her magic to bear on her, Chrysalis put up a barrier while still speeding towards her target. As she barreled towards the princess, Twilight’s beam struck home. The barrier held, if just for a moment before Chrysalis could feel searing magical energy against her cheek. Just as the pain almost become intolerable, she felt her body crash into Twilight’s.

Chrysalis beat her wings against her momentum and used her magic to stop her in place, watching with a sense of satisfaction as Twilight was sent sailing and bouncing across the cave floor.

“The end of the road? Well… Perhaps for your fellow princesses,” Chrysalis said in a mocking tone, her tooth-filled smile going full demonic even as tendrils of smoke wafted up from her singed hair.

Twilight was on her hooves and shooting Chrysalis a worried expression almost immediately.

Good. Chrysalis beat swiftly at the air and flew upwards into the narrow tunnel still smiling to herself as Twilight shouted up a blood warming “NOOOOOOOOO!” Chrysalis could hear the sound of Twilight’s feathered wings paddling hard at the air and the tell-tale ‘pommf’ of her teleportation. Her expression did not change as she heard the dangerous hum of energy from Twilight’s horn reverberate off the narrow tunnel walls. Chrysalis put up another barrier around her, the jade orb keeping her safe even as a geyser of magical energy rushed at her from beneath. Amongst the heavy rumble of magic tearing against her shield and destroying rock walls, she allowed the blast to propel her up back into Celestia’s study. Out of the tunnel, Chrysalis simply flew out from the beam’s massive path and touched the ground.

Dropping her shield, Chrysalis’s already massive smile only increased as she picked out the trio of princess that were still right where she left them. Celestia standing in a catatonic state with the yellow shield bubble around her head and pouch of pollen around her neck. Cadance standing next to Celestia, apparently in a trance of her own, and Luna laying on the cold hard floor. The lunar princess moaned slightly as her legs twitched. Chrysalis’s horn began to burn with jade energy as she pointed it directly into the center mass of all three targets.


“NO! STOP!” Twilight cried in a pleading tone.

Too late, little princess.

Chrysalis unleashed her magic from her horn, and the room filled with jade fire.