• Published 23rd Apr 2015
  • 719 Views, 6 Comments

A Rose Among Thorns - CountessRose

A Changeling hopes to start a quiet life, but when is life ever quiet

  • ...

A New Start Rewrite

Author's Note:

Okay Guys, for those just getting here, this is a rewrite of the first chapter at my first fan-fic. I think it's way better than what I had previously. Hopefully now I can get on to the second chapter can get on the way.

P.S. This story takes place about 60 years before the show.

Darkness, and a pounding headache was all I knew for a moment. Slowly the Darkness gave way to green, a sickly green that seemed to bounce all around me. The headache wasn't retreating as the darkness had, if anything it was getting worse. Reaching a hoof up I rubbed at what felt like the source of the pain. It too subsided after a minute of massaging the spot below my horn.

Standing up on shaky hooves, I took in my surroundings. I was in some kind of cave, the wall seemed to glow that sickly color. Looking up all I could see was darkness, not even a pin prick of light. Moving closer to the wall, searching for some kind of exit. Making my way slowly moving along the wall, not missing anything.

I had make it about halfway around the room when my ears perked up. I could have sworn I had heard something behind me. Peeking over my shoulder, hoping to see what it was before it knew I had seen it. There was nothing there, I was alone in this room, pit, cell...
Trying to swallow, I hadn't noticed but my mouth had gone dry and my heart was beating a mile a minute. Trapped... I was trapped and there was no way for me to escape. Shaking, trying to calm myself, the headache was back and with it laughter.

My head shot up; I wasn't laughing and I was alone. The laugh which had started as a cruel chuckle was now loud and maniacal. It bounced around the room, and didn't seem to have a source. My panic was quickly replaced by anger.

"What's so funny"

I yelled my voice bounces around mingling with the laughter for a moment.

"Still afraid of small dark places." A soft voice replied. "Ironic, don't you think seeing as it's your home."

"Who are you, Where are you hiding you coward?!?" my anger was reaching it's boiling point.

"Tisk tisk, is that anyway for you to talk to your Queen?" The voice becoming distorted the longer it spoke.

My blood had gone from boiling with rage to frozen in fear. "I- I have no Queen!!" Returning to the wall to continue the search for a way out, but the wall was gone, what stood before me was a living Nightmare, green mane, thin wings that danced with an unnatural light and fangs that would put a manticore to shame. Queen Chrysalis, towering above me with murder in her eyes.

"Oh you don't mean that my little changeling, I will always be your Queen"... she advanced toward me, her voiced sounded hurt but her eyes still danced with glee. "And there is nothing you can do about it!!" The queen lunged at me her fangs gleaming, a look of pure joy as she closed in to end my life. I tried to dough her attack but...


I hit the floor hard, my lower half still tangled in the sheets. Groaning as I worked to release myself, I assess the damage nothing broken at least although I felt sorry for whoever had the room below me. Morning sun shown cheerfully through the shear curtains of my hotel room. Making my way to the small bathroom, I flipped on the light. A changeling starred back at me, teal mane, that frankly resembled a rat's nest at the moment, and rosey eyes. Grimacing at the state of my mane I pick up a brush to begin the work of detangling the mess.

I somehow transform what was on my head into something resembling a mane, glancing down I thank Celestia that I had thought to sleep with at least my tail in a braid. Turning back to the mirror I smile at my reflection. For a changeling I had to say I was pretty cute. My smile fades a little, I just wish ponies didn't run when they saw me like this.

Sighing, I relax, calling upon my magic as I concentrate on the form I wanted. A flash of green flames later and a unicorn mare had taken my place. Soft pale green fur, and a pale rose colored mane. I thought this form went well with my eyes. I always liked my eyes, they are the window to the soul after all. I couldn't keep my natural eyes of course but the color could at least stay the same. Gathering my freshly brushed mane, I clipped it into place, while using my magic to undo my tail. The smile had returned as I turned around making sure I was presentable. Flipping off the lights as I made my way downstairs humming too myself.

The hotel's lobby was bright and sunny, any pony couldn't help but feel happy once they walked in.

"Good morning Ms Duchess Rose."

A young stallion waved at her from the checkin desk, the last few weeks I've been here he had developed a small crush on me. The little affection he gave off was a nice snack. His name escaped me at the moment, he however has the habit of forgetting his name tag. Offering a wave back I make my way over to the breakfast table. Two pieces of toast in hoof along with a borrowed newspaper, and I made my way to an empty table near a window. The early morning hustle and bustle of Canterlot was starting up.

Okay today is the day I finally find a permit job. Flipping open the paper to the classifieds and skimming through. A small ad near the center fold caught my eye.

Full time wait staff/bar-tender needed
Please apply in person
Room and board included

It just seemed too good to be true, but there it was in black and white. I had been learning a few things here and there, thanks to the manager letting me work for my room in the hotel's bar. This was a chance at a real life, one that was mine, not just one stolen from somepony else. Reining in my excitement I turned my attention back to the ad. Neighagra Falls didn't seem all that far away, maybe half a day train trip away.

Now I just need to get there before somepony else filled the position. Finishing my toast I headed back up to my room and packed my few belongings. Casting what had been m home one final look before pulling the door closed. Back in the lobby I was able to check out quickly and made my way toward the door. I felt slightly guilty for causing the slight sadness I sensed from the young stallion. However it was short lived, once out in the sun my mood only improved.